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 A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 11th 2012, 5:13 pm

The night air stood still. Mounted on a brown horse was a man in the Arelian blue. His hand held a spear with Boudicca’s banner. His armor glistened in the pale moonlight, which also caused his steel shield with the crest of the Boar Soldiers to shine like a mirror. He was here to offer help to Fintan de Marin in his attempt to bring peace, one way or another, to the quarrel between Arelia and Westland. If he had known what he was coming to, one would think he would bring the entire Boar Unit.
The forest, known to the locals as the Dark Forest, was known for it’s dangers. To the Westlanders, only the strongest and bravest attempted. To the Arelians there was another treasure within the forest, Fairyhaunt Woods. Unseen by anyone in centuries. It was said to hold the last magic in the Westlands, the pure magic, untouched by the violence that gripped the country. Arelians in the country went in search of it, most returned depressed that they failed. What Fionoch did not know, is that he had succeeded, like Rogue before him. For the last ten minutes, he had been riding through Fairyhaunt woods.
The results of what he found would have been of no shock had he known where he was. Bugbears never stray close to roads, except in roads little traveled. Fionoch stood in the distance, readying his spear for self defense as he watched the bugbear maul a man. The man was putting up one hell of a fight, Fionoch would grant, but the bugbear was far better. As a sword blade glittered in the moonlight, there was a ringing clang, the swing of the bear’s massive claw shattered it. A sound echoed through the forest as if angels were singing. The exact way an Arelian blade was said to shatter if it did, to the weeping of heaven.
“There should be no…” Fionoch froze, fear gripping his heart. “ROGUE!?” He tore the banner from his spear so that it did not become stained with blood. For a brief moment he thought he saw a person run from the corner of his eye. Though, his main care was the protection of his friend. The fact it was Fintan de Marin was confirmed by the pale moon light shining through the limbs on the now fallen man.
Fionoch charged, his spear lowered at the heart of the beast. It pierced the skin, but as the bear twisted and swiped at Fionoch, the horse toppled and sent Fionoch flying in to a tree. Now, the attention of the bugbear was entirely on the knight. Stumbling, Fionoch came to his feet, shield coming to the ready and sword drawing. The bear ran, fast for it’s size, directly at Fionoch. He was in too much of a daze to doge or leap out of the way and was pinned against the tree by the girth of the animal. Before he could run it through with his sword his entire left side went numb. The strong jaws of the animal bit through the armor, and the teeth pierced through the skin of the knight.
Crying out in pain, Fionoch called to Berthis for mercy. There was a warming sensation that began coursing through his veins. The bear was frightened, and the vigor lost. It was using it’s strength now to just ensure it got away, by emitting a poison through the bite. Something stopped it though, as the feeling stopped. Fionoch, primarily delirious heard what he thought was the barking of hunting hounds and the gallop of hooves. He felt pressure leave him, the bear was fleeing.
Fionoch feel to the forest floor, his strength gone. He felt a warm breath and soft wet tongue on his face. It obviously came from a dog. Looking up he saw what he thought were antlers on the head of a man. “Herne, my praise.” He muttered, taking the vision to be that of the Arelian hunting god. With that, he lost consciousness with out reserve.

Last edited by Count Fintan de Marin on August 11th 2012, 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: Next Morning   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 11th 2012, 5:14 pm

The next morning, Fionoch awoke to the smell of a wood fire. He came to his feet off of the floor. He looked around, trying to get his bearing. The first thing he noticed; his armor was removed and a rancid paste was put on his bite.
“It will take away the pain…and stop infection, Sir.” Said a meek voice. Fionoch turned to see the healer. It was a person entirely cloaked, with the hood drawn.
“Thank you, Mi’lady. Is my friend here?”
“Barely, he is in the back room on the bed. He is not in good shape. Cuts, bruises, gashes, a broken arm. What happened to you?” She asked, stepping closer but not removing the hood.
“A bugbear attack.” Fionoch muttered, seeing if he could even move his arm. He managed, but with some deal of pain.
“Don’t move it…that will push the poison through.”
“The Captain and I are in your debt, Fair Lass. May I have your name?”
“Meika Renko.” She said softly.
Fionoch bowed his head. “Lord Commander Fionoch dar Grapach, Comm-”
“Commander of the Arelian Army. I know, Sir. Your shield crest betrayed you.” She giggled softly.
“Yes... I suppose it would have.”
“I have to go now. Keep that paste on as long as you can. If you wash it, a mixture of ash bark, spring water, nightshade berries, and whiskey will do to replace it. Keep your friend in bed…and pray to your gods that he lives.” Before Fionoch could protest her departure, the girl had already dashed out the door. Going to try and call back to her, Fionoch had no sight of her.
Fionoch wrapped a bandage that the girl had left out in the open for them around his wound and pulled on his tunic. Putting his sword back on his side he walked out the door. Not sure where he was going he pulled his dagger from his boot and took the most obvious looking path. Every few trees he marked the them with an X, to find his way back.
“Brave warrior!” Shouted a woman by the time Fionoch had traveled maybe a pair of miles. He paused with a risen brow and turned to see who had called him. A petite female, with white hair held braided. She seemed hardly more than maybe four inches over five feet. With her was a wolf, a wolf Fionoch knew well. He went to a knee and held out his hand.
“Cronthis, where have you been, Missy?” The wolf lowered her head at the question and growled. Fionoch stood up instantly “Excuse me…I mistook your companion for another… What may I do for you Mi’lady?”
“I fear for my lover. I have not seen him since last night. He and I had a fight” tears started to swell, moving Fionoch to place his hand on her shoulder. She balled up in to his chest and sobbed. “He went off in to the forest! I have not seen or heard of him since, and Bright eyes can not find his trail.”
“Easy Mi’lady. I shall help you, as soon as I can fetch a healer for my friend. He has been badly wounded by a horrid monster. Near the verge of death. Let me fetch a healer, and I shall help you find your lover.”
“Thank you, Lord Arelian. I see it is true you are among the most chivalrous of mankind." She smiled, showing small fangs. They moderately alarmed Fionoch, for only a moment. “There is an Inn nearby, where my lover Rogue and I often frequented. There may be a healer there. My name is Schuana Osiris, daughter of Saribi Graywind. I took my grandmother’s name though.”
“Fionoch dar Grapach, Lord Commander of the Arelian Army… Did you say his name was Rogue? Often held his hair braided. Strong accent, a little shorter than I, and deep brown eyes?”
“No, green eyes.”
“Mi’lady, I must regret to tell you the man you seek is the man who lies at the door of death. Back in his cabin.” The woman burst in to tears again. “Come, I shall take you to him.”
Fionoch had learned all that Schuana had to say. The fight that caused Fintan to leave, the ending of the relationship, and Schuana’s reason. But, whether he believed her or not was anyone’s guess. He did not like her tone, constantly arrogant. She seemed to blame Fintan for every bit of it. Though, knowing Rogue the way he did, that was not impossible.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: The Arival   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 11th 2012, 5:25 pm

Fionoch wasted no time in writing to Boudicca of the incident. Instantly the Arelian queen sent her two advisors, trusting only them with such a delicate task. Merlin Ambrosius, and Morgana le Fey arrived in Westland in less than a day. Their arrival sparked interest from the Westland government. What was the strongest wizard and sorceress in the Central lands doing in Westland? So suddenly at that. Especially, when their allegiance was to the warmongering Arelian Crown.
A horse, old and brown, carried the wizard, who kept his soft blue hood drawn up. Morgana rode proudly beside him on a horse as black as her own raven hair. The owl Archimedes hooted softly on Merlin’s shoulder, annoyed with the light. But it was Morgana’s companion that drew attention from the crowd. One of the oldest animals, and often one that was killed in the Westlands if it was found. In fact, it is arguable that Morgana had the last dire wolf in the Central Continent.
A young man, clothed in robes that were tattered from battle, sprang forward. “Oh, great Merlin! Hear me!” He called. Merlin stopped, as did Morgana. The wolf lowered his ears and growled in warning. “Hear me great Merlin! I wish to know your secrets. Teach me, I am willing and able to learn. With your help, I hope to become the greatest Mage in the Westlands!”
The wizard walked over, looking down at the man from his horse. “My first lesson to you, young man. Put away your dreams to fight. Magic is not for battle. The spirits of nature will abandon you, if your heart is not pure.”
“Nature? You do not know of fighting magic, I presume.” He rose his hand in to the sun’s path. It caused a warmth to visibly glow on his hand. Slinging his hand outward there formed a fiery dragon, roaring in power as it emitted a heat that only could come from the sun. Merlin looked unimpressed as he whispered in to a gentle breeze. From the flower in a nearby woman’s hair a small fairy poked her head out. She flitted over to Merlin.
“Hello, little sister.” Was all Merlin said that could be understood. After asking a question there was a tinkling bell sound as the fairy nodded and flitted over to the dragon. With her hand she lightly touched it’s nose. There was a burst of light as roses fell to the ground from where the dragon had been. “I presume you know nothing of magic to start with.” He chuckled. The youth looked back at him with contempt and muttered a vow of vengeance for embarrassing him.
“Do not let that anger rule you, young man. Or you, sir…” Morgana spoke softly, her wolf edging closer. “Will become entangled with more than you can handle.” With out another word the pair continued on their path.
The path led them out of the city of Eroyna, and in to the forests of Helios. They were riding for hours to reach the wooded lands. The dire wolf growled at every noise in the brush, keeping totally alert to protect his human companion. Morgana looked back at one point, and noted that there was no beginning, and no end in sight of the woods. The trees were a dark green, and in most portions the sunlight did not even touch the ground. She nodded randomly as she thought of how aptly named the Dark Forest was.
Finally, just before darkness fell, there was the smell of wood smoke in the air. And off in the distance a soft glow from waved glass windows. A brick and plaster building with a wide bay window illuminating the road in front of it stood alone. A sign hung over it, a sign that read “The Phoenix Inn”. The building Fionoch had asked to meet at.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: At the Inn   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 11th 2012, 5:42 pm

After putting their horses in the adjoined stable the wizard and sorceress made their way in to the warm Inn. The dire wolf was released to hunt for the night. The inside of the Inn was lit by a fireplace on the far wall, and candles on every table and in spots on the wall. People were sitting in arm chairs, or on a couch beside the hearth. A wolf was gnawing on a ham bone viciously. What caught Morgana’s attention was the lone Arelian Knight sitting at the bar. To avoid detection just yet, they both pulled up their hoods, appearing now to be a young pair traveling in adventure. Surely, that would not stand out in such a place.
“Oh grandmother!” The front door burst open as a young woman ran in. Schu made a bead line for a woman talking next to the hearth. Amongst the other two women she stood out with her deep red hair and graceful appearance. She seemed to give no care to Schu. “Grandmother!” She collapsed in to the woman and sobbed louder, as if she wanted the entire Inn to hear. “Rogue has been attacked on the roads, by a bugbear! I don’t know if he will live!”
“Who is Rogue, Liani?” The brown haired woman asked, setting her drink down. The wolf perked up his ears, looking just as worried.
“He is my bodyguard, he disappeared two nights ago, after he and my granddaughter had a fight. I have not heard from him in three days now, Eden. Ever since Night Angel came to speak to him on Guild matters.”
“Your granddaughter?” She asked Liani, gesturing to the sobbing Schuana. Liani nodded quietly, taking a sip of her whiskey. “I am so sorry…I suppose this is why you have not heard from him. Will you be alright, Miss Osiris?” She asked, going over to Schu, trying to console her.
“Princess, not Miss.” She huffed, stifling a sob for only a second. “I just want my love to live.”
“Fintan is strong…He will pull through. He must pull through. Too many people will be devastated if he is lost.” Fionoch said through the ale. He put his mug down and stood. Stumbling over he revealed to be just drunk enough to fail at walking, but sober enough to be within his mind. “Fionoch dar Grapach, Lord Commander of the Arelian Army.” He managed a half bow as he introduced himself.
The woman with black hair who was staring at the fire snickered. She looked around and looked the knight up and down. “Not much of a lord with that carrying, boy.”
“Oh behave, Kila. Excuse her, Lord dar Grapach.” Eden admonished her.
“Fionoch, please.” He asked of them.
“Grandmother, this brave knight is the one who found Rogue. I can never thank you enough, Fion” She said, smiling at Fionoch.
“…och. Fionoch.” He corrected Schu.
“Oh that is far too much to say. Fion is far more simple.” Schu stated with an arrogant tone.
“If you are the one, Fintan is employed with…” Fionoch sounded confused as he spoke, not understanding how Fintan could have two queens to serve. “I shall need to speak with you…privately.”
“Perhaps I can help?” Eden suggested, giving a half smile that showed long white fangs.
“…No, I think not. Fintan is not very fond of vampires. They are giving us too much trouble to the North and East. Thank you though, Miss…”
“Eden, just Eden, Fionoch.” Fionoch bowed at the waist as Liani stood.
The dragon queen motioned towards the stairs. Fionoch led the way up the staircase to the common room on the second story. Liani took a seat again and motioned for Fionoch to join her. Fionoch took a brief moment to look around the room. Arm chairs were placed every few feet, with a giant hearth on the far wall just as one came up the stairs. Paintings of the warriors from the past were arranged on the wall. Candles adorned the tables for extra light. Liani had chosen one of the armchairs near the hearth, and motioned to the one across her.
“I should prefer to stand, Your Majesty.” He requested, in all courtesy. Liani nodded and took a sip.
“What can I do for you, Lord dar Grapach.” She asked, her voice soft and calm, despite the annoyance of her granddaughter downstairs.
“I fear the attack on Fintan may not have been an accident. But I do not wish to insult Your Majesty’s family. You have long stood by Her Majesty, Boudicca, both politically and militarily in our recent endeavors.”
“Speak your mind, Fionoch, as we are both friends of Fintan.” She stated gently, showing no anger in her voice or actions.
“I fear, from what I have seen of Schuana…she may be the cause. Bugbears do not attack near roads, if not threatened. And before that, they give warnings. The Boar Soldiers hunted them down in Arelian forests for our people’s safety…A study of them has become a slight hobby.” He realized he was digressing. “Moving on, I met Schuana in the forest just a day ago. Her wolf…I’ve seen her before. But when I knew the wolf her name was Cronthis…she was Fintan’s companion in battle and hunts. She is the last Dire Wolf from Arelia…But this Brighteyes…Schuana seems to think it a male, given to her by Fintan.”
Liani held up her hand to ask Fionoch to stop. “I realize what you are saying. And it does not surprise me if she had something to do with it. I do not know what has become of Cronthis, I only know she said Brighteyes was a gift from Fintan.”
“Cronthis is no gift to anyone…she belongs to no one.” Fionoch blurted out.
“I know this.” Liani stood, now furious. She had a very good feeling that Schuana did have something to do with this one way or another. “You will excuse me, Lord dar Grapach. Good day.” She bowed, which Fionoch blushed at and returned instantly.
As Liani made her way down stairs, the young adventuring couple came up. They stood silently for a moment in front of Fionoch. “You should go have that looked at by a wizard…or perhaps a sorceress.” The young man said, patting Fionoch’s left arm before taking a seat.
“When I need advise from a boy who probably weighs less than my sword, I will ask it.” Fionoch scowled, surprising a groan of pain. He stared the boy down for a moment before turning around. He had turned to go down the stairs but was face to face with the raven haired Morgana le Fey who was smiling gently.
“Hello, Fionoch.” She cooed with a giggle.
Fionoch jumped and stumbled backwards. “AVALON DAMN YOU BOTH!” He said clutching his heart from the shock.
“So, tell us. What has you so concerned.” Merlin said revealing himself as he removed his hood.
“The all knowing Merlin does not know what concerns a simple soldier?” Fionoch remarked with a smirk as he stood back up and took a seat by the hearth. He rose a brow as he heard a very loud wail downstairs.
“Saribi Graywind has arrived…Her daughter has just told her what has happened and taken to her mother’s arms in sorrow. No need to concern yourself with that, Fionoch.” Merlin stated. Fionoch despised that part of Merlin, though said nothing of it. Rather, Fionoch told Merlin and Morgana everything he knew. Everything from the shadow that moved before Fionoch charged the bear, to Cronthis seeming to think she was someone else entirely.
“We must resolve this...I find myself very fond of Fintan, and his life is a very important part of him. I should hate to loose one of my brightest pupils.” Morgana said firmly from her spot near the window. She watched as a pack of four wolves ran up to the Inn. One of them shifted to a near human form, save ears and tail. The other three simply disappeared entirely. Morgana’s interest was quickly sparked.
“I wish to speak to his Guild Master…I am sure he will know something of it.” Fionoch announced, rising to his feet.
“I shall further speak with Liani, Morgana, why don’t you keep watch here for anything.” The wizard suggested. The sorceress nodded and kept her eyes on the girl as she entered the Inn. The two conjurors resumed their hiding form and walked down from the common room beside Fionoch.
“Once more good sir, see that your wound is cared for. Lest you shall meet a very painful end.” Merlin cautioned him, with a soft pat on the right shoulder. The wizard walked out of the Inn as Morgana took up a station near the bar with a book. Fionoch started to walk out behind Merlin when he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see a sandy blonde woman with markings around her face that one would expect to see on a large cat.
“Thank you for finding my daughter’s lover, Sir. And for delivering the news to us. Is there anything I may to to repay you?” Fionoch simply nodded at her gratitude. He heard a soft whimper from the door and when he turned to look he noticed the wolf girl Morgana had seen with her ears low and tail drooping.
“Yes, actually…Where may I find Fintan’s guild?”
“Guild? You mean clan? The Shadow Assassins have a hidden lair somewhere in the Dark Forest.”
“Something happened to Rogue?” The wolf girl asked.
“Yes, Aunty Twili, Rogue was attacked by a bugbear and is almost dead!” Schuana wailed in to her mother’s arms again.
Twili froze, staring at Schuana for a moment then ignored her in favor of turning her gaze to Fionoch. "What?" She asked quietly, letting the words sink but at the same time wanting to reject such an idea. In all her time of know the man, she never once saw him seriously injured by anything or anyone. How could this happen?
Fionoch wasted no time with formalities. He had someone to speak to. He pushed his way out of the Inn, and went to his horse.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: The Dark Forest Again   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 19th 2012, 7:41 am

Fionoch’s ride was far from pleasant. For one, he was having a hard time comprehending why Fintan had anything to do with assassins. What was worse, darkness was setting quickly and he had no idea where he was going or where he was to begin with. He kept his hand perpetually on his sword. His horse’s hooves clipped on the ground softly, each step just loud enough to send creatures near by running. He had no idea that a pair of eyes were watching him intensely.

The moon was just barely in the sky, and the sun barely gone. Shadows seemed to take over the ground. Suddenly, as he was keeping watch on his left, something struck him on the right. A man had swung from the trees on a makeshift rope and dismounted him. Fionoch fell to the ground hard on his left side. It sent a wave of adrenaline and pain through his body.

“I will give you one chance to turn and leave.” Said a voice in the darkness of the trees. As Fionoch looked over her thought he saw a glimmer of steel. He slowly rose to his feet and drew his sword, letting his shield slide down to his forearm.

“I seek the Shadow Assassins, in the name of Queen Boudicca. I shall not turn back until I have found them.” He warned loudly enough one could have heard him at least half a mile away.

“As you wish, soldier.” The glimmer of steel became visible for less than a second again. Almost instantly, Fionoch felt a harsh pinch and push less than half an inch shy of his heart. The arrow had nearly fully penetrated the armor.

“Come fight me like a man, coward!” He shouted, pulling the arrow out. It had barely pierced his chest. There was just enough blood on the tip to show it did hit him. The sound of steel being drawn from a leather scabbard was unheard, but the glisten of a well crafted blade shined in the pale moonlight. The reflection told it was tempered in an enchanted water; and elven blade. Rare in the Kingdom of Arelia, they were far more common in the Westlands. The reason: Elves do not sell their blades, they are forged and given to a warrior, and lost only through death. Thus, the death of elves in the Westlands was extensive.

“If you wish. Very brave of you to face one of us alone, Arelian. But then, Arelians are renowned for their bravery. It is a shame I have to kill you. Before you die, know me. I am Krovos of Helios.”

“Commander Fionoch dar Grapach, of the Arelian Army. Master Krovos, I shall extend to you the kindness you show me. I however, have no intention of dying until I know what happened to my friend in your forest.”

“He probably met with one of us. I shall reunite you again.” The sword flashed in the darkness, and met with a metallic clang as it hit the shield. Fionoch had raised it just in time to intercept a slash at his head. He swiftly brought his own broadsword across towards the assassin’s chest. The blow was met with a block from a metal bracer. Fionoch barely felt the steel meet when he kicked forward with enough force to break down a door. The kick was avoided, making Fionoch become slightly off balanced. The assassin swung again, making a upper cut towards the left of the soldier. If the Commander was a second slower he would have been skewered. As it was, he lost only an inch of hair from the razor like sword. Fionoch brought a straight slice upwards, then curved the strike as it was parried. The maneuver locked the blades together. With the swords immobilized Fionoch put his weight behind his shield and slammed it in to the assassin’s face. The metal rang like a gong as the assassin dropped his sword and stumbled backwards, bleeding from the right side behind the hairline.

With his sword still in hand, Fionoch advanced and put the tip to the assassin’s throat. “Now, tell me what I want to know. What became of Fintan de Marin three nights ago.” The assassin’s face went white. He knew he was going to die for this one way or another.

“I do not know that name.” He told truthfully.

“DON’T LIE! WHAT BECAME OF ROGUE!” The color drained, his skin was nearly see through now. Fionoch now felt another blade at his throat.

“How do you know Rogue, noble?” A harsh voice grunted. Fionoch tensed. “Answer me.”

“He is my oldest friend from childhood, we serve the Queen of Arelia together.”

“Rogue is an assassin, one of us. He serves…”

“CAPTAIN DE MARIN IS A SOLDIER OF THE CROWN! NOT A MURDERING COWARD!” Fionoch roared as he spun around, catching the assassin with the blunt of his blade with such force it created a near concussion. It also left a long gash from the point across his face. “I shall kill anyone who says otherwise, or die trying. Fintan lays at death’s door, and I shall gladly join him to defend the honor of my brother in arms!”

“Be at ease, friend.” Krovos said softly, standing and backing up to show no threat. “A friend of Rogues is welcome in our lair. How is he harmed? We shall avenge him, will we not, Elven?”

The assassin, Elven, stood up, and nodded. “Of course we will. Come with us, brother. We shall take you to our lair. Forgive our hostility, we must maintain vigilance to ensure we remain safe.” Elven moved his cloak aside and showed his left hand. There was a small silver rose ring on it, a symbol given by Fintan to his closest friends to avoid their harm by the Kingdom if it came to that. With peace established, Elven and Krovos led Fionoch to their lair.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: The Dragon, The Wolves, and the Assassin   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 19th 2012, 7:47 am

Queen Liani paced up and down the halls of her castle, furious of what she had heard at the Inn earlier. Her anger could be seen easily as her hair whipped around her even though there was no breeze or wind flowing through the castle.

"You seem upset, Your Majesty." The calm old voice of the wizard stated behind Liani. His soft blue robes fluttered as he walked towards her, his staff clicking on the stone floor with every other step.

She stops and turns around, her hair calming down from the calm voice “I am, very upset at what I overheard at the Inn.” she sighs and moves to lean against the wall.

"I am sure you are. Forgive me for intruding. I was hoping I may have a word with you. I am Merlin Ambrosius, adviser to Queen Boudicca, and a tutor to her daughters and Fintan." He bowed at the waist, as low as his age would allow. “But if you would not mind. What, if I may ask, did you hear at the Inn.”

“Fintan was sitting in one of the chairs, my granddaughter in his lap as usual. He was trying to convince her to let him heal the wounds that her uncle caused her.”


“She would not have it. She called them a bade of honor…” Liani shrugged her shoulders. “My eldest son, Elven, came in and asked to speak to Rogue on maters of importance to their…” She paused to find the right word. Merlin found it for her.

“Order of assassins.” Liani nodded and continued.

“He kissed Schu on the cheek and agreed. This upset her greatly for what ever reason. She went to the bar to wait. Fintan came back, just as my daughter Twili sat down. Instantly he went to her to speak of something…I do not know what. I only know that I heard the words injury. I noticed a limp, but never knew why. I just wonder if that injury could have made a difference in his fight against what ever tried to kill him.” Her eyes began to swell with tears as she thought of her bodyguard, and more, her closest advisor.

“I shall see to it he is well, Liani. Thank you for your help.” He turned to leave and saw a man in golden armor rushing up the stairs, sword drawn.

“Who are you in the Queen’s presence!” With a stamp of his staff Merlin put the man against the wall. Held by some magnetic force.

“Kratos, this is Merlin Ambrosius, adviser to the Arelian Queen Boudicca. He is here to learn as to why Rogue has been missing from court lately, and as to why he was so gravely injured.” Liani had dried her tears for the sake of not appearing weak in front of one of her riders.

“He probably got on the wrong side of a dragon. After all, he takes great sport in killing them.” Kratos sneered. At about that moment, out of quite literally nowhere a man with silver hair in silver robes appeared. The sudden appearance made even Merlin look surprised.

“If you had half a brain, Kratos, you would know that what Fintan hunted the Wyverns, not true Dragons. Hell spawn.” He turned to his queen and went to a knee. “My Queen, I seek permission to watch over Fintan. I sense that he will be of great importance to this kingdom, and this world some day.” Liani nodded softly.

“Do as you see fit, Lesrin.” With those words Lesrin disappeared.

Merlin stepped up to Kratos and looked him over briefly. It looked as if he was studying him. Two more people appeared in the hall way, from the way Liani had been walking. A young woman on the arm of what looked like another Dragon Rider. “Be wary of traitors in your Kingdom, Liani. Be very wary. Within a year, you will face treason, unless the thorn is plucked from the side.”

The other man spoke up, his hand on a dagger. “Any treason will be swiftly dealt with by Her Majesty’s most loyal. Myself, and Rogue. Neither of us shall stand for treason. Rest easy, on that knowledge old man.”

“I shall do just that, Sir Ryujin.” The wizard bowed as low as his age would allow and vanished. Ryujin looked at Katie and then to her mother.

“Who the hell was...”

“Merlin” Katie and Liani stated together. “But…what was he here for, Mother?” Katie asked, leaving her lovers arm.

“Rogue is…not well. He is at death’s door at the moment. Merlin was looking in to what happened the night that his attack occurred. A word of warning…do not speak to your sister Saribi, nor your niece Schuana for a while, Katie. Ryujin, see to it that neither enter my castle” Liani began pacing her halls again. She prayed to whoever watched over the world that Fintan was safe, and that he came back to full health. Ryujin bowed as she walked away then looked back at Katie. Both of them looked nervous and worried as to what had Fintan on his deathbed, and as to the treason Merlin spoke about.

The lair of the Shadow Assassins was almost exactly what Fionoch thought it would be. A rundown pub façade, behind the crumbles was a pub, but it was littered with posters and weapons. It was dark, lit by a few candles here and there. Fionoch could barely see a thing, and constantly bumped in to tables and chairs.

“A little dark, is it not?” He asked as his shoulder fell under tremendous pain as it struck against a support post. It did not help that it was the left shoulder. He hid the pain as he grasped his arm.

“Not dark enough…What is wrong with your arm? I can sense you are in terrible pain.” Elven looked the soldier up and down.

“Nothing, I’m fine.” Fionoch quickly took a seat. “Tell me…Tell me of three nights ago. Fintan was in the Phoenix Inn. I am told you came to speak with him?”

Elven sat down next to Fionoch as Krovos brought three tankards of some kind of alcohol. At one sip Fionoch noticed one thing; blood, secondly he noticed a slight oaked taste with other exotic spices. Blood Rum. He choked it down and groaned. “Would you prefer something else, Fionoch?” Krovos asked, standing back up to get a different drink. Fionoch waved it off, and decided to just lightly sip, if even that, on the rum. He did not particularly like rum to begin with, let alone blood rum.

“I did. I wanted to ask his help in maters of the heart.” He took a sip. “I wanted to see if he could help with my pursuit of Twili Osiris.” Fionoch blinked in utter shock.

“The daughter of Liani Osiris?” He was amazed that the assassin had the testicular fortitude to even think of perusing a princess of the dragon kingdom. Whether he was now feeling respect or foolish admiration for the assassin was anyone’s guess. Elven nodded.

“That is right. We are presently …How do the Arelians phrase it… Courting?” Fionoch nodded with even more shock. Respect. “But, I want to know how to keep things going, Rogue is very good with women. Something I am not. I’m a killer, not a lover.”

“What was Schuana’s reaction.” Fionoch asked, taking a sip of rum without a thought, wincing at the taste again.

“She was upset, she does not like attention to be off of her.” Elven took a swig from his mug. “But, Rogue agreed to speak with me. He left her and Twili to chat for a few minutes while we spoke. I tried to ask him about his limp…but he would not tell me. He told me he only felt safe talking to Twili about it.” He thought for a moment. “He came back in after talking to me, and went back to the girls…I left to come back here. I don’t know what happened afterwards.”

Fionoch stood up and bowed slightly at the waist. “Thank you.” With nothing else, he made his way to the door. Hardly touching the handle, Elven called to him.

“If you find out what happened, come find me. I wish to take part in the vengence of our brother’s wronging.” Fionoch nodded his head and spun out of the door.

Morgana found Twili by the river with her pack, gnawing on a deer they had recently killed. Balties stayed back as she held up her hand. “Pardon me…I hope I am not intruding.” She stepped forward slowly, trying not to get too close until she was allowed.

Usko sprang up and growled. “Yes, you are.” Balties returned the growl with a snarl, though was silenced by Morgana’s look. Cera stood up and brushed the deer off of her muzzle, cautious about the woman as she was everything else. Berri however, did not seem to be paying much attention and was singing something about a tasty deer.

“Oh hush, Usko.” Twili reprimanded him before looking back at Morgana. “No, you aren’t…is there something I can help you with?”

“I am Morgana le Fey, Advisor to Queen Boudicca of Arelia. I was hoping to speak to you about the situation of a mutual friend…Rogue.”

Twili instantly took her human form, save the ears and tail. “Rogue? You’re the one that killed him…in his dream at least.” She said slowly.

“So I heard from Fionoch. Who also told me I took your powers for two other lesser conjurors. Trust me my dear, I would never steal powers of anyone. What ever prowess you poses must be nurtured. But that is another story. I was hoping you could tell me what you know of the night

“I was hoping you could tell me what you know of the night this possibly happened. Just trying to put pieces together”

"The night of which happened? When he told us about his dream or the night he was attacked?" The lycan asked warily, "If its the night of his attack, then I know nothing of what happened then until I heard it about three days afterwards from Fionoch." The wolves watched Morgana carefully, waiting for any kind gesture that would prove to be aggressive. Though Berri was still singing away about the tasty deer and just gnawed away on a bone happily. Usko and Cera exchanged a look, wondering why the sorceress was asking Twili than from Rogue or Fionoch themselves. They only guess that neither of the two were in a trusting mood because of that dream.

"Understandable on that point, my dear." Morgana tapped her staff, creating a chair that she sat down in. "But, what about the night at the Inn. Were you there? Fionoch told me he spoke to someone named..." She paused, holding up her hand asking to be excused as she laughed "Black Ranger? And said the two of you were there at times together. Did you see what may have become of Rogue and Schuana that night?"

Twili shuddered at the memory, flicking her ears in irritation about it. "Yes, one mistake I regret ever doing... thankfully I ended it before it got too serious when he showed his true colors." she muttered bitingly to herself then tilted her head back a little to remember. "I remember them agruing about something... I forget what was it about really. All I know she showed her true colors to him as well, I never did trust that little brat." Then the lycan lowered her ears in dismay. "He left the Inn... I would've gone after him but I figured he would rather be alone to cool off.." The male wolf grunted in anger as he paced, close to his charge. "Should've let me snap her leg off." The archer smirked at her brother's words, giggling softly. "Wouldn't made a difference. You'd be biting air since she'll just 'shadow' away to her parents like always."

"Yes...I had the pleasure of meeting Miss Sarabi." She looked iritated. "A rather poor being to have wasted gifts of the lion in her. Such a magnificent animal, in such a horrible person." She froze and clicked her tongue "Excuse me, I did not mean to be rude about your sister that way."

The archer shrugged uncaring, unfazed by the rude remark. She gave up on respecting some of her family members for one reason or another. Usko sat next his sister in a protective position as always. "It doesn't matter, I lost my respect for her the moment she decided to ignore all reason and just listened to the spoiled brat." She waved her hand to cast away her fond memories of the lioness. "Anything else?"

"No, thank you Miss Twili." Morgana stood up. "If you should remember anything else of that night at the tavern, please do let me know. I look forward to figuring out the reason to my pupils attack. It is most uncommon for a bugbear to be that close to a road..." She began walking towards the entrance of the path that led back to the Inn.

"That it is... I asked Fionoch that myself." Twili murmured to herself, ears flicking in thought. The wolves looked at each other in worry. Why was a bugbear that close to the road and just attack Rogue for no reason? Cera narrowed her eyes slightly. "Wait... did Rogue say, that the bugbear was sent by Schu to kill him for ending their relationship?" the wolf asked suspiciously. The lycan shrugged, "It could be, Rogue was insistent that it was her. But how could Schu manage a bugbear and order to kill to him if she can barely manage her idiotic wolf, BrightEyes and fit her inflated ego into a shadow portal?" Usko laughed and Berri looked up from the meal. "Schu has a big head? I didn't know! Why didn't anyone tell me? Maybe we can help her by poking her with porcupine quill."

Schu sat in her room, curled up on her bed staring at all of the roses that Fintan had showered her with durrng their time together. The more she thought about it, the worse she felt about the fight. Selfishly, she knew she was going to be blamed somehow, though she had no idea how. Brighteyes was at her side, nuzzling in to her. She lightly stroked her wolf’s head.

“What is it, boy?” She sighed, as the wolf rose its head and let out a low growl. The wolf stared in to a corner, teeth bared. “M…Mothe…” Schuana was cut short on her call by a voice in a chair next to one of the freshest roses.

“No need to be alarmed, Your Highness. I am Morgana le Fey, adviser to Boudicca, Queen of Arelia, pupil of Merlin Ambrosius, and tutor to Fintan de Marin…Whom I believe you know affectionately as, ‘Rogue’?” Morgana did her best to appear her calmest infront of Schuana. Though one who could see in to the sorceress’ mind could see the anger growing. “Hello, Cronthis. How have you been?” She directed towards the wolf who only growled again.

“Why does everyone keep calling him Cronthis? His name is Brighteyes!” Schuana whined. Morgana lifted a brow.

“Excuse me…He looks very much like Cronthis, a female direwolf that Fintan became companions with during a campaign.”

“No.” Schu snapped. “He is a wolf that Rogue gave to me after a fight.”

“I see…excuse my misunderstanding.” Morgana faked a smile. This woman just rubbed the sorceress the wrong way entirely. “Speaking of Rogue…I wonder if I might ask you a few questions on the mater of his ..current situation.”

“Why does everyone want to question me!? I don’t know anything about what has happened!!” Schuana snapped, tears shaking away from her face. Morgana stood up and bowed slightly.

“Excuse me, I shall not trouble you further.” Her staff glowed softly while she looked at the wolf. A female voice came in to Morgana’s mind from the wolf.

As I was bewitched as was the bear, Fintan must submit, then come get me out of this hell!” The wolf whimpered in Morgana’s mind. The witch only nodded softly before disappearing in to the darkness of the room.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: The Hope of Death   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 24th 2012, 10:33 pm

Merlin and Morgana stood side by side at the foot of Fintan’s bed. The soldier was sleeping deeply, his wounds taking their toll further every second. Morgana shook her head. “There must be another way, Merlin. I know what Cronthis said, but…This can not possibly be the only way.”
“Think of his past, Morgana. That is who he was meant to be. From his birth, and first draw of breath, he was to be the Hand.”
“But his hand? The only way to submit to him is to…” Tears began to fill her eyes as she stepped over to Fintan’s side and knelt down, stroking his hair. She was close to him, very close. She had been there when he entered the Veil, she had been there at his parrents death, striving to keep him safe. Though he did not know it, it was the sorceress who galloped him to safety.
“I know, Morgana. I know.” Merlin softly stated, walking over to her. “But it is his own choice. The people need this, and here he is able to choose if he will serve them. Do you remember his oath when he kneeled to Boudicca? ‘I am a servent of Boudicca, and a servant of the People of Arelia’ You know well what is coming… Lennore, Danni and Geryon grow more powerful by the day, as does Lilith and Croalien. Rogric will soon grow to power when they learn that Arelia will not interfear with them. Then, what is to stop one of those five from hiding there? Or in D’hara?” Morgana’s wolf laid his head down on Fintan’s bed, putting a paw at his leg and whimpering.
“The people will need a servant to protect them. At his state, Fintan will never be able to do this again…And you know the prophecy better than anyone. The Seventh Hand can not take his place again until a human rises with the Six…There are only five gryphons defending our provences! Gurie has nothing.”
“I am sure, that will be remidied soon. Only by Fintan’s death can there be hope when the unholy darkness comes.”
“Your talk of unholy darkness and holy darkness is foolishness Merlin!” Morgana yelled as she shot up to her full height. “Darkness is darkness, Clerin was imprisoned for a reason! He brought a dead child back to life for a Christian! The ones who have persecuted our kind in the Outer Veil. We must look to the Hand of Mannanan to defend us in our need!”
A weak voice spoke “I will do it.” It was Fintan’ woken by the pawing of the direwolf. “I will do what ever I must. My oath to Boudicca stands. And I will be damned if Rogric comes to any power.” Fintan coughed and sputtered.
“Fintan.” She went back down to kneel at his side. “You are not in your right state. You must not make such a hasty…” His hand went to his teacher’s face, and gently stroked it. She held back her tears and leaned in to the stroke.
“I promise, Morgana, I will be fine.” He coughed once more, turning his head.
She took the hand and held it tightly. “I swear Fintan, by the Mother Goddess, I will stand by you when you return. You will have all aid I can give you.”
“If you are ready, Fintan.” Merlin placed a frail looking hand on the soldier’s shoulder as he nodded. “Repeat after me.”
“That humanity will be forever safe, that darkness will hold safety for those who seek it, that evil will never see the Light, that those who ask for mercy will receive it. As a Hand of Avalon, I shall uphold these truths. As the Hand of Infrean, I shall bring a holy darkness to the darkness and devour it. At the command of Clerin, I shall shield you and protect you. At his command, I shall kill. This forever, as the Hand of Clerin, who is servant to the Lord God Almighty forever, and ever.”
Fintan repeated the words verbaitam. Contrary to what he thought, there was nothing different about the way he felt. There were not flashes of light. Nothing happened. Merlin spoke softly to Morgana. “Come, we have been here long enough.” The two departed, leaving Fintan to his rest. Only Balties stayed, at Fintan’s feet, to watch and protect him in the absense of anyone else. As Fintan fell back in to his slumber, Lesrien stepped silently as death through the door. He knelt by Fintan’s side and softly spoke.
“Together as one, sepertable by death alone.” With that, the dragon remained by the wolf. With the tip of Fintan’s sword on the ground, in his own hand he kept a vigilent watch.

“You really should get your arm looked at, Fionoch.” Eden said, leaning in to his right side on one of the sofas infront of the fire at the Phoneix.
“I’m fine, my dear. The worst of it is over.” For a week now, the arm seemed to have lost it’s sense of pain. Granted, that was due to a loss of sensations. They had been dulled by the poison, and now his entire left side was starting to lose feeling. Though at the same time, feelings had grown between Fionoch and the vampiress, Eden.
Kratos stepped in to the Inn, exactly was Wendy was setting fresh drinks down for the couple. As their eyes met, she shied away quickly, ducking in to the cover of of the back room. As the dragon knight started towards it, Liani stepped in behind him. Fionoch came to his feet instantly and gave a half bow. The Dragon Queen returned it, motioning for him to sit down. She and her knight took a seat at a table, waiting to order their drinks when Wendy came out.
Twili poked her head in from the open door before shifting her form and walking in. Her pack was hidden in their tattoo form on her. “I don’t know what it is…but that guy just gives me the hiebie jiebies…” Usko thought to his pack mates with a growl in reference to Kratos. “That’s everyone who looks at our sister, you dolt” Cera returned. Berri just giggled “Hiebie jiebies? Where can I get them? I wanna snack too!” “Oh hush” Twili muttered as she took a seat next to Fionoch and struck up a conversation about the weather, just to pass the time. She rolled her eyes as someone else walked in.
Braid over her left shoulder, trying to mimic Rogue’s style, Schuana and parrents. There was a glimmer of hope in everyone’s eyes when Morgana’s voice spoke. “Good afternoon everybody.” Fionoch stood and spun around.
“Any news on Fintan?” Merlin was beside her and frowned slightly at Fionoch’s question. Nobody seemed to like that look on the wizards face.
“What’s…wrong…” Twili asked with fear in her voice.
“He is nearly gone. He requested everyone to be there.” Morgana managed past the squeak in her voice. Everyone fell dead silent. It was a tie between Fionoch, Twili, and Liani as to who looked the most devistated. Almost everyone instantly stood if they were not and sprinted out of the room. The two conjurors had to step asside to avoid being run over.
It was Schuana and her family that arived first at the little cabin. Their teleportation causing them to reach the area the quickest. Never the less, when Schu tried to barge in she was unable to open the door. It was as if something prevented her from even touching the door. When her mother tried it threw her back, and her father Gher was tossed further by some kind of enchantment. Almost instantly, Schuana started whining about the mater.
Twili arrived next to Fionoch who had gallopped there with Eden on the back of his horse. As the soldier dismounted the transformed Twili tried to open the door, which failed just as baddly as the other three attempts. Though she was never thrown back. When Fionoch tried, it jiggled, but did not open. Morgana and Merlin appeared next to the two.
“What’s going on here, witch?” Fionoch spat towards Morgana, who shrugged, not sure herself. A roar shook the forest as a red dragon landed behind them. Liani’s form was just large enough to cause fear, but not enough to make her appear as an unstopable monster. She took her human form and looked arround at everyone.
“Why are we just standing here?” She strode twoards the door. “ Instead of inside with Rogue?” With that, the door opened wide to show the silver hair Leisren standing there, his hand up towards the door. Upon seeing Liani he went to a knee.
“Forgive me, My Queen. I sought to protect Fintan by allowing none but you within the walls.” The Dragon Queen waved it off as they all went to Fintan’s side.
He lay there, eyes half closed. Liani stayed back, not wanting to get too close, and to contain her anger towards Schuana. The ‘princess’ had fallen to her knees beside Fintan, taking his hand. Fionoch observed Arelian rites, and removed his sword, and cloak, using the cloak to shroud his head. Eden kept away behind Fionoch to avoid her unavoidable thirst for the dying. Twili whimppered as she got as close as she could to her sudo brother.
“Sir, are you ready?” There stood two new people in the door way before anyone could say anything. A woman in armor, blonde hair and a slight accent that was just slightly off of being like Rogue’s. The other was a red head, taller than Fionoch was. Her green eyes shimmered as they gazed on Fintan, matching the sparkling green of her dress.
“Almost, Lieutenant. Just allow a goodbye?”
“We will wait, Fintan.” The redhead said softly, her accent matching Fintan’s own.
“Thank you, Isolde.” Fionoch looked at the pair in awe. From the look on his face, neither of them should be standing there. Fintan coughed once more before looking back at his living friends. “I am not one for long goodbyes. So, I will keep it short.” Tears started to swell in the eyes of the women, Fionoch fought hard not to show them himself.
Fintan thought shortly of what he could say, but what was there to say? Everyone knew what was happening, only the conjurors knew the hope. But even they knew that the chance was small. Finally, he extended his hand to Leisren asking for his sword. It was gently laid in to his hand. He brought it to his chest , tip pointing towards the foot of the bed. “I’m honored to have known all of you, and it was a privilege to serve with you, Fionoch.”
“The priviliage was mine, Captain.” Fionoch beat his fist on his heart in a slight bow.
Fintan smiled and caught Twili’s chin softly with a tweek. “May Berthis and Herne protect you in their realms and illuminate your path.”
Twili struggled to wipe her tears, returning a fake smile. “And may nature’s spirits protect you on yours.”
“I love you, Rogue. Please…hold on.” Schu pleaded as she grasped his hand from Twili.
“If you loved me, why did you send that creature to kill me?” The words from Fintan registered in everyone’s mind. But from respect of the dying alone nobody moved. With those words, Fintan’s eyes closed and his breathing slowed. He mustered his strength, and shouted with what he had. “AVALON PROTECT QUEEN BOUDICCA!” Fionoch’s sword came from it’s scabbard and in to the floorboards as he dropped to his knee at the last words. The room was filled with a clang and the sound of angels singing in lament as the broken broadsword was dropped. Tradition of the Arelians, when a soldier died.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: A Gryphon Rising   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptyAugust 25th 2012, 8:27 pm

The funeral broke, no one staying around as Fionoch had requested in an Arelian tradition. Schuana took a path that lead towards her mother’s home in the forest. Tearing up from the accusations and the loss of her wolf. She did not see the small wire she had stepped on, which created a signal. Like a bolt of lightening they were on her. Seven bows drawn, four pikemen in the road with their weapons lowered, four mounted knights swords drawn and horses rearing. Each of them bearing the Arelian Royal Crest. They were members of Boudicca’s personal guard at the very best guess.
“They were sent to me, to apprehend the murderer of an Arelian soldier. That said person be brought to justice in the Queen’s court.” Fionoch’s voice spoke from behind the knights as he stepped up. “But most of us saw him as who he was not what he was. We want vengeance for what you did.” With those words the members of the shadow assassins stepped up, bows raised. Fifteen in all. Two others followed suit beside Fionoch. Both wearing the crest of Liani. Kratos and Ryujin.
“I did nothing to Rogue! I LOVED HIM!” Schuana shouted, which was the very sign Fionoch had arranged. Twenty two arrows were loosed in to her, four pikes were thrown and four knights charged. Schuana lay bleeding profusely on the ground, life slipping away from her. A blast called them off of the dying woman. Fionoch was holding the pistol that had been hidden in Rogue’s armory for decades. The blast had sent it’s projectile in to Schuana’s head, ensuring her death.
“Ryujin…give this to Liani, as a gift from the Empire and myself. It may prove useful in Rogue’s absence.” He handed the weapon over to the dragon knight. Kratos looked at it greedily, but said nothing.
Nobody saw what happened next, it was all far too quick. Fionoch was on the ground groaning and yelling in pain from a hit on his shoulder that was proceeded by a sick cracking sound. Something had been broken. Kratos had been unable to draw his sword in defense before he had a swipe of a claw on his face, and Ryujin on his chest. The knights and soldiers were too confused to react as the creature causing the chaos huddled over Schuana. A massive lion growling deeply at everyone. With a roar, shadows wrapped around them and they vanished.
“COWARD!” Elven spat as he broke his bow in frustration. He rushed over to Fionoch, who was most wounded as the other assassins tended to the dragon knights. At a mere feel the elf knew that several bones were broken, and ribs were puncturing his lungs and possibly heart. Combined with the poison that was still seeping through his body, Fionoch was in a horrible state.
“That looks painful…” Came a child like voice from a tree. When the elf looked up, all he saw was a kitten with a slight smirk on his face. The elf continued looking around. “Up here…yes, the cat.” The cat transformed before the eyes of the group to be a small child, maybe thirteen at the most. “I mean…that looks super painful. …What was that I heard about Rogue?”
“Did you know him?” Elven spat as the child climbed down the tree.
“By reputation alone. …Here, take this.” The child handed Elven a bottle of golden liquid that was warm to the touch. “That should fix his problem…may have a slight side effect, but hey he will live. I’m Lucifer by the way.” With that, and a wisp of the wind the child was gone.
“Fionoch…here…” Elven took the opportunity to save the soldier, knowing that he had most every antidote that he may need if it were poison. Fionoch drank the liquid with a sputtering cough. He felt the effects almost instantly. A warming sensation in his mouth and a slight sweet metallic taste. It was blood of some kind. Fear struck his heart and showed in his eyes. He felt as if he was going to puke. Before he could, he passed out cold.

Fionoch awoke in the Inn with Eden by his side the next day. She was stroking his hand as Morgana’s staff glowed over him as she moved it up and down his body like she was scanning him.
“He’s been...purged of the poison, that’s the good news.” Morgana stated with an awkward smile.
“What’s the bad?” Eden asked with a trembling voice.
“It was replaced…by Gryphon blood. Within forty two hours he will no longer be human, but a gryphon. Though, that news is a as you take it sort. It can be good, the Gryphon is a very noble creature after all.” Eden did not look as if it were good news. Fionoch on the other hand, looked as if it could be interesting. “I can give you an antidote that must be taken weekly to suppress the effects. But if you fail to take it every Sunday at noon, you will be a full gryphon by the next day. You need take it for only twenty weeks. Afterwards, you will be perfectly safe.”
“I…would like to join those ranks. It would be an honor, but…Eden. My love, which would you prefer.”
“How could you ask me that? If you really love me, you know my answer.” She stood up and walked away. After a moment, Fionoch nodded to Morgana to give him the antidote. It tasted horrible, but, it seemed to work. Before he could say a word, he was unconscious again.

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand Empty
PostSubject: Voices in the Darkness   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand EmptySeptember 9th 2012, 8:41 am

The blonde screamed in pain, the lash drawing a dozen red marks across her back. Her punisher never hit hard enough to draw blood, that could leave unpleasant looking scars on the slave’s flesh. The punishment went on for what felt like years for the girl. At long last, the punisher stopped and stood in front of her. Though it was not the blade of a sword pointed towards her mouth.

“Are you ready to comply yet slave?” He asked darkly with a grim smirk.

“I am a servant of Clerin, and we shall never touch such filth! You may break my body here, but in Infrean when I am rewarded, I will see your cock bit off slowly by the bugbears, and your arse torn open by the Nuckleavee!” She shouted, defiant as ever despite her position. Her punisher’s response was six more lashes from the whip on her bared back, followed by a series of lashes on her bare chest.
The door swung open, and another pair walked in. “Boris, your slave must wait brother. Mine seems to think it is in her place to question me in front of my guests and say that voices told her to do so.” The man was tall, at least six and half feet tall.

Boris let one final blow land on his slave before she collapsed from pain exhaustion. By her hair she was dragged away from the posts. The black haired girl was tied up quickly. With her master’s sword what little clothing she wore was cut away, after several cuts.

“Your…bronze is…weak.” The blonde managed as she came to open her eyes. Before she could say another word, a blow landed on the black haired girl. She screamed in utter agony. Blows after sickening blows landed.

“You will not speak of such nonsense, whore!” Her master yelled. The blonde watched on with pity. Eventually the cries subsided, her back now numb to the pain from the pain. But tears streamed down her eyes. When the cries stopped, the men took their pleasures. The blonde was unable to watch, but she prayed softly.

“Oh Master, My god, my lord, and my hope. Protect this poor soul from this evil. This Hell, send your Hand to us, rise from the chains of jealousy and send your Hand to save us all.”

The black haired girl turned her head towards the shadows, the voices started again. [i]”Father can not hear her.” “Such a pity, truly they would not last against him.” “Truly.” “The Hand’s best friend must not hesitate any longer.” “It is that vampiress, he rules his life.” “The wolf girl must know, she must tell him.” “But by who?” “But who? Why speak like that, innocence must tell him.” “Tell him, tell him sister. Tell him that the tome will cause Rogric’s fall. The Tome of Infrean, the Tome of Darkness! Tell him” “Yes, you must, you must.”

Weakly, the slave girl managed her voice. “The Tome of Darkness will unleash The True Master’s Hand to smite you all.”

“YOU INSOLENT WHORE!” Blow upon blow landed on the girl, but this time, they were unfelt, and the pain eased.

“We will shield you, Sister. Father will send his Hand soon. But you must help him, Love will guide him. The Chaos Knight. Find her with him, spark it.”
Hours later, the blonde slave was washing the black haired slave’s back, cleaning the wounds caused by the lashes. The cool rag felt good on her heated skin, and soothed the soreness. She felt a soft touch on her shoulder. As she looked back the blonde smiled. “I am Tietiean, Cousin of Lord Aeguris of Daron. What is your name?”

“I have no name…I was born a slave.”

“No, you have a name, we all do. Even if we are never called it…” Tietean touched the moon birthmark on the slave’s cheek. “Do you like the moon?”

“Yes, it is comforting.”

“Then take the name Gealech. It means Moon’s Child in my native tongue.”

“Thank you, Tietian.”

“Tell me, what made you spurn your captor like that? You spoke of The True Master and the Hand. Are you an

“No…they told me to say it, and they have always helped me.”

“Who are they? Demons? Angels? You should not speak to such filth.”

“I do not know what they are…they are just voices in the shadows.”

“Infreanians? They must see something special with you to speak to you. I am a priestess of Clerin and I have never heard them before.”

“You speak of strange things Tietean. I…do not understand any of it.”

“You will…in time.” The door suddenly opened. There stood the master of Gealech, dressed in full bronze armor. Which consisted of nothing more than a helm, a breastplate, greaves and bracers. The sword on his side was just long enough to be larger than a large dagger. A round shield on his back cast a shadow in to the room. Beside him was a man in elaborate golden armor. Dragons adorned it with great beauty. His sword was much longer, designed to reach down at enemies from the bowed neck of a dragon, and to slash though even plate armor.

“Get up, slave. We are taking a little trip.” He sneered at Gealech.

Across the sea, thousands of miles away a castle was at rest. The blue banners of Boudicca fluttered with a small breeze. Guards kept vigilant watch out over the battlements, and within the town itself. The entire city of Stromwall was sleeping, save the guards. But within the castle, a young redhead was twisting and turning in her sleep. She shot up suddenly, her braid flying over her shoulder. “I must warn mother…”

The next morning, in the courts of Boudicca the entire court was gathered. Lords and ladies wearing flashy colors lined the walls, packing the room to near full capacity. At the head of the room, in her throne, sat the queen herself. A green floral patterned gown with fur trimmed cuffs adorned her. Her crown pushed back on her brow, with her long red hair waving down her sides. She had a slight smile, as she often did.

Beside her, three on the left and two on the right side, stood a group in an assortment of clothing. In a black tartan directly to her left was a man with a black beard, with some white marbling. To his left, a man in a soft sea green tunic and cloak. To his left a man in beautiful silks, a similar on his side. To Boudicca’s right stood a man in clothing that had to be hot in the warm Guriean climate, polar bear fur mantel and reindeer hide clothing. To his a woman in a green dress, with a golden belt wrapped around her.

At a wave of her hand, a young woman began her procession down the aisle. The girl looked just like a younger version of the queen. She courtesies at the end of the procession and went to her knees. “My Queen, I speak on behalf of the Priests of Avalon.”

“Speak as my daughter, Molly.” The queen asked gently.

“Then I speak with fear Mother. I had, last night, a dream. A Rogrican slave girl was beaten, and spoke of the Tome of Darkness.”

“She spoke of a fairytale, Your Highness?” The man in black tartan asked.

“Yes, Count Orian, she did. And at the end, before I awoke, he told her they were to take a trip. With him was Liani’s third best knight, Sir Kratos.”

“Third? Her second and first should be able to handle him then.” Laughed the man in the polar bear mantel.

“Her second is Sir Ryujin, Lord Aeguris, and her first was Fintan de Marin. He served her …”

“I know why, daughter.” Boudicca assured her, showing no ill will that he practically committed treason.

“Even in death it seems difficult to best him.” The man in silks chuckled, stroking his mustash .

“Indeed, Duke Gestor…Please, Mother…I beg you. Send warning to Liani. The Dragons have guarded our Western flank since your ascension to the Crown. If the Rogricans capture Liani, or take the Tome of Darkness….”

“It’s a fairytale, Your Highness, nothing more.” The woman stated gently.

“Even so, Lady Diona….” She cast a quick glance to Diona. “Mother, please…you must do something. I fear for their existence with these heathens going near Liani.”

“The Gryphons shall deliver warning, and act as I would.” Boudicca decided with a look to the five next to her. They bowed their heads and left the room.
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