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 A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3)

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3) Empty
PostSubject: A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3)   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3) EmptyOctober 13th 2012, 9:28 pm

“That humanity will be forever safe, that darkness will hold safety for those who seek it, that evil will never see the Light, that those who ask for mercy will receive it. As a Hand of Avalon, I shall uphold these truths. As the Hand of Infrean, I shall bring a holy darkness to the evil of the world that will devour it. At the command of Clerin, I shall shield you and protect you. At his command, I shall kill. This I swear forever, as the Hand of Clerin, who is servant to the Lord God Almighty forever, and ever.” This is my oath. This is how I must live. But who do I shield against? Who do I protect? Who do I kill? The answer is simple. I defend the people, against Hell, and themselves. I will kill anyone who stands in my way.

News quickly reached the Westlands of a survivor reaching and escaping the Isle of Erlise. Almost instantly, warriors took up arms, and fled to the ship yards to attempt the same. There was no news of who they were, or where they were now, but this scrap was more than enough for the gold lust of the Westland warriors.
Meanwhile, Fionoch was nearing his third month of his disappearance. Morgana was doing her best, in Merlin’s absence, to keep everyone from losing their minds over the idea that he too was dead. Twili began to teeter on the near edge of insanity at the thought of having lost two friends to death. The sorceress knew what had happened, and placed the rumors together. Fionoch had succeeded. But at the risk of jinxing the occurrence, she remained silent.
Westland had a moment of slight jubiliation. The Lord Commander of Boudicca’s armies was missing, the Captain of the Boar Soldiers, was dead, and the Arelian Navy was suffering due to the lack of resources to sustain a war. They lost all care of the threat from the Kingdom. The nobles became worse, and from Red Stag’s noting, the people who were not considered strong warriors were suffering more and more. He had mentioned to Morgana one evening that something needed done about the situation, but she waved it off, having more pressing issues to attend to.
Twili sighed as she entered the Phoenix Inn, and made her way to one of the couches near the fireplace. She smiled a little, nodding in Wendy's direction in greeting. The lycan still clutched the black book close to her, opening its pages as she sat, smiling down at the words that gave her a hope. Cera, Berri and Usko, sat around her feet on the floor, looking worried at their sister kin and charge. Wondering why she was so fascinated by that book. And why they felt uncomfortable at her smiles now?
The male wolf looked at the archer then to his sisters. {Seriously Cera, what is going on with her? And what did she mean by those words at memorial service?}
The elder shrugged as best she could. {I wish I knew...}
"Morgana said you were a little scary the other night." Red Stag's voice stated from the corner at his table. He sat in plain sight, and was smoking his pipe as usual. However, he had been so still and so quiet until that point that as Wendy passed him, she jumped like someone had hit her.
"DAMN YOU RED STAG!" She shouted, collecting the empty mugs that had fallen out of her hand as a result of the jump.
"Sorry, Miss Wendy." He drew on his pipe again. he took out a few strips of jerky from a pouch and held them out for the wolves.
The lycan blinked and looked up at him in surprise, having not even realized he was there but then she had been very focused on the book in her hands. "How was I being scary? I merely said what I thought."
Usko was, once again wary of the man, unsure of what to think of him. Cera tilted her head a little at his action, confused as to why he was being nice to them. But she supposed it was just natural of him. Berri didn't think twice about the offer, getting up and trotting over to sample the jerk and wagged her tail.
{Ooh! They're yummy! Try some!} She turned to them, two ends of some of the jerky sticking out the sides of her muzzle. The male bit down a laugh at the look but shrugged. He was hungry at the moment, so he got up and made his way over cautiously. He sniffed at the treat then carefully tugged a piece out for himself. Their sister watched them for moment then joined them, taking the offering as well. Twili watched them and smiled.
"Apparently you have the same effect on them as Rogue did. And have his habit of staying still and quiet until he chooses to speak."
"The book scared her...Not sure why, just a bit of paper in a leather binding. Not like it's the Book of Darkness or the Book of Death." He shrugged. He drew back on his pipe, the tobacco cracking softly.
She smiled and laughed softly, laying the book on her lap. "No, this surely isn't one of those. Those sound more like spell books of forbidden magic." She gazed off to the distance for a moment, the dark glitter in her eyes appearing for a moment before disappearing a second later. Twili padded the book lightly. "No, this one is what I call the book of myths." The lycan giggled and smiled happily. "This one holds stories of myths and legends."
"Sounds interesting." He mused taking a sip of ale. "I may have to get you to read some to me some time. Always found myths interesting." He rose a brow as a man entered the Inn but other than that said nothing towards him. "Since when do musicians bear swords?" He muttered noticing that it was a bard with a broad sword. "Bloody Westlanders."
Twili shrugged as her eyes read over the words on the current page she was on. "Since it made them feel safer... and thought they would look... intimidating... even though they can't wield the damn things right..." The wolves paused in their chewing to eye the bard and gauge his threat then ignored him completely. "See? Even Usko doesn't bother to growl."
Just to be obnoxious, Red Stag drew his dagger from his boot and started twirling it around in his hand, mostly only using his fingers to grasp it. "I suppose." He continued smoking, eyes darting about as he fell silent once again.
The archer smirked, briefly giving the Westlander bard a glance before looking at her book again, tapping at one page and hummed softly, a serious look on her face. "I see... need that..." Her smiled widen a little more. "Yes... soon everyone will be happy..." The wolves froze and glanced at her briefly before giving each other worried looks. She had been saying that a lot lately. And it was... disturbing.
{I do hope Twili can overcome his death... She's been depressed... maybe the words from that slave girl gave her some kind of hope?} Cera muttered.
Red Stag had become so silent that Wendy had again forgotten he was there. "Tell me about that pompous girl at Fintan's memorial unveiling. The young one who called you Aunt Twili." He said, right as Wendy passed by again, making her jump a second time.
The archer scowled slightly, closing the book and leaving it on her lap. She gave him a partly sharp gaze, not directly at him but directly at the memory of woman he was speaking about. "That would be Schu... I won't bother with saying her entire name, just saying the first five letters makes me sick." She sighed. "She's... my niece... she was the daughter of my older brother Ashton. During their time together as father and daughter, they had some sort of falling out and she went straight to my elder half-sister Sarabi, the woman that growled at Rogue's step mother." Twili flicked an ear in irritation. "Anyway... she was apparently Rogue's lover. They had some sort of fight, I don't know what it was, whatever it was though, it caused Rogue to end their relationship. And she's quite known to throw hissy fits when she doesn't get her way. Long story short, she's a undead bitch who has no Osiris blood in her at all and being such a pain in the ass, she deserves a stake through the heart."
"If she's daughter of your elder brother...she is an Osiris...even if none of you claim her." He said shortly, puffing on the rose scented tabaco. "I recieved word from Fionoch about him trying to kill someone named Schu. He failed, and requested I come here as quickly as I could." He took a sip of ale before puffing more. He chewed on his pipe tip for a moment as he thought. "I was in the Eastlands when I got the news of that, and then in the Borderlands of Sartine and Corlin when I heard about Rogue."
The lycan flicked her ears again, not sure of either of those last places. "I see... and not quite true. It would be true if she hadn't allowed her new father to drain her completely of blood and filled her with his own to make her completely his daughter. So quite literally, she doesn't have a drop of Osiris blood in her at all, just purely Gher's blood." She ran a hand through her hair. "So Fionoch had sent you to try to kill the woman that would talk like some warrior then run as soon as so much as a sword is drawn?"
"I see....No, he asked me to come help him kill her, not to do it for him." He puffed once more on his pipe before the embers died. The candles of the Inn all suddenly went out as a dark voice spoke in the darkness.
“That humanity will be forever safe, that darkness will hold safety for those who seek it, that evil will never see the Light, that those who ask for mercy will receive it. As a Hand of Avalon, I shall uphold these truths. As the Hand of Infrean, I shall bring a holy darkness to the evil of the world that will devour it. At the command of Clerin, I shall shield you and protect you. At his command, I shall kill. This I swear forever, as the Hand of Clerin, who is servant to the Lord God Almighty forever, and ever.”
As the words faded in to the darkness, the candles were lit again. Red Stag had a brow risen, Wendy was ready to swing a ale jug, and the bard had his sword drawn and was facing every which way every few seconds shaking as if he had pissed himself...which he did.
Twili blinked in confusion then shivered at the words, puzzled at being both frightened and yet comforted by them. The wolves flicked their ears, trying to figure out where the voice came from but couldn't pinpoint it. "Okay... that was strange. Very strange." Usko snorted, trotting closer to his charge to protect her. {How is it we get mixed up with the dark forces of nature and such?} Cera sighed then looked amused as Berri giggled. {Mr. Bard wet himself like a puppy!} {I'm not sure Usko... though Berri does make a point. A bard with a sword and a wet crotch is not very... intimidating.}
A man cloaked in black entered the Inn. A sword flashed under his black cloak, which bore a red triskle on it.[i] "You! Move no more and put down knife!" The bard shoutted in such a heavy accent it was nearly impossible to understand what he said unless you were just very good at understanding foreign accents. The man paused and snickered under his cowl. His face was completely hidden. "Drop it boy." The man warned. His voice harsh. "No I won't you put yours down." Before the bard could react, the man had already drawn his sword and knocked away the bard's. Red Stag did nothing proactively, though his hand was gripping his dagger ready to throw it as he watched the event.
The wolves moved away warily so is to not get in the way if a fight started. The archer watched from her spot on the couch, her pack close for protection. She, too, did nothing aggressive, merely bringing the black book close to her body, and summoning a light flow of mana through her body in case she needed to cast magic for self-defense.
"The hell..." Alteris muttered walking in only to see the bard and black cloaked man fighting. Being the way he was, he drew his own sword and set himself to the fight. But before he could land so much as a blow the pommel of the stranger rammed in to his gut knocking out his air. The stranger made an upward thrust with his sword barely missing the bard. The bard stumbled on to his backside and groped for his sword. Red Stag gave his dagger a quick toss as the stranger went to deliver a fatal blow. He was forced to abandon the attack and knock the scouts dagger away
Usko lowered himself, readying himself to tackle the stranger if need be. {Is he drunk?} The lycan held her book closer to her chest, her free hand faintly glowing with water magic and shook her head. "Not by the way he moves. Unless he's one of those that fights better while drunk." She growled softly. "Though who the hell is he?" Cera watched carefully then tilted her head in curiosity at the symbol on sword. {That mark... Never seen that one before...}
The man glanced up, under the hood, and shook his head by the way the cowl moved. "Stay out of it, Scout." "You've no reason to kill him." "He drew on me." "You drew first....granted he seems to be bit of an asshole. You did draw blade first, his was already out due to fear of....DAMNIT ALTERIS!" The assassin had regained his air and made a swing at the stranger who ducked out of it. His cloak whirling around him as he spun around the elf assassin and brought him to his knees with a hard kick at the back of his knees.
Twili scowled more, the floor around her feet slowly started to be encased by ice. The wolves quickly moved away in surprise, shaking their fur free of the tiny ice crystals. "If you two don't stop right now, I'll be giving Wendy two ice statues to be placed outside for decoration."
"No guts" The stranger called to Twili with a smirk as Alteris swung his sword behind him trying to get at the man. The sword met a steel breast plate with a heavy ring before he was kicked in the back and put on the ground. Red Stag decided enough was enough and entered the fight as well. He made a swing at the stranger, which was blocked just before he parried Alteris who had managed to his feet.
{Duck and cover... Twili's not happy...} Cera whispered, nudging Berri to take cover under a few tables as Usko backed away slowly. Twili growled lowly in warning, standing straight up on her feet as her eyes flashed in irritation. She channeled the magic to her feet and slammed her right boot down in front of her, sending a layer of ice to speed across the floor to the fight ahead of her. Her free hand maneuvered in front of her, drawing water from the air, and forming it to that of an icicle.
The stranger rose his hand, shadows shot out from the corners and devoured the ice that had been formed. "Maybe you do have the guts...you've gotten a bit braver." With ease, the man caught Alteris by the armor and slammed him down on the ground knocking the air from him yet again.
The archer bristled at the words, drawing water from the air again. Only this time it kept its liquid form as it shaped and stretched itself to that of a whip and she snapped it forward in retaliation. She tightened her grip on the black book, which pulsed slightly with a darkness, feeding on her anger.
The stranger spun around as Red Stag came at him with a sword, and lunged. The sword hit a man who had just walked in, in the heart. Bronze armor, red tunic. He was a Rogrican, the broach he wore stated he was a slaver. Before Red Stag could land the blow the darkness returned and the man was gone when it receded.
Twili blinked in surprise, the water whip dissipating from her lack of concentration. She tilted her head in confusion, only seeing the Rogrican briefly before he was stabbed and left on the floor. The wolves peeked out cautiously, their ears and eyes roaming the room in search of the stranger. Usko grunted, padding out to the sniff the air. {What is with some people and teleporting out during a fight?} "Not sure." The archer peered at the floor and was unnerved at the fact the ice that was on the floor was gone... not even leaving a trace of water on the wood floorboards. "But whatever power he had, completely ate the ice I had." Cera sighed. {Frightening... I would hate to see what else that darkness would devour... Though, I am glad the fight is over.} The male wolf trotted to the corpse to check to see if the man was dead. And the elder sister became curious again.
{I wonder... did he rile up a fight as a mask to kill that him? Was he protecting everyone from him?}
"To shield and protect you. At his command, I shall kill." Red Stag quoted slowly
The lycan blinked and walked closer to the body, eying the brooch. "So he was protecting us?" {Looks that way. Out of the entire fight, he only killed the Rogrican and then vanished himself.} Twili nodded slowly, following the logic. "True... he could've killed Alteris or Red Stag, but only kept them back..."
Red Stag sheathed his sword and pulled the assassin back up, propping him on a table at a seat. "That was a Hand." Red Stag stated picking up his dagger.
"Hand?" She looked at Red Stag with a puzzled look.
"A Hand is a servant of one of the gods. A human servant here on earth directly connected with his god. They receive direct orders from them. There are only four...Berthis, Herne, Luge and Mannanan. I know their symbols, but I did not know that one...None of the gods have a red triskle.
{I knew that mark was special in some way.} Cera mused over the information, sitting down on her haunches. After a bit she looked up at the scout. {Earlier... before that stranger came inside... do you remember the words that voice spoke of?} She kept her gaze on both him and her charge as Berri and Usko worked on dragging the body out of the doorway and to the woods for other wild animals to feast on. Twili tilted her head back to recall the words. "Something about Clerin?" She glanced at Red Stag. "Is Clerin some kind of god as well?"
"I don't know anything of him. He may be one of the very old gods, that vanished from existence." He said repacking his pipe and lighting it.
Twili sighed. "And Rogue probably knew something of it... Maybe we could ask Morgana... or Fionoch." She sighed and hugged her book, wishing her friend was around. The book pulsed again, feeding off of that and seeping its own power into her, little by little. Her sadden expression switched to that of smile, hugging the book tighter to her. "I'll ask him when he comes back... Soon everyone will be happy..." She murmured to herself. Cera looked worried, eying the book warily.
"Clerin?" Wendy spoke up from across the bar. "Yeah...he's a god....not one you want on the bad side of." She chuckled nervously. "Sit down...I'll tell you what Rogue told me." She poured a fresh ale and two juices, along with a pan of water for the wolves. She set the pan down and the ale in front of Red Stag. Sitting down between him and a spot for Twili she set the other drinks down and thought back to one of the last conversations she had with Rogue.
The lycan smiled and sat down next to Wendy, keeping the book to her. Berri and Usko returned and gladly lapped up the water. Cera did as well, only lapping much more quietly and her ears perked for the information.
"When the world was created...There was one god, one all power God. He created the heavens and earth, humans, and angels. The Angels were told to protect humanity, and they obeyed, having no free will. But some....some developed free will. They all bowed before God and swore service, all but one, Lucifer. He rebelled. A horrible battle ensued. Leading the free willed angels we now know as gods was Clerin. He despised Lucifer, and fought with everything he had against those who followed him. One of the angels cast Lucifer from Heaven, and in to Hell. Though Clerin was too afraid that Satan would rise up, from hell and torment humanity." She paused, taking a sip of her juice as she thought further on what Fintan had told her.
Twili listened intently, absorbed by the story. She took her own sip of the drink in mug in front of her. The wolves lounged on the floor, though Usko was once again taking his post next to Twili. Cera listened intently as well, musing over the information. Berri had her tongue hanging out the side of her muzzle and wagging her tail happily, and commenting about how she loved story time.
Red Stag offered Wendy a puff of the pipe, which she took, to Red Stag's shock the remainder of her story. "He created Infrean, a place equal to Heaven's power, and equal to Hell's torment. Filled with creatures he created to combat the demons. Unfortunately, his creatures began to develop a taste for more than just demons, they started attacking humans. This was easily fixed, Hern took up the hunt and began slaying those he found. But one day, Clerin was tempted by a demoness, Lilith. The results of the coupulation was a hidious creature, known as the Nuckleavee. Clerin refused to lock his son away, and thus rebelled as bad as Lucifer. Manannan locked Clerin away on an isle in the ocean, in an orb. He was known for his lack of mercy if you had so much a shred of darkness in your heart. But his greatest sin, a woman bore a still born child and a live daughter. Clerin took the daughter away in exchange for the boy to have his life back. It is not within their power to return life that God has taken."
"For this, enchantments were placed around the palace that he was imprisoned in, so that only the chosen guardians of heaven could get in." She took a long draw of the pipe. "Or so the legend that Rogue told me goes." She said breathing it out.
[The lycan nodded, surprised by the legend. "That's a very interesting legend..." She really couldn't find words to describe what she felt. Cera continued to muse over it. {So then... this Clerin is an evil god? Or just a dark one?} {More importantly...} Usko piped up from his spot next to the archer. {If he's been locked away all this time... how is it he has a Hand?} Twili thought about it carefully. "No clue... but I don't think Clerin is evil... I mean he was worried for humans... made some bad decisions.. but is Hand protected us..."
Wendy gave the pipe back to Red Stag. "True, but the last Hand of Clerin founded a country on his personal beliefs..." "Which one?" "Rogric." Wendy went back to the bar to tend to the other patrons.
Twili flicked her ears. "Yeah, very bad decisions..."

Liani sat quietly in the garden, thinking of new policies to create for her kingdom. She wanted them to be fair unlike those that her father had in place in his kingdom. She shivers as she thinks back to her youth and the torment that the people back there was put through under his rule. She gazes over and smiles as she now watches the baby dragons frolic in the beds of red and silver roses that were all around.
There was suddenly a darkness surrounding Liani. A voice that sounded full of malice and hate echoed in the darkness. “That humanity will be forever safe, that darkness will hold safety for those who seek it, that evil will never see the Light, that those who ask for mercy will receive it. As a Hand of Avalon, I shall uphold these truths. As the Hand of Infrean, I shall bring a holy darkness to the evil of the world that will devour it. At the command of Clerin, I shall shield you and protect you. At his command, I shall kill. This I swear forever, as the Hand of Clerin, who is servant to the Lord God Almighty forever, and ever." The darkness faded, and the light that had shined returned slowly
She shivers as she sits and listens to words in the darkness. As the darkness faded, she replays the words over and over in her head. Something very important was about to happen, she could sense it but didnt know just what it was.
A man stepped through the gateway of the garden. Royal guards chasing after him yelling at him to halt. He was just about to reach Liani when one of them hurled a spear at him. With a blinding flash the black cloaked man spun and slashed his sword at the spear. It shattered the shaft to splinters. "You.....can't...." The guard faltered as a smirk came from under the hood.
The man spun around causing his cloak to flutter back to his side. Though his hood remained up. Under the cloak was nothing but black, with a red triskle on the breastplate the man wore. "I should think not. It was my hide nearly skewered with it."
she stands firm where she was and narrowed her eyes at him I think so as my guard was only doing her job.
she finally notices the red triskle and sits back down She does her job just fine when it comes to stopping those that should be stopped from entering my sacred rose garden. she looks up at the man as the baby dragons gather around her Now if you will, state your business with me.
The man rested his sword infront of him, hands both on it. A silver ring with the same triskle glittering with a ruby in place of the symbol. "I see no reason to explain my buisness, as it is not with Your Majesty. "
there were several low growls from the various dragons that were around her Then take your leave at once from my sacred garden. the dragons that were behind her started to growl as well as they could feel worry in their queen. Niether Liani nor the dragons could make out just who this man was or what he wanted in the sacred garden.
"I never said I did not have buisness here. It simply is not with you, Nadia." The man replied a soft hint of a brogue in his tone
Liani looked over at him again with her head tilted. There were very few that knew her by that name, her father, her brother and only one other person besides all the dragons in the two kingdoms. She motions for the dragons to calm and being as loyal as they were, they obeyed quickly and laid back down to sun themselves more Then please state the business you have here at Dragon's Keep.
He gave a single answer as he brought his sword up to his face in a sort of salute. He looked almost like the grim reaper. "Assassination of the Dragon Queen"
Instantly at the words, the dragons were standing tall and protective behind her "Who has sent you to carry out this task?!" she demanded as she stood quickly, taking steps back away from him the best she could
"Lord Clerin. My Lord and Master. For it is my oath to shield and protect, or kill on demand. Lord Clerin, through the power of God Almighty has demanded the death." He raised his sword and threw it. It soared over Liani and her dragons landing in the brush. The sound of a scream of pain came after the sound of steel going through a much softer metal. The man now made no movement, but remained standing still.
she stood there, speechless as she watches the sword fly over her and land behind her in the bushes. "If that is the case, I am afraid you missed the target this time, Sir, as I am still alive."
"My Lord ordered your defense, it is the assassination of you that brought me here. Why, Nadia would I murder one of my closest friends, and one of two of the Osiris' that cried at my death?"
Liani's eyes go as wide as they could as she finally realizes just who was standing before her. The dragons behind her suddenly bow down as she almost instantly walks up to the gentleman and wraps her arms around him in a tender hug. “It really is you isn’t it, Fintan?” there were now tears of happiness streaming down her face from the arrival of her dear and closest friend and the best bodyguard in all the lands.
The man held his hand up, calling the sword back. It landed in his hand slowly before he returned it to his scabbard. "It is, Liani." He returned the embrace tightly as his hood fell back.
More tears of happiness streamed down her face as she stood there hugging her friend “I am so very happy to see you Fintan. And it seems just at the right time as usual.”
"I am not in this world long...I am not fully rejuvenated enough to live. Tell no one of this, save Morgana if you must." Darkness started to fade in yet again. "Change is coming, Liani...for better and worse change is coming. The winds of chance are moving from the south, and the winds of change from the north....If they meet, there will be an uncertain future for all here."
she nods and steps back away from him I shall tell no one of this meeting, Fintan.
"Know also, a darkness is rising. She is working on becoming free again. Hide the pendent of Time and Space...Do not let the wolves out....She will not be allowed to live." Fintan began to fade. "Clerin will take her life himself." With those final words, Fintan vanished
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3) Empty
PostSubject: Ride Home By the Moonlight   A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3) EmptyNovember 11th 2012, 9:21 am

Ride Home by the Moonlight
The color of Autumn was growing closer to a fading bleakness that told of a coming winter. Liani had become far more joyful than she had been in recent months, but no one could place their finger on why. Whenever she was asked, she simply replied that she loved this season. Red Stag had taken to the forests more, his reason for remaining in the Westlands becoming an annoying problem. Morgana had long returned to Arelia, knowing there was little need of her here, but a dire need for her in the Kingdom.
It was a crisp day, the last day of October when Red Stag was sleeping beneath a tree. The river beside him had gurgled and bubbled until he dozed off in to a peaceful rest. He had been spending his days trying to find Schuana, in hopes he would be able to remove her from the list of problems facing everyone. Nights were the most productive, she had since been seen all over the town of Helios, unfortunately no one knew how to find her. A brown falcon was perched on the branch above him. A letter tied to his talon was marked with the seal of Queen Boudicca.
Red Stag slowly woke up as a chilled wind blew over him. As he yawned he saw the bird above him. He obviously knew the bird, as he clicked his tongue twice, as if calling it. The falcon fluttered down and landed on his shoulder, sticking out it’s leg to let the letter be taken off.
With a sigh and a look of annoyance the scout opened the letter. With the same face he glanced over it’s lines.
On the 2nd day of next month, Duke Wellington and Master Morgan shall arrive at Triton port. Please escort them to Helios for their business.
Red Stag was at a disadvantage of his superiors and most of his peers. The majority of the Arelian army had an education, he on the other hand did not. He was the illegitimate son of a pig farmer and a gypsy. Growing up in the gypsy camps all he knew was show, but was never skilled at it. While many children dream of running away to such a traveling group he dreamed of the opposite and took his chance when the troupe passed through Gurie ten years ago. But education was never within his grasp.
He was so concentrated on the letter he never realized his surroundings had changed. Someone was creeping up on him from behind, yet he was so absorbed by the letter he never noticed it. By the time he did notice the change, his hand did not have time to even reach for his dagger when he was pounced and pinned to the ground by a giggling Havenn.
“Well you seem to be far away right now Red Stag.” She giggled getting up.
“Sorry Havenn…my mind was else where.”
“Oh? Where was that, hmm?” She asked curiously taking a crisscross legged seat across from him. All he did was tap the letter and continue to pretend to read it. “Oh…what’s it about? Anything good.” She leaned over to read over his shoulder.
“Just that the Queen is about to declare war on the Westlands…the usual.”
“No it doesn’t…It says that a couple of blokes will be here in two days and that you need to escort them.” She said with a brow risen. Red Stag blushed softly. She took a moment to think about it before finally saying “You can’t read can you?”
The scout shook his head. “I never had an education.”
“But I thought all of Arelia was educated?”
“We did not use to be. And I never went to the scholars for one.”
Havenn looked at him sympathetically. The Westlands were not as educated as Arelia had become, but they still had something. It was a pity that anyone not know the basics of life. She thought about her next offer and decided it was the least she could do for a friend. “I could teach you…how to read.”
Red Stag looked up at her with a joy in his eyes. “I would greatly appreciate it.”
“But…in return I want two things.”
“Teach me how to use these.” Her hand grazed his sword that leaned against the tree. “And…your name.”
“I will happily teach you combat…but my name is…” He paused thinking of the right way to say it. She gave him the puppy dog eyes almost instantly. “Brogan Thiline.”

The wind ripped through the trees in a ghastly torrent that night. The moon shined with a ghostly paleness. The road seemed like a ribbon winding through the purple forest. The entire night just had an eerie feeling that would not leave anyone alone. That made it all the more strange that Boudicca would choose tonight to visit. Though an invitation from Liani to a secluded cabin to honor Rogue on the evening of the dead was involved. Likewise, King Tomas of the Westlands was on his way to the exact same tavern that Boudicca was. An invitation from his mistress the cause of it. However, both monarchs were deceived.
Seated in the tavern was Boudicca, completely silent. It was totally empty but for her. Candles were lit, and placed on each table in clusters of three or four. There had yet to be anyone ask what she wished to drink, in truth the entire place was empty as if no one had been there for years despite how clean it was. Just as she though Liani was walking in, Thomas entered. This caused the Arelian queen to purse her lips in annoyance.
“Boudicca –”
“Queen Boudicca, thank you.” She cut him off
“Queen Boudicca…” He corrected himself. “Fancy seeing you here in a tavern of all places.”
“For its lack of class?” She inquired, a nod being the answer. “”I’ve no issues drinking with those from all walks of life. Though there seem to be no people here. Your taxes I presume, have put the usual to abandon their ability to drink even the cheapest of wines? It does not surprise me of course, you prefer to press down on the poor rather than uplift them like you should.”
“Oh that’s right…I forgot.” The king gritted his teeth with a glare. “ You put all of your trust in to cut throats , rag tag soldiers, and vagabonds led by an unscrupoulus rogue.”
Boudicca sprang to her feet with a shriek “That rogue was better of a man than ten thousand of your own soldiers!”
“Was better? Oh yes…I forgot, he went and got himself killed by a bear.”
The clock struck midnight just as the two drew their swords. Though before either of them met something stopped them from touching. The lights became dim and flickered as if a wind swept through the closed tavern. Without warning the candles went out. They relit themselves seconds later, the well kept looking tavern showed its true colors. It was nothing more than a run down shop not used in nears by the layers of dust on everything.
“Forgive me Majesty…but you are both being rather foolish.” It was an accented voice that had not graced the Westlands in half a year or more.
“Show yourself and I may forgive you.” Tomas sayd readying his sword. No one but the monarhs stood in the room. Though Boudicca’s eyes showed a hope that only a mother could have.
A man in black stepped from the shadows. Blackened steel armored his chest, with a black steel mail under it. A red triskle on the center of the breast plate gleamed like freshly spilt blood. Covering his right side was a cloak that was pulled over to reveal a sword on the left.
“I did not speak to you, Tommy.” He smirked, his green eyes lit up like candles. Reaching up he tightened his braid by giving it a quick tug on the ends. “But to my queen.” To Boudicca he bowed his head and beat his fist to his breast.
Boudicca stepped forward, extending her hand. Though before she touched his face she paused, fearful it was an illusion. “Fintan…do you live?” Her voice broke, fearing the answer as a tear rolled down her cheek.
He stepped closer, causing his cheek to touch her hand. “I live, mother.” The queen burst in to joyful tears and embraced her stepson. Who hugged the other tighter was anyone’s guess.
Lightly, Thomas cleared his throat. “Oh, excuse me Tommy. I forgot you were here.” Boudicca smirked pulling away from Fintan.
“Thank you both for coming though.” Rogue stated. He removed his sword from his side and placed it on the table. Placed fully within its scabbard with the tip towards the middle, and guard on the edge. He had started a parlay. Boudicca followed the Arelian tradition though she moved it out of the scabbard by a few inches, starting war was a possibility and she would not hesitate. Thomas watched for a moment until Fintan invited him to place his sword on the table. Reluctantly the king did so, as Rogue did.
“If only this meeting could be announced, the first time the leaders of the cold war countries of Arelia and Westlands have actually met. Do you know how historic this is?” Fintan stated, with a grin.
“Very.” The other two responded.
“Though we both know what will come of this, Fintan.” Thomas stated, crossing his arms. “War will be the only thing to come from this room.”
“How have you communicated in the past? Messengers, no? Until I was sent here messengers would come to Arelia from the Westlands, and vice versa. Now…Westlands?”
“Not for six years or better. Why?”
“Who has been the messengers?”
“Those of my nobles.”
“EXACTLY!” Fintan slammed his fist on the table, causing both to jump.
“Explain yourself…” Boudicca said hesitantly.
“For the last six years the nobility has been the voice of the Westland people. But the Westland people get no voice to the nobles themselves! They themselves are in turmoil!”
“Nonsense!” Thomas shouted.
“Have you ever heard their pleas?”
“None have come forth, I have a policy where any may step forth and speak with no reprimands.”
“The prisons in Triton are not filled with criminals Thomas. Your nobles have overridden your ‘policy’. If they speak out in any fashion they are punished. Some have lost their lives.”
“You…you lie.” The king stuttered.
“I would never lie…on the matter of murder of innocents. I am unable to. Majesty.” He glanced to Boudicca. “I would speak to you later of certain maters which you must know.” The queen nodded as Fintan continued. “War is not needed between our countries.” He said beginning to walk around. He slid Boudicca’s sword back in to the scabbard. “What is needed…is your nobles kept in check. I will do what I can to advise you in the maters…but what I want now…is both of you to swear to me to use ME as your emissary to you both.”
“Without hesitance.” Boudicca announced.
“I still think you are wrong…but fine.” Thomas shrugged. Fintan turned and left without another word, leaving the monarchs there with a puzzled look.

The Inn was alive with music, and the scent of pumpkin pastries, dark pumpkin ales, and wines with fall spices. Roast beef was laid out in giant platters, along with mountains of sugar candies. and apples. Games were being played by children, while an old man told ghost stories to slightly older young ones. Wendy sat behind the bar next to Morgana just watching with a faint smile
Twili watched the Inn from a fair distance, the book still clutched in her hand and seemed much more alive, pulsing its magic into her. The wolves were very afraid of her, clustered somewhat close to her for protection but enough for them to make a retreat if she so much as glared at them. Not once had they felt such fear toward their charge and in a short amount of time. Berri withdrew into herself, staring up at her helplessly as Cera pondered over ways to get that thing from her. Usko was unsually silent, watching the lycan carefully. Her demeanor had drastically changed, a darkness hidden behind her kind smile, which felt twisted when she did smile. Dark circles were under eyes, a sign she had not had a good night's rest for weeks. It didn't make her look sick but it did make her more... evil. The archer patted the book as she watched the Inn, the dark smirk gracing her face.
"Soon... It'll soon be time to get ready..." Twili said darkly. Berri whimpered, longing to go in, wishing to take part in the festivities. Twili noticed and grinned. "Well, alright... we'll go... no harm in taking the joy before the real fun begins." She giggled and walked toward the Inn, the wolves pacing after her, shivering at her tone.
{How could one death... change her this much?} Cera muttered softly.
The warmth drift out of the Inn brought over many creature to huddle and keep each other heated during this fall season. The strangest of them all was the form of a medium sized dragon burying himself in the chimney. This was his hiding place on holloween night, when all the things in the forest and in the city came out to scare us all. For a dragon he wasn't all that mighty looking. He was nothing but skin and bones with a white feathered look about him. Dreggos was used to hiding on this night but something was abnormal, some for warning coming to his mind and making his skin prickle and claws prick. The only problem was.. What was so special about this hollow's eve?
Midnight struck, and near the Inn brought the same results as it did in Helios. Darkness. It was a crushing darkness, where all lights went out just as the story teller in the Inn neared the worst part of the story. Morgana's magic proved useless as she tried to relight the Inn, her magic snuffed by something far stronger than her. In the forest, a roar sounded as something silver shot in to the skies. A creature howled it's deep growling howl. The only dire wolf, or so thought, in the country lifted his head from beside Morgana as another of his kind made it's call from the forest.
Twili froze, frowning at the sudden darkness, wary as the wolves relied on their other senses to detect danger. Other than the children shrieking at the fact the lights went out, the lycan looked torn. Continue inside the Inn or leave to prepare for her wish? It was midnight, magic was at its strongest now. She shook her head and entered the Inn. She'll watch for a few minutes then leave. She had time to spare to see everyone. The book pulsed almost impatiently and Twili merely growled back softly in response to it. The wolves shrank a little, edging to one of the many tables. Usko glanced at Cera with a worried expression. {I'm not liking this...} {Neither do I. I never really did like this time of year...}
Dreggo pulled his body around him switching directions of which way his head was facing and heading down into the chimney. Darkness was finally settling and something from inside the Inn made radiation of magic cross over his flesh. Every muscle in his body tensed as he stuck his head out of the smoke vent on the ceiling. His interest then stuck to a book in the hands of a small girl. Greed seemed to well up in his chest immediately, wanting the book for himself but he would wait. By the way the girl was clutching it to her it had abilities he did not want to deal with on his own. Having his eyes sweep over the room once more, Dreggos closed the vent and hide inside until the opportune moment.
Two figures walked the path leading to the Inn, the darkness surrounding them seeming naught even affect them as they purposefully strode along. Both wore cloaks that concealed their identities, though the clanking beneath one cloak betrayed the armor the second figure surely had on underneath it, whereas the first had eerily white eyes peek from beneath the hood.
The lycan wasn't comfortable with the darkness that seemed to crush out the air in everyone. She was by no means afraid of the dark, oh no, she lived with it for all of her life, but this kind of darkness was alive on its own and she felt watched everywhere. No matter where she roamed the large space of the Inn, she felt a pair of eyes watching... a kind of feeling that sent a chill down her spine. The wolves moved with her, feeling agitated and nervous about the shadows. The dark book almost seemed to shiver and pulsed with its own dark magic to repel the shadows that surround them but had no effect, the darkness was much stronger than the book's power in its current state. Twili growled , hugging the book tighter and still not realizing its dark power was seeping into her... a second spirit slipping little by little into the lycan's body. The spirit was not very happy at the delay, but could do nothing until it regained enough strength to completely possess its host
Moving along the vents in a swift but silent fashion, dreggos made his way to the very front of the room before the darkness started to seep into his own heart and delay his senses as well. With a snort of frustration the dragon moved no further and tried to keep track of the book with only the magic the pulsed through the room. His skin separating the two different types of magic from entering his mind.
Both of the cloaked figures kept walking, the Inn only a mild distance away now even as the darkness seemed to press in around them. The second figure shivered ever so slightly as a feminine voice left the cloak “This darkness... it doth lack the primordial feel of thy own, friend...”
There was a short blast of cold air in to Twili's face. Though Twili herself could not see what now stood infront of her, a horrid creature cloaked in black, red eyes in the shape of triskles staring in to Twili's soul staring down the spirit coming in to her. No one else could see, nor hear the Lord of Darkness.
"You have taken the wrong host, Lenore. As imprisoned once my hand shall do so again. He is riding home by the moonlight as we speak." The lights returned as the creature vanished. There stood cloaked in black a man in the center of the room. It was the same one who had been there only a week ago when the Rogrican was slain.
Twili jerked her head at feeling the cold and flicked her ears warily to see if she had bumped into anyone or if anyone was even near her. The wolves only felt much more agitated from feeling three presences, Twili's and two others but could see nothing nor hear what was going on. Lenore only smirked from where she hid in her host.
"Is that right? Well it was your hand that drove her insane and find me.” The sorceress made an amused sound, close to a laugh even though was creature had long since vanished. “If he had been more careful on choosing his lover and even watching his back... perhaps I would still be in that damn book. She's very determined to get her wish... and I'll be helping her get the means to do so." The lycan winced and blinked letting her eyes readjust. The wolves glanced at the hooded figure warily, drifting slightly toward him in sniffing at his scent.
As the darkness kept its hold on the night the dragons heart began to feel the pain that came with only one being in this world. The lord of darkness had enter this Inn. Within a couple of seconds the dragon was wheezing for air and wondered why on earth the foul lord would come to this earthly place but as soon as the thought crossed his temple the darkness vanished and a whoosh of air left his lungs. He hadn't even noticed he'd been holding his breathe. His eyes peeked out through yet another vent, the Inn was now brightly lit again and the girl was clutching the book so tightly her knuckles seemed to have turned white. Dreggos' expression changed. Was the lord after that book? Scent still remained and a new figure stood, cloaked, in the center of the room.
As the two figures kept going forward, the darkness seemed to suddenly lift, light returning to the Inn as the darkness around them no longer seemed to be as foreboding as before. The first figure looked back to the second, the white eyes peering past their own hood into that of the other's “Darkness of Infrean...It’s been centuries since that was felt in these realms… something was here. Be on your guard, my friend.” The second figure seemed to nod even as they both neared the front doorway of the Inn
"You all look as if you've seen a ghost..." The voice started harsh but it slowly changed to a graceful accent. "I know it is the Night of Samhine..but for the love of Infrean." He pulled down his hood, the brown braid flowing down his back and his green eyes lit with joy. "ALE! MY SWORD AND ARMOR FOR AN ALE!" Wendy dropped her glass of wine and stared in shock as Rogue stood before them all.
Twili jerked in surprise and froze, almost afraid to even move. Was it really him? The wolves had scattered at his shout in reaction to the recent events then peeked at him from under tables, shocked that... he was standing right there among them. Berri brightened happily, scurrying over and leaped around him, wagging her tail happily. “Rogue! You’re back!”
Cera just stared at him, completely dumfounded. Wasn't he dead for the past few months? How was he standing there alive? Was a one of the undead? No... his scent didn't have that rotting stench the Undead usually gave off. “Mother Nature, what the hell?”
Usko blinked at him “Uh…is this a good thing?” He shot a look to their charge, watching her features. She still stood there in shock, her grip on the book tightened further.
"Rogue... he's... actually back..." Lenore hissed within her host, she didn't think her host would be this delighted.
If she was discarded now, Clerin would easily just pick up the book while everyone's distracted. And she'll be damned to let that happen... perhaps... that delight could be used for her purposes...? The sorceress thought hard.
As the hooded stranger yelled for his ale Dreggos was amused by the sudden shift of emotions in the room. They changed from depression and darkness to joy and glee. Was this stranger an honorable hero, or just a drunken lost friend. With a shrug of his bony shoulders his amber gaze returned to the girl, her features showing odd surprise and yet she seemed to be stunned into shock. The book held even more tightly to her chest. Frustration and rage started to coil in a deadly dance in his belly but he let it jusy boil until the right moment to strike.
The first figure entered the Inn first and stopped cold, his pure white eyes fixed firmly on the hooded man in the center of the Inn, a small intake of breath barely even audible” ... Well... One could almost say 'About bloody time you came back.'” His voice was tinged with amusement as it carried through the room, causing more eyes to look and regard the mysterious people at the front door, long ragged cloaks of dark cloth covering them from head to toe
Fintan laughed and crouched, pulling Berri to him, so that his scent was clearly taken. The forest, the forest in summer; it really was him. "It is, Berri, it is me. But at a cost to Fionoch...he freed Lord Clerin, who caused this." He stood up. His eyes caught a glimpse of the book. Concern showed in his eyes but he said nothing of it. Glancing at the two strangers he chuckled. "One could say that."
"ROGUE!!!" Wendy found her voice and leapt over the bar, despite the cumbersome skirt she wore and tackled the man to the ground, holding on to him for dear life. Finally, she planted a kiss on him which took her a few minutes to pull from. When she did she flushed horribly and went back behind the bar. "Um...Welcome back, Rogue..." She squeaked, completely embarrassed.
“What happened with Fionoch?” Twili inquired, stepping closer to Fintan.
“A story for another time…for now…an a…” He took the ale that Wendy had brought him. “Thank you, Wendy.” He gave her a soft peck on the cheek. “Now, where is my sword and axe?” The barmaid pointed behind the bar at the memorial. “I see…” The old soldier put down the ale and went behind the bar. Carefully he removed the sword and axe from their place. “Now that I’ve my effects, and my ale….Are we not to celebrate the Eve of Hallows? When the dead may return to the world?”
“So it is, and so we should. For Lord Clerin is freed, and peace will soon return to us all. To surpass it all, our Rogue has returned to us.” Morgana had tears in her eyes as she embraced him. Something landed on the roof at about this time, and poked it’s silver head down towards a window. A golden eye of a dragon met with Fintan before a roar triumphant sounded. Though the same window, the white wolf leapt and took her side near Fintan.
Cronthis spent the evening close to Fintan, allowing only those he truly knew to come near him. Leisren kept guard outside, now allowing anyone in that he could not sense to be pure. With their companion only now alive again, both would be damned to see him killed while he was still venerable. Fintan did not speak of anything that happened over the last half year, he merely recounted old tales of what passed long ago with his friends. Wendy kept close by, and was the only one actually allowed by Cronthis to touch Rogue in any form that he did not initiate. The night rolled on until they all fell asleep on the couches and sofas. Even then, Cronthis was by Rogue’s side, not daring to sleep. Despite her fears, Fintan was at peace again and would oversee a change in the world. But…at what cost?
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A Rogue's Tale: Rise of the Hand (Part 3)
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