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 Kallea Twili (OLD 2)

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea Twili (OLD 2) Empty
PostSubject: Kallea Twili (OLD 2)   Kallea Twili (OLD 2) EmptyDecember 19th 2010, 1:08 am

[orange]General characteristics[/orange]
Name :  Kallea Twili
Titles : Queen of Wolves
Origin : N/A she usually travels a lot

[green]Physical Description[/green]
Gender : Female
Race(s) : Human/Lycan [blue](1)[/blue]
Actual Age : 109
Appeared Age : 19
Height : 5ft 9in
Weight : 140lbs
Body Build : slender
Eye Color : Normal - Violet
Hair General : black (long with bluish or purplish shine to it), black wolf ears and tail are present in her human form
Skin Color : peach cream
Class : Archer

[orange]Jewelry/Accessories[/orange] : Black choker with the Wolf Queen's emblem on it (a gift when she was given the spirit and nature of the wolf, a sign of her being a friend to the wolves)

Clothes : Sleeveless violet cotton twill bodice, black suede leggings, knee-high black leather boots. Fingerless, soft black leather opera gloves; black belt to hold her small sword and hunting knife. (Bite me, I don't much about clothes. Razz)

Tattoo(s) : Tribal dragon tattoo (it's actually a birthmark, but she doesn't know) on her lower back. Gets three tribal wolf tattoos when Cera, Berri and Usko join to her to look out for her and be a surprise attack when needed.

[red]Weapons[/red] : Primary - Long bow
Secondary - none
Other - small hunting knife

[pink]Special Ability[/pink] : Since she was named the Queen of wolves and turned into a Lycan by being given the Spirit of the Wolf, Twili gains a couple of abilities. Obviously, she gains the ability to transform into a wolf, choosing the form of a pure black wolf. Can communicate with other wolves and Lycans in their language; and has heighten senses that can either make or break her depending on the situation.

[pink]Wolf's Cry[/pink] : Twili takes in a deep breath and releases a howl to shake her opponents to the bone. Its not meant to harm, since its not an attack, but to simply make her enemies think twice before attacking and hopefully run them off. It works well if its sudden and within tunnels and such.

The downside is that the howl only lasts as long as she has air in her lungs, which depletes quickly; and it hurts her throat so she cannot use it again so soon. And if she tries to make it last longer, she can pass out from lack of air.

Another fun thing is that, if its used in a tunnel, Cera, Berri and Usko can join in to make it more fearsome and to distort dogs if they're released on her. Plus wouldn't having four voices in one howl make it more demonic and frightening?

[yellow]Magic[/yellow] : As of now she only knows healing magic of medium power and three trickery spells. It's later on that she realizes about her fire and ice magic.

*[green]Healing Magic[/green] : Healing Touch - heals medium damage like sword cuts, arrow piercings and the like. Anything more damaging than that and you're out of luck with her. ''[pink]I call on spirits to undo, the pain that he/she had to go through. By the powers of wind, and by the power of air, I heal your injury with great care. No medical attention required here, I heal your injury whether you're far or near. So on this night and in this hour, I heal your wound with my Power.[/pink]''

**[blue]Trickery Magic[/blue] : Hiding - a spell that bends the light around Twili's home to hide it and only she could see it. ''[pink]Light shimmer and reflect around; above and below, then and now. Keep it safe from prying eyes, make it mine and mine alone.[/pink]''

**~ Illusion Reveal - A spell that dispels the illusions, revealing hidden objects. Used to remove the spell Twili placed to reveal her home. ''[pink]Illusions so tricky, it makes me sigh, illusions become easy to the naked eye![/pink]''

**~~ Illusion of Fear - A spell used to create mirages to scare enemies. Only for the [blue]Scare Shot[/blue]. ''[pink]Make them see, make them hear; creatures snarl to make them flee from what they fear.[/pink]''

Magic Arrows : So far, Twili can only trickery magic on her arrows. Though later on she gains more for fire and ice.

Scare Shot - whispers the Illusion of Fear spell to her arrow and fires it to the ground at her enemy's feet, which creates an image of a scary beast to startle her enemy.

[green]Personality Temperament[/green] : kind hearted as well as childish

[green]Interests[/green] : Archery, magic and anything she hasn't known. Very curious about the world around her

[green]Aversion[/green] : The harming of wolves, innocents, and definitely any harm to her pack and those she has a bad feeling to.

[yellow]Ideology[/yellow] : Live for the moment, make each moment count. That is freedom.

[red]Bio[/red] :

[orange]Kallea's past is unknown, everything from before (a guess from her appeared age at the time) the age of ten is shrouded in mystery. All the pack can recall about her was the day a sorceress, Midna Starlette, was about to give little Twili to them. It was also the day they realized she was going to be Queen of the Wolves, when a large pack of pure white wolves, led at the time Queen Aniu, approached the group. Aniu tells the group that she had a dream vision of a young pure black wolf being the new Queen of Wolves and has to pass the title on to that wolf.

But so far, Aniu has failed in finding such a wolf, though tells the group that her vision had cleared some and she is supposed to look for ''the one that is wolf but doesn't know'' And had been getting strange ''pulls'' to find the next queen and her quest has brought her to them. And out the group in front of Aniu, only two seemed to be the ones that fit the bill. But there wasn't a need to inspect the two since Queen Aniu felt the pull at its strongest from the only little girl there. The white wolf stepped to Twili, who only smiled and reached for ''Puppy'' and Aniu clearly saw within the little girl's soul that she was meant to be a wolf and the Wolf Queen.

So a ceremony was held, in which Queen Aniu and her pack named Twili the next Queen of Wolves, giving her the crest of the Wolf Queen. Now came the part of turning her Lycan as only a Lycan can be King/Queen of Wolves. The wolves summoned a wolf spirit and fused it to little Twili's soul, effectively turning her Lycan. Though the little girl was completely oblivious to what was going on, just liking the pretty lights, the big group of ''puppies'' and her new ears and tail.

Problem is... the new Queen was much too young to lead them and well she knew nothing of the Wolf world besides, ''Puppies are big, furry and warm.'' So the former Queen Aniu appointed Cera, Berri and Usko as protectors and guides to the young Twili. To teach her everything about wolves, fighting, hunting and speaking as one. The trio agreed and Midna casted a spell on them to slow their aging and basic eternal youth to keep Twili company and the ability to shift forms of tattoos or a cloak. No one asked why she did so, Kallea sure didn't ask. Afterwards, Aniu and her pack vanished and Midna turned the little queen to the pack and let them leave to travel.

And for the next several years, Twili traveled with her pack, the ceremony fading from memory. When she was 14, she discovered she had a tribal dragon design on her lower back while in an Inn, thinking it was merely a tattoo she had gotten when she was younger; but it's actually her birthmark. She didn't think much of it and ignored it.

Twili has traveled from land to land, the wolves traveling by her side or on her to keep her safe for a couple decades; though she finally began to realize her aging was off. One day they joined a caravan, when she was around 36 at the time (by Twili's count of years), that was bound to some city to take the comfort of not being alone. That night the caravan was attacked by bandits and wanting to help the people that helped them, Twili took up a bow and discovered she was good at archery.

The group of people thanked her and the wolves for helping them drive the bandits away and gave her the long bow and a quiver as a gift. The elder of the caravan had heard her story of her deeds and gave her the Ivory Arrow for good luck.

For the next three decades (Appeared Age: 19, Twili's Guess: 65) Kallea trained hard in the art of archery and became very skilled as had the wolves trained on their shifting forms; at the same time she began having strange dreams about people and a place that she never knew. And she began having ''pulls'' telling her in what general direction to go; and being the curious one that she was... she decided to follow those pulls regardless of where it led her or the pack.

Ten years she and the pack had followed these pulls, confused as all hell but determined to figure it out. Or at least the archer was, Twili knew the wolves were very wary and tired of the guesses she made based on the ''pulls''.

And finally the strange pulls have led her to the Westlands, having a feeling that she was suppose to be here. Why, she hadn't figured it out yet but had a feeling that she'll find out soon enough.

*[blue](1)[/blue] She is was human that turned into a Lycan by the wolves that have named her their queen. This was done by giving the Spirit and nature of the Wolf to her by magic means. [/orange]

Last edited by Twili Osiris on February 10th 2014, 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Kallea Twili (OLD 2) Empty
PostSubject: Kallea Twili (OLD)   Kallea Twili (OLD 2) EmptyNovember 28th 2011, 7:23 pm

Name - Kallea Twili

[blue]Appearance: [/blue]

Gender - Female
Appeared Age - 19 (though acts childish at times)
Actual Age - 207
Height - 5 foot 9 inches
Weight - 140lbs
Eye Color - violet that flash red when angered or irritated (must be the demon side sensing her anger)
Hair Color - black (long with bluish or purplish shine to it), black wolf ears and tail are present in her human form
Skin - peachy cream
Class - Archer
Race - to her belief, she thinks she's a wolf beastling (which to me is human with animal in them, in her case is the wolf) but is actually part vampire and part demon and part angel.
Elemental Magic - Ice and Fire

[blue]More on appearance: [/blue]

Kallea has a lithe and slender build, long black hair with a bluish shine to it, her eyes are amethyst purple, and her skin a peach cream. She wears a red/black bodysuit with red elbow length gloves and knee high boots. The odd things about her are her wolf ears and tail which she wears proudly in the open and her eyes that flash red when angered or irritated.

Kallea's shy and kind hearted as well as bit childish if she gets hyper from "Galin Berries". She tries to make a lot friends, even though she may make friends with enemies that she's not aware of. But once she's focused, she won't be as childish.

She loves to sing and living as she pleases. But dislikes nosy and annoying people, or those that just rub her the wrong way.

[green]Markings, jewelry: [/green]

Tribal dragon tattoo (it's actually a birthmark, but she doesn't know) on her upper back

A black, Wolf charm choker (a gift when she was given the spirit and nature of the wolf, a sign of her being a friend to the wolves)

Gets three tribal wolf tattoos when Cera, Berri and Usko join to her to look out for her and be a surprise attack when needed.

[pink]Special Ability: [/pink]

Unknowingly was given the spirit and nature of the wolf, which allows her to take on the form of a black wolf and communicate with wolves.

She has heighten senses that can either make or break her depending on the situation and has minor healing abilities.

[yellow]Transformations: [/yellow]

Wolf - Size: like that of a regular wolf. Color: Black with a bluish shine. Eye Color: Green As her nature, Kallea can transform into a wolf. This is mostly used to track, sneak and hide from enemies. Or to play around as she wishes with others.

Alternate Transformation - Lycan: Size: Somewhat taller than her human form, thanks to having wolf hind legs. Color: Again black with bluish shine. Eye Color: Pure red. This form is only when she becomes wild from becoming enraged, snaps from the sight and smell of blood (and I do mean a lot of blood), or from complete fear, thus triggering the lycan for self-preservation.

In this form, she loses her magic abilities and becomes physically stronger. She becomes more animalistic and charges at her opponent and attacks at close range.

[red]Weapons, Armor: [/red]

Primary Weapon: Longbow
Secondary Weapon: small sword
Shield: None
Helm: None
Armor: None
Other Weapons: daggers

[green]Magic Arrows[/green]

As of now, Kallea can only focus her limited magic through her arrows.

Scare Shot - charges her arrow with magic and fires it to the ground at her enemy's feet, which creates an image of a scary beast to startle her enemy.

Ice Arrow - concentrates limited ice magic into her arrow, good chance of freezing where it hits

Fire Arrow - concentrates limited fire magic into her arrow, good chance of burning someone.


still in the process of learning her Magic is more focused on healing but can use Fire and Ice. ^^

Fireball - white and silver to match her pure soul (learned!)

Ice Mist - an icy mist forms around her hands and she waves them and a stream of icy mist rushes forward to freeze the ground, the opponent or slow them down with with the cold

Healing - medium, training to strengthen it


Everything before she was 13 years of age*, has long since been faded from her memory, and has no idea as to why. But ever since then, Kallea believes that she is a wolf beastling, a human with animal blood in them. When in fact she was given the spirit and nature of a wolf as a gift from a mage long ago. The mage also had given her a wolf charm choker as sign that she is a friend of the wolves.

When she was 14, she discovered she had a tribal dragon design on her lower back while in an Inn, thinking it was merely a tattoo she had gotten when she was younger; but it's actually her birthmark. On that same year, she ran into three wolves. It wasn't a pretty meeting, the wolves suspicious but seeing the choker they eased their guard.

Kallea understood why they were suspicious... hunters from a nearby city were over hunting the wolves' food supply, forcing the animals to hunt farm animals and now the wolves are being hunted for it. So she helped them from starvation by hunting for them, bringing the kills to them until they regained strength. It was later on that a vampire attacked her, the wolves attacked back in return for being saved. Only in doing so, they were hit with a magic that "cursed" them into shifting forms before the vampire was killed. Twili thanked them and allowed them to travel with her when they asked to go with her.

Since then, Twili has traveled from land to land as a traveling singer, performing at various cities for gold, the wolves traveling by her side or on her to keep her safe. (Age: 16) One day they joined a caravan bound to some city to take the comfort of not being alone. That night the caravan was attacked by bandits and wanting to help the people that helped them, Twili took up a bow and discovered she was good at archery.

The group of people thanked her and the wolves for helping them drive the bandits away and gave her the long bow and a quiver as a gift. The elder of the caravan had heard her story of her deeds and gave her the Ivory Arrow for good luck.

For the next three years (Age: 19) Kallea trained hard in the art of archery and became very skilled as had the wolves trained on their shifting forms; at the same time she began having strange dreams about people and a place that she never knew.

Not knowing what they were, she dismissed them as just strange dreams. But she was also having a strange pull to go to some place called the Westlands, she didn't know why but decided to trust the pull and began to travel to the new land, much to her wolves' protest.

Today she has arrived at the city of Eroynia. So far, she has met Kila.
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