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 Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion Empty
PostSubject: Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion   Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion EmptyFebruary 15th 2011, 11:32 pm

The night did not have any victory feasts, no music, no dancing. It was a quiet night, politics had to be dealt with. Fintan and Fionoch shared a light supper of chicken, bread, and boiled corn kernels with water. A soldiers supper. The feast would be tomorrow night, after the mourning for the dead was over. True, no Arelian lost their life, by the Grace of God, but several were disabled in the battles. They had to be discharged, they could no longer fight. Fintan made sure as he filled out the documents that it was a discharge with the highest of honors. Most of them knew no other trade but fighting, and Fintan would not see them on the streets in their ragged uniforms ten years down the road. He awarded each of them allotments of land, with a house built, in Prechan, with sixty Griffs a week pension.

There was a knock on Fintan’s door. Without looking up from his desk he called out. “Enter, please.” An averaged height, very heavy man walked in. “My Lord...I have your servants ready for inspection.” he said with a gruff voice as he patted his ham size leg with a flogging whip.

Fintan looked up and removed his bifocals. “Yes, of course...send them in.” He put his quill in to the inkwell and leaned back as the servants came in. As each one came in, Fintan’s brow rose higher and higher. Each one of the female, and hardly wearing anything.

“[i]I knew Phillip had a messed up head...but all female servants hardly clothed? I think he was seriously disturbed.” He said in Gaelic as the last of the women walked in. “Well...we shall start on the left shall we? Lass, your name and function in the castle?” He stood up and walked around the desk, standing only a few feet a way. His emerald eyes softly smiling at her.

“This one is your cook Sir.” She said very softly, too soft for Rogue to hear after all the roaring guns of the day.

“I’m sorry, Lass, speak up. I barely caught that.” He said kindly to her, his hands going behind his back.

“LOUDER” The man struck the girl’s behind with the flogger. Fintan’s sword was instantly drawn and at his throat.

“I will tell you this one time: If you ever strike a lady, I will have you executed. That is NOT tolerated under Arelian reign. Do you understand me?” His kind tone had gone exceedingly harsh with a glint of hate in his eyes. The man nodded as best he could with a sword pressing in to his pig size throat. The girls had all scurried back when Fintan drew his sword and cowered with each other. When Fintan saw this he put his sword away and beckoned them back over. “Forgive me ladies...I lost my temper. Now...Miss...” he gestured to the first girl again. “Your name and function, and please, at a level a near deaf soldier can hear.” he chuckled.

Now that he had stood up for her, she felt more bold, and proudly stated. “This one is Charlotte, and she is your cook, Master.”

Fintan had slightly misinterpreted her. “Ah, the cook master. Well that explains your lack of clothing...I immagen it gets warm in that kitchen. Very good...and supper was wonderful. Keep up the good work Miss Charlotte...” He stepped over to the next girl. “And your name and function?”

The girl kept her eyes on the floor. “This one is Amanda, and she is your cleaner, Sir.”

“Ah very good, very good thank you Miss Amanda.” He stepped over to the third, still oblivious as to what the ‘servants’ were. “And you my dear?”

“This one is Sara, and she is your weapons care taker, Master.” she squeaked.

“Very good Miss Sara, I shall have a soldier instruct you on how to care for a musket and other firearms.” He moved to the last girl. “And last, but not least.”

“This one is Angel, and she is your chamber servant, Master.” Her voice was firmer than the others, yet just as soft. She also had arguably the least amount of clothing on, little more than something to cover her chest, and her lower half. She also had a collar on.

And once again, Fintan misinterpreted what was said. “Chamber servant...I’m not quiet sure what they do but very good.”

“She cares for your chamber and stays with you when you want her, Sir.” She replied.

“Ah, I see ...I’m use to those being for women...but that may be just me ...by the way, that is a very interesting torc. I’ve never seen one that is made of leather before. Where did you get it?”

Angel touched her collar. “It was given to her when she arrived here. If it does not please you, I can get a different one.”

“No no ...that is fine...It is just very interesting to me is all...at any rate ladies, you may go back to your duties.” He walked back around the desk. “And you...” he looked at the man. “You are relieved of your duties...I don’t trust you.” He put his glasses back on and sat down. The girls all smiled at each other as the man just stood there.

Angel spoke up before she turned to leave. “Will you be wanting me this evening?”

Fintan looked up from his papers and smiled. “Of course...I should be done here within an hour or two.” Angel looked anxious as she nodded with a smile and almost bounded out of the room. The others giggled and walked out after her.

An hour later Fintan signed the last paper, and removed his glasses. He was absolutely exhausted. He stood up, carrying a candle with him as he blew out the lamps and headed towards his chamber. He yawned as he opened the door and walked in. It was warm inside, the fire in the hearth giving off the warmth. The chamber ‘servant’ had done her job well apparently. He removed his doublet and cast it on a chair, then his boots, then his belt, sword, pistol, and finally trousers. For anyone who was wondering, his undertights were indeed emerald green as well. As he turned around he saw Angel kneeling on the bed, her long hair draped over her bare body, softly covering her... “ANGEL WHAT IN THE NAME OF AVALON ARE YOU DOING?!” he spun around, hiding his face with his hat. Angel looked a mixture of confused and upset.

“This one is sorry Master...do she not please you?’ She lowered her eyes. “Your whore am sorry Master is not please...this one will go.”

Through the cloudy fog, it dawned on Rogue. “Wait...Angel...why do you call me ‘Master’ and what do you mean ....” he shuddered, he was never able to say that word. “W...w....whore...”

She turned and looked at him. “This one is your slave, Master. She is to pleasure her Master.”

“What?” He did not turn around, knowing she was still bare. “No, no, no, no, Angel...no. You are not a slave...you do not have to pleasure anyone, and above all you are not a wh...I can not say the word. ...is that what the others are as well? Slaves?”

“Yes, Master. We are all your slaves, and must do as you command...though I am the one who is reserved to be free for your pleasure, the others must....” she was cut off.

“No Angel. No. I am an Arelian, not a heathen. Slavery does not exist in these realms. ...Clothe yourself, please.”

He pulled his trousers and his shirt back on, though only bothered tying the cuffs. Angel returned her skimpy clothes back to her body, finally letting Rogue look at her. “You are not a slave, none of you are...I will not accept this. If you know nothing else, then you may stay on as staff, but you are not slaves. Do you understand me?”

She nodded softly, actually looking disappointed. “We were all so happy when you put your sword at that pig’s throat...we hoped we had a good master now...but instead you don’t need us and are condemning us to death.”

Fintan looked baffled. “Death...when did I say death? ...Let me guess, a law? All will be fixed...” he softly rested a hand on her shoulder. “I promise...these atrocities will be righted. For now, go to bed...these we will talk in the morning.” He walked over to his bed, shaking his head in confusion. As he sat down, he saw Angel curling up in the corner, with a thin cloth. “Angel...please don’t tell me that is your bed...”

“It is Mas...erm...”

“My Lord”

“My Lord, it is where I must sleep if I am not wanted, or if Mas..My Lord does not want me.”

Rogue sighed. “Take the bed...” he stood and walked over to the sofa infront of the fire.

“No My Lord, it is your bed...I can not. I am only...I mean...I am...”

“Please Angel...you would do me an honor.”

Angel slowly got up, and shuffled over to the bed. “Thank you...”

“You’re welcome.” He pulled his cloak over him and drifted off to sleep. Angel soon did the same, though confusion was still running around in her head.

Last edited by Rogue on February 21st 2011, 11:39 am; edited 1 time in total
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion Empty
PostSubject: The Three Highwaymen   Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion EmptyFebruary 16th 2011, 12:53 pm

Fintan woke early that morning. The hearth was cackling with embers as he sat up on the couch. The room was dim, the sun was no where in sight when he drew back the curtains. When he looked at his bed, he saw that Angel was still there. Her dark brown hair laying at her side. Fintan suddenly felt moved. When her wood brown eyes met hers last night he saw years of pain, misery, exhaustion. He turned back to the window and went down on one knee.

"Lord of us all..." he whispered as he crossed himself. "Aid me to end these injustices. Blessed Mother, keep those under the injustices tight in your arms. Lord Clerin...claim those who created them." He crossed himself once more, ending the short prayer.

The embers in the hearth went black and purple as Fintan stood and turned. Clerin had answered him. The Lord Governor made a deep and profound bow in return to the embers. It was just then that Angel woke up. As she rose up in the bed she saw Rogue bowing.

"Master? Why do you bow to the fire?" She asked softly, brushing her hair away from her face.

Fintan rose from the bow. "To thank Clerin...he answered my prayer to him by making the fire black." He responded, ignoring the master bit. He knew that would take time.

"Who is Clerin, Master? I have never heard of him." She said puzzled as she slipped out of bed.

"Clerin is my god of death, of Infrean, and the creator of Hell." He turned around and picked up his doublet, putting it on, but not yet fastening it.

Angel's wood brown eyes went wide as she took small steps backwards. "You ...pray to the god who created the Nine Levels..." She was now thinking he could not be any better than King Phillip, even if he stood up for her and the others.

Fintan laughed softly and shook his head. "No my dear...because there is no Nine Levels." He put his small belt around his trousers "Not by my beliefs anyway...excuse me." He walked over to the door, and opened it. Sticking his head outside he tapped one of the guards on the shoulder, causing him to turn his head.

"Check on Fionoch and Keeva, let me know if they have risen." Fintan whispered, giving him a pat on the shoulder.

"Yes, Sir." The guard saluted and walked down the hall. Fintan withdrew back in to the room.

"So I will not go to the Ninth Level if I was in your religion?" She asked slowly as if Avolonism was a way out.

"Why would you go even if you weren't?" Fintan rose a brow as he leaned against a chair.

"Because the Ninth Level is where all slaves go" She said with her head down, not meeting his gaze.

"...Is that what you were told?" He asked shaking his head already knowing the answer.

"Yes...but if we do well and serve out Master well, it will only be the First Level." She still did not look up, her feet shuffling on the stone floor.

"Angel..." Fintan rubbed his eyes. "Do you still think yourself a slave?"

"I am a slave...I was sold to Master Phillip, and you killed him. I am now yours."

Fintan looked up. "Then this is my order to you now," He shivered. "Slave. I order you to forget everything your former master told you, and to take the day off to do what ever you want to. Do you understand me?" He was not use to giving orders to those outside of a military, with the exception of the 'Stand and Deliver' call.

Angel nodded quickly with a faint "Yes, Master."

"Then get out." He hated being rude to a lady, but it seemed all she understood for now. Angel darted out of the room, thinking he may lash her if she did not. On her way out, Charlotte walked in, holding a tray of food. "This one has Master's breakfast..."

Fintan nodded and gestured to the table. "Set it there." She bowed and set it down on the table. Then, Fintan extended his hand to her, beckoning her over. She walked over, and gently placed her hand in his. "Where were you bought, Slave?" He asked, again, tripping over the name he gave her.

"This one was bought with the others. In the center of town at the auction block." She said, wondering why he had asked, and why he had just closed his hand partly around hers.

"Thank you, Charlotte." He bowed his head, bringing her hand up, and gently kissed it. Her eyes widened, and her tanned cheeks went red.

"Master, is ...welcome." She was too flustered to speak. Fintan waved her off, to let her go about. She hurried out of the room, still confused.

Fintan pulled his gauche out of it's scabbard from his back and picked a hard boiled egg up with it. Sighing, he took a bite. After chewing and swallowing the first bite he chuckled. "I'm going to have to hire her back on ..." He finished off his breakfast of eggs, toast, sausages, asparagus, and a mulled wine quickly. He stared at a chest that had been brought in the night before.

Silver bands, silver studding, solid oak planks, and a rose engraved on it, and in the grooves of the rose, silver had been carefully poured. He walked over and opened it. Within was a silver rapier, silver pistols, doe skin thigh high boots, gloves, and outer belt, a lace neck wrap, a green mask and hat band with a silver rose buckle, and green and gold ostrich plumes. Fintan quickly put on everything but the mask and hat, the gloves put in to his belt. He smirked as he looked in the looking glass. "You look better than ever Silver." he muttered. Putting the mask in to the hat he walked out of his room and made his way down to the Great Hall.

The moment he stepped in to the Great Hall, Keeva and Fionoch looked up. The Princess's eyes widened and shouted. "YES! I KNEW THERE WAS A REASON!" , and ran out of the hall to her room.

"Planning a heist Silver?" Fionoch asked with a smirk.

"I am ...I was hoping Sapphire and Shadow would accompany me." He replied placing both hands on the back of a chair.

"Well apparently Shadow will....if Sapphire can find his mask and hat he will come as well." he winked to Rogue, turned on a heel and walked out of the great hall.

The three met half an hour later in the stables. Keeva was for once fully dressed, even if it was as a man. A black cavalier hat with no plume, a black leather doublet with a white cotton shirt. Her shirt was void of lace, in contrast to her two male companions. Black velvet trousers with black knee high boots, a sword held on by a black baldric with golden buckle. Her cloak was thrown back and the wrap brought up around her face to hide everything but her eyes. Pistols on her waist were a dark cherry wood, and the mettle blackened.

Fionoch was in his usual blue. The blue doublet, trousers, all of suede. Brown knee high boots, gold colored gloves and mask. His hat bore a gold and white plume on it. His sword on his belt was a swept shell rapier, meaning it had a closed guard. Sapphire studding was laid in to it in the shape of an eagle. His pistols were a beautiful maple stock with gold decorations on the barrels. The butts had large sapphires placed in to them.

The three highwaymen turned their horses and rode off. Fintan had been told by one of the castle servants that the slave trader Gareth Sparrow would be traveling through with a new shipment of slaves. They meant to rob him on the highways, and then return as the political leaders they were and arrest him. Of course by arrest, they mean to execute him.

Gareth leaned back in his coach, holding on to a chain of a particularly beautiful girl. "Ya know...I may just keep you for my personal collection....now get to work." He yanked it, pulling her over off her seat. She landed on her knees infront of him. Suddenly, the carriage stopped, sending her much closer to him than she wanted. Gareth pushed her away and called out. "Why the hell did we stop?" One of his guards knocked on the door.

"Uh...boss...we got a problem." He was holding a pike, but was backing away from something infront of the carriage.

"What kind of problem...You stay there, I'll be right back sweetie." he gave her a dark grin and got out of the coach pulling his sword.

"That kind of a problem." The guard, in almost no armor except for shoulder guards and leg greaves pointed ahead of the coach. Three highwaymen, masked with pistols drawn were pointing their pistols infront of them.

Silver Rose spoke first. "Stand and deliver, or the devil he will claim ya."

Gareth leaned to his guard. "Who are they?"

"They's highwaymen, Sir."

The guard was hit over the head. "I know what they are you idiot! What are their names?"

"I dunno sir...they don't go by their names." He was hit again.

"What do they go by you imbecile!" he demanded.

The guard rubbed his head. "I dunno about the black and the blue one, Sir. But that green one is Silver Rose...he ain't never lost a battle before....and ain't no one who resisted ever lived."

"Until now." Gareth grimaced before smiling and walking towards the trio. "Good afternoon my good fellows. I'm afraid you have come to hold up simple merchants...we can offer you only very little...but you are most welcome to any possessions our ...cargo has." He untied his coin purse and tossed it to Fintan, though Shadow's hand caught it before it got close enough. Fintan walked over to the cart that the coach was pulling.

The majority were women, though there were a few men in there as well. Silver extended a hand, touching the pendant of a blonde haired woman with bright green eyes. Those eyes burned a hole in to Fintan's soul. There was only one place eyes were ever that green in the Inner Veil. The pendant confirmed it. It was a beautiful work of gold art. Oak leaves went around the medallion in a wreath, a rabbit was in a running motion on it's face. Fintan muttered softly the word "Kilmerina". The woman whimpered and tried to pull it away, she barely squeaked out. "It was my mother's...please..."

Fintan forced himself to become harder. He grasped the pendant tightly and yanked it off of her neck, tears streaming down her face. "You're lucky the pendant is all I want...." He looked back to the others. "Nothing worth taking here...we wait for the next." He glared at Gareth. "Get moving before I change my mind."

Gareth gave a short bow, not in respect but in mock, and climbed back in to the cabin of the coach. As the guard went to get back on the drivers seat, Shadow was infront of him. The highwayman grabbed the man by the back of the neck and said firmly in a deep voice. "A kiss." Sapphire and Silver did all they could not to laugh. "I said a kiss boy."

The guard looked terrified, and cast a glance to the coach hoping Gareth would help him. The slave trader just motioned for the guard to get on with it. Shadow pulled down the wrap around her face and gave the guard a long French kiss. When she pulled away she quickly returned the wrap to keep from being found out as a girl. The guard spat several times on to the ground as the trio galloped off, and Gareth and the future slaves roared with laughter.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion Empty
PostSubject: The Arelian Occupation   Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion EmptyFebruary 17th 2011, 9:42 am

"Have you no shame, Keeva?" Fintan asked trying not to laugh as he pulled the mask away from his face.

"Oh lighten up Rogue, that was fun...he was a horrible kisser though, no idea how to use his tongue." She giggled while pulling her wrap off her face. Fionoch just shook his head, not saying anything.

"...Why would a Kilmerian leave the forest?" He asked like it was a riddle.

Keeva thought for a moment. Kilmerina was her favorite region. She loved to walk through the forests, sit by the river, and sleep under the canopy. In fact, she loved it so much she often had to beg her mother to send her there to 'check up' on things just so she could go. "Well...no logical reason I can think of...except maybe to go to Hydrioa on holiday. But it's winter at home right now, why?"

Fintan showed her the pendant. "One of those girls comes from Coaninia in the Kilmerina forests." Keeva yanked the pendant away from him and stared at it. Hate filled her normally love filled eyes. Her breathing started to become heavier.

"Fionoch, signal the army, I want these dhaoine de fraochun arrested by sun down! I WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS!" She spurred her horse and galloped towards the city. Fionoch sighed, drew his sword, and sent a blast of fire in to the air, forming the Arelian Crest.

"Bring the army to the square...I'll try and ease her temper...and bring my 'slaves' as well." Fintan shook his head, galloping off to catch up with Keeva.

Fintan rode in to the town just behind Keeva. "Your Highness!" he called to her, hoping to get her to stop. "Your Highness!". She never even stopped. Fintan put his horse in to gallop, and cut her off. "Listen to me!" Keeva's horse whinnied at the sudden stop.

"You do realize you may be above me during a heist, but I am still your Princess?" She said, her anger showing through the arrogant tone.

"Keeva, I understand you are upset, but if you barge in there then one of two things will happen. One, you'll be killed before the guards get here. Two, you will be on the block ..."

Keeva glared at him, her hand resting on her rapier. Fintan bit his tongue. "I'm sorry...I forgot..."

"Then what do you suggest we do Fintan? I will not sit idly by while my own people are being sold!" It was rare, but this time, Keeva wanted blood. Keeva wanted blood - now.

"Just follow my example." He dismounted, and walked down the street, Keeva following. They could hear the sound of yelling. It sounded like people were already bidding on slaves. Fintan picked up speed, almost running. They turned the corner and were face to face with the auction.

The auctioneer had a girl on top of a pedestal. She had long brown hair, and from what Rogue could see where he stood, shining bright green eyes. It was the Kilmerian girl. As Rogue got a closer look at her, he covered Keeva's eyes with his hat, despite her protests. "This is not for the eyes of a princess..." He said turning away himself so he did not look at the girl's bare body. The potential masters had called for it to see if she was pleasing enough to their eyes, or possibly because they were sick, deranged, sex starved beings.

"Five hundred gold!" called one man. "Six hundred!" called another. A third yelled "Six hundred and fifty!"
The Irish accent boomed above them all "Fifty thousand Griffs!" Everyone was silent and looked back at Fintan. Fifty thousand Griffs was the equivalent to ten thousand gold, in weight at least. The auctioneer was speechless. "What...does no what care to go higher?" He asked innocently.

"Fif...And the slave goes to the gentlemen in green for fifty thousand Griffs." The auctioneer said with a tone of shock that anyone would bet that much. He looked at her and gestured towards Fintan. "Get to your new master slave." The girl nodded and walked down, heading towards Fintan, who met her half way and covered her with his cloak.

"Do you know who I am?" he asked her softly. She nodded, but did not speak. "Who am I?"

"You are my new master, Sir." She whimpered.

"No, I am your governor, Fintan de Marin, and this is your Princess, Keeva le Guire" He gestured over to Keeva who gave the girl a soft smile. "What is your name?"

"I am Isadora dele Arture...but I can change my name if that does not ..." Fintan put his finger to her lip, and withdrew her pendant from his pouch. "A certain highwayman told me I could find you here." Her eyes widened as she saw it, and reached for it. Fintan allowed her to take it. "Where is the slaver that brought you?" he asked as she put it around her neck awkwardly due to her bindings. She pointed over to the corner of the square where Gareth was sitting back on his coach watching his 'cargo' get sold.

Suddenly, the sound of marching feet drowned out the shouting of the crowd. The soldiers came in to view. Their uniforms as pristine as ever, and their muskets held tightly at their left shoulders. The crowd became silent and turned to see what was going on. Gareth lowered the apple he was eating from his face and growled. Fintan took Isadora gently by the hand and led her back to the block. The moment they were on the stands, Fintan fired a pistol in to the air to get the full attention of the crowd.

"Hear me now!" he called. "This island, as of yesterday, at three of the clock was under the banner, customs, laws, and military protection, of the Arelian Empire, with the name of New Daron." he drew his gauche from his back, putting it at the bindings of Isadora's hands. "I here by decree, in accordance with the laws of the Mother Country, slavery or any forced service to anyone, no mater the nature of the service, is here by illegal. Effective in twenty four hours, all those found to be with slaves will be imprisoned, a fine paid to the slave, and the slave freed. Also, all slave traders found within the waters, or lands of this empire will be arrested, and deported at earliest convenience. If they should return a second time, they will be shot on sight. The fact that they are or are not subjects to the Crown will not be germane to the situation." with that, he slid the blade across Isadora's bindings and cut them. "To hold a fellow Arelian as a slave, will be punishable by immediate death with out judicial hearings. This I declare in the name of Queen Boudicca. God Save the Queen, and Avalon protect her!" At those words, the musketeers went in to 'present arms'.

Isadora looked over at Fintan, wondering how much trouble she would get in if she hugged him. Fintan did not give her the chance. A pair of soldiers had brought his last four slaves up, and he freed each one by tapping their wrists with his gauche saying "You are freed."

Gareth threw his apple aside and climbed back in to his coach. "Get us out of here..." he said grimly to his guards.

"Uh....boss....we got another problem." Said the same dense guard that alerted him of the highwaymen.

"What is it this....oh fuck." He stuck his head out to see sixty musketeers aiming their muskets at him. Fionoch, holding his sword at the aim position.

"Gareth Sparrow. As Lord Commander of the Arelian Royal Army, I place you under arrest on the charges of capture, imprisonment, and enslavement of the Arelian subject, Isadora dele Arture." He said plainly, not trying to hide the tone in his voice that said 'I will see you hanged you disgusting pig.'

Gareth's guards looked to each other repeatedly, taking steps away. Gareth shook his head and stepped out "Arrest me?" he asked with a mocking tone, his sword being drawn. "Then do so, bir..." he was suddenly unconscious when a musketeer sneaked up behind him and knocked him so.

"Gentlemen, we shall give you a fair trial if you lay down your arms now." Fionoch announced to the bodyguards. The large dumb seeming one moved his right hand away from his long pike and gently set it on the ground, both his hands risen in the air in surrender. The other five soon followed.

As the musketeers arrested the slave guards, Fintan noticed a dark look in the eyes of all the girls he had just freed. "He won't have a fair trial. I assure you. This land is currently under Martial Law...I am judge, jury and executioner." He pulled his pistol. "In fact." He spoke now to the crowd. "I shall now pass judgment." he walked down the stairs, through the crowd, ignoring the mummers from the crowd, and leveled his gun at Gareth's head. "I Lord Governor Fintan de Marin, find you guilty of crimes against the Arelian People. The sentence, as stated under Martial Law, is death. Do you have any final words?" Of course there were no words, Gareth was unconscious. The next sound, was the pop of the wheel lock going off, ending Gareth's life.

Keeva grinned as everyone started to file out and the guards started to release the would be slaves. She skipped over to the guard she had kissed earlier and brought her wrap up to her face. "A kiss" She said with a giggle, not hiding her voice. The guard just gawked at her while she skipped away again. Fintan and Fionoch laughing at his reaction. Then, Keeva's eyes went blank and widened. Her head turned to Rogue. "Rogue...does this mean I have to free those three..." She sighed the way most women sigh at Silver Rose "Gods that were in my room last night?" Rogue's head snapped in her direction and just stared at her.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion Empty
PostSubject: The Wolf, The Vampire, and the Ship   Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion EmptyFebruary 18th 2011, 11:32 am

The Wolf, the Vampire, and the Queen

Months passed by, and soon the Arelian Army had established a permanent unit for New Daron. They would train the new army there. The population was becoming more confident in their leaders, and started taking pride in saying "I am a subject of Her Majesty." Keeva had long returned to Arelia to resume her duties as the Princess of Kilmarina. Fionoch had also returned to the Mother Country to see to the training of new recruits. Rogue had started to spend more time in his study.

One day, there was a knock at the door of his study. “Come in please.” He said softly, his Irish accent was slowly going away. The door opened, and Charlotte walked in, holding a tray. She brought it over to his desk and set it infront of him. Broiled fish, potatoes, stewed tomatoes, and hard cider. “Will there be anything else, Mi’Lord?” she had quickly adapted to being a paid staff member.

“No thank you Miss Charlotte.” He smiled, removing his glasses. He looked like his mind was anywhere but in the room at the time.

“Sir...if I may?” She asked cautiously. Perhaps she had not so greatly adapted.

“Of course...”

“My Lord seems...distant...and has for these past few weeks. Is all well?”

Fintan nodded, setting his glasses down. “Everything is fine...I have just been watching how everything has progressed ...it is starting to become a new age. Have you noticed?” Charlotte shook her head. Fintan stood and pulled the curtains away from the window. “Come take a look.” he beckoned her over. “What do you see?”

The castle over looked the town below it. The city was alive and busy. It seemed to be normal. “I see the city, Sir...” She was confused. Rogue saw something more.
It was the fifth time he had seen the ages change. First from the Old Ways, when life was much more simple. Even for Arelia, everything was ruled by tribal chiefs. The land was vast and hardly inhabited. Then there were dark ages, when magic ruled the land. There was fear and doubt in the heart of everyone, even the nobles. The middle age, the fear turned in to power that kept the people in line, class systems created giant gaps. Only the very wealthy could afford a even half way decent education. At last there was an age of light. The Renaissance . People were beginning to have hope had replaced fear, faith replaced doubt, wisdom replaced ignorance. The question was- what will this new age bring?

“The world is changing again Miss Charlotte...but for better or worse I’m not sure. I’ve seen it enough to know it’s changing.”

“My Lord...how many times could it have changed in your time to be seen?”

“Enough...the changing of fashion is only the beginning.” He sighed. “And I’m getting the feeling this new age will bring about a sense of patriotism, boldness, and adventure that the former ages never saw.”

“Oh...Mi’lord, I almost forgot. You have a letter.” She withdrew a letter from her apron, and handed it to him. It bore Boudicca’s personal seal.

“Thank you Charlotte.” he said taking it. He smiled for the first time in a few months. He always enjoyed hearing from the queen. And being in a isolated part of the Veil, it let him know the friendly lands of home were close by.

“You’re welcome, Mi’Lord” She curtsied and walked out. Fintan opened the letter and began reading it.

My Dearest Fintan,

I have heard nothing but good news from all of the commanders of the New Daron Conquest. I have decided that I should like to visit this territory. I shall be arriving to declare the turn of the ages. The new age shall be known, unless you should by chance have a better name, The Age of the Colonies. I feel this is best considering how many countries are expanding their borders. If you have different ideas, we shall discuss it upon my arrival. My arrival can be expected within the next five weeks. I wish you the very best.


Fintan read the letter again and again. The Queen was coming. Five weeks from the date of the letter. That was three weeks ago. That left two weeks before she would arrive. Fintan hurried to make the preparations that would be required to present the country to the queen.

Trouble however, was not going to allow Fintan to rest. Back in the mainland of Auvrynon there was a little pub. It was a dark place, the smell of blood was prominent. A pale woman was pacing the floor within it. Her long black hair coming down over her porcelain face. “That damned human...that damned mortal!” she yelled, making everyone else look at her.

“Eloise...what’s wrong? What mortal?” asked one of the patrons.

The vampiress turned her head. “Fintan de Marin...he killed Lendel for trying to take his kingdom!”

One of the other vampires just blinked. “So...bring him back...you were going to turn him anyway.”

“That won’t be enough! That bastard needs to pay!”

“You aren’t thinking clearly dear.” Came a particularly arrogant voice from the corner. A woman stood up, dazzling white hair held in a braid. She had a timber wolf by her side as she walked over. “We are vampires...they can’t hurt us. We can make him pay. ...and I know how to get past Rogue’s defenses.”

There were only three in Auvrynon who knew Fintan as “Rogue” and one was now dead, the other was a young boy, and the third would not bother trying to get past Rogue’s ‘defenses’

“Who are you?” Eloise demanded.

“I am Hina Nani Graywind.” She said flashing a smile where her fangs showed

The colors of Arelia flew brightly over the ship RAS Stromwall as it docked in the port of New Daron. Trumpets blared as the gangplank was lowered. The New Daron guard was in it’s best uniform, lining the dock as they awaited the arrival of the queen. Fintan stood in the middle of the dock where he would greet Boudicaa. What came off of the ship made everyone blink and stare in absolute amazement. Boudicca was in a full gown. A deep red velvet with gold and silver trimmings. The edges trimmed in mink with gold medallions.

“Fintan...” Her voice echoed in her head, but it was like he did not hear it. “Fintan...” The queen gently laid her hand on his shoulder. He blinked, snapping out of his trance. Everyone but him had, if not bowed, recognized her as queen. Fintan remained standing. “I will assume you did not know who I am, and we may leave it at that.” She knew very well why he had not followed procedure. It was not every day you saw her in a gown.

“...Y...yes Majesty...” He stuttered, still amazed at what he saw. He did have an easier time as he looked behind her and saw Keeva, clad in her leather strapping as always. He finally gave a bow, which made Boudicca giggle. “This way Your Majesty.” He turned and lead them to the coach, opened the door and bowed once more to let them in.

Boudicca giggled again while looking at Fintan as she climbed in. Keeva stole a quick kiss from his cheek and whispered. “Don’t worry...I think it’s cute you’re still bowing that deeply.” And got in. Fintan snapped up, and climbed in himself. Before he shut the door, a large white wolf leaped in and sat down, wagging her tail. “Hello Rogue” Cronthis said with obvious glee in her voice

After hours of annoying court meetings, the trio finally had time to catch up. They had locked themselves away in Fintan’s study. Boudicca had finally slipped out of her gown and in to her usual traditional clothing. Fintan however did not get in to anything traditional, her preferred the newer fashions. They had begun talks of what to call the new age that was going to be declared.

“Well Dice, I was thinking that ‘The Golden Age’ would suit this new age better.” Fintan suggested as he handed the girls a glass of wine before sitting down.

“The Golden Age?” Boudicca repeated taking the wine.

“I like it...” Keeva nodded, scratching behind Cronthis’ ears as the wolf laid down beside her.

“Golden Age it is th...” She was stopped with a knocking at the door. Fintan stood to answer it, but before he could get within ten feet of them they burst open. Fintan retreated back to the two women quickly, his hand gripping the middle of his cane and the head of it, almost tugging on them.

“Good evening, Highwayman.” Came the ever cocky voice of someone Fintan thought he was rid of. The figure of Tylendel Asher stepped through the door. He was closely followed by Eloise and Hina, and Hina’s wolf.

“Fintan...who is that.” Boudicca’s hand was going for her sword.

“You....you were shot” Keeva said amazed.

“Filthy vampires!” Cronthis growled.

“Now now Bright eyes, boy,...that’s not a nice thing to say.” Hina said as arrogantly as ever

“FOR THE LAST FUCKING TIME YOU INCOMPINANT WHORE MY NAME IS CRONTHIS AND I AM A FUCKING FEMALE!!!” She howled, her fangs bared while glaring at the four intruders.

“Stay out of this fair ladies, for this is between myself and this scoundrel.” Lendel started walking towards Fintan smirking. He had again underestimated the highwayman. Fintan smirked and advanced as well.

“I pray...let he who bears the head of a wolf have the blessing of Saint Abraham von Helsin, and the Will of God on his side.” Fintan drew his sword from the cane, and tossed the scabbard aside. The small, maybe twenty four inches, blade made Lendel laugh, which made Fintan smirk.

“A blade? Fintan you should know better than that. A blade can not kill a vampire.” His fangs showed as he jumped at Fintan who stepped to the side and made a quick cut with the blade. Lendel hissed in pain. Eloise looked worried, a vampire should not have felt pain from a sword blade.

“Not even a blade from Oric?” He asked with a smirking grin.

“Do not worry my dear.” Hina whispered to Eloise. “He is still a young vampire, there is still some human in him. It will not kill him.”

Lendel ran at Fintan again, aiming to hit him. Fintan stood there, held his free hand up and caught the punch with a risen brow. “Super strength?” he asked with a mock tone. “Is that what you were told you would have? Super strength, super speed, be irresistible to women? Well I hate to bust your bubble...oh wait...” he laughed. “I don’t. It’s a lie....you are undead.” Fintan was much stronger than Lendel was and forced the hand down. “Which means you have no blood to give you strength, or incredible speed. It also means your body is trying to pump something through it...so it will take anything. Including poison.” He thrust the blade in to Lendel’s heart. A black substance began to ooze out of the sword and in to Lendel’s heart. Soon, Lendel’s veins were visible and black. Fintan could feel the vibration of his heart starting to beat. As Fintan slowly pulled the sword out of the dying Lendel there was something red on it’s blade. Blood, human blood.

As Lendel fell to the floor Eloise screamed out, but was held back by Hina. “Spirit...finish him.” She commanded her wolf, but as the timber wolf leapt at Rogue, Cronthis hit it first. Her jaws tightly around the throat of the much smaller wolf. She threw the male across the room against the wall and charged him. Biting in to his muzzle she violently shook her head, making the other whimper and whine. Before Cronthis could deliver the final blow, shadows wrapped around Spirit, Hina, and Eloise. Again, Hina ran.

Fintan sighed. “You can not run forever Hina...one day...I will end your life.”

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion Empty
PostSubject: A Blade of Blood   Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion EmptyFebruary 21st 2011, 6:38 pm

“Guards!” Boudicca called as she regained her senses. Vampires were always a weak spot for her. The guards ran in, muskets at the ready as Fintan cleaned his sword and returned it to the scabbard. "Take that body, burry it, but sever the head, and put a steak through it's heart." They slung their muskets behind them, wondering how they did not see Lendel come in.

"Are either of you hurt?" Fintan asked as he turned around, adjusting his waistcoat.

"If by hurt you mean upset we did not know of a blade that can kill vampires...then I'm mortally wounded!" Keeva exclaimed. "Do you know what kind of help that could have been during the Oric Wars?"

"I got it during the Oric Wars." he said absentmindedly. "The vampires used this steel to fight each other."

"LORD COMMANDER!" Boudicca looked furious at that. "ATENTION!" Fintan snapped to attention. The queen walked infront of him, her dark green eyes darker. "Explanation!"

"Mother calm down...I'm sure there is a logical explanation for why he ...went against even himself." Keeva did not sound too sure.

"It was in 145 Your Majesty." Fintan's mind began to drift back.

Count Orian, the Gryphon Lord of the new territory was seated at a table, surrounded by his advisers. Among them, Lord Commander Fionoch dar Grapach, and Captain Fintan de Marin of the newly formed Arelian Royal Musketeers were offering their ideas on the route to be taken.

“I would advise, Your Grace, that we strike them here, on the Ridges of Lucious.” Fionoch moved the figurine that denoted the heavy infantry and the Boar Unit from the fortress to the Ridge he spoke of.

“Hmm...an attempt to end it early ...Captain, your thoughts?” The young Gryphon Lord said looking over the map.

“I must disagree with the Lord Commander, Your Grace. If we send in the Boar Unit now, then we will loose the possibility of them thinking they are still in Guire. The heavy infantry will never make it up those cliffs. ....” he sighed. “Archers will be too vulnerable.” He wanted badly to test his new men. Seven hundred of the best marksmen Arelia could find. All of them highly trained with both the sword and the musket. Light armor, but hard enough to withstand hails of arrows. Not to mention even the ugly ones looked good in the velvet and lace uniforms. Princess Keeva herself paid for the equipment of the men, she sponsored them, and so in her honor they bore her symbol. However, he doubted them only against this adversary. Vampires were ruthless in battle.

“But you do not think it is time to take the Musketeers in to battle?” Orian asked, knowing exactly where the Captain’s mind was.

“I just worry that they will falter when they see these beasts...”

“Put faith in them Fintan. I think they are the best option.” Orian moved the infantry and Boar Unit back to their original positions, and moved the musketeer force to the right side of the ridge. “Oh...Percy, would you fetch us all a wine...I’m growing parched.” A young man with hair as black as night bowed and turned, going to fetch the wine while grumbling.

“Was it wise Your Grace...” Fionoch asked cautiously. “To take a Orician villager as an aide? Don’t they pity their vampire over lords?”

“His heart seems pure enough Lord Commander...I trust him. Fintan, march with the musketeers tomorrow. I would like this over before Christmas.”

Fintan saluted him, turned on his heel, and walked out. Ending it by Christmas was not going to be easy for him. Fionoch and Orian wanted the land won from the vampires. Fintan wanted each one of them dead. That was possible, but killing a vampire is hard. There were so far only four known ways. Sun light, but that was never easy. Religious objects, but that required time. A stake in the heart, and beheading. The last two were the only practical ones. Fintan had to make sure the bayonets were replaced with the wooden training ones.

The problem was, vampires were much quicker and stronger than humans. Or atleast, that was the myth. Fintan however, had a theory. When he arived in his tent, he wrote down his theory. A theory he would have to put to the test.

One does not kill for a living and not learn of the anatomy of human bodies. Vampires were once human, therefore they had the same body. The human body is comprised of a network of blood vassals. These vessels carry the blood throughout the body. It is also comprised of a system that pumps the blood, the lungs and heart playing the biggest key. It is logic to assume the body does not breath in living death, as it is death. But the body needs blood to move, and so to get that blood where it must be, it must be pumped. For it to pump, it must breath. The heart must act with the breath taken, and pump the blood itself. There for, the heart and lungs still work, even in the body of a vampire.

I believe this to be why they must feed so often if they are to be active. We, humans that is, are weak when we have little blood. This I think may also be the reason for dying of fever if the body has low blood. But that is another page. If the blood runs low, the heart will pump what ever is available. If a poison, such as Caroc, is injected with enough potency, then perhaps it will cause the heart to stop pumping, if it does that, then the vampire may die.

There was a voice from the outside of the tent. “Sir, someone to see you...she says it’s urgent.”

“Send her in...” Fintan stood and faced the tent flap. A cloaked figure walked in and lowered her cowl. It revealed a long blonde haired woman. “Yes, Mi’lady...how can I help you?”

“It is how I can help you Captain de Marin.” She said softly. “Tomorrow morning, seven miles from The Ridge of Lucious, roughly five hundred vampire soldiers will be camped out. You should hit them at daybreak. Shots directly on the heart can kill them.”

“They will be sleeping then, it would not be a fair fight...even if it would be easy.” He rose a brow, wondering how this woman knew this, and why he was being told.

“Then hit just as they awaken. Six thirty is dusk tomorrow. They will rise then.”

“Who are you...and how did you get this information?” He leaned down on the table, his hand on his pistol.

“I would rather my name go unsaid, as I will otherwise be held as a traitor. I do not want future generations to know I was a traitor to my kind.”

Fintan just stood there in shock. A vampire had walked in to camp and was feeding him information. His first thought was it was a trap. But as he looked in to the woman’s bright blue eyes, he was wondering if she was serious. “You realize I will have to have a name to put down on the record of where I got the information?”

“Then put me as ‘Midnight’s Kiss’ ...not that it maters. I know you won’t let me out.”

“I’m afraid you are right Miss Kiss. I can not allow you out of this camp alive.”

“That is fine. I’m prepared to go...I have been for quite a while....I just ask that my last two requests be honored?”

Fintan bit his lip. It was not Arelian tradition to extend last requests to those who were already dead. However, if this woman was right, it could greatly help. If not, it could be disastrous. “Very well. What are they?”
“I request a Christian burial.” her voice was weak. “I was a faithful one through my life time...it pained me to be brought back after my death, before I could be buried.”

Fintan rose a brow. He himself did not believe in the Christian views, he was an Avolonist, believing both Heaven and Avalon existed together. But he was going to honor her request. “And the second?”

She walked over to him slowly. “You remind me so much of my husband before he died...” She stood on her tip toes to reach his lips as she kissed him. She pulled away and took a step back. Fintan cleared his throat and adjusted his lace neck wrap.

He called out. “Guards...” A pair of men walked in to the tent. He gave them their orders, and waved them off. He would have as little to do with the death of someone who helped him as possible. He walked out just behind them and went towards Orian’s tent to get his approval for this mission.

“Absolutely not!” He cried in utter shock Fintan would even ask.

“Why not? It’s the best...”

“Because it’s a vampire who told it to you.” He cut Fintan off like it should be obvious.

“I believe she was telling the truth.”

The tent, also full of senior officers, roared with laughter. Orian eventually got them quiet. “Fintan...I know you dislike vampires. I know you would like to see as many dead as possible. But this could lead to ruin.”

“She said ‘attack at dusk, before they awake’. Why would she say that if it were a trap?” He looked annoyed that no one would listen. One officer walked over, and extended his hand to push Fintan’s neck wrap away. Before his hand could get there, the gauche of the musketeer was at his waist. “You will die a painful death if you touch me.”

“Robert, that will do thank you...” Orian said firmly. “If Fintan were bitten I doubt the lace would still be white. ...Fintan, you seem stressed. Get some sleep, and then move your men out in the morning for the Ridge...dismissed.”


“Dismissed.” He said firmer. Fintan turned on a heel and strode out of the tent.

“Lieutenant...” His first lieutenant walked up. “Have the men prepare for march...full march. This is just an exercise.” The officer saluted Fintan and turned off. Fintan however, had lied. They were marching to the Ridge to ambush the vampires. Within fifteen minutes the musketeers were assembled. “Move out.” Fintan called as he lead the column of seven hundred musketeers out of the camp.

By the time the Musketeers made camp sixty miles away, they were missed at the camp. Orian, was furious and was scolding every officer who so much as smirked when Fionoch said “Well....he’s got balls, I’ll give him that.”

“I don’t care if he’s got breast!” Orian exclaimed, making everyone bust out laughing. “ATENTION!” They snapped to attention. “When he returns, arrest him for treason and disobeying a standing order.”

“Treason?” Fionoch was shocked that anyone would think to level that charge against Fintan. “Sir, with all due respect...”

“Not a word Fionoch. I will not accept this sort of thing...you are all dismissed.” With that, Orian was saluted by everyone but Fionoch, who strode out before the word ‘dismissed’ was finished. As the others walked out, a gryphon cried out against the silent night air. Orian’s tent was capsized by the rush of air as Fionoch flew over it.

“Damnit....arrest him when he returns as well...This has got to be the most undisciplined army I’ve ever seen!”

The next morning Fintan roused his men quickly. They all ate their breakfast, and assembled. Fintan, mounted on his horse stood infront of them. "Gentlemen, I shall not lie to you any longer. Today, we march for the vampire encampment in the Ridge of Lucious. I have been tipped off by a reliable source that they will be there when we arrive. We will not attack them now, not when they have no chance. But at the sixth hour of the evening, our guns will blaze. This war must come to an end, and if they must all perish in the effort, then so be it. However, I will not lie when I say I have brought you all here against a standing order. Those of you who wish to return to camp may do so, and no one shall think less of you. For those who wish to leave, you may do so now." He paused, waiting to see if anyone was going to leave. One person stepped forward a single step, he was with Fintan. Slowly, the other seven hundred joined.

They spent the day praying. Even those who had no religion could be found muttering prayers for safety. Fintan spent the day walking around, encouraging the men. Most of them just needed reassured that this was the right thing to do. However others were nervous about facing their first real battle against vampires. Finally, the time came. It was mid day. Fintan assembled everyone together, and marched to the ridge. The march was short, less than two hours. Here they would wait until the sun set, and then as the vampires rose, they would open fire.

Four hours passed too quickly for some, and too slow for others. The sun could be seen dragging down behind the mountains to the west. The ridge was growing darker around the Arelians. The vampires' camp had no tents, not fires, rather it was at the mouth of a cave. Fintan was positive that they were sleeping within. "Take positions." he whispered to the commanders as he heard stirring inside the cave. Fintan's pistol was aimed at the center of the cave. Soon, a small group of soldiers came in to view at the mouth of the cave. Seven vampires had fourteen musketeers fire on them. They fell to the ground, all but three came back up. Those who remained on the ground were dead, shots had pierced their hearts. The four left stopped in their tracks when they saw seven hundred muskets pointed at them. Reluctantly, their hands were put in to the air.

Only fourteen shots had been fired for the entire battle, the vampires had surrendered. They were heavily outnumbered, and cornered. Fintan ordered all of them to be put next to the edge of the cliff. Two hundred vampires were lined up. No one seemed to know what Fintan was doing until he ordered four ranks formed. Suddenly, a vampire stepped forward. The men all leveled their muskets at him, but held their fire as Fintan held up his hand. The vampire held out a cane, long black ebony wood with a wolf's head.

"Twist the head, and give a short tug." He said with bitter hate in his calm voice. Fintan grasped the head, gave it a twist to the right and tugged. The sword came out quickly, being over looked by Fintan. "Oric steel...it is the only mettle that can kill us and do us harm no mater where it is placed....I surrender my sword." With that, he stepped back in to line, and faced the large firing squad.

Fintan watched him carefully, then raised his rapier. "Fire." He swung down at the word. The first wave of vampires fell, the second rank advanced and fired while the other reloaded. Then the third, and then the fourth. Then, it repeated until every vampire had fallen backwards off of the cliff. Only one vampire lingered on the cliff as the smoke cleared. His heart had been struck, but he seemed to be standing there just to spite Fintan. The officer rode over, drew his pistol, and pressed it flat against its head. That shot seemed to be louder than the other two hundred from before. The vampire toppled over the cliff, only to have the musketeers cheer loudly.

"Back to camp, Gentlemen!" Fintan cried.

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion Empty
PostSubject: The Crest of the War   Occupation of New Daron - Part two of the Arelian Expansion EmptyMarch 14th 2011, 1:37 pm

Boudicca's face went blood red as Fintan finished telling his story. Keeva just smiled.

"I apologize for snapping Rogue..." The queen said weakly.

"It's fine Dice...it could have been treason. You were within your rights." He replied with a smile.

"Perhaps...but your story has brought to mind two pressing matters that I should like kept between us three ..." Cronthis made a whining yawn. "us four, for now."

"Yes...what is it Majesty?" He took a seat across from her.

"Both are of war. I have heard rumors that the Queen of Auvrynon thinks she can solve all problems by making them just ....disappear. I would like you to amass an army, and prove her wrong."

Fintan grinned. "With pleasure."

"The second.....Fintan, I would hope you would reconsider...I shall not press you as I am sure you still care for Miss Robins, despite the occurrence...But Fintan, I do wish you would ..."

Fintan held up her hand, making her stop talking. "For the Empire...for Prechan...and for you, Your Majesty...I will wed the vampiress....if it will bring peace...I do not like to, but I will."

Boudicca's eyes lit up like candles. "Thank you Fintan...I greatly appreciate this....there are, of this time, three left." Fintan nodded and walked towards his desk where he sat down, waiting to hear his options.

"First, Lithia Ashe, of the Ashe coven. She is a..." She was cut off when Fintan interjected with. "No...I know of the Ashe Coven, I would prefer not to have anything to do with them. My social life is at stake after all." He was writing out a letter as he spoke.

"Very well...Princess Schuana Lenore Graywind. Daughter of Princess Serabi Grayw...ind..." She tilted her head. "Do you know her? She has the same name as Liani's husband..."

Fintan growled. "She goes by Hina Nani now...and I would not be caught dead with her. That was the filth that just busted in here and ran like a coward."

"Oh, then not her...that leaves Countess Analysis von Stueben...if that is unacceptable, I suppose I can see if others can be found..."

Fintan rose a brow. He heard that name somewhere before. "Any relation to Baron von Stueben of Prussia?"

Boudicca blinked and thought back. "Yes...his sister...she died at the age of twenty five of smallpox. She was turned two days later, knowing what she was she fled for the Inner Veil. Why?"

He said only two words "She'll do." as he folded the letter up and placed it in an envelope. Standing , he moved his coat aside and removed the badge from his waistcoat and tucked it in as well. "Fifty three years...down the bloody drain." he muttered opening the door, and handing it to a guard. "Have this dispatched to Lord Dercine in D'Hara." He sighed as the guard took the letter and walked off, before he himself walked back in.

"Wonderful ..Then you shall meet in a few days?"

"Fine" He sat down on the sofa with a sigh.

"Fintan...if it is that painful for you, I will not force it...I could never force you to go against what you feel comfortable with."

"It's fine Boudicca...I do it for the Empire....if you will excuse me?"

"Fintan...if there is a way I may repay you...I know this is a great sacrifice for you..." Her voice was filled with a mixture of compassion and joy. "What if..." She smiled "Authorized the seizure of Gair?"

Fintan's head shot up from the paper he was working on. "Gair? As in the country on the edge of the Veils?" He looked excited. He had long wanted to conquer that land. It stood for much of what he hated. He was not going to pass up a chance to take it over for the Empire.

"Yes..." she smiled her hand tracing over a table of the Veils. "I think we could use a colony on the edge. But I don't like the name Gair...I was thinking Marinsylvania" She looked over at him with a smile. Fintan blinked. 'Marinsylvania' meant that it was being named after him, that was an honor he never thought he would ever see. "It would be yours to govern under the laws. All political, military, economics, and the like would be yours to completely control. It is the very least I can do for you Fintan, you have served for so long and never questioned me. Take Auvrynon, and by then I will have the majority of Parliament on my side."

"Parliament?" Fintan asked confused. "We are a Constitutional Monarchy now? Why would any one have ever questioned you?"

"Unfortunately, Rogue. You see, there was the possibility of civil war, for the first time I had a revolt to face." As she spoke Rogue was shocked. As far as he knew, Arelia had almost no poverty, plenty of food, and low taxes. There was no logical reason for anyone to revolt. "Word had reached the ears of the population that other countries allowed the common people to have a voice. What once was a happy and content population, became riotous. It was either establish a parliament or risk civil war. But never mind that for now Fintan. Raise and train an army. Guire will send you any arms or money you need. But wait before striking. at the least a year or two."

Fintan smiled and nodded. "As you wish, Your Majesty."

And so the clock began to tick. The age came in strong. The Empire changed, as it always did when the age changed. The militia of New Daron became the most powerful force in the Plane of Zaterion, and the Auvrynons grew worried of war. Tensions increased. The Rose Highwaymen began to work on causing fear within the hearts and minds of the courts of Auvrynon. Soon, time would come where the queen of Auvryon would face either a war with the Arelian Empire, or a revolt of her own people...

I hope you enjoyed the story! This is the end of it for now. I will start up the third chapter after I get the time to do so. Feel free to comment.
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