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 Kallea Twili Osiris

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea Twili Osiris Empty
PostSubject: Kallea Twili Osiris   Kallea Twili Osiris EmptyOctober 15th 2010, 1:27 am

Name - Kallea Twili


Gender - Female
Appeared Age - 19 (though acts childish at times)
Actual Age - 207
Height - 5 foot 9 inches
Weight - 140lbs
Eye Color - violet that flash red when angered or irritated (must be the demon side sensing her anger)
Hair Color - black (long with bluish or purplish shine to it), black wolf ears and tail are present in her human form
Skin - peachy cream
Class - Archer
Race - to her belief, she thinks she's a wolf beastling (which to me is human with animal in them, in her case is the wolf) but is actually part vampire and part demon and part angel.
Elemental Magic - Ice and Fire

More on appearance:

Kallea has a lithe and slender build, long black hair with a bluish shine to it, her eyes are amethyst purple, and her skin a peach cream. She wears a red/black bodysuit with red elbow length gloves and knee high boots. The odd things about her are her wolf ears and tail which she wears proudly in the open and her eyes that flash red when angered or irritated.

Kallea's shy and kind hearted as well as bit childish if she gets hyper from "Galin Berries". She tries to make a lot friends, even though she may make friends with enemies that she's not aware of. But once she's focused, she won't be as childish.

She loves to sing and living as she pleases. But dislikes nosy and annoying people, or those that just rub her the wrong way.

Markings, jewelry:

Tribal dragon tattoo (it's actually a birthmark, but she doesn't know) on her upper back
A black, Wolf charm choker (a gift when she was given the spirit and nature of the wolf, a sign of her being a friend to the wolves)

Special Ability:

Unknowningly was given the spirit and nature of the wolf, which allows her to take on the form of a black wolf and communicate with wolves.

She has heighten senses that can either make or break her depending on the situation and has minor healing abilities.


Wolf - Size: like that of a regular wolf. Color: Black with a bluish shine. Eye Color: Green As her nature, Kallea can transform into a wolf. This is mostly used to track, sneak and hide from enemies. Or to play around as she wishes with others.

Alternate Transformation - Lycan: Size: Somewhat taller than her human form, thanks to having wolf hind legs. Color: Again black with bluish shine. Eye Color: Pure red. This form is only when she becomes wild from becoming enraged, snaps from the sight and smell of blood (and I do mean a lot of blood), or from complete fear, thus triggering the lycan for self-perservation.

In this form, she loses her magic abilities and becomes physically stronger. She becomes more animalistic and charges at her opponent and attacks at close range.

The Fallen Form - (she got it from her last adventure, just doesn't know how to gain access to it yet.) A combination of Demon, Angel and Vampire blood that runs through her. To anyone's knowledge, she is the only one that has combined (unintentionally) the three bloods into one form. She's very powerful magic wise in this form, but is good at close quarters, just not that skilled. She'll try to keep a distance between herself and her opponent. (more information as I work out the kinks to it)

Weapons, Armor:

*Primary Weapon: Aionis/Mythril gauntlets
Former Primary Weapon : Vermello Inferno (Red Hell)
Secondary Weapon : Glacies Incendia (Ice Fire)
Shield : None
Helm : None
Armor : None
Other Weapons : daggers

*Note- These gloves where invented and created by Midna to help protect Twili. The gloves are made from Aionis metal fibers and Mythril, two light but extermely strong materials. The two combined make the gloves feel light but more than strong enough to stand up to a bladed weapon's wrath; making it easier for Twili to engage hand to hand combat.

The enemy can still hurt her hands with a strike of the weapon, just not pierce them. It'll feel like a sharp slap to Twili if struck.

(These are gifts from friends, thanks you my friends)

Ceo Prata (Silver Heaven) - This long bow is the first gift Rogue had given Twili before his death. It is made out of a tree from Denmark, he got it from the Vikings. White in color with the string made of pure silver.

Vermello Inferno (Red Hell) - This long bow is a second gift from Rogue, only after his death. The bow is made from a strange, unbreakable wood found only in the underworld. Red in color with the string made of pure gold.

Glacies Incendia (Ice Fire) - A small sword received from Killer Reaper, a sword with a sapphire and ruby on the hilt. The sword helps Twili focus on her elements, using them correctly if channeling them through the sword.

Magic Arrows

As of now, Kallea can only focus her limited magic through her arrows.

Scare Shot - charges her arrow with magic and fires it to the ground at her enemy's feet, which creates an image of a scary beast to startle her enemy.

*Nightmare Shot - An arrow charged with black and dark blue magic. An upgarded version of the Scare Shot. While it doesn't create a image that suddenly appears before the enemy, instead the magic behind this, digs into the enemy's mind and brings forth their worst nightmare, rendering them incapable of fight. It lasts until the arrow is removed. (still working on it)

Ice Arrow - concentrates limited ice magic into her arrow, good chance of freezing where it hits

Shadow Light Arrow - Its a mix of both Dark and Light Arrows. Concentrates limited dark and light magic into her arrow, damages both dark and light creatures.

Fire Arrow - concentrates limited fire magic into her arrow, good chance of burning someone.

Light Arrow - concentrates limited Light magic into her arrow, damages dark creatures immensely, and can be used to blind someone by shooting it at the ground before them

Dark Arrow - concentrates limited Dark magic into her arrow, damages light creatures immensely

(more to come as discovered)


still in the process of learning attack magic. Though she has Dark and Light magic (from her parents) she's still very limted on them. And will slowly build up on them. Since she hasn't been trained on them, she doesn't rely on them very much. and her Magic is more focused on Fire/Ice and healing. ^^

Fireball - white and silver to match her pure soul (learned!)

Ice Mist - an icy mist forms around her hands and she waves them and a stream of icy mist rushes forward to freeze the ground, the opponent or slow them down with with the cold

Healing - medium, training to strengthen it

Fire Slash - A fire type version of the air slash, taught to Twili by Killer Reaper (^^ thank you!)

Ice Slash - A ice type version of the air slash, self taught by accident while training on the Fire Slash (though, she's still working on the Ice Slash)

Warp - concentrates on a place she was before and wishes herself there; taught to Twili by Liani (^.^ Thanks!)

Sonic Burn- an attack that Reaper has taught her (Thanks!)

Shadow Light Pulse - Same as the Shadow Light Arrow minus the arrows. XD

Twilight Cannon - fires off a mid-sized (the size of a actal cannonball) ball of dark/light energy at the target in a straight line

Twilight Volley - same as the TC only with smaller and numerous orbs of dark/light energy

Spiral Flare - a spiral of flames fires across the area in a straight line

Flame Lance - "Bring down the blade of Inferno!" A large lance of flames drops in from an angle to pierce the target and knocks back others with a heat wave.

Infernal Prison - surrounds herself in a flaming tornado to ward off physical attacks. Lasts only a minute

Freeze Lancer - Forms a ice blue glyph in front of her and fires hundres of tiny, sharp shards of ice in the shape of lances

Ice Tornado - creates a tornado of ice shards to damage the enemy. Lifts and juggles the target in the air as the shards hit.

Glaicer Spear - large shards of ice erupt from the ground to spear the target

Icicle Rain - Large shards of ice form above the target and drop on them

These can only be done in the Fallen Form:

Inferno Tempest - swings her her twin hooked swords as she spins twice, with fire magic; jumping up, somersaults then slams down, bringing her swords downward and slamming them on the ground and causing a burst of fire to erupt upward and burns her target

Shadow Shine - focuses as she raises her sword Oh powers of light and dark... four beams of energy, two light and two dark, appear beneath the target, damaging the target as it swirls upward ...rain down on my enemy... the beams disappear into dark hole above the target Shadow Shine! the beams combine into one larger light/dark mix that drops down and damages the enemy

Prism Ballet - Oh fragments of Light strike down my enemy! stamps her foot and a light glyph appears beneath her and anyone near her, light magic forms around her and she spins twice, hitting her target multiple times Prism Ballet! then focusing the energy into her swords, slashes at them with magical slashes, This ends now! spins around once more before hitting them with a bigger, knockback slash

*Bloody Lance - Demonic swords, doom thy prey to everlasting pain! Bloody Lance! a rune forms beneath as blood red swords materialize above, smashing into the earth

Next Spells to learn

(whatever I can learn from Zaos, Liani and Killer Reaper! XD)

(more to add as she discovers and trains on magic)


Everything before she was 13 years of age*, has long since been faded from her memory, and has no idea as to why. But ever since then, Kallea believes that she is a wolf beastling, a human with animal blood in them. When in fact she was given the spirit and nature of a wolf as a gift from a mage long ago. The mage also had given her a wolf charm choker as sign that she is a friend of the wolves. When she was still 13, she discovered she had a tribal dragon design on her upper back while in an Inn, thinking it was merely a tattoo she had gotten when she was younger; but it's actually her birthmark.

Twili has traveled from land to land as a traveling singer, performing at various cities for gold for three years. (Age: 16) One day she joined a caravan bound to some city to take the comfort of not being alone. That night the caravan was attacked by bandits and wanting to help the people that helped her, she took up a bow and discovered she was good at archery. The group of people thanked her for helping them drive the bandits away and gave her the long bow and a quiver as a gift. The elder of the caravan had heard her story of her lost past and gave her the Ivory Arrow for good luck and told her that she will find her family.

For the next three years (Age: 19) Kallea trained hard in the art of archery and became very skilled; at the same time she began having strange dreams about people that she never knew. At first she thought that they were just dreams, but soon realized that they were bits of her memory bubbling back to her. Instead of pursuing her past, Twili decided that her past will come to her when the time is right.

Today she has arrived at the Westlands for her performance at the city of Eroynia. So far, she has met Rogue.

fast forward a bit XD She has met and found her family, shocked by it all, it took her awhile to finally acept that she was princess and not just any princess, the youngest daughter of the Queen of Dragons, Liani and the King of Dragons, Zaos, though she doesn't sport princess clothing attire (not her style). She's met many friends and relatives in unsual ways, and made a few foes in various adventures.

Her other adventure was one of her own making, gone insane from several deaths of a few close friends and family, she sought out a way to revive them. She stumbled upon a dark book, that she dubbed 'The Book of Myths', and read its pages, coming upon the legend of the Elemental Wolves. Seeing that she had the spirit of the wolf in her and was called The Queen of Wolves by a pack of strange wolves; she naturally thought the Elemental Wolves would help her revive her lost ones and keep them, her friends and family safe for all time.

Unknowingly, she was being manipulated by a spirit in the book, a dark sorceress by the name of Lenore to call on the wolves (who were corrupted by evil beings far before her time, except two (Time and Space)) to gain more power. This shocked all those that knew her, seeing that she was slowly turning dark and harsh. She gathered the neccessary items to call the wolves and gained power. A great battle ensued and Twili lost her life in the hands of Clerin the God of Shadows. Though the Time and Space wolves had foresaw it and told the sadden family and friends that it was neccessary for her to die to purge the evil from her body as well as a sickness that was inflicted upon her as soon as she touched the dark book.

Thankfully, Time and Space revived her at the command of her mother and father. She is back to her old, carefree self.

In her last adventure she was wrapped up in a war in her fiance's brother's - in friendship- (King Fionoch) land. A war between the Arelians and the Borien Elves. Once she finds out there's a war about to happen (she doesn't know yet, since she's kinda clueless (XD) and that her fiance, Rogue, King Fionoch and the Gryphon Council try to hide it from her), she'll do everything in her power to help make Arelia safe again.

fast forward again The war is over and a peace treaty signed between Arelia and the Borien Elves. Her current adventure: A trip to Ireland goes awry and turns into an adventure!


WAY fast forward! (I suck at keeping track) After having a very um... rough time with her friends/family. Twili had left to travel around, training and "maturing" as seeing the others didn't take kindly to her childish side. Improving on her healing artes, physical training and her control on her lycan self, Twili had become stronger on her melee. (though you won't see it since I suck at close range combat tactics and description. XD)

Though sadly it only served to worsen her anger toward the Marin/Grapach families. Though she still yearns to make amends; she's given up on them ever forgiving her.

She uses her training to vent her anger and give herself somewhat of a goal: Slam her fist into the face of one of them.
(I'll add more to it a little later.)

(more to be discovered as her story continues)
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea Twili Osiris Empty
PostSubject: Subject: Twili Osiris - Updated   Kallea Twili Osiris EmptyOctober 27th 2010, 9:56 pm


Gender - Female
Appeared Age - 25 (speed aged her appearance)
Actual Age - 207
Height - 5 foot 9 inches
Weight - 140lbs
Eye Color - Dark violet that flash red when angered or irritated (must be the demon side sensing her anger)
Hair Color - black (long with bluish or purplish shine to it), black wolf ears and tail are present in her human form
Skin - peachy cream
Class - Archer
Race - Demon/Angel/Vampire with spirit of the Wolf

More on appearance:

Kallea has a lithe and slender build, long black hair with a bluish shine to it and blue highlights, her eyes are a darker amethyst purple, and her skin a peach cream. She wears a red top, brown leather pants and knee high boots. The odd thing is her eyes still flash red when angered or irritated.

She loves to sing and living as she pleases. But dislikes nosy and annoying people, or those that just rub her the wrong way.

Twili's light hearted nature vanished due to certain events and her travels with her father. While she does slip into her old self at random, which can be told throw her sudden giggling over something she finds cute, funny or some thing else and the shade color of her eyes. The Lighter shade of violet indicates she's her oldself and the darker shade indicates she's in her current self.

Markings, jewelry:

Tribal dragon tattoo (it's actually a birthmark, but she doesn't know) on her upper back
A black, Wolf charm choker (she lost) but gained several wolf tattoos on her arms and lower back.

Special Ability:

Same as before (her previous profile). But now she has living tattos. The wolf tattoos she has are living red/brown wolves that have gained the ability to shift from drinking Carpathian blood (a type of vampire but they feed enough to sustain their hunger, make alliances to humans and fight vampires). So she has a small pack of wolves with her at all times.

But the wolves can only three shifts. Normal, tattoo and fur cloak that surrounds Twili.



Weapons, Armor:

Weapon: Aionis/Mythril gauntlets

Magic and Magic Arrows

Thunder Arrow - Twili lifts her aim skyward Nature's best, trap and strike down your enemy! she lets loose an arrow. It disappears into the clouds causing the skies to darken, rumbling and crackling with thunder. Three orbs of energy appear around the target and sending energy clockwise to each other, they effectively fence the enemy off from escape. Thunder Arrow! Several bolts of lightning, shaped like arrows, shoot down from the sky and strikes the target repeatedly several times on the same spot

Absolute - May the mericless embrace of frost take thee... Twili holds out her hand, curling her fingers slightly as frost blue magic erupts from the ground and spiraling upward, surrounding the target. It shrinks and freezes itself and the enemy in a fairly large icicle. After a few seconds, Twili closes her fist. Absolute! The icicle crushes the target and itself, which ends up embedding fragments of ice into the victim



With the exception of having been caught up in the Carpathian/Vampire War* and helped the Carpathians in their battles. She learned a great deal from them as well as learning how to use and control her vampiric side of her blood line.

* Note - Yeah, yeah, I got it off my book. I'm just using some ideas from it not using the copyrighted characters so you can buzz off on that.
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