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 A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  Empty
PostSubject: A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion    A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  EmptyFebruary 12th 2011, 11:14 pm

This story will come in a few parts. I know I know I know...I always say that, and they never get finished...well now I'm writing it to spite some people who have no scruples, so it'll get done Razz Enjoy!

The room was dark compared to the rest of the Inn. Lit only by a few candles. Tylendel stood at the head of the table, looking over a map and explaining the course of action that would be taken during the battle that was to come. Azulu was listening carefully, having no real knowledge of combat she merely accepted what the bard was saying. Harley was listening as well, and asking a few questions now and then to make sure she understood. Fintan was remaining perfectly silent and not even going near the table.

"This is ridiculous...a bard should not be commanding a battle! If he has to fight his brother he should just pay someone to lead the battle and he not step out until the end......idiotic peacock." he thought to himself. It's not that Rogue didn't like Lendel, highwaymen often got along fine with bards. The bard writes and sings songs about the highwaymen that romanticize them, the highwaymen in return would pay the bards a great deal of money and give them protection. The thing was, Lendel was just that, a bard, not a soldier.

"Commander Berthain will be ready to make a counter double cross against Gartheth if it's needed." Lendle said as he was discussing strategies on the seas for landing on the Isle. That meant that two ships were going to be busy fighting each other? Fintan had enough. He stepped forward, grabbed a piece of parchment and began writing something down on it in Irish. He folded the sides in, and then the ends, creating a self containing envelope. Using the candle he made a wax seal on the front and pressed his ring in to it, making a rose pattern. Walking over to the window he held it up against the wind. "To Her Imperial Majesty, Boudicca of Arelia, Queen."

The letter vanished in to thin air. Harley tilted her head. "Rogue...what was that for?" Rogue just smiled at her and stood back against the wall. "A request to Her Majesty for aid during the battle...I left some things there." He was not yet ready to say he had requested reinforcements to grantee a victory. "Though...I have one question. If all that is needed for you to take the thrown, is to kill your brother in a duel...why create unneeded bloodshed with a war, why not just go there and challenge him. If he is held to the traditions of this crown." He noticed the look on Lendel's face to be one to correct him. "as even a tyrant is, then he would have to accept without ...." He was cut off by Lendel.

"He sent me the crown on the head of a thirteen year old girl Fintan. He made the challenge. This war..."

"THIS WAR WILL CAUSE MEN TO DIE FOR YOUR VANITY!" The Arelian bellowed. "Ever since you got that damned crown you've been strutting it around, expecting people to scrape and bow at your feet! I'm surprised an assassin hasn't killed you yet to be honest." The room just stared at Fintan in shock at his outburst. Finally, after several minutes of tense silence, Lendel spoke up.

"It's alright Fintan." He had a slight smile on his face. He had thought Rogue was just nervous about going in to battle that was going to be as tense as this one would be. "I understand that battle can be intimidating. Why don't you go have a brandy on me, we'll finish up...GODS DAMNIT" Rogue had grabbed Lendel and slammed him against the wall.

"Don't you talk to me about how a battle can be, Bard. I was a soldier long before you were even a glint in your father's eye. I know exactly how war is, and I'm not afraid of it by any means. But I do not believe that it is a necessity! Anyone who actually wants war, is a fool regardless of the reason!" To have said the Irish Arelian was upset would have been a drastic understatement. He had always believed Lendel was an over confident peacock, but now he had crossed the line. Despite the sudden outburst, Tylendel was not phased in the least, although the two women looked terrified. Harley because she knew what Rogue was capable of, Azulu because she already though he was mentally unstable.

"Rogue...calm down please...." Harley tenderly laid a hand on his shoulder, and then, spoke in perfect Gaelic. "He doesn't have the experience you do, he's doing the best he can with what he's got..please."

Rogue's glared at her, and yanked his arm away from her. "Do not fucking touch me. Ever. If it wasn't for innocents being killed as we stand here, you could count me out..." He replied with a tone of hate, that could only come from Infrean. He, turned on a heel and strode out of the room. This war now became a part of Rogue, he was not going to fight to put Lendel on the throne. He felt that Arelia could use a territory in this land. Lendel could either accept and become the governor of the Isle, or he could fight. If he fought back, then Fintan would smash the rag tag army that Lendel was fighting with.

Rogue arrived at his home in the Valley of the Mists within an hour, the trip was the shortest it had been since he arrived in this uncivilized country. The moment he walked in the door he gazed at the two portraits on the wall above his mantle. After removing his cloak, he made a deep bow to both and whispered softly. "God save My Queens, and Avalon Protect them."

One portrait had a young looking woman sitting in a throne. The throne was a beautiful work of art itself, with dragons adorning it. Red hair flowed down the woman's shoulders, a golden tiara gracing her head. A light red satin dress with purple trim garbed the queen. The spit in the dress allowed her to let her legs be seen while they were crossed, showing a dragon tattoo on her right ankle. On her lap, a small dragon lay sleeping as she stroked it's back. Below the portrait the queen was named. 'Queen Liani Osiris-Graywind, Queen of All Dragons'

The second had a more powerful look to it. This woman was standing, one foot propped on a log. Firey red hair coming down to her waist. A tartan cloak was pushed over her shoulders, showing the armor she wore on her chest. A very short skirt was held on by a belt that bore a sword on her right side. Her arms were crossed with a spear resting on her chest within her arms. The plaque below her read 'Queen Boudicca, Queen of the Arelian Empire'

Upon looking at the portrait of Boudicca, it struck Fintan. "Blackpowder doesn't work...and damnit, that peacock will know it!" He swore loudly as he sank in to a chair trying to think. The hearth suddenly came to life. It was not a warm fire, rather it created a dark chill. The chill soon could become physiological as well when it turned black. From it's flames a bone chilling voice came. 'Your firearms will discharge upon the order. That storm that prevents it was created by mages, and a queen with power that can not match that of Avalon and Infrean. It is time, Fintan, that those who think themselves better be crushed by the might of Arelia. Fire at will."

Rogue just stared at the fire and listened. He seemed like he was use to that sort of occurrence. He stood and pulled down a pistol from the mantel. They were always loaded. He spanned the wheel lock, leveled towards the wall, and fired. The pistol discharged, smoke flew from the barrel as did the lead shot that buried in to the wall. A grin crept across the face of the Lord Governor. He instantly pulled down his other firearms and began to ensure they were loaded. He went to the back rooms, getting the fire arms that were not loaded and began to load them as well. At the end, twenty pistols and six muskets were loaded and ready. He picked them all up, and went to his room with them, and went to bed.

Weeks later, in the harbor of Auvrynon five ships were waiting to carry the officers of Lendel's forces. Only one of them looked to be for military use, that one belonged to Commodore Berthain. Fintan however was walking towards a different ship.

This one was a massive war ship. The bright blue banner with a white gryphon fluttered on the top of it's main mast. Golden letters spelled out "RAS Caroline". Over sixty gun ports on both sides were covered, just waiting to start blazing. There were at least twenty nine other ships that flew the same banner waiting out at sea. The Arelians had prepared a small fleet to take the isle.

"Rogue...where are you going?" Called Harley as he stepped on to the Caroline. She walked over, leading Urchin along side her who called over to Rogue as well. "Are you leaving Mr. Fintan?"

Fintan scoffed and glanced down at them. "No, I wouldn't be caught dead on the same ship as that pathetic peacock. Secondly, having something to do with you nearly cost me my life in the last war I took part in. I won't have anything to do with you in this one....Urchin, you be careful. I can't spare any men to keep watch on you...and I don't trust those..." he watched a group of soldiers that was under the drow by the name "Dark Iron" walk on to the ship Lendel was on. "Mercenaries. I will stay with true soldiers...CAPTAIN GET THIS SHIP SEA BOUND!" he turned and walked towards the helm.

"Is Mr. Fintan upset Miss Harley?" Urchin asked looking up at Harley, confused why Rogue was so rude to her all of a sudden. The young boy's confusion soon turned to anger. "If he yells at you like that again Miss Harley I'll get some early practice in before the war!" Harley just shushed him and lead him towards the ship. A group of Arelian sailors who heard Urchin busted out laughing, and making jokes about it.

Pipes and bells rang along the decks of the Caroline. The canvas dropped, and caught the wind, pulling out to sea. It soon joined the rest of the Arelian fleet and waited for Lendels rag tag fleet to start leading the way. From the bridge of the Caroline Fintan could see Lendel's look of shock at the Arelian fleet. Fintan drew his sword as Lendel's ship passed. "FOR QUEEN BOUDICCA AND ARELIA!" The Arelian fleet erupted in to cheers and a resounding echo of Fintan's words. For Arelia, the war had begun...

Last edited by Rogue on February 21st 2011, 11:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  Empty
PostSubject: The Invasion   A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  EmptyFebruary 13th 2011, 10:16 pm

It grew darker as the two fleets sailed towards the Isle of Asher. They were going to the artic waters of the realm. Along the way, Lord Governor Fintan de Marin, Captain Muirín, of the Caroline, Lord Commander Fionoch dar Grapach, Duke Laragh, and Lord Admiral Suaitheantas sat around a table. They were trying to figure out, while looking at a map, how the natives had arranged the planes.

"They call them 'planes', Gentlemen, why I've not the slightest." Fintan said trying to keep his laughs back.

"But they aren't planes!" Exclaimed Laragh. The duke had strong features, despite his dainty appearance. He did not try to hide that he was the wealthiest man in the Empire. He was richer even than Boudicca, and he showed it by his clothing. The stitches were solid gold thread, the waistcoat and jacket silk, cotton shirt and stockings with excessive lace that made even Rogue groan. "Those things are bloody mountains!" He swatted the map with his cane while speaking.

"I don't think they refer to them as planes in the geographical sense Your Grace." Chimed in Fionoch while he poured himself and the captain a drink of wine.

"I don't care if they mean it...." he was cut off by bells ringing from the ships ahead. Someone had sounded man overboard from Lendels Flag Ship. The only thing louder than the bells was Harley screaming and trying to jump off the stern to retrieve the man who went overboard. She might suceed if it was not for the men holding her back. Fintan saw it clearly and walked over to the railing while a group of Arelian sailors worked to get a line out to the man. He recognized it as Harley's fiancé.

"Don't bother gentlemen, that current is too strong." He knew that was a lie, but he didn't care. The men rose a brow but backed away. "He will drown soon with the tide the way it is! This is done in mercy!" He exclaimed loud enough to be heard on the other ships. He took a musket from a marine cocked it, and fired. As he fired he could hear Harley scream as if she had been the one hit. The man slowly sank to the bottom of the sea as the fading light of the sun lit up his face. The officers on the Bridge stood if they were seated and removed their hats. Fintan however just tossed the musket back to it's owner with a look of distaste. "Bastard had it coming." he grumbled while walking back to the officers.

Night fell much quicker than it probably should have. Rogue stood on the Fore Deck leaning on the railing watching out at the dark horizon. He smiled at the one smart thing he saw Lendel do. No lights were on the ships ahead. Of course the Arelians knew not to do this without order, but to see Lendel not do it Rogue thought that Avalon had possessed him for a moment. As he let out a sigh of annoyance and wonder a young woman leaned on her back beside him.

The woman's features were well seen even by just the pale moonlight. A kind face was lit by a soft smile. Eyes were like emeralds in the snow. She was slim, but not at all a stick, rather she had a very strong shape. She wore very little. Nothing more than a loincloth around her waist, leather wrap bracers, and straps around her chest that pressed breast against her. Now weather that was an attempt to keep the men in the army from staring at her or not is impossible to guess considering she held herself like a woman. But no one seemed to mess with her. "Hello Fintan." Her voice was soft, but had a tone of command laced in it.

"Good evening Your Highness." he replied not looking over at her. His eyes remained trained far out at the horizon, he could faintly see the shape of an island.

"Are you alright Rogue?" The princess placed her hand softly on Rogue's shoulder. A ring glistened in the moon light. Silver with a Celtic cross on it's face. An emerald was set in the center of the cross. It was the Emblem of the Royal Arelian family. "Are you worried about the battle?"

Rogue chuckled and moved his right hand to his left shoulder where her hand rested. "No Keeva." A matching ring clinked against Keeva's. "I know we will crush them in to the dust. I just wonder what to do once the war is over. After all...There was nothing in Arelia except my love for it that kept me there.”

“I understand...I suppose living only to kill a horse can be annoying.” She stated in a whisper so that only her friend could hear. “But Arelia will always have a need of you...Mother will not be Empress forever, and I would have no other to govern my territories in this new land.” She smiled and chuckled. “King Fintan de Marin, King of New Gulrie, New Oric, and New Daron of the Arelian Empire...it has a nice ring doesn’t it?”

Rogue forced a laugh. “I’ve got no wish to be nobility...” He knew Keeva was just trying to cheer him up, but the way he was at the moment, and had been for a few months now, there was no cheering him up. He straightened up, he could see land ahead. “BEAT TO QUARTER!” He called drawing his pistol and firing in to the air. The Arelian ships came to life, all sails were loosed, the port and starboard guns were readied. Musketeers uncovered the lifeboats and prepared to launch. Drummer boys beat the call to quarter, signaling all hands to their station. The ships in Lendel’s fleet started to look around, wondering what was going on. It was Rogue’s habit to let the enemy be on it’s guard. He would obey most of the rules of engagement, if not the rules of war.

Muirin gave the order to come along side Lendel’s ship and latch together. As much as it was hated by the Arelians, this was a joint mission. The Arelian sailors quickly obeyed and kept the ships at the same speed, using grappling hooks to get them together. The Arelian officers walked onboard Lendel’s ship where Fintan instantly met with a furious Lendel. “What in the gods name are you doing?” he demanded. “Now the watch towers are going to see us and...” Fintan cut him off by igniting a flare and sending it in to the sky. One of the Arelian ships went ahead of the fleet, turned starboard and let out a massive bombardment. Within minutes flames were burning on the shore in specific placements. The watchtowers, were no more. “You mean those watch towers Lendel? Listen, it’s like I said...I’m the soldier here, not you. Don’t doubt my moves and we’ll all go home alive.”

“This is not your island to take, you will listen to me Fintan.” Lendel said with a hateful glare. “You will obey my orders, and you will under no circumstances act with out orders. Now have your ships stand down!”

The Arelians roared with laughter at Lendel’s order. Fintan just smirked and patted Lendel’s shoulder. “It’s alright Lendel. I understand that battle can be intimidating. Why don’t you go have a brandy on me, we’ll finish up.” He turned and gave the order. “ALL GUNS LINE AND FIRE!”. All Arelian ships turned and lined parallel with the shore and fired off a broadside. The sea shook from the thunderous blast. “Launch landing craft!” Fintan rushed over and joined a group of musketeers in the long boats.

The boats were lit up by the cannon blasts as they traveled to different points of the beach. In the skies, gryphons soared towards the beach. On their backs were archers who would fire on the ground troops, or swordsmen who would use fly and slash tactics. The largest of the gryphons was the only one with no rider. Fionoch and his gryphons would also serve as scouts. Laragh was leading his forces as well as the medics on to the beach. Soon, the entire coast was raging in battle, blood staining the sand, muskets firing, gryphons screeching.

“Form ranks!” Fintan called from his horse, his rapier swishing in the air. The musketeers assembled in to ranks. “Charge pieces!” They all cocked their guns. The Asherite forces advancing quickly at them on a full charge. Cannon balls soared over the heads of the Arelians and smashed in to the Asherite ranks. “FIRE!” Seventy muskets went off, each bullet dropping a mark. “Second rank, advance and fire, first reload!” The first rank retreated behind the third rank that was filling on to the beach as the second leveled and fired. Within twenty volleys the starting skirmish was over. “Well done gentlemen! Our beautiful Queen would be proud!” He shouted over the cheers. It was only a small victory, but for Arelia, a victory was a victory. “Now onward to aid our comrades! Victory for the Phoenix and Gryphon!” He swished his sword in the air and galloped towards the castle that sat on top of a hill several miles away. The men grabbed the gear they could and followed at double time.

Back on the west beach, Laragh was directing a battle between his pikemen and archers. Of all the soldiers, Keeva was fighting harder than any of them. Her body was smeared with woad paint, and the blood of those she claimed. Her hair was tangled around her, matted from sweat from the heat of battle despite the freezing temperatures. At one point, she rammed her spear in to the chest of one Asherite, drove him to the ground, and vaulted over him, yanking the spear out half way through the vault and brought it across the face of another. She pulled it out of it’s throat right before an axe was swung at her. She saw her chance. She allowed herself to be just barley hit, not even feeling it, but it was there, then disemboweled the enemy warrior. “LARAGH! I GO TO THE MEDIC!” She called, holding her arm like it was worse than it was. The duke directed four men to take her to the medic, but she was already running towards Lendel’s camp.

Eastward, Fintan and his musketeers and cavalry had run in to another force of Asherites. The guns were blazing, bringing light to the otherwise dark battlefield. The force was much larger, and had heavier armor. The bullets were going through, but only at close range -- too close for comfort. The Arelians began to pull back slowly. It was only the cavalry that was holding its ground. “Come men! Hold your ground!” Fintan called to them, hoping to inspire them. “We must look” he fired one of his pistols. “Hell in the eyes and stand against it!” He reared his horse back when one Asherite came too close, the hoof hitting it in the head and killing it instantly. This itself inspired Fintan. He pulled two pistols, and in an attempt to rally his fleeing men, yelled out at his highest level “STAND AND FUCKING DELIVER, OR THE DEVIL HE WILL CLAIM AND FUCK YA!” His pistols sounded louder than before as he spurred his pitch black steed in to a full gallop at the enemy. There was a war cry from the Arelians as they saw their leader. They fixed their bayonets and charged the Asherites. The enemy became struck with fear as the wave of blue swept towards them, heavy spears on one side, and cavalry on the other. They dropped their weapons and kneeled, surrendering.

Keeva walked through the camp calling for help. “Harley...Harley help! I’ve been injured!” Harley came out of her tent and gently went behind Keeva, leading her inside. “It’s alright I’ve got you...let me see it.” Harley washed her hands and got bandages ready. Keeva however, was hardly scratched. She now stood behind Harley with her spear tip to her heart. “You fucked around on the wrong Arelian. Fintan is closer to me than a brother...to hurt him is to hurt the Royal Family. He would have done better to wed a vampire than to come back to your worthless being.” She whispered darkly in to Harley’s ear. The spear went through her heart very slowly. If Keeva’s hand had not been over Harley’s mouth, she would have screamed in pain loud enough to attract everyone in camp, and the battle several miles away. The warrior princess twisted and yanked the spear out. Harley collapsed to the floor dead. “I hope you burn in Hell...Infrean is too good for you, Whore.” She spat on Harley’s body and walked out of the tent. She didn’t stop on her way back towards the battle.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  Empty
PostSubject: Victory! (Part One)   A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  EmptyFebruary 14th 2011, 11:40 pm

Disclaimer: The song within is “Rising of the Moon” a traditional Irish folk song. It has been used here for enjoyment and nothing else. Thank you, and enjoy
Shots rang out, and men fell flat on their faces. One of the officers was giving Rogue a disapproving look. “Do not look at me like that Captain...if the tables had been turned you know they would have done the same to us.”
“But My Lord they surrendered!”
“That means nothing in war Captain...you are still young, but you will come to learn this in time....Reload your pieces Gentlemen, and let us advance.” The musketeers began to reload their muskets as they started walking towards the castle once more. Fintan sang out as he loaded his guns. It was the Arelian National Anthem

And come tell me Sean O'Farrell tell me why you hurry so
Husha buachaill hush and listen and his cheeks were all a glow
I bare orders from the captain get you ready quick and soon
For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon
By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon
For the pikes must be together by the rising of the moon

And come tell me Sean O'Farrell where the gath'rin is to be
At the old spot by the river quite well known to you and me
One more word for signal token whistle out the marchin' tune
With your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon
By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon
With your pike upon your shoulder by the rising of the moon

Out from many a mud wall cabin eyes were watching through the night
Many a manly heart was beating for the blessed warning light
Murmurs rang along the valleys to the banshees lonely croon
And a thousand pikes were flashing by the rising of the moon
By the rising of the moon, by the rising of the moon
And a thousand pikes were flashing by the rising of the moon

All along that singing river that black mass of men was seen
High above their shining weapons flew their own beloved green
Death to every foe and traitor! Whistle out the marching tune
And hurrah, me boys, for freedom, 'tis the rising of the moon
'Tis the rising of the moon, 'tis the rising of the moon
And hurrah, me boys, for freedom, 'tis the rising of the moon
As they marched they continued to sing, lifting their already high spirits. Ahead, there was a fortified city. Apparently the Asherites had been preparing for an invasion. They just did not count on Arelians. Fintan saw something he did not count on. Winged beasts in the sky. The gryphons had arrived to the same position at the best possible time. From the ramparts of the fort city a guard shouted the alarm. It was soon silenced by the slash of a gryphon talon. The gryphons dove down, lifted the foot soldiers and cavaliers, along with their horses, up and dropped them off within the walls of the city. The guards were caught completely off guard as the Arelians swept through the town like wild fire.

Duke Laragh, was now leading his men down a long road towards the Arelian rendezvous point. They too were loudly singing the Arelian Anthem. Their first victory on the isle resulted in the Asherites running with their tails between their legs yelling "The nine levels of hell have been let out!" on their way. What they saw not after ten miles of walking made all of them laugh. Lendel and his forces were also running with their tails between their legs. “What happened to the mighty Hero of Kuro?” called Keeva from beside her cousin’s side. Laragh looked over and laughed. “Have you bitten more than you can chew Lord Bard?” She jived further.

Lendel cast a glare at her. “For a princess you don’t much act like one. And for your information this is a tactical advance to the rear.”

The Arelians further roared with laughter. “That sounds like a retreat to me!” Yelled one. Another called “That means some band of cowards is not far away!” Still another yelled out. “Lets go give ‘em a hello from Her Majesty!” Keeva grinned and egged them on. “Are they truly worth our trouble?” There was a resounding “YES!” and cheer from the entire force. “THEN ON ME BOYS!” She leapt from her horse and started running towards the direction Lendel was coming from. The soldiers cheered and followed, waving their weapons in the air. Laragh laughed and galloped after them, letting out a war call himself. Lendel and his forces shook their heads, DarkIron muttering “Damn fools...they’ll be ...what the hell?” He was unable to finish as he heard an obvious Asherite yelling “THAT WOMAN’S A DEMON! RUN!”

A pair of very large, mean looking, well armed Asherite soldiers cowered in a crevasse holding on to each other crying. In front of them was a twelve foot tall black gryphons smirking and glaring at them. It lowered it’s head and made a snap at one of their feet. The Asherite yelped and pulled it’s foot away and begged “Please don’t eat me, I have a wife and four kids!” Fintan was taking a body count. Seven Arelians wounded, one disabled, none dead. Asherites were too high to count. He gave up somewhere after two hundred.

“Docine, get away from them...they’ve already shit themselves.” Came Fionoch’s voice from a flash of golden light as the Lord Commander resumed his human form. “Orders, Your Grace?” He asked looking now at Fintan as the black gryphon backed away with a smirk from the Asherites.

“Rest...everyone take a short rest and resupply yourselves.” Fintan unfastened his, now dingy green, doublet. “God knows we have all worked hard and could use it.” No one complained about the rest. The muskets were set to tripod rest, and the soldiers sat down to reflect on their hard work. It was not long before the citizens of the city came out, offering them what little food they could. Fintan, knowing that it was a Marxist reign, knew they would not have much food. However, before he could give the order not to accept any, the soldiers had already gracefully declined. Fintan had never been so proud of his soldiers as he was at this moment in time.

“My boots needs cleaning, boy.” Keeva set her foot infront of a surrendered Asherite. It was caked in blood, mud, and snow. The Asherite looked up at her wondering if she was serious. He got the point when the point of the Celt’s spear was put at his throat. “Now.” With a whimper the prisoner began to lick her boot clean, repressing the urge to gag. The Arelians who saw roared with laughter. Keeva shook her head and removed her foot from infront of him. The prisoner muttered ‘Give me the chance I lick more than her BOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAA” A spear was between his legs, and he was now missing a special part of his anatomy. “What was that?” Keeva asked with a poison honey smile. An entire cannon unit could have blared at that moment and it still would have been deafened by the Arelian’s laughter.

“Your Highness...should we not advance to the rendezvous point?” Laragh asked trying not to laugh himself. Keeva pulled her spear out from the ground and sighed with a nod.

“Yes, I suppose we should...” She slung her spear and shield over her shoulder. “Alright lads! Pikes on your shoulders!” She called out while rousing a few of the dozing men.

Within half an hours march after their rest, the Arelian Musketeers, Cavalry, and Gryphon Unit had arrived at the rendezvous point and were setting up preparations. The carts that had been following at a safe distance were now being unloaded. Heavy cannons, new stores of powder, bags of bullets, fresh water, and other essentials were being placed at their spots. Fintan decided to make this as spirit lifting as possible. “Someone strike up the pipes, drums and fiddles already!” He yelled while storing a keg of powder next to a particularly large cannon. A group of musicians in the troops obliged him gladly. They picked up their bagpipes. The field was soon alive with the March of the Scots, a personal favorite of all the commanders on the field. By the time the cannons were prepared, drums had joined in. Drums on the march. Everyone cheered as Duke Laragh and Keeva came in to view, along with their forces.

“Are we ready to drive these snakes in to the depths of hell?!” Yelled Keeva as she approached the others. Every Arelian let out a roaring cheer. This would mark the first real battle of the Arelian Invasion. They were all ready, and they could hear the Asherites marching to meet them.

“RAISE THE COLORS!” Fintan cried . The soldiers hurried to make sure the colors could be seen. The blue plain and white gryphon of Fionoch. The green plain and silver rose of Fintan. The orange plain and golden sword of Laragh. The gold plain and crimson falcon of Keeva. But higher than all of them, and almost glowing in the slowly rising sun- a bright gold banner with a orange red phoenix. Boudicca’s banner would watch over the others because the queen herself was not there to watch her loyal soldiers. Fintan drew his sword and saluted the Arelian standard.

“Gentlemen!...and lady.” Keeva smiled as she was announced and gave a little wave to Fintan. “ I urge you to fight with courage! You have all done well to bring us here now. We are all of different backgrounds, it does not mater if you are an Irishman” A few cheered. “A Briton” Keeva alone yelled out. “An Arelian by birth, or even a Westlander who has grown wise!” He trotted out and faced the soldiers. “It does not mater if you are Christian or Druidic. We are here, not to put some pompous peacock on a throne, but for Arelia, and for our queen.” Keeva galloped out to him, wanting to say a bit herself.

“I came, with my mother, from Briton after the invasion there....Rome came to our doorstep, they committed unspeakable horrors upon my people. This ... ’king’ has done as bad as Rome. It was told to me, he sent his brother the crown on the head of a thirteen year old girl! THIS MUST BE STOPPED! Let our justice be brought upon their filthy hides! Let Boudicca’s justice be brought upon them!” She had hardly finished when the Asherite forces came in to view. They took their formation, the crimson bull banners of their king looking tattered compared to the beautiful ones of the Arelians.

Rogue pointed to the banner with his sword. “BOUDICCA IS HERE WITH US NOW! NOT ONE STEP BACK! LET AVALON, HEAVEN, AND INFREAN RAIN THEIR WRATH UPON THESE MONSTERS!” Every soldier cheered, as they did, those with ranged weapons fired. The cannons roared like thunder, and the muskets flashed like lightening. ..
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  Empty
PostSubject: Victory (Part two)   A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  EmptyFebruary 15th 2011, 12:31 pm

Dozens of Asherites fell to the hail of lead, or were blasted in oblivion from the cannon balls. They had all ducked and covered for nothing at the loud sounds. When those still living looked around and saw their comrades dead, or in several different pieces, they all took a step back.
“Cavalry, advance!” Fintan nudged his horse forward. The Spanish step obvious in his horse’s movement. His sword raised. The cannons blazed again, creating craters in the ranks of the Asherites. The cavalry kept perfect time behind Fintan. The formation was loose, if they charged it would leave a wave of devastation. However, this was not to charge, this was to intimidate. Again, the muskets fired, and more Asherites fell in to the arms of Clerin. The Asherites continued to back away, terrified by the power the Arelians were showing. That is until one Asherite became very brave, or very stupid. He ran forward, a spear in hand, and jumped at Rogue, the spear aimed for his heart.

Trumpets sounded at the castle as Lendel’s forces stood outside. King Phillip Asher walked out holding his sword to face his brother. “Finally made it did you little brother. About damn time.”

“Your reign of terror ends now Phillip.” Lendel said, cliché-ly as ever holding his sword up and taking his position on the field . The king just sighed, this may be the only thing he and Rogue agree on.

“Still cocky as ever I see....we’ll fix that soon.” Expecting Phillip to fight fair would have been foolish, one of his archers fired a shot in to Lendel’s leg. “Sorry sir...it slipped.” The archer snickered from his station atop the castle walls.

“I’ll show him slip.” Azulu was forming a ball of flame in her hand, but was stopped by a firm hand being laid on her shoulder.

“Easy child...not yet...” A tall man dressed as if he was from the region stood strong beside Azulu. His blonde hair flowing down his shoulders as his ice like eyes kept watch on the pair.

“...Lord Aeguris?” Azulu looked shocked. “But ...what?” The Daroner just laughed. “I have been following you all most of the morning...Lendel can’t wield a sword worth a damn.”

“He’s good enough” Azulu said mater of factly. Aeguris just smiled and nodded, not wanting to fight her.

Lendel ripped the arrow out and charged his brother who only stepped to the side and swatted Lendel with the flat of his blade on the backside. The would be king spun around and swung his sword wildly at Philip’s head. The blow was parried and a quick slash was made on Lendel’s leg, then shoulder, and then chest all in quick succession. Tylendel cried out in pain, he was no longer fighting with a clear head, but one of vengeance. His third mistake of the day. He made another charge at Phillip who caught him by the chest and slammed him on to the ground with so much force Aeguris heard bones fracture.

“I want the head of that....THAT FUCKING HURT YOU DAMN DRUID!” Rogue was being held down by Keeva, Fionoch, Laragh, and six other men of the Arelian army. He had a terrible gash on his leg because the brave, and stupid, Asherite misjudged the distance during the jump.

“Easy Rogue...you already shot him in the head and trampled him with Maria...I don’t think he can be much more dead.”

“I DON’T CAAAAAAARG” The druid was working as carefully as he could to clean, stitch up, and bandage the wound. The druid had already stitched it up, but moving the leg to bandage it was painful. “He will be fine.” The druid said tying the bandage off. “Just don’t do anything drastic.”

“We need to move...we’re due to meet Lendel soon.” Fintan was clamoring to his feet, using the table he was just on as a prop.
“Can you even ride?” Fionoch asked looking concerned for the way the governor was carrying himself.

“Of course I can bloody ride!” Fintan looked insulted. “What am I? A Westlander? You know I’m a fast healer Fionoch, now let’s get going.” He limped out of the tent and to his horse. He struggled to get his foot in to the stirrup. “...Alright someone help me up.” A pair of soldiers hurried over and helped their commander on to his horse. Once Fintan was, uncomfortably, seated in the saddle he slung his braid back behind him. “Thank you gentlemen.” They both saluted him

“My Lords!” A soldier was running towards them, a letter in one hand and a beautiful eagle resting on the other. “Admiral Suaitheantas has taken the ports around the Island. The Island is ours My Lords!” He handed Fintan the letter to let him see for himself. Fintan nodded in approval and let the other commanders see the letter for verification. Once Keeva had read it, she hoisted it in to the air. “WE NEED ONLY THE CASTLE!” The crowed erupted once more in to cheers.

“Shall we take it?” Laragh called out. The response was like a boom of thunder as every man in the crowd shouted a “YES!”

“Then with me!” Fintan galloped to the road and started down it, going to meet Lendel at the castle and end the fight for the island.

Lendel was slammed against a large boulder by his brother. The would be king slid to the ground in a slump as the king slowly advanced on him. “I think we’re done here Lendel...but don’t worry about your army. It will be swift executions and the women will enjoy lives in my castle as slaves.” He rose his sword and brought it down on Lendel’s head to sever it. Before it could land however, another blade caught it and held it in place. Ice was slowly starting to form on the sword as it was held from Lendel by Aeguris.

“Doric delec barie noes paisre.” The gryphon lord said with a smirk. “It means, Good morning my lord pansy in Daronic.” He kicked the king in the chest hard, sending him flying back in to his own men. “Azulu get this peacock and lets be off.”

“You should have let me die, that is how it was suppose to be!” Lendel yelled as Azulu helped him up. “What were...how did you do that?” Aeguris had frozen the entire army of King Philip. The ice of Daron firmly covered each and every one of them. Unfortunately, this island was like a sauna compared to the frigid tundra of Daron. The ice would be melted within an hour, plenty of time to meet up with the Arelian forces and take the castle by storm.

‘I am Lord Aeguris le Orline, Lord of the Daron region of Her Majesty’s Empire” He said turning to face Lendel. “Gryphons can do strange things...NOW MOVE!” He started running off down the road where he could feel Fionoch and the others.

“Late...I should have known.” Fintan said with a taste of annoyance in his tone. The entire Arelian force was set up and ready to meet the arrival of Lendel’s forces. He leaned forward in the saddle with a “Oomph....” of pain from his leg. Two hours passed, and finally, Lendel’s banner could be seen flying low on the march. However, so could the white polar bear of Aeguris, and it was as high as all Arelian banners should be. The Arelians gave a soft cheer when they saw Aeguris’ forces, only around fifty men, but they were still Arelians to be greeted. The commanders of the forces rode up to each other in the middle, Lendel still being accompanied by Azulu. Fintan laughed seeing him. “What in the hell happened to you? You need a medic.”

“I would have one if she had not been killed!” Lendel spat with a glare at Keeva. “I should have her arrested and hanged for killing a noncombatant!” Every musket in the Arelian ranks cocked and leveled at Lendel.
Fintan looked surprised at Keeva. “You what?

Keeva looked proud at what she did. “She hurt my closest friend, a member of the Arelian court...you risked treason for her....she deserved it...I am sorry if that disappoints you however Rogue...”

“You can not disappoint me Your Highness...<If anything, you saved me the trouble.>” He added in Gaelic which made the Arelian commanders laugh, while Lendel tried to figure out what was said. “However, Lendel if you do have her arrested, your army will be slaughtered before it can leave the field.”

“Can we put this aside until after Philip is killed?” Fionoch asked sounding annoyed. He knew where this was going, it was going to lead to a testosterone fight between Fintan and Lendel. And the way Lendel looked at the moment even with his bad leg Fintan would have ended it rather quickly. “I am taking my men onward...Aeguris, you will lead?” In a golden flash the twelve foot gryphon lord stood before the others. Lord Aeguris nodded, assumed his form as well, and took off in to the skies.

“You should all hurry...the guns can handle the frozen ones of Phillip’s army.” The ice gryphon called down before turning in the soaring off with the other gryphons.

Fintan blinked. “TO THE CASTLE ON DOUBLE TIME!” he started to the castle on a trot, the men following behind him without question, keeping up perfectly. Long after the battles were over, when the Arelian banner waved over the land of New Daron a young child recalled seeing the movement. ‘It was beautiful, the blue tabards, the pike heads gleaming in the sun. Lord Governor looked so heroic leading our soldiers to battle. Her Highness was whooping and hooting, calling her followers with her. No one ever questioned them. The Standard of Arelia gleamed on it’s golden rod. They seemed so confident that Her Majesty could see them through the banner, and did their all not to disappoint her.’

“Release them Aeguris...” They were still frozen when the army arrived. Fintan nudged his horse forward as the white gryphon spread his wings out and made an ear shattering call. The ice that encased the Asherites broke and shattered on to the ground. “King Phillip Asher. I am Lord Governor Fintan de Marin, Governor of the Prechan Territory, Commander of the Arelian Royal Musketeers, the Royal Rangers, the Royal Cavalry, and Supreme Commander of the Arelian Royal Invasion force. Her Majesty is willing to extend to you an armed escort to the Golumewood, where you will remain in exile, if you surrender now. Refuse, and you will all be put to the sword.” A freezing wind swept across the field, bringing the banners of all armies out in the sun, showing them off. The musketeers and cannoners readied themselves in the event the offer was refused.

“Lord Governor, I know well who you are. I have no quarrel with you, nor your great country. I have received reports from the field...you have done what very few can in defeating so many of my men. I congratulate you. However, this is not Arelia’s fight, this is between myself, and that peacock of a brother.” Phillip smirked with his last words. “Just give him back to me, let us finish our fight, and we can all go on in peace.”

Fintan nodded and smiled. He held up his right hand, his silver ring glistening in the sun. He gave only four words. “Fire at will gentlemen.” The battlefield roared to life. Every cavalryman fired their pistols, the musketeer’s muskets cracked like whips, the cannons filled with grapeshot boomed. The bullets ripped through the bodies and ranks of Phillip’s remaining forces. Hardly one hundred still stood when the smoke cleared. The archers of the gryphon units drew back, and fell them with the singing of their arrows in the wind. It was Phillip alone who was unscathed, no one aimed at him, they were not meant to. “I give you the offer once more Phillip. Surrender, you will not die here today.”

Lendel went to yell out at Fintan, but was too weak and collapsed on his horse from exhaustion. His forces were unsure of what to do, they were told to run if Lendel was obviously going to loose, but now it looked like Fintan would win the battle. Phillip drew his sword and went to surrender it, holding it by the guard. Fintan knew this trick, it’s one he often used himself. Phillip was about to swing it around and try to kill Fintan, despite the vast force he would then have to face. The moment Phillip’s finger twitched to swing it around in to his hand, a wheellock pistol went off. The bullet passed cleanly through the king’s head, he fell dead on the ground. The snow turning a crimson color. Fintan tossed his discharged pistol to his aide stating. “The king is dead, raise the standard!” Arelia had won.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  Empty
PostSubject: The Empire Expanded   A Rogue's War - Part one of the Arelian Expansion  EmptyFebruary 15th 2011, 11:03 pm

Every one cheered, Philip was dead and the isle was won. To Lendel and his forces, Lendel was king. To the Arelians, Boudicca was Queen, and Lendel may or may not be governor. The time had come to speak with Lendel on the mater. Knowing there could be a fight, the officers had the soldiers reloading their pieces. Fintan turned his horse and walked infront of Lendel, stopping slightly shy of him.

“The isle is captured Lendel...it is now in your hands where we go from here. It was the Arelian army who captured the Isle of Asher, it is by all means held by the Arelian Empire. However, Her Majesty is willing to grand you lordship over the isle as it’s governor. You may hold the isle and govern it within the laws of the Empire. Do you accept?”

Lendel looked at him shocked. “I hold this Island, Fintan. Your forces helped me to gain it, and we are all grateful for it. Only an Asher can rule this island, however. I understand your customs may say differently, but this is how it is. I am now King Lendel Asher.”

“No, you are at most Lord Governor Lendel Asher.” Chimed in Keeva. “You lost every battle you drew blade in. Or have you forgotten your running away earlier this morning, and nearly being killed only a few hours ago?”

“Raise the colors of the Crown.” Fintan said to a pair of musketeers. They proudly saluted and ran in to the castle with the Arelian Standard

"You can not do this Fintan! The throne is mine by right!" Lendel stood from Azulu and advanced towards Fintan. None of the Arelians went to stop him, he was so badly wounded he couldn't do much harm against Silver Rose the Highwayman. "Well, Arelia has relieved you of your duties...'Your Majesy'. Now you can either accept governor ship, or I will become governor of this isle." Fintan replied with a smirk as he walked towards Lendel. "THIS IS MY ISLE HIGHWAYMAN NOT SOME WHOR" a gun shot ended Lendel's words, followed by screams from Azulu and Urchin, as well as several Lendel’s soldiers. One of the officers started at Fintan, but was stopped when six muskets were put in his face. Fintan lowered his smoking pistol as Lendel stood in perfect balance despite missing the back half of his head. "In the name of Boudicca, Queen of Arelia, and Empress of the Arelian Empire, and the People within her Realms, I claim this isle as New Daron. GOD SAVE QUEEN BOUDICCA!"

Hardly a moment later, the Arelian colors flew over the castle. Fintan looked up and smiled at it, then turned to the remainder of Lendel’s forces. “If you attempt to take up arms against us now, you will be shot in defense of the Empire. I am hoping that you all realize that your contract, if there was one, with Lendel is completely carried out. Phillip is dead, and the revolution is over.”

Keeva interjected. “If any pay was promised to you, I shall pay you myself for your services.”

The Arelians stood ready to react to violence if it came to that. None of the mercenary forces moved towards them, in fact, most were turning around and walking back to the shores to leave. Fintan drew his sword and picked up the crown using it. Smirking, he tossed it to a random soldier. “Melt it down...cast it in to Griffs. In fact, take all the money on the island and cast it in to Griffs. The gold and silver at least. Let them keep the copper...that’s useless.” As Fintan turned to lead the parade in to the castle he heard a call from behind him.

“You’re all monsters.” The sea of blue tabards parted to let Fintan see who had said it. Azulu was standing with her fists clenched, glaring at Rogue. “You kill a man in the water that you could have saved, you kill an innocent woman who couldn’t defend herself, and now you kill Lendel for claiming his Island. You’re no better than Phillip was.”

“If I was a monster, Miss Azulu, you would have already been shot for speaking to me that way...Musketeers, shoulder arms.” The musketeers brought their muskets to their left shoulder. “Parade, march.” He lead the musketeers in to the castle in full march. The gryphons followed, their riders, if they had them, walked beside them as equals. The infantry troops marched behind them, lead by Duke Laragh and Keeva.

The gates of the castle closed as the last of the cannoners rolled their guns inside. With one deep breath, Azulu shouted at the top of her lungs “YOU MONSTERS WILL BURN IN THE NINTH LEVEL OF HELL!”
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