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 Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG)

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) Empty
PostSubject: Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG)   Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) EmptyAugust 16th 2010, 1:19 pm

Chapter 1 - Making friends

It's so dark.... blurred shapes, moving fast... a... a woman... holding me close... her face is blurry. We're moving fast... I can feel the bumps of her body as she runs... or riding... too blurry... the images are too blurry to see right...

Kallea snapped awake with a cry and looked around in surprise, disoriented, her long black hair getting all over her face. After a few seconds, she brushed aside her hair and realized that she was still in her little campsite in the forest and she had woken up from a dream.

She place a hand to her temple and frowned a bit. "The same dream again... or is it my memory?" Kallea thought about it then shrugged, remembering and putting into play her rule. The past shall come to you in time. She settled back and drifted off to sleep, for in a few short hours she'll arrive in Westland for her next performance.

~ Several hours later....

"Huh, so this is the Westlands." Kallea looked up at the gates that marked the entrance to the city and sighed as the townspeople bustled about in their daily business. Finding the pub for her performance wasn't going easy, granted the city was a bit big and somewhat of a maze.

But once she was in the right direction, the pub would be easy to spot. Just look for the building that has a bunch of men and drunks at. The young archer looked hesitant about her next performance taking place in a pub, but she needed the gold, traveling alone isn't easy.

She stepped into the city limits and suddenly felt a... familiar presence over come her. The young woman paused and tilted her head in confusion, for a few tense moments, the feeling was there then disappeared as quickly as it came. Kallea blinked and looked around but decided to drop it in favor of searching for the pub.

(Okay, Kallea's arrived! Anyone who wants to meet her can and well as the my clan members... Kallea can actually be introduced into her family. And please keep in mind that it focuses on Kallea, so cameos can there as well as those that wish to be a friend or be a foe. And this is set before any other rps I've done with anyone. So she has no friends, other than Rogue and Black ranger now.)

((Oh, and I'll be adding Chapters as we go, so no new bullets, but Black Ranger already made the mistake, I don't think he ever RP'd in a forum before. Wish me luck with my first RP!))

(((And enjoy Kallea's story whether you join in or read it.)))
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) Empty
PostSubject: Hello   Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) EmptyAugust 16th 2010, 1:21 pm

Subject: Hello
A man aproached Kallea. He had brown hair held in a braid with a sword on his right side and a axe on his left I dont think i have seen you around, where is it your from lass. as he spoke he took a dagger out of one of his bracers and threw it at a man that was advanceing towards them. Kallea looked horified at him. Dont worry that was Berlock he was probbly going to try and give you advise but trust me when i say that it will only get you killed in the long run. I'm Rogue by the way
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) Empty
PostSubject: Thank You   Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) EmptyAugust 16th 2010, 1:22 pm

Subject: Thank You
Kallea nodded slowly as looked at him, "I'm Kallea Darkwing Twili. This is my first time here."

Rogue smiled, "Ah, then welcome to the Westlands, Kallea and where is it that you are from?"

The young archer's smile faltered a bit. "As for that. I'm not sure. I don't remember that but I have traveled around. But thank you."

The swordsman nodded, "I see. Then I shall go, perhaps we shall meet again." He turned and walked away. Kallea watched him go for a bit, then jumped in surprise. Ack! I forgot to ask him something! she thought as she chased after him.

"Hey, wait!"

Rogue paused and looked over his shoulder as the young archer raced up to him and panted. "Yes?"

Kallea smiled nervously, "Um, I forgot to ask you. Can you show me the way to the Pub? I'm suppose to perform there tonight and sort of replace the current singer who's out sick."

"Is that right?" Rogue asked, "Didn't know the Pub singer was sick, but of course. I'll show you the way."

Kallea smiled, "Thank you, again."

Rogue smiled, leading the way to the pub with Kallea following him...
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) Empty
PostSubject: Right   Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) EmptyAugust 16th 2010, 1:22 pm

Subject: Right
Here we are takes out two strange looking objects from his boots and puts a gold powder and a steel ball, he then pulls back on a lever on each one and put them back in his boots then looks back up at Kallea who is looking at him again as though he lost his mind You will learn what those are soon enough but for now just know that this place can get rough. opens the door and the two walk in and go their seprate ways
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) Empty
PostSubject: Singing at the Pub   Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) EmptyAugust 16th 2010, 1:28 pm

Subject: Singing at the Pub
Kallea thanked Rogue for leading the way and smiled at the other Archer for his song. but now that everyone's attention was focused on her, she blushed, feeling a bit shy. Don't worry about it. You're going to be here for a long while and the gold is worth it. She smiled again at her audience as she walked the steps to the simple stage.

Quickly, she scrolled through the songs she had in her head and picked one out. This one should be good The female archer opened her mouth and sang.

(Song: Come Clean from Hilary Duff)

"Let's go back.... back to the beginning... back to when the earth, the sun, the stars all aligned. 'Cause perfect didn't feel so perfect... Trying to fit a square into a circle. Was no life... I defy...!"

The crowd smiled and relaxed to song, listening carefully.

"Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams. Let it wash away my sanity... 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder. I wanna scream. Let the rain fall down... I'm coming clean... I'm coming clean..."

"I'm shedding... shedding every color... trying to find a pigment of truth beneath my skin... 'Cause different doesn't feel so different... And going out is better then always staying in! Feel the wind!"

The young archer swayed and moved to the beat of the music the musicians created for her song as she continued to sing; her eyes softly fixed on the listeners. A crowd had formed outside the pub, people peeking into tavern from the windows in hopes of seeing who sang so beautifully.

"Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams. Let it wash away my sanity... 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder. I wanna scream. Let the rain fall down... I'm coming clean... I'm coming clean..."

"Let the rain fall down and wake my dreams. Let it wash away my sanity... 'Cause I wanna feel the thunder. I wanna scream. Let the rain fall down... I'm coming clean... I'm coming clean..."

Her voice grew softer as the music began to die away, and raised her arms to the air as if to lift release a bird to the sky, closing her eyes.

"Let's go back.... Back to the beginning..."

At first the tavern was quiet, absorbing the last of the song before everyone erupted into applause as she bowed in thank you. Then she straightened and blushed at the clapping that everyone was gave to her, including those outside. Wow, they really liked that one. Or they really liked me.

Kallea smiled and blushed as the audience continued to cheer for her.
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Kallea's Forgotten Past... (story RPG) Empty
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