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 Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity

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2 posters
Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyMay 11th 2010, 10:37 pm

Liani cried all that night. With her brother and king, (Zaos) away again, her youngest daughter, Eventine (Eve) not talking to her and the sudden broken connection with Wulfric, Liani's mind was in much turmoil.

Liani left the castle in the dead of night. Once she was a few miles away, she shifted to her hell hound form and ran quickly to where she last felt Wulfric. She soon reached the darkest part of the forest and sniffed around for his scent.

Her ears perked as she found 3 familiar scents, Wulfric, Eve, and somehow.. Seth, Wulfric's father who they thought was dead. She paced around for hours till she felt something very wrong with Eve.

She wanted to find Wulfric but knew that Eve needed her more right now. She quickly made her way to the temple but stayed out of sight of her daughter. Liani seen that Rowan was with her so she stayed back and watched to see what was wrong with her daughter.

Eventine turns slowly as she feels someone coming and sends a pillar of dark fire at who ever it was. Her mind was clouded and she wasn't thinking straight as her anger was taking control of her and her fire.

Rowan sends it flying off in a different direction with a strong gust of wind and he continues after her
EVE!!! he shouted.

Eventine snarls Who.. are YOU!? her mind was lost, lost to her anger and now hatred towards her grandfather. Answer me! she stepped forward, a ball of dark fire in her palm.

Rowan stepped closer, unfazed
Eve! It's me, Rowan! he steps closer

Eventine growls as he steps closer to her
The name is Eventine, not Eve! What do you want here? she bounces the ball of dark fire in her hand gracefully and with skill

Eve... Please... it's just me... Rowan

Eventine growls again and sends the ball of dark fire at him That did not answer my question!! What do you want here?!?

Rowan's eyes glazed over with tears. He deflected the ball of fire and then stormed off and out of the temple.

Liani appears in front Rowan
Rowan.. her mind is clouded. She doesn't know who you are right now. You need to help her calm down so that the clouds lift and her fire turns red again instead of the black that it is now. Rowan.. she needs you more now then ever. You need to be strong, for her.

Rowan looked at Liani I know.. but it's just so hard... she doesn't know who i am.. and it just tears me apart....

Then make her remember Rowan! There must be something that you can do to make her remember anything! ROWAN!!
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Her own identity Unkown to her.   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyMay 11th 2010, 10:37 pm

Liani knew that Rowan would be able to bring Eve back so she vanished from the temple and made her way back to where Wulfric's and Seth's scent was. After having spent so much time with Wulfric, she easy was able to pick up where they had gone and knew the area well.

She took off in a full out run, following Wulfric's scent with ease. She followed his scent to a town and noticed him with ease. Wulfric now looked as he did when she first saw him at the Inn. His fur had returned to its black color and his eyes where red again. She then knew that Seth had gotten to him again. She feared the worse, that Seth had taken his memories also.

She stayed in her hell hound form, knowing that she would be safer that way around the other hell hounds that she saw with him. She followed him into the town and watched as he fed on goat after goat. Soon, the pack that he was with left the town and she followed them all back to what looked like a den.

Day after day, she stayed outside the "den" of the hellhounds that Wulfric was in. At night fall, she wound leave and go find food in the forest or a nearby town, making sure to cover her tracks each night. She always returned to where she had made a bed just before daybreak.

One night, about 2 weeks later, she was stalking a deer for her meal when she realized something odd. She had now forgotten who she was. After feasting on the deer, she returned to her bed by the other hell hounds' den. She looked at the nearby "den" and wondered if there was room for a lone hell hound.

The days of the following week went slowly for Liani as her eyes turned red instead of there pure white and her fur was now a dull black instead of the snow white color that it used to be. Exactly a week after she forgot who she was, she was out hunting and ended up getting wounded by a hunter who had seen her feeding on a small deer. The arrow passed clean through her hind leg, leaving a wound that bled slowly.

Liani limped back to her bed by the den and layed down, trying to lick the wound clean. She was weak and just fell asleep. The next morning, she was awaken by a howl and watched as the hell hounds left their den. She seen 2 that stayed back and she sat up, shakily.

Soon the 2 padded over to her and just watched her. Then one of them spoke
Hi, Im Aeron. And this is Than Liani looked at him and then answered him with Hi.. I am.. actually, I don't know who I am. But, Rika sounds nice so just call me that. She smiled a little and tried to pad closer to them but fell back down to the ground from the wound on her hind leg.

Rika and Aeron just sat and stared at each other. What are you two gonna do, just stare at each other like idiots!? Than said. That wasn't what he was thinking, but he had to yell something out before he said it. Aeron kept his gaze on the other hell hound. Rika kept her gaze at Aeron as the other hell hound spoke.

Than looked from Aeron to Rika and back again before standing up and shoving his head between them. Aeron didn't even shift his gaze.
What the freak. Than sat down again Do you ever blink, Aeron!?

Rika didnt shift her gaze from Aeron as Than put his head between them or when he sat back down. .......................... Than looked between the two of them again
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Rika's and Aeron's first night together.   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyMay 12th 2010, 11:22 pm

Aeron sits, stareing at Rika. Thanatos tried in vain to break their stare while Rika sat and stared at Aeron, not blinking once. Mate, you are bloody well crazy to have the ability to just stare like that. Blink, Aeron! BLINK!! Show some sign of life!!! Aeron flicked his tail, but kept stareing. Than growled that was not what i was expecting.... looked at Rika and started trying to get her to do or say something having given up at Aeron. Rika flicked her tail as she kept her gaze fixed on Aeron AHHRG!!!!! Thanatos began pacing around the two in frustration.

Rika inched a bit closer to Aeron, not breaking her gaze from his eyes. Aeron's nose twitched, finally realizing it was smelling blood. His ears perked up, listening around them, but his eyes remained on Rika. his ears caught movement far off and thought that it must be the pack returning from their hunt. Thanatos hears it too
They're coming back! Don't you think we oughtta do something with this chick before they get back!? Find a way to help her or.. or..i dunno!!!!!!!

Rika kept her gaze on Aeron as her ears perked at the sounds of others coming. She shifted her body to reveal her blood stained hind leg. Aeron kept his gaze locked on her, but then finally briefly broke the gaze to glance down at her leg sniffed again then he returns his gaze to her's he.. He's right.. we might want to um.. do something about you.. and your wound.. we can um.. see if Alpha will let you.. remain with the pack.... but i can't really promise anything......... he said softly. Than suddenly burst out FINALLY!!!!!!!

Rika kept her gaze on Aeron as she finally spoke I... would like that. I have no where else to go, I have no pack of my own. Thanatos looked at them Well we gotta do something because they're coming back ann we gotta get back to out 'guard' duties before they get here. I.. I will go back to where I sleep then.. she finally broke her gaze from Aeron and indicated a small area not far from them I will.. be there.... she went to turn and pad back to her resting placing but was weak and stumbled to the ground. Aeron jumped forward and towards her I'll.. I'll help you... Than rolled his eyes I'll just be back at the door and don't blame me if you don't get back before they do and the door closes again. Than padded back to the entrance of the 'den'

Rika looked up at Aeron and nodded her head as she tried to stand again
Thank... you... Aeron helped her to stand and allowed her to lean on him for support. Rika leaned on him as she slowly padded back to her resting place across the clearing from where the others' "den" was. You.. are not like them? In some ways... Aeron continues to help her towards her resting place. Rika stumbles a little You.. don't seem like them. You seem like me, lost. He keeps her on her feet Yes.. i do feel lost... past three weeks ago there is nothing. No memories.. nothing. Than says it's the same for all of them... none of them can remember a thing before coming to the pack...

I.. I have no memories too, none at all. I.. i didn't know my name or anything. I dont even remember how I got to my resting place but.. but I remember you and following you one day. Everything else is gone. she pads carefully along side of him, trying to keep her balance. Aeron flicked his ears Yeah.... Rika flicked her ears as they neared her resting place Do you.. think.. that I will be able to... join your pack since I have none of my own? I don't know... it's all up to Alpha.... like i said... i can't promise anything... her ears lower I.. hope he lets me. Its not fun being all alone. he nodded as they continued towards her resting place.

She lowers her head as they come closer to her resting place. She like his company and didnt want him to leave her. She didnt want that lonely feeling again. Will you stay with me for a bit? Um... he had to admit.. he was reluctant to go... but he had to get back I uhh.... i should.. head back really.... but he didn't move, still reluctant to leave.

She didnt look at him as they reached her resting place
I.. I see.. she really didnt want him to leave. she wanted him to stay with her. I.. guess... if.. you have to go... then you .. should.. tears could been seen dripping to the ground as she layed down in her resting place, facing the others "den" across the clearing .

Yeah... i really, should... Aeron glanced back at the den, but didn't move and instead lingering I.. I understand. I will be.. ok here.. alone... And.. you can.. come see me ... if you want to.. Rika's eyes still dripped tears at the the thought of being alone again but knew she couldnt force him to stay with her. Aeron looked back at her and then back at the Den and then suddenly realized that the rest of the pack was already at the door of the Den. Aeron looked at Rika and then back at the den. Hesitating before he headed back towards the den. He paused and looked back before he came within sight of the door, Lingering for a few more moments before continuing on his way.

Rika let out a whimper as he padded away. The loneliness was starting to fill her again and she just layed her head on her front paws and gazed at his den and at him. Aeron deliberately took his time, by the time he was in view of the den the pack had all entered, and as he drew near.. just minuets later the doors closed and Aeron muttered to himself in mock astonishment
Oh look the doors are close.. i guess i can't get in... and he turned around and went back the way he came.

Rika had closed her eyes as he had drew near his Den. She was silently crying to herself as she felt lonely and alone again. Aeron padded, at a faster pace then he had been when leaving, back to Rika's resting place. He slowed to a walk as he neared. Rika layed silently crying with her head buried under her paws. Aeron paused a few yards away from Rika before padding a little bit closer and sitting down a few feet away

Rika's ears perked up and she lifted her head and seen Aeron
You.. came back? Aeron was sudden embarrassed umm... yea... i uh... um.. yea. i did.... the.. the doors close.. before.. i.. got there... Rika smiled a little You... can.. stay here... till you can go back. Aeron flicked his ears Okay.. thanks...

Rika moved a little to make room for Aeron to lay near her Its not much.. but its comfortable. she turned her head and licked her wound a little. Aeron hesitated a few moments before he inched a little bit forward and lay down a little bit away. You.. should lay under the tree Aeron, its better. Aeron nodded and then inched a little closer till he was under the tree and about a foot away from Rika. Aeron looks over at Rika and flicks his ears. He shifts his weight towards her and curls up, now a mere few inches away because of the movement.Rika gazed at Aeron as he layed close to her. She flicks her tail and it wraps around his. Aeron stretched out again and rolled back onto his stomach before gazeing back at her again.

Rika inched closer and layed her head on his front paws gazing up at him
I like having you here.. with me.. Aeron Aeron looked down at her again. He was oddly confortable with her so close to him. Yeah........ Rika moved closer to Aeron. She lifted her head and licked his cheek then layed her head back across his paws. Aeron folded his ears back and then after a few moments he licked the top of her forehead
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Rika and Aeron declare thier love and become mates   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJune 11th 2010, 8:39 pm

Rika flinched as a pain went thru her hind leg. The wound was healing but it was slow. She gazes at Aeron and feels oddly very safe with him so near her. Aeron's ears swivled around, listening to their surroundings as he glanced down at her You rest now, Rika. I will keep watch. The door will open again at midnight.. we can go there and ask if you may remain with the pack then.. so for now.. get your rest.. you need it. Rika gazes up at him Ok Aeron, I will rest now. You will stay near as you keep watch wont you?

Aeron bobs his head I will. Rika smiles and lays her head on her paws and closes her eyes to rest. She was glad the blood had stopped but wished that the wound would heal faster. In her mind, she worries that she wont be allowed to stay with pack that Aeron belonged to. She didnt want to be apart from him as she enjoy being with him for some reason. Aeron yawned and remained alert on their surroundings

Rika kept glancing over at Aeron as he keep watched. She was happy that she didnt know exactly who she was, She feared that if she did then she wouldnt be here with Aeron now.

Aeron occasionally glanced down at Rika as he remained on watch. He hoped Alpha would let her into the pack. Rika's worry was starting to show on her face. SHe didnt want to be alone again, she wanted to stay with Aeron. Aeron saw her worry and whispered
Rest now, Rika.. you'll need it.. trust me.

Rika glanced at Aeron and bobbed her head and layed it back down on her paws and rested.

Rika woke and looked around, letting out a whimper when she saw that Aeron wasn't there, but It wasn't long before Aeron was padded back to Rika, ears and tail drooping. He lay back down next to her, resting his head on his paws. Rika smiled as he layed next to her, and she inched closer to him, laying her head near his. I thought you left me all alone.

No... i wouldn't dare.. at least not for very long, Rika.... he replied, glanceing over at her

Rika lifted her head and then licked his cheek So you will stay with me when you can, and always come back to me if you need to leave?

Yeah... he says, gazeing into her eyes

Rika licked his cheek again and then looked down at her paws as she consitered what she was about to say. She took a deep breath and then glanced over at him again and said Aeron... Can I... confide... in you... something personal...?

... sure...

Rika sat up and gazed at Aeron, taking another deep breath Aeron... During our time together... I... I... have developed feelings for you. She began to shake as she finally told him about her feelings towards him

Aeron glanced at Rika and then licked her cheek. She smiled then licked his cheek again as she stops shaking. He flicked his tail happily and then leaned against her. She waged her tail happily as he leaned agaist her Being with you makes me happy, Aeron.

It makes me happy too Aeron replied, glancing over at her

She smiled then lifted her head a little and playfully niped his ear If possible.. I want to always be with you

Aeron smiled and then nuzzled Rika I would like that.......

Rika nuzzled him, wagging her tail happily as she inched closer to him, their pelts now slightly touching What if I'm not accepted by your pack tho? I dont want to leave you Aeron.

Aeron sighed that was something he didn't want to think about. Rika heard his sigh and whimperd slightly as she lowered her head, ears flattened against her skull. She then layed down with her head on her paws. Rika gazed up at him and wondered what he was thinking and how he felt towards her. He licked her forehead and then glanced up at the sky. She moved even closer to Aeron, pressing her side against his as she layed her head back down on her paws, sneaking glances of him. He glanced down and then nuzzled her. Rika smiled and nuzzled his chin with her head. She felt safe and happy with him. She layed her head near his paws then started to drift off to sleep as Aeron rested his head on hers with a sigh.

Rika padded back quietly to where her bed was, trying not to alert Aeron that she had been out hunting all night. She thinks to herself "I hope he didnt notice me gone thru-out the night. Aeron sat gnawing on a bone, waiting for Rika to return.... she wasn't there when he woke up.. and he just hoped that she was going to come back...

Rika stopped a few feet from her bed, noticing Aeron gnawing on a bone. "I guess he did notice me gone if he is awake already" she thinks to herself as she pads over and sits next to him
Morning Aeron. He wagged his tail and flicked his ears in aknogledgement as he continued to gnaw on the bone.

Rika stretched out, arching her butt high and her front legs out in front of her before laying down next to him
I see you got something to eat too she wags her tail happily, hitting him with it a little. Yup he barked through the gnawing of his bone, Rika wagged her tail more Ya gonna gnaw that bone all day? Maybe he barked through his gnawing. he stopped and licked his muzzle a bunched and looked over at her, still licking his muzzle repeatedly, then he started gnawing again.

Rika barked at him then inched closer and licked his nose
You cant gnaw on that thing all day, Aeron love. Aeron wagged his tail and then stopped gnawing on the bone Why not? he whined playfully Because... nothing will get done then. And we still have to go out and find more to eat later. Cant do that if you are gnawing in that bone.

I think ahead Aeron flicked his tail to the left and to a small pile of fresh kill habit. Always bring back as much as you can carry.. and then some. That's what Alpha told us. So that's what i've always done. Should be enough for a day or two.... he started gnawing on the ox bone again

Nice.. we shouldnt have to leave then. she leaned over and licked his forehead as he went back to gnawing on his bone. Aeron wagged his tail happily.Rika wagged her tail happily then wrapped it around his as she inched closer to him.

Aeron.. do you remember what I confided in you the other day? she started to shake a little.Aeron stopped gnawing on his bone and looked over at her Yeah. She gazes at him Those... feeling have grown since then... and.. well... I dont really know how you feel about me... she starts to shake more, afraid that he didnt feel the same towards her that she felt towards him.

Aeron pressed up against her and licked her ear.
I know i definatly have strong feelings for you, Rika.... Rika smiled and pressed up more against him Hearing that.. it makes me happy Aeron. My feelings for you are very strong now. I couldnt bare to be apart from you, it would kill me. Rika licked his ear then playfully nipped it. Aeron nuzzled her and licked her muzzle.

Rika smiled as he nuzzled her and licked her muzzle. She stretched her front legs out again before crossing her paws and laying her head down on them, gazing up at him.
Aeron... Yes? he looks down at her. She gazes deep into his eyes, takes a deep breath and then says I.. I love you Aeron. I love you too, Rika.

Rika smiles and gazes at him again. She felt warm and safe there with him and knew that he wouldnt let anything happen to her and they he would make sure they were always together. She took another leap and asked him Aeron.. will.. will you be my mate? He licked her ear and said Of course.

RIka barked happily as her tail started to wag happily. SHe sat up and stated to lick his ear then his muzzle You have made me the happiest hellhound around, Aeron. Aeron wagged his tail happily and licked her muzzle.

Rika wagged her tail more, leaning into his licking and pressing up against him
Together always now. she whispers to him. Always he repeats and nuzzles her
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Bound together Forever   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJune 26th 2010, 4:57 pm

Rika wakes and stretches out. She looks around for Aeron and whimpers a little when she doesn't see him anywhere near. Aeron pads back into their little clearing and lays back down next to Rika. Rika smiles as Aeron lays next to her Where were you Aeron? I was out looking around a little bit. He said gazing down at her. She gazes up at him You know I get worried when you aren't here.

Aeron nuzzled her I know... and I'm sorry Rika... I wont do it again.he said giving her forehead a lick. She nuzzles him I guess I worry too much. I know that you need to make sure everything is alright. If I was awake, I'd probably want to go with you and if we were to get ambushed, you wouldn't be able to concentrate on fighting. He nuzzles her back No.. if you were there i would be able to concentrate better because i would want to protect the one i love with all my heart. Rika smiles and nuzzles him more Then next time, we scout together. inches closer to him and lays her head near his paws.

Aeron... do you still think about returning to your pack? gazes up at him slightly. Aeron lowered his head and rested it on his paws, gazing at her still Sometimes... Rika lifts her and licks his cheek You miss being with them and your friend, don't you Aeron?

A little bit... Have you even went back at all since we became mates? No, I haven't... he licks her cheek I've wanted to remain here with you. Rika smiles and licks his cheek That makes me happy. I don't know what I would do if you had gone back then wasn't allowed to return to me. Neither do I he nuzzles her some more

Rika nuzzles him again, inching a little closer so their pelts touch. I'm a little surprised though. We aren't far from the den and yet no one has bothered us. Yeah.. that is a little strange he pressed himself up against her and licked her forehead. Her fur twitches as he presses against her You think your leader knows about us? she playfully nips at his ear I wouldn't be too surprised if he did.... he flicked his ears and then nipped at her neck lightly.

Rika tips her head as she shifts, raising her rear in the air and nipping at his ear again playfully
If he does.. I'm glad he doesn't make you leave. he backs up a step, his butt int the air as he wagged his tail Same he lightly bats at her with a paw. She moves to the side, letting out a little bark as her tail wags. She lifts a paw to bat at him but then puts it back down as she lowers her head to the ground, her butt still in the air Oh... you want to play do ya Aeron? He barks and bats at her again she barks then lifts her paw and bats at him, nipping at his paw playfully before jumping to the side, wagging her tail.

He barks and rears up onto his hind paws, batting at her with both of his front paws. She takes a step back and barks again as she rears up on her hind legs before hitting the ground with her front paws, trying to look fierce. Aeron snarled and barked, lowering back down onto all fours and nipping at her ear. she growls then barks again, still trying to look fierce while nipping at his neck.

Aeron nudged her and nipped at her again she scoots back and barks at him again. She rears up again before lowering her head to the ground and raising her butt high in the air, snarling at him, still while trying to look fierce. The fur on the back of his neck rose and he snarled, looking fierce and batted at her again. She snarles and suddenly lunges towards him, nipping into the side of his neck.

Aeron rolls over and nips at her neck she yelps, feeling his fangs touching her skin through her fur. She lunges at him again, her fangs bared, her fur risen and a look of hunger in her eyes He bats at her with his paws as she lunges at him she nips at his paw as she shifts to the side, lunging at him again nipping at his leg this time Aeron rolled back onto his paws and backed up a little bit

She grins and barks at him again, standing before him, looking a little fierce now. She nips at his leg again while wagging her tail He wagged his tail and barked and nipped at her tail she backs up to protect her tail then suddenly lays down and rolls over onto her back before rolling back over to her side, gazing up at him, panting

Aeron lays down and then inched forward slowly, panting she keeps gazing at him as he inched closer to her, her panting starting to subside as she barks at him he gazes at her and barks back then moved forward a little bit more she bats her eyes as she barks again, her tail wagging happily as she gazes into his eyes He licks his muzzle and wags his tail, settling down a little distance away from her. She gazes over at him, batting her eyes more at him as she pats the ground close to her with a paw, beaconing him to mover closer to her He inches closer and settles down again near where she had patted the ground.

She flicks her tail and started to inch closer to him, gazing into his eyes. She moves again, getting even closer to him. He gazes back at her, inching a little bit closer She keeps gazing at him, inching even closer. Her tail twitches as she feels it touch his. His tail twitched and then wrapped around hers. He felt his cheeks begin to heat up as he still gazed at her She feels her cheeks flush as his tail wraps around her. She inches even closer till she feels his fur against hers. Aeron ears pressed back against his head as he feels her fur against his.

She gazes up at him with her soft gray eyes as her ears pressed back and her tail twitches. She presses against him, loving the feel of their fur touching. He nuzzled her as she pressed up against him. She nuzzles him, licking his forehead then his cheek. She then presses tighter against him as she gazes into his eyes more. He gazed back and then licked her muzzle. She feel her cheeks flush more as he licks her muzzle. She looks deep within his eyes then presses even tighter against him, feeling her heart race.

He feels his heart skip a beat and then begin to race, gazing deep into her eyes She feels her heart skip several beats as she gets lost in his eyes. She lifts her head then softly asks
Will you mate with me, Aeron? He feels his breath catch in his throat as his heat beat faster Of course, Rika...

She blinks her eyes as she feels her heart start to beat faster and faster I love you Aeron. After we mate, we will be bound to each other forever. She shifts and raises her butt in the air, wrapping her tail around one of her hind legs. He stands and licks her ear I love you too, Rika... He said before shifting and getting up on top of her.

She barks softly then howls as Aeron mates with her, sealing their lives to together for life. She softly howls again as they finish mating. She lays down on her side and gazes at him lovingly. He lays down next to her, gazing back at her lovingly

She keeps her gaze on his eyes, smiling softly
I am yours forever, my darling. He smiles back, eyes remaining on her And i am forever yours, my love.. She nuzzles him gently then lays her head down on his paws I wont let anyone, not even your pack leader, take you away from me. I will fight to the death to keep you at my side always. She licks his paws before closing her eyes and falling into a peaceful slumber. He sighed lightly and then closed his eyes and fell asleep lightly

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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Rika's first meeting with Alpha   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJuly 5th 2010, 10:16 am

Rika pads quietly around Aeron's soon to be former den, trying to get a look inside. Well hello there... a voice said from behind Rika. Aeron got up and then looked around, not seeing Rika. His nose twitched and then he stood up and looked around.

She stops and turns, snarling
Who are you? a massive hell-hound stared down at her Don't give me that kind of tone he snarled warningly, the hair on the back of his neck raising angerly. I will give any tone I want to someone who sneaks up Her fur bristles on her tail as she growls at the hell-hound in front of her. The hell-hound bares his teeth You are an intruder on my lands, you best not talk to me in this way.

She growls louder, loud enough for Aeron to faintly hear her Then I shall leave as I not wish to intrude on your precious land. I was just curious what this place was. she turns and starts to pad away. He growls I will see you again in the near future He growled, narrowing his eyes You can guarantee it. Then he turned and padded the rest of the way up to where the entrance of the den should be he looked around and then pushed in a small inch by inch section of the wall and a small doorway opened up just large enough for him to fit through and he slipped inside the den, finally having returned from his 'errand'

Aeron's ears perked up and he started padding towards the den, nose twitching as he followed Rika's scent. She pads slowly back to her little den.
Great.. just because he is bigger then me he thinks he could talk to me that way she snarles Just who does he think he is? She stops suddenly when she sees Aeron coming up to her Oh.. crap... he heard me... He isn't going to like this..

Aeron padded up to her. Rika's ears pressed against her head as she sat down, her head lowered a little Hello my love. He didn't do anything to you did he? he glances back at the dent and then back at Rika, his voice laced with worry and he sat down in front of her No my love. He didn't do anything but sneak up on me and told me not to growl at him she raises her head to look at Aeron. He seemed to relax Good...

Shall we go back to our little den? she stands Yeah... let's head back... he stood too, glancing over Rika and at the den... and saw two glowing red eyes peeking from the darkness. he shivered and then turned and started back, casting a glance behind him to see if Rika was following She follows Aeron back to their den, knowing that she really worried him by going to his old den.

Suddenly another hell-hound came bounding after them
Aeron Aeron Aeron Aeron Aeron! Where have you been, man!! Aeron froze mid step and then whipped around. Rika skidded to a stop and turned around. I.. I remember that voice... she sat next to Aeron and waited. Aeron smiled as the hell-hound skidded to a halt in front of them Aeron Aeron Aeron! Dude dude dude! You have missed so much maaaaan! I would assume so.... I mean stuff like little Malic getting chased by a lion thingy. It was HILARIOUS! I bet. Aeron smirked at the thought of the 'big and tough' Malic getting chased around by a cat. Rika's ears perked up seeing Aeron smiling and she lifts her head Hello again She smiles as her tail wraps around Aeron's leg

Hello... oh your that chick from the other day! oh yeaaaahhhh! Whadup yo. he suddenly got a thought Oh oh oh oh ya wanna know something a little fishy? he looked around careful and then scooted closer so he was right in front of them Sure, Thanatos... Than's voice got all low and soft.. for once Old Alpha snuck off a a while ago and left Ryan in command.... he only just got back ya know... a little fishy if i do say so myself.. he's got human scent all over him. That's never a good thing. Aeron tilted his head to the side in thought that is strange.. he muttered

I have a name Than.. least you could do is remember it. suddenly her eyes go wide Alpha just returned.....? Darling... was.. that... who I growled at? Aeron nodded slightly, deep in thought. Than's eyes when wide Dude she growled at Alpha.. you got some nerve chick... I like that. Than's nose twitched i wonder what he was doing.... Don't we all Aeron muttered. Rika snarles at being called a chick again You call me "chick" again and you will wont need a den... THAN! Rika nuzzles Aeron gently then licked his cheek My love.. I'm heading back to "our" den.. try not to be too long.

whaaaaaat! Thanatos whine and Aeron nodded and licked her cheek before she left. Rika grinned and stood, licking Aeron's cheek one more time before turning to pad back to their den, wagging her tail happily. Aeron stared after her and then looked back at Than as he whispered You've struck it rich, man. Aeron smiled and flicked his tail You know what...? what??? Something seems fishy about this whole thing. What whole thing, the girl walking away? the me and you talking here outside the den. what seems fishy? Aeron batted Than's head with his paw No you idiot. The whole thing with Alpha, the whole memory absence, the whole rule system, the whole thing. It just doesn't.. gah.. how do i explain this to you. ..... wait to ME are you saying I'm stupid!? ... no. Alright.. cuz it sure seemed like it, Aeron. Aeron flicked his ears in annoyance.

Rika stops before reaching their den and turned around to sit and try and listen to Aeron and Than. He may have said no, but he was thinking 'yes' ...
Well i guess the fact that everyone BUT Alpha have memories beyond waking up one day in the den. Ever wonder where he goes those times he slips out that little door of his? Even wonder why we don't have memories. Ever wonder why he is watching me EVERY second of the day seemingly Aeron glanced up and sure enough... the two red eyes were glaring at him. Aeron took a deep breath and hesitated about going farther as the red eyes blinked. ... follow me Follow you where? Just follow me Aeron stood up and padded off without stopping to see if Than was following and towards Rika

Rika looked up and seen Aeron and Than padding towards her then she sees two red eyes blinking from the darkness and her fur bristled. She waited for them to reach her. Aeron padded up to Rika, nuzzled her and said
Come on... and kept padding on, Than trailing behind him. Rika stood and followed Aeron, padding next to him Back to our den or are we going somewhere else darling? Somewhere else Aeron looked behind him again and then looked forward and padded on

She nodded and stayed right next to him as he lead them somewhere different
Love.. may I ask why? I'm not sure.. just anywhere that isn't withing the pack's hunting grounds. Aeron whispered softly. She smiles and nods, leaning up and licking his cheek Ok Love. May I ask why "he" is coming with us then? He's the only one i can trust. Sure he's a loud mouth but he can keep a secret if i ask him to. He whispered she whispers Then I will trust him too, love. But can you stop him from calling me chick.. it just sounds... so.. human.. her fur ruffles.

I know... the way he talks is simply human... that's how it is with most of the pack.. they all act so... very... human..... That is strange Darling.. we are all hell-hounds.. not humans.. .. aren't we? ... I'm beginning to doubt that myself... he muttered as he padded on. Darling.. you don't think that.. we.. are actually human? she stays with him as they padded onward I don't know... he said, lowering his ears. Than quicked his pace so that he was padding on Aeron's other side Dude, where we going? ...somewhere where Alpha can't find us... or watch us.... or listen in on us.... Aeron said, padding on.

Rika's ears lowered as she lowers her head and lays her tail over his back and pads along side Aeron, not asking anymore questions. Aeron took a deep breath.. he was beginning to be terrified of the idea that Alpha was watching him all the time.. it was very unnerving.. and he just had to get away from there.. and he just hoped that Alpha wouldn't come and try to stop him... Rika could tell that something was bothering Aeron and she wanted to ask him about it but didn't. Having facing Alpha finally had actually scared her and his words repeated in her head over and over...

Aeron looked over his shoulder about every minuet... then every half minute... and soon it was like he was looking every second... it was driving him nuts. He quickened his pace. Than flicked his tail and sped up to stay in pace with Aeron Rika kept pace with Aeron, worry showing on her face.
Darling.. what is it?
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Confrontation at last   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJuly 8th 2010, 12:13 pm

Rika looks behind her again and shivers Aeron.. I have bad feeling...

I know. he sniffed and looked behind them and then snarled, looking at Than.

Love.. what is it? she shivers again Are we being followed?

Yup, 'fraid so Than answered for him, glancing back as Aeron looked over at Rika then he looked forward and broke into a sprint,
Than flicking his tail and running after him

Rika took off after Aeron, catching up to him Who is it Aeron? Its Alpha isn't it? He is following us isn't he?

That's what i think. he replied

she kept pace with Aeron Why? Why cant he just let us be happy?

He's not the happy type.

she looks back at Than and snarled I don't care what he isn't! Aeron.. what are we going to do? she picks up her pace a little

We're going to try and-- GAH!! Aeron skidded to a halt and as did Than as Alpha suddenly stepped out in front of them, glaring Just where do you think you're going? he said with an angry flick of his tail.

she skids to a halt and snarled
Its You! she glares and growls at Alpha

Alpha snarledI suggest you shut that bitchy little mouth of yours. Aeron snarled and Alpha turned his gaze to him So what are you doing, Aeron spreading rumors and lies to poor little Thanatos here are you? Brain washing him to your obsured little thought. Human? HA! Who would believe such a thing

she snarled again, flicking her tail Don't you dare tell me what to do! she moved to Aeron's side and stood with him There is only one here that has that right!

Alpha ignored her, and Than was too scared to pay attention But-- Don't listen to this traitor here. that's all he is a traitor, bending you to his will. Don't listen to him, Than Aeron growled softly to him No, listen to me. I am your leader, and he is nothing but a traitor. Than crouched down low, his ears pressed back against his skull. he's lying Than... Shut up Wulf! Alpha snapped, without realizing what he had said Wulf...? No not Wulf, i said Aeron. Alpha said, on the verge of panicking. Wulf.......?

Rika shook her head as she swayed a little, bumping into Aeron .... I.. have heard that name... before..... Wulf... she growls and shakes it off. Than.. listen to Aeron! He wouldn't lie to you!

Aeron seemed in a trance, ignoring everything around him. and muttered Wulf............... How many times do i have to tell you to shut up, girl! Thanatos, come with me. Ryan will be here shortly to deal with you two Alpha snarled before flicking his tail as turned and started off. he paused and looked back I said COME Thanatos! Than stood up straight and took a singe step forward then he crouched down low and snarled I'm not going anywhere with you. is that so Alpha said turning around and stareing down at them

And I said you have NO right to tell me what to do! she snarls again and nudges Aeron Aeron! she growls Snap out of it!

Last edited by Eventine on July 9th 2010, 11:03 am; edited 1 time in total
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Memories long forgotten returned at last   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJuly 8th 2010, 3:23 pm

Aeron snarled and then suddenly launched himself at Alpha. Alpha's eyes went wide with shock as Aeron rammed into him, sinking his teeth into Alpha's forearm You are going to pay for what you've done to me you bastard!!! Alpha regained his bearings and retaliated rolling onto him to dislodge him and got back onto his feet. Aeron pulled himself back up and then launched himself at Alpha again You are going to PAY SETH!! Pay for everything you've done!!! EVERY LAST THING!!

Rika blinks at the mention of Seth. She moves to Than's side and watches Aeron as he fights with Alpha, not understanding where she had heard the names Wulf or Seth

Aeron sunk his teeth into Alpha's back and then Alpha shook his off and snarled No you are the one that is going to pay Wulfric. Alpha lifted his head and let loose a bone-chilling howl I will hunt you down and I will kill you just like I killed your brother. Then I will track down Nicolai and kill him too. You are ALL going to pay. And the guardians.... I will destroy them and I will rule this world!!! And with that Alpha turned and dashed off, leaving a snarling Wulfric and a confused Thanatos in his wake

Rika lowered and shook her head .... Wulf... wulf.. Wulfric... she looks up at Aeron Wulfric...?

He snarled one last time and then turned and padded back over to them, tail flicking back and forth angerly. he glanced at her and nodded

Rika shakes her head again, her tail flicking wildly about her I.. I know that name... Aeron...How.. do I know that name?

he studied her. We'll figure that out.... he said then looked at Than You still commin with? You can count on it. Good.... we need to get moveing and fast... they are bound to catch up to us soon if we dont get moveing fast.

Rika stood tall Aer... Wulfric.. she moved to his side and licked his cheek We better hurry then, but to where?

Liani's castle is a good place to start. Seth said something about the guardians.. maybe Max knows something...... wait a second... he looked at Rika again and tilted his head to the side

Wulfric.. what is it? Rika looked very confused as she stood there

I swear you look quite a lot like Liani.........Wulfric flicked his ears .....Just come on... he turned and then bounded off, Than glanced at Rika and then bounded after him.

Rika shrugs and pads after Wulfric and Than Wulf... who is Liani? she asks as she pads up next to him

.......Someone just like you...... Wulfric said... he glanced back at Than... who was being unsually quiet then glanced forward again

Just like me? she tilts her head then glanced at him with ruby eyes How is she like me, love?

In every aspect... you are just like her. Wulfric glanced back at her again. he looked at Than i have a feeling... that all those hellhound back at the den... you're all human. Why do you think that Because i'm human and so is Alpha and you, Than, are human too because there is no way in hell that you are a hellhound.

Rika stops and shakes her head Then.. that.. makes me.. human too.. she glances at Wulfric again, her ruby red eyes glimmering as her coat starts to show its true color I have... no.. memory of being human..

Wulfric looks back at Rika Your your pelt....................... his eyes go wide

She moves her head and her eyes go wide My.. pelt.. its as white as snow! she sits down and shakes her head again Wulfric... Who.. who am I?

You ARE Liani!! he exclaimed, stareing at her with what were now sapphire blue eyes.

Rika shakes her head I.. I am.. Liani? she shakes her head more Why cant I remember!?

I'm sure things will eventually come back to you, love..... Seth is probably behind this.... just we need to get to the castle... and talk to Max...... he said, licking her forehead before padding off again

Rika sat there, shaking her head in confusion Liani.. I am.. Liani.. she shakes her head more as her tail flicks behind her No.. I cant be.. I am a hell hound!

Liani, you, is a hellhound too. I'm Wulfric.. a human.. but i'm also a hellhound. he says stopping, to look back at her again there are only two hellhound in the entire world that have snow white pets and blue eyes. his own pelt was in the middle of turning snow white itself Only Two. And that is obviously, you and i.

She gazed at him and looked into his eyes and saw the most beautiful sapphire eyes looking back at her. Her eyes were fixed on his as her own reverted back to their sapphire blue. Wulfric.... I am Liani, one of two rare snow white hellhounds of the world. she stood up, tall and proud and padded up to him

Wulfric smiles, gazeing into her eyes, his pelt now completly snowy white

she leans her head up and licks his muzzle softly Hello my darling Wulf.she smiles at him softly

Hello, my love He smiles and then licks her muzzle

she nuzzles him over and over again I remember most everything.

Thats good he smiles then glances over at Than. You alright buddy? silence. Hey than... Than finnaly glanced up Why do you say that we are all human? Is it possible for someone to modify someone's DNA or whatever and make them a hellhound...? Seth can How do you know...? Because i wasn't born a hellhound shifting human.... my father made me that way. Than stared at Wulf You aren't.. serious...? it's the complete truth. Seth is a madman... and we will find a way to turn you all back.. but we need to move... Seth and his closest followers will be on our tails soon enough...
Darling.. the castle isnt safe for us. Seth can enter it with no troubles. Do you remember the hidden cottage?

Yeah... but we need to find Max first... he should still be at the castle..

We are both guardians, I can contact him and tell him where the cottage is and have him meet us there.

Okay. Then lets head there... you commin Than? Yeah i'm commin... Wulfric nodded and then turned and bounded off

Liani calls out to max with her mind Max.. max.. can you hear me at all?

No response

she pads up quickly to Wulf Something is wrong. I can hear Max nor contact him at all, Wulf.

Hmmm...... that can't be good.....

Its not good at all, darling. It can only mean one thing if a guardian cant reach another.. she shakes her head as tears start to form

Wulfric stopped and nuzzled her and licked her ear We'll just have to pay a quick visit to the castle and see if we can find out what's happened...

No darling... lets head to the cottage where I know its safe. There I can contact the other guardians. You and Than will have to keep watch as I do tho. I will be in a deep trance and I dont know how long I will be in it as I find out what happened.

Okay... that sounds good to me.

Liani nods then turned and headed towards a forested area, running swiftly through the trees towards her hidden cottage

Than and Wulf raced after her
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Number of posts : 29
Age : 28
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Registration date : 2009-12-23

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Liani's Return to the Glade Comes with a Shock   Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJuly 10th 2010, 7:16 pm

Liani kept running swiftly through the trees till suddenly she skidded to a halt and sat down, waiting for Wulf and Than.
Wulf slowed to a hault, followed by Than
she smiles as she looks upon the cottage in the far distance We are almost there. Its been a long time since I have been back to the cottage, it feels nice going there again.
Yeah Wulf smiled
We should keep going. she smiles at Wulf then looks over at Than
Yeah Wulf looked back at than.. who was still a lot quieter than usual then bounded off
You coming Than? she waited
Yeah.. i'm commin he said bounding off after Wulf
she laughs and bounds off after them, catching up to Wulf with no trouble Wulf.. will Than be ok?
I donno... i hope so...
I wish I knew how to help him get his memories back too. Afterall.. he is human like us... she notices the cottage getting closer
So do i... he slows his pace as the cottage drew near
she slows to trot then just walks as the cottage comes into clear view Boy.. it feels great being here again. You remember the last time we were here, love?
yeah he said padding next to her, Than trailing behind
she grins and pads up to the cottage door and nudges it open and pads inside
Wulf pads up, stops and looks at Than to make sure he is following and then padds inside, Than trailing behind
as soon as the three of them were inside, the cottage's barrier raised, having felt Liani, and vanished into hiding Than... make your self at home . We will safe here till we can figure out what is going on. she turns to Wulf Wulf... will you come with me for a minute?
Yeah he says, looking over at her
she pads towards the back of the cottage and into one of the bedrooms and waits for Wulf to join her
He follows her into the bedroom
Love.. I need to be in human form to get into the trance. But.. I have been in hellhound form for so long.. I dont know if I can shift back. a worried look adorn her sapphire eyes
You should be able to, love.. i managed it after being a hellhound for years.... he says, gazeing into her eyes
she gazes into his eyes and smiles Ok love, I will try then. she pads to the middle of the room and closes her eyes. After a few moments, before Wulf stood a beautiful Liani, with flowing long blonde hair wearing a long pink gown
Wulf smiled and then shifted back to his human form You look stunning as always, love.
she blushes And you are just as hansom as they we met, love. she walks over to him and kisses him deeply
he smiles and kisses her deeply back
she feels her heart skip several beats then pulls away from him I should get to work darling. And you might want to shift back as to not frighten Than. she walks over the bed and sits in the middle of it with her legs tucked under her. I cant be desturbed while I am in the trance, darling.
he nodds and smiles before turning and shiftin into hellhound form as he walked out the door and back into the main room where Than was laying on the couch.
Liani closes her eyes and starts to clam her mind. She finally calms her mind after a few mintues and calls out to Max with her mind again I call to my guardian partner, Max, with all that is in me. Please hear my call to you Max.
no response...
She calls to him again, giving it all she had
Max.. Please hear my call to you where ever you may be.
Wulf went and sat down on the floor infront of the couch. i think you're right Aer--Wulf... houses are so familiar to me.. like i've lived in one most my life... i can't remember anything past a year ago... yet i remember feeling things.... seeing things now.... And i think you're right.. i am a human.... Wulf glanced over at than You'll get your memoried back... Than sighed
Yes its Liani, can you hear me?
Yeah... and you can open your eyes now...
she opens her eyes and looks around I havent been here in the glade in so long. she sees Max and instantly knows something isnt right Max..?
Yeah.. i know... he stood up and sighed
she sighs and stands up Max.. what in the hell is going on? What have I missed?
You've missed a lot... he sighed again

I need to know Max. Lets head to the house so we can talk. she looks around the glade and sighs

he nods his head towards his side of the glade We'll talk at my place.... Don't be alarmed by any of the new faces you may see.... he added as he walked off

New faces? she looks confused as she walks with him How long have I been ... "missing" exactly, Max?

Too long.... i'll explain more once we get there... he stuffed his hands in his pockets as he walked

she frowns and walks slightly behind Max. SHe keeps looking around the glade and notices the young girl by the stream and tilts her head. As she looks around more, her eyes go wide as she swears she sees the same girl in a different location I could swear I was just seeing things...

Nope.. they're twins.

Twins? Since when were there twin guardians, max?

Since... a few days ago.

So they are new guardians. Wow.. I have missed alot. Are they any good?

A few of them. Sam he's a determined hard Worker.. learns fast.. in fact if you look over toward's Arthur's area you'll see him training with Aurthur watching. One of you're sons... Tristan.. is a natural. Zora... is very good indeed.. but the two new girls... Senair and Sayuki... i havn't really gotten a look at them yet....

My..... Son... Is a guardian? WHY...? More rather HOW!

He's my replacement.

she stops cold and her eyes go wide YOUR WHAT?!?

he closes his eyes and sighs, prepared to be well.. re-killed My replacement...

she drops tp her knees, shaking her head as she knew what that meant max......

Max stops and takes a deep breath, knowing it was probably hitting her hard

tears start to trickle down her cheeks as she sits on her knees... i.. i should.. have.. been there... to.. protect... my partner.. she starts crying more as she buries her face in her hands

No... there is nothing you could have done. It was predecided by fate...

she looks up at him with her tear filled eyes .... Then.. i should have died with you, Max. You were my partner guardian... without you with me now.. I am not strong enough to continue the ritual...

he knees down infront of her No... You need to live. And it's no use anymore... The circumstances of my death were cracked ribs from a demon and then a few days later... a fight with Dustin. he's back.... thebarrier has failed....It's no use.... History repeats itself as i well know. And now is the time for the Great Wars to repeat themselves....

But Max... How am i to fight... without my partner? I have always had you at my side, what am I going to do now with no partner?

You'll manage... i know you will he smiled

she wipes her tears and looks at him Max.. Seth has returned too. I cant fight him alone.. Dustin i can handle.. but not Seth.. he has become too powerful.

You wont be fighting alone.. when the time comes.. you will have twelve others at your side.

I know that I will have the other guardians fighting with me, but it wont be the same.. I always knew that my partner would protect me because we fight as one but I have no one now... I have no partner...

You will... trust me...

Last edited by Rowan on July 10th 2010, 7:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Queen Liani Osiris
Queen Liani Osiris

Number of posts : 135
Age : 54
Location : The mightly land of Dragons! Ha! You thought I would really say where I was?
Registration date : 2008-06-22

Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity Empty
PostSubject: Untitled    Liani's Turmoil and forgotten identity EmptyJuly 10th 2010, 7:22 pm

After a few short minuets Wulf looked over at than You keep watch... i'll be back before you know it... then he stood and padded out the door of the cottage then took off at a dash.. before suddenly dissapering mid step

Nelia and Nelpha (the twin swords) giggle in joy as they feel Liani's return She is back! Liani has come back! the swords giggle more together as they run around the castle in their human form

Wulf reapears a few meters infront of the castle walls. he stops and then shits to his human for before running up to the castle gates

Someone has come Who, Nelia I am not sure, Nelpha. lets go see! the girls take off towards the main hall of the castle

Halt. Who approaches the Dragon Castle! the guard at the gate says as Wulf runs up

Wulfric slows to a hault and looks up Wulfric.

Wulfric, its good to see you again. Liani isnt here but you may go in. the guard opens the gate and allows Wulf to pass

Thanks he waved and then into the courtyard

Nelia and Nelpha run down the main hall and burst through the door which led to the courtyard Wulric! You are here! they run up to him, giggling Liani... Liani is back!

I know he said smiling

We have missed her so much. Will she be coming home soon? they jump around him, happy and giggling We want to see her!

Yeah, she should be comming here sometimes soon he said walking into the castle

yay! they follow him Where ya going in the castle?

Need to check something out.... he said walking up to the hallway Max's room was in. he hurridly turned the corner abruptloy running into a young women Oh sorry.. i'll just you know... she said inching around No wait... You seen Max? her eyes went wide uh oh... What is it....? Well umm.. come with me.... i'm Zora by the way... she said as she turne dand walked back down the hallway and toward's Max's room. Nice to meet you Zora.. i'm Wulfric...

Nelia and Nelpha giggle again as they stay in the hallway. Nelia decides to follow Wulf again Wulfric.. Is my lady ok?

Yes.. she's fine. who? Liani. Zora froze for a moment She's been found! Yeah... Zora stopped infront of the door and then opened it and stepped inside max's room.

That is good to hear, My lord. Nelia continues to stay near Wulfric

You see.... Max.. he well... was killed a few weeks ago........ he was killed? Wulfric said, his eyes immediatly drifting to the sword handing on the wall next to the writing desk.. one of the only places not covered by a book shelf
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