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 The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 )

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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 ) Empty
PostSubject: The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 )   The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 ) EmptyMay 1st 2010, 11:03 pm

The young girl and the forest

As I walk through the forest, a howl of the wind blows through the trees. I stop and look around, for any signs of life within it. The trees sway gently as I pass them one by one.

I walk further through the forest and soon I finally reach the edge of the dark forest. There I see a man standing. His eyes pierce the night as they shine red in the moonlight.

he is stalking something thought I can not see what it is. I freeze in my tracks as I
watch him. Soon I am able to move again yet I stay and watch this man as he catches
his prey and feast upon it. I watch him more as he licks the blood from his lips, now wanting to know more about him.

The man looks to the one he had killed and just laughs then walks away. I try to follow
him but lose the sight of him as the moon goes behind a cloud.

Nos - hmm

ahh i remember a day like that, it seems a long time ago though my love were you watching me even then, he made me laugh because of his lack of understanding to ask why had me in a merry mood for quite awhile actually.


My love

I had watched you for a very long time. But.. I didnt know that was you in the forest that night. I was so young then. I tried to follow the man I seen but lost him. If that was truly you.. where did you go that night after the clouds set in?


Nos - now you have me thinking


im pretty sure i went home after, as i got bored with all the chasing and making him guess where i was basically just terrifying him so much, that when i did catch up with him his blood was all the more sweeter it was fun at the time though and i sensed a few peoples out there and i was not yet ready to face anyone yet, as i was still looking for the one who made me and everyone was an enemy at least thats what i thought


That night and the next

I searched the forest for hours after the clouds came in for the man but a lass, I never found him.

As I reached the edge, I saw another wandering around, bleeding from his neck and knew he must had been the one that was attacked by the one I had seen earlier.

I tried to help but it was too late for him as he died in my arms. I layed him down gently and walked away.

As I reached home, I thought about the man I seen laughing in the forest. being 15 years of age, I decided not to tell my family the events I had seen.

The following night, I returned to the forest, looking for the one I had seen the night before.


The next night in the forest

I remember going back to the forest the next night, looking fo the man again. I walked thru it slowly, looking at everything around me for signs that he had been there. I suddenly heard that laughter again as I walked up to some fallen trees and watched.

There he was, holding another guy as he bit deep into his neck and seemed as tho he was drinking his blood. I felt memorized as I watched the man drain the guy of his blood.

I wanted to know more about him but was scared to approach him. I stayed hidden till he started to walk off then I followed him to a grand house deeper within the forest.

I sat outside the grand house that the man entered moments before and watched an upstairs window as I saw him again. I felt wierd just sitting and watching him like a common stalker but I wanted to know more about him.

I stayed outside the house all night and returned home when I saw the sun coming up. I vowed to myself to return again as the sun set that night.


The House, the forest and the fog

I watched the sun set and then slipped out of my foster parents house quietly after they fell asleep.

I made my way to the house the man entered the night before and found a place to sit. A few moments had passed then I saw him, coming out of the house and making his way to the forest again.

I got up and quietly followed behind him, keeping to the dark shadows of the trees. There was a fog int he forest this night and I soon lost sight of him again.


Nos - uneasy feeling

these past few nights as i left my house i sensed that i was being followed but it was easy to loose whoever it was that was following me in the forest so i did not dwell much on whoever it was and went about my business.


Finally the fog lifted

I finally caught up with the man again as the fog lifted somewhat in the forest and id behind a tree and watched him.

His back was turned to me so I couldnt see what he had a hold of this night. I felt again memorized by him and what he might be doing here in the forest again.


Nos - feeding disturbed

I got a weird feeling of being stalked again, as i let my senses roam i unceremoniously dump the body I was feeding on and with a cheeky smile I disappeared quicker then a blink into the darkness of the night.
Returned home again

I watched as the man disappeared into the darkness of the night. I could move once again and I made my way to the edge of the forest.

I turned and looked back once more then headed for home. I took my time this morn to get home, images of him still wandered through my mind as clear as day.

As I walked up to my house, A man was talking to my foster father. I walked past him and into the house. Little did I know that morn that he had been watching me and was asking my foster father for my hand in marriage. (first husband)


Alone with her thoughts...

I grew up in the house of my father (who I found out later wasnt my father) and loved playing in the forest at night.

During the years I would follow the man that played there as well, longing to know more of him and why he only came out night. But one day, when I was but 18 years of age, My live changed.

As I walked home in the morning sun, I saw a man walking to my home again in the village. I followed him, his eyes were as red as mine and his laugh was just as dark. I took a chance and walked up to him and asked him his name.

He turned and looked into my eyes and told that his name was The Demon King and that he had come to the village looking to take a wife.

Thinks more of her past

I dismissed the mans words about a wife and walked into my house and went about my chores till night fall came again.

I slipped out of the house again and mafe my way back to the forest again. This night I would approach him if I saw him again.

I was determined to know why he only came out at night.


Nos - listening

as i was walking through the forest at night as usual listening to all that was going on as he is wont to do he climbs a tall tree and shuts hi eyes listening very intently to his surroundings, a few moments pass and he can feel the heartbeat and hear the steps of a young girl. As she sat down i thought to myself and wondered if she would provide me with tonights bloody feast i mused to myself the idea but i let it pass as i have no need tonight my quarry is somewhat more important so i left without making a sound.


A wait to see him again.

I walked into the forest just past sunset and waited. I wanted so much to the man this night but at the same time I was scared.

I knew nothing of him or why he would come out at night. I found a place to sit and began my long wait.

I sat on the stump for a few hours then decided to go and look around the forest to see if I find him.

As I walked, the forest became darker as the moon was hidden behind the clouds overhead.

I continued to walk the forest that night till I came to a small town on the other side. I walked through the dark streets, looking at everything and wondered if he had been there.


The Strange New Town

As I walked through the town that night, I had feeling of being watched. I had never been to any other towns or villages before and I was a little scared as I was all alone.

The buildings were strange to me as I looked at them one by one. I had never seen any like them before and didn't know what to make of them.

I suddenly got the feeling of being watched again and quickly ducked into an ally and tried to hide. As the guy walked by, unseeing me in the alley, he looked familiar to me somehow. I felt as tho I knew him but from where and how? I wanted to ease my mind so I followed him.

After following him for about an hour, I was getting tired but still I followed him. He walked into a local tavern with me behind him in the shadows. I didn't want to make my presence known just yet.

I found a place to sit and tried to listen closely to him. I only caught bit and pieces, as I nodded in and out of sleep, of what he was telling the tavern owner.

He was looking for his lost sister, who had disappeared in the forest years before. Upon hearing this, I suddenly remembered a talk my father had with me the year before.

He had told me that him and my mother had found me wandering the streets of our village, badly injured one stormy night, many years before. It was at that time that my father had told me I was adopted not his real daughter but he loved me his very own.

I tried to stay awake as I listened to the guy talk but soon after hearing the tavern keeper call him ATHANON and telling him goodnight....I fell asleep.


His Eyes

I wake up at the Tavern and looks around for the one the Tavern Owner was talking to the night before. I didn't see him anywhere so I headed out into the streets again.

I was determined to find either him or the man from the forest this nightfall. I head for the edge of the village and back into the forest. I suddenly stops as I see the man again, feasting on something in the distance.

I quickly hide behind a tree not far from him and watches him closely. When he was finished he dropped the thing he feasted from and stood tall. He then glanced my way and I saw his eyes for the first time.

Red as blood and very memorizing, as I stared into them, I felt something in me that I had never felt before. Now I wanted to everything about him and was determined even more to get to know him.


A discovery and the fear

As I gazed into those eyes, I wanted to walk up to him right then and there, but I was afraid now. I finally had seen what he had feasted on and I was scared that if I approached him, I would be his next meal for the night.

I started to turn and stepped on a branch that snapped into 2 and instantly froze and hoped that he hadn't heard me.


Nos - hmm

as i let my latest victim fall slowly to the ground, i heard a snapping of a twig, i quickly gathered all the darkness around me and i saw the young girl that had been following me for a few months now, i decided i will keep a close eye on her from the shadows, she obviously knew i existed so i thought i would not give her the chance to sneak up on me anymore.


Fear and worry

I stood perfectly still as he glanced in my direction. I thought to myself Did he hear the twig snap? Does he see me?

Fear was setting in once again but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He intrigued me greatly tho I was scared of him now.

I started thinking to myself again I know he had feed from another human. I seen it myself this time. If I run, will he chase me? Will he feed from me also? Will he let me live or kill me for knowing?

I decided I would risk it and run from him. But before I would do that, I would leave him a gift. I reached down and plucked a rose from the ground. It had turned black as night as I held it.

I pressed it to my lips and with a single poke, my blood was now on one of the thorns and the petal. It dripped slowly as I pulled it from my lips. I layed the rose on a tree stump and it glistened in the moonlight.

My gift to you, man of the night.

The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 ) BlackRoseBar


Nos - curiosoty

as i watched her walk away and drop something to the ground, my curiosity got the better of me and instead of following her i walked to the spot where i could see a rose on the ground, as i picked it up i could smell the sweet aroma of blood which came from the rose, i decided to walk back to my new home thinking of what to do about this encounter and also to bide my time with my next outing.


My own curiosity

I had to know, so I returned once more to the forest as night fell. I made my way to where I left the blood rose ( as I called it) to find that it was gone.

Had the man of the night taken my gift to him? Or did someone else find it.

I walked around for a few hours and soon found myself lost and cold. I pulled my cloak tight around me and made my way to what I thought was the direction of home.

I came across an old house and it was clear to me, It was his house, the man of the night, I had found my way there again. There was no one there so I made my inside to warm up for a bit before I would continue home.

I made my way upstairs to a room with a nice bed in it, started a fire in the grand fireplace and layed down. Soon I had fell asleep but I was startled awake as he stood in the doorway, watching me from the shadows. I didnt know if he knew I had seen him or not but I couldnt help but to notice him and those eyes. I waited to see what he would do to me.


Nos - someone in my house

As i got back to my house i could feel that there was a presence inside, what amazed me the most is that none of my traps had gone off. "Who is inside" i thought to myself as i checked each trap. As i went inside i could smell that a fire had been lit upstairs, as i reached the top of the stairway i saw the door to my old tenants main room as i stood in the doorway i saw the young girl that has been following me around for awhile, i left her there asleep and went downstairs and thought some more about the past few months. As i sat there thinking if i should go to sleep for a few hundred years, i smelt the smell of blood outside my house so i though i would go out and see who is there as i stood outside a warrior came out of the shadows "my name is Leonidas i have come to ask if you can help us in a battle" i thought it over and said "where", he told me the details of where to go and who we would be up against so i told him i would meet him soon, as i watched him walk away i turned my head slowly towards my house and looked up at the second story i took a deep breath and walked inside up the stairs and stood at the door to the main room, i stayed there for a few hrs until she stirred from her sleep and looked my way a little startled. I secretly smiled, I moved out of the shadows and stood before her " i will be going away for awhile, your time has not yet come for us to be together, carry on with your life and when i have done what i need to do i will find you an then we will be together". As i turned to walk out i stopped and turned around and held a black rose in my hand i walked back over to the bed and laid it gently down beside her, then without looking back i walked from the room and outside...............


Our first real meeting

As I laid on the bed and watched him in the shadows, he stepped out and stood before me. I didn't know what he would do, so I sat up on the bed and just waited.

Then he spoke, His voice was as mesmerizing as his eyes. He told me had to go away for awhile but would return to find me one day. All I could do was sit there and listen to the sound of his voice as he told me to carry on with my life till his return.

He then turned and started to walk away from me but stopped and return to the bed side with a single black rose. He laid the rose next to me and quickly left the room.

After a few hours had passed, I got up and walked downstairs of his home and looked around for him, but.... he was gone. My heart felt like it stopped beating that moment. I so much wanted to be with him, now more then ever but... I would do as he said and carry on with my life till his return.

As I watched the sun come up that morning, I made my way outside and headed home. As I reached home, the man that had come to our village was once again at my home, standing there talking with my father.

Unknown to me, the man was a King and had been watching me over the years and had fallen in deeply in love with me. He knew f my upcoming 18th birthday and on that day, He wanted to take me as his wife. Him and my father talked for hours and then they approached me.

Daughter, this man, I have given him my blessing in taking you as his wife. My father told me. I tried to say no to the arranged married but neither my father or the man would hear of it.

Two weeks later, on my 18th birthday, The Demon King and I were married.


Over the next year

The months we spent, Ruling his Demonic Playground were happy ones. Over the next few months and with my time with my husband, I changed little by little and was now fully and comfortably at home in the darkness. I had changed to that of the dark and my looks and attitude were the same.

Till one day, my beloved king went on a journey to another world to help in battle. I often went back to the forest at night looking for the man i had followed so many times before.


Last edited by Liani_Osiris on May 1st 2010, 11:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 ) Empty
PostSubject: The young girl and the Forest ( part 2 )   The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 ) EmptyMay 1st 2010, 11:05 pm

Lenith Morningstar Dies and accends to Heaven

Night after night, I returned to the forest in hopes of seeing the man I had followed so many months ago. One rainy night while in the forest, i thought to myself "I am not going to see him if he doesn't want to be seenI sighed to myself "I should do as he told me and carry on with my life" I said to myself. I walked out of the forest at first light and returned to my husbands home.

The house was empty with him away fighting in another land. Many days and nights I would wander the halls, feeling alone and lonely. Soon.. the battles happening around me called to me to join. I gladly accepted the call and disguised myself and joined in the battles. Battle after battle I fought, longing to fill the emptiness and loneliness that I felt.

During one battle, My thoughts drifted to the man I followed so many months ago that I never seen the sword as it pierced my heart. One soldier, who was called DOM found me and took me to his kingdom to heal. To much avail, my wound never healed and on that night, I, Lenith Morningstar, died and ascended to the heavens.


Nos - my return

At last I made my way back to Westland after the battle was over, we had lost but the army I had joined was thrilled with their result. As I made myself ease back into life in Westland my thoughts wondered to the young lady with whom I let go earlier, as I made my way to the tavern I spotted her (a little bit older then before but i knew it was her) in the crowds of people wondering around I made myself disappear into the crowd as I followed her for a few minutes and focused on the thoughts that she projected out unknowingly after a few minutes of listening I decided I would head back to the tavern to see if much had changed since I was gone and to think on what i had heard from Lenith's mind.
Lenith is reborn into the light

My time in the heavens as a short one. The gods and goddesses told me that my heart and soul were good and that they contained lightness, not the darkness that I had come to love.

The gods and goddesses took from me everything that was dark and filled my heart and soul with light. They also gave me a new name that day, Amaterasu, which meant "Lady of Light". They soon sent me back to my home, alive and full of light.

My husband was still away at war, fighting, when I was returned home. So I decided to start spreading the light that I had been blessed with to others.

I would travel from town to town, spreading the light but always returned home before nightfall. For some reason, the night and darkness now scared me. Was it because of light that now possessed me? Maybe.

One day, just as the sun set below the horizon and on my way home, I saw him again, it was the man of the night that I had followed so many months and years ago. I smiled to myself as I continued to walk home that night.

The next morning, just as the sun started to rise, I made my way to his home. That day I stayed outside his home, watching and protecting him, but stayed out of sight. Soon that afternoon, a storm rolled in and turned the day to night with dark clouds. I felt at peace in the darkness that day. Now I longed to be there again but I didnt know how.


Nos - few weeks later

Over the next few weeks I had gathered what information I could and went back to my home and reacquainted myself with LORD_ATHANON and the clan after the greetings I went to my room under the castle and rested.Then one day a few weeks later, I heard her voice calling to me from outside from somewhere over the other side of the city as I rose to find her. I felt my thirst coming on as I looked in the general direction of where she was calling me I stood there for a few minutes, but the thirst was too great and i headed off to search for the evil doer to sate my thirst.


I often returned and watched the man of the night as he fed on the innocent, draining them of thier blood.
One night, I dressed in red and followed him to a local town. I started asking questions as to his identity and was told to try asking at the local tavern.

I soon found the local tavern and walked in. It was busy this night with talk of the killings in the nearby forest. I quietly walked up to the bar and inquired upon who everyone was talking about. "Everyone is talking about Lord Nosferatu, the local vampire that dwells in a dark house not far from here" the Tavern keeper told me.

I took a seat in a dark corner of the tavern and smiled to myself. I repeated his name over and over in my head so that I would never forget it. Little did I know that Lord Nosferatu was also at the tavern this night.

Nos - Listening to thoughts

As i sat in a dark corner of the tavern, i could hear my name being called over again and again like a call running through my mind. As i looked around the room i saw her again looking as enchanting as she did the first day i saw her.

I looked into her mind and saw that she had joined with the light and yet there was a large yearning to go back to the darkness, which confused her as she loved the light very much but it also scared her a little as she knew her husband would not be amused.

I left the tavern that night without being seen or followed and went to my new home to think about waht i have heard.

Free to be with Lord Nosferatu at last

The days seemed slower as I sat in the light and watched Nosferatu. I so wanted to be in the darkness again where I felt alive and fee. But I knew that because of the light I was filled with, what I longed for was impossible.

One day as I watched him, he glanced at me but did not see me, I looked into those piercing eyes of his and knew that I wanted to be with him but I could not as I was still married to The Demon King. He seemed to be blind to my presence this time but I knew of his as I always had been aware of it.

I longed to be with him and roam the darkness once again. When he had finished with his newly caught prey and had drained it of its blood, he quickly vanished into the forest and I didn't see him again for months.

Then one cold day, the main door to my home opened. I walked to it to see why and fell to my knees upon reaching it. There before me stood my husband, after so many months of being away fighting. My husband had finally returned home to me. Over the next few days, I tried to hide the light that was in me but it was getting harder and harder as each day passed.

He soon saw the light in me clearly and knew that I had changed. He took me to a private room one day and told me that I was not the woman he married and wanted nothing more to do with me. He left that night to find a new wife.. That was the night that I became a free woman again and began my search for Lord Nosferatu.


My Search for Him

I left my ex-husbands home and kingdom the next morning and rented a room at the local Inn. The people of the town still knew me as Lenith, so i saw no need to reveal the name that the god's had given me. I had grown up into a beautiful woman and many men wanted to court me, but my heart belonged to Lord Nosferatu, even if his did not belong to me.

I would always leave my room and the Inn when night fell. I would search throughout the night for the man that held my heart captive. As each morning rose upon me, and not having found him, I felt my heart breaking little by little.

Soon, I began to think that, after a few weeks had past, I would not find my man of night, my Lord Nosferatu. I was about to give up my search for him when suddenly I felt as tho there were eyes watching me from the dark shadows that were all around me. I began to search for who ever it was watching me but they were good at hiding in the shadows and I didn't find them.

As the days went by, I continued to feel someone watching me from the shadows that were around, It was as if they, who ever it was, couldn't come into the light where I was. It was funny, years ago I was the one to "stalk" another and now, I was the one being "stalked"

Even tho someone was watching me, I still continued my search for Lord Nosferatu. I swore to myself that when I found him, I wouldnt be scared of him. He had captured my heart so many years ago and now, I had to capture his, somehow.


My Fight for a Vampires Heart

I knew that the task I had set for myself would be hard but I was determined to win Lord Nosferatu's heart and claim it as mine.

Winning the heart of a vampire truly proved difficult me. My presense alone was not drawing him to me, so I finally resorted to the only thing I could think of, My Beauty.

Night after night, I would visit the tavern that Lord Nosferatu was known to visit. Every night I would wear a different dress in hopes that one of them would catch his eye if he was there.

Little did I know the Lord Nosferatu had indeed noticed me. He watched me from the darkest of shadows of the tavern. Night after night as he sat, he watched me as I tried to win his heart and his love.

Night after night, i sighed, as daylight broke the horizon, at having not seen or found Lord Nosferatu. But unknown to me, He was slowly falling in love with me.

I was longing to be with Lord Nosferatu and in the darkness of the night. But at not seeing him, I was about to give up my search and fully embrace the light that I had been cursed with.

As I made my way back to the Inn where I was staying, My eyes caught a glimpse of someone entering the forest and I decided to follow.

I followed them deep into the forest the best I could but soon there was nothing but pure darkness all around. I stopped dead in my tracks as I heard someone coming at me. I couldn't see who it was but I had a feeling who it might be.

I felt mesmerized as the person came closer and closer. I felt my heart start to beat faster with fear as I had no clue as to who was now near me.

As I stood perfectly still in the darkness of night, Who ever it was came even closer to me.

Once I was able to finally make out a shape, I felt my heart beat even faster. There before me stood Lord Nosferatu, with eyes red as blood and a lok of thirst.

I stayed perfectly still as I didn't know if he had actually seen me or if it was my beating heart that had brought him before me. Then... he finally spoke.....
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The young girl and the forest ( Part 1 )
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