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 Elijah Delvont, Atlas Engineer

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Zackarias Orion Osiris

Number of posts : 9
Age : 34
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Elijah Delvont, Atlas Engineer Empty
PostSubject: Elijah Delvont, Atlas Engineer   Elijah Delvont, Atlas Engineer EmptySeptember 5th 2015, 10:35 pm

The Atlas Engineer

Name: Elijah Delvont

Age: Mid-20s to early-30s

Looks: Shoulder-length brown/dark red hair. Hardened-yet-smooth face, with high cheek bones, slightly thin jawline and a smaller-than-average nose. Green eyes with flecks of blue. Stands at 6'4", has a wider frame than average, is muscularly thin, and has a slight tan. Wears a combat suit made up of dull green combat fatigues and red Crimson Lance armor pieces which cover the upper torso, shoulders, neck, forearms and shins, with the shin armor doubling as the boots of the outfit. Thrusters are built into the back of the torso armor and the bottom of the boots, with two smaller thrusters protruding from either side of both boots at the back. The right gauntlet houses a holographic computer display that allows him to wirelessly connect to and interact with nearby computers and mainframes, as well as the control for his Orb-ital Assault skill.

Personality: Grim and serious. Holds an intense dislike of the psychos and bandits of Pandora as he believes, due to misinformation, that they caused Atlas' mission to go awry and killed some of his friends among the Crimson Lance stationed there. May still heavily dislike them even after hearing the truth. A little sorrowful when addressing civilians of Pandora, as he feels at least partly responsible for any innocents who suffered during Atlas' mission. Is neutral towards the original Vault Hunters even after learning the truth of Atlas' downfall, though holds a grudging respect for Roland, who left the Crimson Lance. Is wary of Sirens in general, particularly because of Commandant Steele.

Backstory: Elijah is an engineer who worked for the Atlas Corporation's Crimson Lance forces for roughly 10 years before the corporation took a major blow during the events of Borderlands 1, and also served as a squad leader in said force. Before enlisting with the Crimson Lance, he studied advanced robotics and Artificial Intelligence development, even earning PhDs in both fields while building his own robotic creations at the same time (most of which are still stored in his home on Aegis-2, an oceanic world dotted with beach-like islands and man-made stations that serve as the planet's cities). After the events of B1, he overheard a couple of superiors discussing what happened to Commandant Steele and General Knoxx on Pandora, as well as mentioning being informed that bandits were most likely their killers. Later, Elijah requested information on the likely fate of the Crimson Lance stationed on Pandora, and the future of Atlas, from another superior officer who he was personal friends with, who told him things would mostly stay as they are, but the Crimson Lance on Pandora would be left behind as 'unfortunate casualties'. As he had a number of comrades in the Crimson Lance, some of whom were killed by the Vault Hunters(unbeknownst to him) during B1, Elijah made a silent vow to himself that, should he ever find himself on Pandora, he would make the lives of every bandit and psycho on the planet hell. He was later assigned by Atlas higher ups to assist Jack on the Hyperion moon base in order to better trade relations between the two corporations.

Main Skill Proficiencies: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles and Rocket Launchers

Action Skill: Orb-ital Assault: Elijah summons 5 robotic orbs to aid him in combat, 4 of which fire at nearby enemies with whatever weapon type Elijah has equipped while the 5th acts like a Hyperion repair drone, boosting his shield and restoring any lost health at a reasonable rate. The orbs can be destroyed but are capable of taking a pounding when under pressure. Orbs lost decrease the cooldown to the next summon by 5%, and the orbs last for 25 seconds. Orbs never move far from Elijah, usually staying in a vault symbol formation with no upward point above his head while the repair orb hovers around him.

Perk Trees

Demolitionist: This tree focuses on enhancing explosive weapons and damage and adding explosive functionality to the Orb-ital Assault.

Rockets For Days: Increases magazine size for rocket launchers by 1 per level, and increases firing rate of Orbs by 10% per level when firing rockets. Limit: 5. Tier 1.

Blast Shield: Decreases damage taken from explosives by 3% per level, and damage taken from your own rockets and grenades by 15% per level. Limit: 5. Tier 1.

High Octane Thrill: Increases rocket velocity by 12% per level. Does not affect Orb rockets. Limit: 5. Tier 2.

Cooking Grenades: Decreases the fuse time on grenades by 0.3 seconds per level. Limit: 5. Tier 2.

Lethal Baggage: Increases the ammo capacity for rockets by 20% per level. Additionally makes the rocket capacity for allies the same as Elijah's current capacity. Limit: 5. Tier 3.

Nowhere To Hide: "Rockets feel neither envy nor love, but race toward their targets all the same." - Rockets fired from rocket launchers now home in on targeted enemies. This does not extend to Orb rockets. Limit: 1. Tier 3.

Bloody Mess: Increases rocket and grenade damage by 3.5% per level. Enemies that explode (into gore) give a 50% XP bonus. Limit: 5. Tier 3.

Carnage And Mayhem: Kill Skill: Kills made with rocket launchers or grenades grant rocket ammo and grenade regeneration for a few seconds, as well as grant increased reload speed. Gain 10% maximum rockets and grenades (minimum 1) per 15 seconds and +30% reload speed for rocket launchers per level. Limit: 5. Tier 4.

Kamikaze!: When Orb-ital Assault time runs out, all Orbs launch towards nearby enemies and explode, dealing explosive damage. Orbs that run out of health will also launch at enemies, dealing 25% more damage. Limit: 1. Tier 4.

Cherry Bombing: All bullets fired explode when they hit, causing extra minor explosive damage that increases per level. In addition, rockets have a 2% chance per level to explode into child grenades. Limit: 5. Tier 5.

Power Of Atom: "... almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter." Increases the blast radius of rockets and grenades by 40%, and the damage of rockets by the same amount. All rockets now explode like nukes. Limit: 1. Tier 6.

Trooper: This tree enhances the capabilities of Assault Rifles and Sniper Rifles as well as combat in general.

Trigger Discipline: Recoil of assault rifles is reduced by 5% per level, and accuracy is increased by 2% per level. However, firing rate is reduced by 40%, with higher levels slightly reducing this penalty. Limit: 5. Tier 1.

Tango Down: Increases critical hit damage by 6% per level, with sniper rifles doing double the increase. Limit: 5. Tier 1.

Zeus' Touch: Adds Shock damage to Elijah's knife melee attack in proportion to the number of Shock weapons Elijah has equipped. Adds 2% of melee damage as Shock damage per Shock weapon, per level. Limit: 5. Tier 2.

Boosters: "Highway to the Danger Zone, baby!" Activates the built-in thrusters in Elijah's armor, replacing the sprint with dashing which increases 'sprint' speed by 40%. This can even be used in the air! However, dashing in the air will decrease accuracy by 30% during the dash. And yes, this means you can dash and shoot to your heart's content. Limit: 1. Tier 2.

Big B0re: Increases damage of assault and sniper rifles by 2% per level and causes bullets to penetrate enemies, which further increases damage with each enemy penetrated. This effect extends to the Orb-ital Assault. Limit: 5. Tier 2.

Lead Rain: Increases the magazine size of bullet weapons by 4% per level, and firing rate of bullet weapons by 3% per level. Limit: 5. Tier 3.

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