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 Kallea Twili Osiris (Update)

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea Twili Osiris (Update) Empty
PostSubject: Kallea Twili Osiris (Update)   Kallea Twili Osiris (Update) EmptyFebruary 10th 2014, 10:16 pm

Why? Because she hasn't been fucking updated in 3 years. So here's to a like quick update. Sorry if its crap.

General characteristics

Name : Kallea Twili Osiris
Titles : Queen of Wolves
Origin : Dragon Kingdom

Physical Description

Gender : Female
Race(s) : Human/Lycan (1)
Actual Age : 123
Appeared Age : 23
Height : 5ft 9in
Weight : 140lbs
Body Build : athletic slender
Eye Color : Violet
Hair General : black (long with bluish or purplish shine to it), black wolf ears and tail are present in her human form
Skin Color : peach cream
Class : Magic Archer

Jewelry/Accessories: Black choker with the Wolf Queen's emblem on it (a gift when she was given the spirit and nature of the wolf, a sign of her being a friend to the wolves)

Clothes : Sleeveless violet cotton twill bodice, black suede leggings, knee-high black leather boots. Fingerless, soft black leather opera gloves; black belt to hold her small sword and hunting knife. (Bite me, I don't much about clothes. Razz)

Tattoo(s) : Tribal dragon tattoo (it's actually a birthmark) on her lower back. Gets three tribal wolf tattoos when Cera, Berri and Usko join to her to look out for her and be a surprise attack when needed.

Weapons :

Primary - Longbow
Secondary - twin daggers (I blame Dragon's Dogma for that... so if you haven't played it... play damnit, all the moves you can do with daggers in that... Twili will do.. maybe... or just in my head)
Other - small hunting knife, claws and teeth

Special Ability :

Since she was named the Queen of wolves and turned into a Lycan by being given the Spirit of the Wolf, Twili gains a couple of abilities. Obviously, she gains the ability to transform into a wolf, choosing the form of a pure black wolf. Can communicate with other wolves and Lycans in their language; and has heighten senses that can either make or break her depending on the situation.

Noble Roar : Twili takes in a deep breath and releases a howl to shake her opponents to the bone. Its not meant to harm, since its not an attack, but to simply strike fear into her enemies and hopefully run them off. It works well if its sudden and within tunnels and such.

The downside is that the howl only lasts as long as she has air in her lungs, which depletes quickly; and it hurts her throat so she cannot use it again so soon.  

Another fun thing is that, if its used in a tunnel, Cera, Berri and Usko can join in to make it more fearsome and to distort dogs if they're released on her. Plus wouldn't having four voices in one howl make it more demonic and frightening?

Magic :

Over the years, Twili had grown in strength with her magic, healing greater injuries to manipulating and creating fire and water/ice. Even fusing the two elements together to create Coldfire. A fire so cold is burns. (ha, freezer burn)

*Healing Magic : Healing Touch - heals greater injuries. ''I call on spirits to undo, the pain that he/she had to go through. By the powers of wind, and by the power of air, I heal your injury with great care. No medical attention required here, I heal your injury whether you're far or near. So on this night and in this hour, I heal your wound with my Power.''

Fire Spells: (more on the way hopefully)

Flagrare Lancea = Flame Lance - large lance of fire is created high above Twili and is hurled downward at angle, striking the ground and explodes

Spiralis Flagrare = Spiral Flare - Twili hurls a comet like fireball with twin streams of flames spiraling around it. When it hits its causes a splash effect, setting the target and the area around it on fire.

Pyre Blasan = Fire Blast - A blast of flames erupting from below her enemies

Bulla Scintillare = Fire Ball - a stronger version of the standard fireball with added splash effect explosions

Incinerare = Incinerate - Twili's most powerful fire spell up to date; she focuses completely on the mana around her, plant, animal even her enemy's mana within her large range. She then snaps her fingers and whispers 'Burn', the mana is then forcibly turned to fire mana and released in a super heated blast of flames, reducing everything to ash. It takes a tremendous toll on Twili and leaves completely weak.

Ice Spells: (more to come hopefully)

Freosan Tempesta = Frozen Tempest - have yet to figure this one out, but I like the name

Krystallos Lancea = Frost Lance - same as Flame Lance, a large ice lance is formed and thrown down at an angle, when landing it explodes, sending sharp shards of ice flying and blast of biting cold winds

Frigere Skardas = Frigid Shard - Twili forms a dome of rain drops around herself then freezes them into sharp pieces ice, exploding the shards outward to push her enemies away. Or her more cruel method, she surrounds her target in a dome of water, completely freezes the dome in solid ice, the target is then skewered, unseen, by spears of ice like an iron maiden

Freosan Pyre = Frozen Fire - turns her ice and flames into a dual element pyre

Glacia Lanza = Glaicer Spear - Twili slams her hands or feet on a surface, forcing huge icicles to erupt from the surface, or creates them high in the air showers the battlefield with them

Aureola de glacies = Halo of Ice - Twili surrounds her enemies in a ring of ice and shrinks it, slicing them to pieces

Transformation Spell - She only knows of one, having it been taught to her by Midna Starlette

Wolf Transformation - The spell is not for her but a spell she can use to turn others (who are not Lycan or werewolf) into a wolf. The change is temporary, lasting a short few hours, allowing her friends or others to escape danger and hide or (as she mostly uses it for) giving them a taste of wild freedom, to let them experience a wolf's world

Magic Arrows:

Fire Arrow - self explanatory
Ice Arrow - self explanatory
Signal Flare - fires an magical weak explosive arrow into the air to give a signal to allies or distract enemy forces

Personality Temperament : tender and caring as well as childish but is strong willed

Interests : Archery, magic and anything she hasn't known. Very curious about the world around her

Aversion : The harming of wolves, innocents, and definitely any harm to her pack and those she cares for; those she distrusts

Ideology : Live for the moment, make each moment count. That is freedom.


Kallea, the long lost daughter of Queen Liani Osiris and Zaos, has had many years to know her family and made many friends and had many adventures. Having grown strong in skill and magic, was then challenged by Queen Aniu for a duel over the Wolf Kingdom. She may have been named the next queen for the lycans of (where the hell she's at I think the Southern lands? I don't know help me out here, Chris. Razz) she still had to earn the crown like the wolves of the wild do. She was able to defeat Aniu and was crowned.

Nowadays, she spends her time ruling her new kingdom despite the her uncertainty of being fit to rule. She dislikes her duties and how the lycans are being too... human. They are a race of the wild forests, they should not worry about noble ranks and such. So she often runs off to escape the her duties and also reteach the Lycan race to be more wild and free. Twili misses her days of being just a normal lycan going on adventures with her friends and spending time with them. She has yet to be married or have heirs to the throne, putting the kingdom on edge and fearful of her safety.

Of those trying to court her is one, Vincent LaCroix, a blonde lycan with an eye for the throne and the young woman that sits upon it. She dislikes him with a passion but views him as an annoyance than a threat. She often beats the crap out of him but refuses to kill him due to having a sickly sister to look after.
(Cue the facepalming, her kind nature sometimes still does make her blind to danger)

*(1) She was human that turned into a Lycan by the wolves that have named her their queen. This was done by giving the Spirit and nature of the Wolf to her by magic means. But is now by all accounts a lycan forever
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