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 The Return of a Highwayman

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2 posters
Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

The Return of a Highwayman Empty
PostSubject: The Return of a Highwayman   The Return of a Highwayman EmptyNovember 1st 2010, 11:03 pm

The lecture in the history class continued to drone on. It was about Irish history, not Adam's favorite subject. Adam was a young boy, about 16, most everything he wore was black with either skulls, or weapons of death on it. Heavy black eye shadow and lipstick, along with three piercing in each ear and one on his lip. His black shaggy hair was fanned over his face. He had a few rings on each hand, mostly skulls or dragons. All of this did not sit well with his parents, or school officials for that mater. Adam attends Our Lady of Tears Highschool, a parochial Catholic school in Salem Massachusetts. He has quite often been sent to the Mother Superior's office for being out of uniform, or for what the school calls "inappropriate conversation"

The teen tried to pass the time by doodling, one of the few things he admitted he was good at. This drawing was of a man swinging from the gallows while some sort of large evil looking creature with horns from it's head gnawed on his legs. Though he only had a pencil to work with, he had made the scene very graphic. As he went to put the tears of a woman on her face, the teacher of his class ripped the paper away.

"Adam Antici!" the nun glared at the paper, Adam thought he could see smoke coming from under the wimple. "This is unacceptable, it is one thing to be bored in class, but to draw something like this!? To the Mother Superior's office!" The nun didn't look like she knew if she should be shocked, disgusted, or impressed at the skill. Adam shot her a go to hell look as he grabbed his bag and sulked out of the room.

Lucky for Adam, the Mother Superior was away that day, and just waited until his teacher walked in.
"Well Adam, I don't know what good yelling, or detention will do...it hasn't done anything yet. So I want you to write a paper. A paper of detail explaining some key point of Irish History and have it in to me by Monday." Her arms were crossed.

Adam sighed but nodded. "Yes Sister Evelyn"

"You are dismissed for the day."

He picked his bag up and slung it over his shoulder and walked out. As he walked down the hall he heard someone yell his name.

"HEY! ADAM!" A girl ran up to him. She had hazel eyes and light brown hair.

"Hmm WHAT THE HELL?!" the girl pounced on his back as he turned around.

"What's up dude?" She said smirking as she hopped off.

"Got to go do some damn paper on Irish History" he groaned.

"Why not on the Feast of Samhine? I could help you, we were just learning about it in my history class."

"Naw...I've got an idea...I remember something about someoen named Clerin, think he was some kindda hero or somethin'. Anyway, I gotta go home, I'll see ya later Alex" He sulked off with out another word. Alexandra shrugged and went on to her next class.

Later that afternoon, while Adam was flipping through a book, his mother came in. "I heard about your incident in history class. Care to explain?"



"I was just bored Mom, history is pointless!"

"You think every class is pointless, at least Christopher passed one class, you are failing all of them!"

"Oh sure, now you point out something good" he muttered. He and his elder brother, Chris, had a pact, to always stick up for the other while their mother was fussing. Adam was jealous that his brother had gotten out from under foot and was now in the US Navy at a US Submarine base in Scotland dating a pretty English girl.

"Don't you start that with me Adam Michael." She put a package on the desk. "Speaking of your brother this just came in from him." She started out of the room "And that paper better be up to standard!" She slammed the door, making a framed picture of Evenessance fall off the wall.

"Bitch" He muttered as he opened the package happily. Hearing from his brother was the only time he didn't seem depressed. Inside there was a small folded up letter and a box that contained a ring. The ring was in the shape of a rose and cast out of silver.

"Hey Ad-man" he mumbled aloud. "Found this while I was on leave in Ireland, thought you might like to add it to your ring collection. Mama told me it was getting to be about as big as mine. And of course being her, she just had to mention she couldn't figure out which she hated more, mine for being circa 1600s, or yours for being gothic." Adam laughed lightly. "So I thought I'd send you one that she can't complain too much about, then again this is Mother we're talking about. Oh well man, you just hang in there! Give Granna a big hug from me and tell Shaffer and Littlebit I miss em. See you at Christmas Lil Dude, ~CD"

Adam looked over the ring. It had words written in it. "Fintan d....." The rest was unreadable. "Cool..." he muttered as he slipped it on his middle finger on his right hand and went back to writing and skimming.

The weekend passed quickly. Adam's paper was finally done on Sunday evening. He wasted no time in going straight to bed just so he could get it over with the next day.

That next morning as he was getting dressed, his usual black clothing, his mother knocked on the door. "You had better be in something normal for school, no black!"
Adam groaned and searched his dresser and closet for something "normal". When he couldn't find anything he went in to his brothers old room and searched in there. With a little luck he found a pair of blue jeans and a green tee shirt that would fit him. While he was in there, he went through the closet and pulled out his brother's black renaissance costume and stuffed it in his bag. He had a plan for the report. He quickly ran out of the house and down to the school. History was his first class so he darted in to the bathroom to change.

"Adam?" Alexandra cocked a brow as he rushed past her as she came out of the opposit bathroom. Grinning she slinked in to the bathroom.

"Dude, what are you doing, you were in one hellva hurry"


"What? I won't look, besides, your in a stall stupid." She tilted her head at the door. "What are you dressing for?"

"My report...hey, any idea how to lace up a pair of pantaloons?"

"A pair of what?"

"Never mind..." he stepped out.

"Whoa...dude...what the hell are you wearing?" She stared at him. He was dressed in black pantaloons, knee high boots, a black shirt and cloak.

"My bro's Ren costume...it's for my project"

"Weird...but ok, your hanging." She held her hands up and walked out. Adam followed. They went separate paths when they came to his classroom. Luckily, no one was in yet so he slipped in and started setting up for his presentation. He set up the black and green candles, and drew a small ruin on the chalk board. He pulled the curtains down and waited for the rest to show up.

"Mr. Antici, what is going on here?"

"My report Sister Evelyn. I thought I'd give it in the fashion it use to be performed in."

"Showing some initiative for once are you? Very good, I look forward to seeing it."

Adam smirked as he thought "Hope my brother's ramblings come in handy today." After a few more minutes the rest of the class filed in and took their seats.

"Very well Adam, go ahead." The nun sat back and watched as Adam stood up and lit the candles.

"This report is on the ancient Celtic tradition of Soul Summoning, or as we know it now Resurrection. I was originally going to do it on Samhine but changed my mind when I learned about a god named "Clerin of Infrean". There was a story that one could bring someone back to life if they traded the deceased soul with another of the same worth to the god. However another method was proclaimed a few centuries before the Conversion." He stepped back and held up his hands, speaking in Gaelic as he acted it out.

"Clerin Thiarna, tháinig mé chun tú i súil leat a chloisteáil mo ghuí. Deontas saol an t-ainm a rith ag a bhfuil mé isteach Theip anseo i saol na saol cead a thabhairt dó arís, an saol Fintan"

He used the name "Fintan" after he had read the name on the ring. While most of the class either looked impressed or snickered at him, the nun didn't do anything but point to the door and say. "Mother Superiors office, now!" He sulked out of the room.

Unknown to the teen he had actually performed the ritual correctly. Thunder clapped in the night sky. Deep in woods on the edge of town fallen leaves moved together, sticks and rocks taking shape with them as they formed the shape of a man. As lightening struck the creation sucked in a breath and rose up. A man, clad in a green velvet doublet, pants, and cloak with knee high boots, a cavalier styled hat with three colored feathers, a rapier and pistol on his side and gloves clading his hands stood up.

"What...in the name of Heaven just happened?" he had a strong Galway accent. Shaking his head he walked towards town....
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Number of posts : 1
Age : 39
Registration date : 2011-11-23

The Return of a Highwayman Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Return of a Highwayman   The Return of a Highwayman EmptyNovember 24th 2011, 7:01 am

Love it! Especially the teacher.
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