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 Danni vs Lenore/Twili

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Danni vs Lenore/Twili Empty
PostSubject: Danni vs Lenore/Twili   Danni vs Lenore/Twili EmptyJanuary 21st 2013, 7:30 am

Yeah, I haven't written anything in like forever. So I decided (since it wouldn't leave me alone) to type and post this up for everyone to see. It's not part of anything unless anyone wants it to be. It was just something that was rolling around in my mind and wanted to see how everyone thought of it. I tried to write well for Fionoch and Morgana but since I can't get their characters down well at all. (I tried) I figured it was best if they were just there kinda watching. And what happens at the end is up to everyone imagination. Though the only other two there can interfere or no, its up to the one who they belong to. But like I said, its mostly just for fun. Enjoy!


"Wolf girl Twili... Get out here right now!" screamed an enraged young woman from outside the Phoenix Inn. A voice all too familiar to the wolves that rested near the hearth of the building, as well to the aforementioned lycan. Twili, losing more of herself each day to an evil spirit within her, rolled her eyes at the shout and heaved a sigh of irritation. No matter how much she ran and hid, that accursed woman will always find her and she was growing rather tired of it. Lenore, the evil sorceress that was quickly gaining strength, was not all happy with the distraction. She needed to get her host to the proper site, perform the ritual and gain all the power she deserved.

Morgana and Fionoch both glanced at each other in concern as the archer stood up from her chair that she just sat on moments ago and headed for the door. She threw it open and yelled back out into the winter night, though the moon shone brightly enough to allow them to see the ground and anyone on it and cast a deep shadow along the treeline. "What the hell do you want, you annoying charmcaster!?"

"You know what I want, you beast! Get out of that Inn!" the platinum haired woman shrieked from the other side of the clearing. The woman looked to be in her early twenties, dressed in a royal blue mage's hooded, long sleeved coat that reached her thighs. Black leggings adored shapely her legs and disappeared into a pair of knee high brown boots made of soft leather. The woman's bright green eyes blazed in anger from beneath silvery bangs as her long hair swept down her back in a single long braid. "Get out here and face me!"

"Do I have to?"


Twili growled in frustration as she stepped out of the warmth of the inn and into the cold winter night, even though the chilly temperature didn't bother her at all. Both Morgana and Fionoch ventured outside to see what was going on. The wolves also stepped out to watch the events unfold, still casting wary glances at their charge and sister. "Whose this?" the soldier asked to no in particular, interested in what was going on but wasn't impressed by the girl across from the Inn.

"Danni Ratatosk." The lycan shrugged uncaringly, glaring at her apparent enemy.

"Ah... and she's..?"

"A charmcaster."

Danni focused on her target, pointing her finger at her. "Wolf girl, I challenge you to a duel!" she declared, glancing at the two with her, slightly concerned. Well, having a duel is safer than letting those two enter the fight she planned. Granted if those two would play by the rules. Morgana frowned, having heard about the young charmcaster from Midna Starlette some months ago.

The elder sorceress stepped forward in front of Twili in protection. "Danielle Ratattosk, I suggest you leave right now, young lady. You're clearly out matched here." she warned, "In fact, for your health I suggest you stop pursuing Twili any further."

The younger mage turned her nose away at the elder's words, crossing her arms over her chest, puffing her cheeks slightly in annoyance. "You can't interfere with a duel, old hag." Danni sneered haughtily, putting her arms down to place her hands on her hips to stick her tongue at Morgana. Though her movement drew the older woman's attention to the girl's waist. A tan colored rag doll that crudely resembled a cat hung there, its arms wrapped around the charmcaster's waist in hug. If Morgana didn't know any better, she'd say that the cat's stitched, sharp tooth grin grew a bit at seeing her.

That is a very disturbing doll. The sorceress thought to herself then refocused on the girl's face. "There is no duel. Twili hasn't accepted it-"

"I accept." The lycan called out, surprising the sorceress as she stepped around her to face Danni. Morgana blinked and opened her mouth to speak when Twili, not even looking at her, held up her hand to silence her. The sorceress did, however, noticed the dark grin forming on the wolf girl's face from what she saw of it. "I'm a damn lycan and I'm tired of running and hiding. Especially from her."

"I see... then good luck." The powerful sorceress stepped back to stand next to Fionoch and glanced at him worriedly. He shrugged in showing to let the two duel, he couldn't interfere either anyway. A duel is a duel, whether or not magic was involved. "This is not going to end well."

The charmcaster grinned, seeing the soldier and sorceress make no attempts to stop them. Finally, her chance to claim the power before her brother presented itself to her. And she was NOT going to mess this up! No, she was far too close for any foul ups. A feeling of triumph overwhelmed her that she giggled and bounced on her feet like a little girl. "Yes! Finally I have you and your power will belong to me!"

Twili's dark smirk didn't falter as she stepped closer to her opponent to be a fair distance from the Inn. "Well, not yet." She sneered, "We haven't even started the duel. You didn't think, I would just hand over what is rightfully mine to you just because you challenged me, did you?"

Danni huffed angrily, miffed by the words. "No! It doesn't matter anyway, I'll win for sure!" the mage retorted, "Then I'll rip that power out of you whether you're alive or dead!"

Twili's smile widen and her eyes lit up at the statement. "Really, now?" For a moment, the charmcaster became slightly concerned at the wolf girl's face. She was vastly different from her previous encounters with her. Normally, the wolves would be by her side, encouraging her to run but there she stood alone. Something dark gleamed in the lycan's eyes, something Danni shouldn't provoke further. She shook her head to clear the doubts. No, I will not run from this! Perhaps the wolves finally gave up on her or something. The archer spoken again, "Please, by all means tell me the rules of the duel. You are, after all, the challenger."

"Hmph! Well if you're that eager to die then fine!" Danni folded her arms again, secretly digging around her sleeves for her little clay eggs. "The rules are simple. No outside interference, magic only as well as magical items!" She grinned cheekily, "Which means your wolves are out."

Again, the lycan's smile didn't falter. "I don't need them to defeat you, Danni."

"Good... because the duel starts...NOW!" She yelled, whipping her arm out of the opposite sleeve, clutching the little eggs in her hand and hurled out as if to aiming to hit Twili with the rocks. They didn't go very far, landing in the snow between them short distance from the charmcaster. Silence stretch between them as they both stared at little eggs that just sat, half buried in the snow and did nothing in the way of showing aggression. "Um..."

Twili flicked an ear in annoyance as she glared boredly at the eggs then turned the glare to Danni. "They're doing nothing. Is this some kind of joke?"

Fionoch was the first to feel the slight tremor which grew until the ground quaked violently. He snapped out a quick warning. "Twili look out!" But it was too late, Twili jerked in surprise by sudden quake and held her arms out to balance herself as the ground behind her cracked in two spots. Two golems erupted from the earth behind the lycan and each snatched at her arms and held her prisoner before she could get away.

Danni laughed in triumph as the two golems she had hidden earlier, held the wolf girl captive in their grip. "Yes! Your power's mine at last! See?! See, I told you I would win!" The woman crowed tauntingly.

"Is that right..?"

The charmcaster stopped laughing and looked to the lycan to see what she meant. To her surprise, Twili stood perfectly still, her head bowed slightly so that her bangs covered her eyes. From the looks of things, the archer didn't seem to struggle at all to break free and oddly enough didn't seem to mind that her arms were held tightly by the rock monsters. Morgana and Fionoch looked concerned then stared in horror as Twili began to giggle, soft and light at first then quickly degraded to something sinister and dark. Danni stepped back, her skin prickling in growing fear then growled. "What are you laughing about?! You lost!"

"Lost?" Twili's giggling hiked to laughter as she remained still between the golems, she lifted her head to let Danni see her grin. "This is a duel, isn't it?" She laughed, "I don't recall saying I surrendered..." The lycan smirked evilly, making the mage step back again. "and I'm certainly not dead. And since neither one of those conditions have been met..." There was the sound of crackling like boulders crushing smaller rocks, making Danni jump and look around fearfully. The air grew colder, causing everyone to feel a small chilly bite from it as Morgana gasped and pointed to Twili. There was a sharp crack and the charmcaster's focus returned to the wolf girl, staring in horror as the several spikes of ice ruptured from within the golems, shattering them. "The duel is still on."

"My golems..." Danni whispered in horror, digging around for more of the eggs in her sleeves. Twili watched her impassively for a moment then grinned again, snapping her arm up in signal. The column of ice to her left reacted and fired several icicles at the charmcaster, aiming to hit her all along the length of her body. The woman screamed and threw herself to the snow to dodge the attack as the shards of ice whistled past.

"Come on now, charmcaster. Show me whom I've been running from..." The lycan jeered, sending off another shower of ice at the mage, forcing her to roll across the ground to avoid being skewered. Danni managed to roll up to her feet and threw another handful of clay eggs at her opponent. The eggs, carved differently, shifted into that of five small birds and flew at wolf girl with the intention to dive bomb her and stab into her flesh. Twili's eyes glowed brightly with power and raised her hand again, manipulating the snow on the ground to liquify and stretch upwards to capture the birds and refreeze quickly before the creatures could escape their grasp. "Pathetic." She curled her hand into a fist and the ice cages shrank, slicing through the clay birds. "This is a magical duel, Danni. If all you can do is just throw stone monsters at me... what the hell made you think you could just steal my powers so easily?"

Danni didn't answer, too busy as she searched her sleeves again for more eggs. Twili walked slowly toward the mage as the two ice columns slid across the ground to follow. She kept the eerie smile on her face as the young charmcaster threw more of the eggs in defense and the lycan simply froze and destroyed them as they came to her. Exhausted from casting magic into her weapons and running to avoid being killed, the mage collapsed onto her hands and knees and panted. "You know what? I don't want to know what you think... this is pathetic. The duel is over..." Twili giggled.

Shivering, Danni looked up, terrified as the lycan's smile matched that of the cat doll that hung around her waist. The wolf girl held her arms up, eyes glowing with power and a mad light. The two ice columns and snow surrounding her feet in a small circle reacted to her magic, liquified and shot into the air, twining around above her head. The streams of water pooled together into that of a large water bubble, which in turn began to quiver and distort, shaping itself into a new form. The mage trembled in fear as she watch it take form and slowly freeze to look more menacing. Once complete, Danni, Fionoch and Morgana stared up at the large ice sculpture of a wolf's head. Though made of ice, it still moved freely to give expression. It pulled its ears back and snarled, baring its icy fangs. "Hold still, I'll end your miserable existence quickly!"


Twili leaned her arms back, the wolf head mimicked the movement, rearing back a little. The mage stared in absolute terror as the lycan laughed, bringing her arms downward and forcing the wolf's head to move with it. "Now die! Arctic Bite!"

Danni screamed and threw her arms up in feeble attempt to ward off the attack as she watched her own image being reflected off the wolf's cold, icy eyes.

No...! Fionoch... Morgana... Stop me... please!

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Danni vs Lenore/Twili Empty
PostSubject: Danni vs Lenore/Twili Part 2   Danni vs Lenore/Twili EmptyJanuary 22nd 2013, 7:28 pm

Well, I didn't think this would we liked so much but Thanks to Jay, Chris and Andrew for loving it so much. Chris even threw in a bit of his own reaction to what Fionoch would do. It's a little short (I think) but then I don't know how to write Fionoch well... so yeah. First time trying to write a character that isn't mine. Anyway, I hope I got close in writing to how Chris would think of him. Though high chance I changed how he would speak and act... if so. Sorry, Chris! ^^;

Anyway, here's part 2. Enjoy! Very Happy


The Sorceress could tell nothing, other than the shock that she felt from the very advanced magick that had manifested in the young lycan. Fionoch on the other hand, heard the call of help. In a flash he was in the middle of the battle, as a twenty foot gryphon black as night with eyes glowing a dark and evil red. The fiery gaze of the gryphon met with the gaze of the wolf. He was not protecting Danni, he was saving Twili from herself. A dark aura surounded the Gryphon Lord as he launched himself at the wolf.

The sudden appearance of the gryphon startled the lycan as she watched in shock as he slammed into the ice sculpture's mouth. Where did he come from? The ice didn't seem to cause the creature any damage, instead the dark aura shone from within the ice wolf, cracks webbing across the surface. A look of horror appeared on the ice wolf's face before howling in panic and exploded into shards that quickly melted into water and splashed everywhere. It drenched the surrounding trees, ground, further washing away the snow and on the poor mage that was nearly killed. Twili stepped back, still in shock that her attack was just as easily destroyed as she had with Danni's stone minions. This never happened to her before. Well perhaps once but then the wolf girl's magic was weak at the time.

She growled as she narrowed her eyes at the gryphon, watching the aura warily. "You're interfering with a duel... What do you want?" Behind them, Danni coughed from being drenched in water and crawled away from them for her life, terrified at what was going on. This wasn't the wolf girl she was used to hunting down! She was a completely different person! Someone that had no qualms of simply killing someone for so much as giving them a wrong look. Twili glanced at the mage briefly then ignored her completely since she wasn't much of a threat and focused on the black gryphon in front of her.

Fionoch landed gracefully then turned a fierce gaze at Twili, daring her to move. "That is enough, Twili. You're crossing the line." The dark aura continued to shift around him like a living flame. Lenore glared through Twili's eyes at the gryphon. She recognized the power, it sent a shiver of fear through her but refused to let it show but grudgingly knew he felt it. Twili, her true-self, was only faintly familiar with that power. She felt it somewhere before but couldn't remember, too weary to recall it but it did frighten her to see her friend, Fionoch, in such a manner. What had happen to him to look like that? She was, however, grateful for him in stopping the fight from going further. "The duel is over, you're the victor."

"It's a magic duel, a fight to the death..." Twili, or rather Lenore, hissed acidly, the melted snow around to react and freeze in preparation to attack at her command. She picked at her host's memories, sensing that she somehow recognized the gryphon. Ah, so this is the soldier that was next to Morgana. The black gryphon growled softly as his red gaze never wavered.

"I know what a duel is, I don't need a lecture from you." he growled in warning. "In either case, Danni cannot continue, it's over."

The spirit snarled, baring the lycan's teeth at him. "She has not declared de-!"

"Do not argue with me!" Fionoch bellowed angrily, stamping his claw against the icy earth, causing a small black flame to erupt around his claw in a quick burst. It disappeared just as quickly as it came so is not to cause much damage to the ground. The dark aura flared briefly with his temper, lashing the air around him. "I will not repeat myself a third time!"

Lenore hissed in fury, red flames flared around her fists as she glared in hatred at the creature. She was furious that he would dare to order her about. The desire to kill him, to freeze and burn him alive was overwhelming... to hear him shriek for mercy. She would enjoy ripping him to pieces like she would've done to that pathetic excuse of a mage.

The gryphon stepped closer, not the least bit intimidated by the fire she held. His outer appearance looking calm but was ready for battle at a moment's notice if he had to. And quite frankly he didn't want to, he wanted to save Twili, not kill her because of some spirit's ego got the best of it and tried to take him on. "You would fight me with fire? One who controls infernos darker and more powerful than anything you could imagine?"

"Tch..." The flames around the lycan's hands dissipated quickly, but the snow and ice reacted to her call again, quivering from where they were. They gleamed, taking aim... if she could keep him keep distracted... Perhaps she could...

Fionoch's eyes flashed a blood red, sensing what she was up to and letting out an ear-splitting, roaring screech in fury. The dark aura flared more fiercely at his temper, black flames shot out from his large frame and traveling quickly across the ground. They seemed to swallow the ice and snow, racing over the trees and the Inn, but not leaving a single singe mark behind until the Inn and the surrounding area was completely clear of the winter's frost. "I strongly advise that you don't do that again. It will not be beneficial to your health if you provoke me further."

Damn that inferal god! What is it with him attaching himself to these people!? Lenore growled in frustration with the black gryphon, who only gave her an impassive look. She couldn't fight him now... no, she didn't have the power yet... but she will. By the gods she will have it and make this arrogant feathered feline kneel before her and beg for forgiveness. "Hmph, fine, as you wish Lord Fionoch." She mocked bowed to him and straightened up with smirk, earning a soft growl from him. "The wolf will obey the majestic gryphon and leave the pathetic mage be."

"Mocking me isn't helping..."

"No, I understand perfectly, m'lord." She only continued to grin darkly and turn away from him, "Besides, I have... better things to focus my powers on." Twili paused and looked over her shoulder, a dark gleam and sharp smile gracing her face, "Just a thought... if a wolf and a gryphon were the same size and had, say the same power... who do you think would win?"

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