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 The Merge

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

The Merge Empty
PostSubject: The Merge   The Merge EmptySeptember 2nd 2015, 12:38 pm

The following is a story that crosses the world of the Inner Veil with the world of the Jedi.

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters of the Starwars universe. They belong to their creator, George Lucas (and disney I guess...>.>) Furthermore, I do not own the characters of the Assassin's Creed universe, they are the property of Ubisoft (GO AC! BLACK FLAG FTW!)anything that is directly atributed to the respective universe is also the property of their respective creators and trademarks. They are used in a fan-fict manor and though cannon is observed it is not held to strictly. This is for the enjoyment of the Dragon Forum members.

Special thanks to Lilianna Rory (Amber) for the help with understanding the ins and outs of the Galaxy! May the Force be with you Smile

His Grace, Fintan de Marin
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

The Merge Empty
PostSubject: The Veil Opens   The Merge EmptySeptember 2nd 2015, 12:40 pm

'The Veil seems to be an entity of its own accord. I have learned it will open where ever there is a surge of power, or magic. Never before have I encountered such
wonder has I have found with the Veil.' from the journal of Fintan de Marin

"Fintan..." Lili stated, walking in to his study.

"Ever heard of knocking, Miss Rory?" Fintan asked from his desk, never looking up from his papers.

She stepped back one pace, knocked on the door. "Fintan..."

"Better. Yes?"

"Aye, youre point?"

"No...what do you need Rory."

"I need to talk to you about a...uh...rumor I've heard."


"I heard tale that there's ...this book. Something you might even like for your collection."

"I"m listening."

"It's supposedly very powerful, and contains magic even I'm not use to."

"Get to the point."

"I'd like to go after it."

"You don't need my permission."

"Well last time I went anywhere near a book, you had a bit of an, adverse reaction to it. So I wanted to make-"

"What sort of magic, Rory?"

"Extremely powerful,...possibly illegal magic."

"Such as?"

"Summoning certain creatures to this world."

"What sort of creatures?"

"I don't know, the rumors were a bit vague."

"Where did you hear them?"

"Tavern." She said jerking her head towards the window.

"Which tavern?"

"Cracked Goblet."

"...The one in Kilmara."

"Dunherst, Kilmara."


"And why not?"

"I don't trust anything coming out of that tavern, be it drink or rumor."

"Well it's not like I'm saying send one of your expedition parties."

"Don't care, if I see that book in the Empire, I'll burn it."

"So what you're saying is I can't bring it in to the Empire..."




"You said it yourself, I don't need permission."

"Rory..." Before he could finish, there was a soft humming as an archway appeared in the wall. It began to glow softly. "What the hell did you do?"

"I didn't do anything...This time. Why do you always think I've done something?"

"Because usually, you have."

"Well this time, I didn't."

"Just go fetch Lady Ravenblood."

"What, am I not enough of a mage for this?"

"Do you know how the Veil works?"


"My point exactly."


Roughly thirty minutes later, Lilianna and Gelecha stepped through the door, accompanied by Illiceit, Diona, and Baffridge. The vampyress removed her veil upon
entering, as did the sorceress. Fintan was staring intently at the Veil portal, not visibly seeing anyone enter, only feeling their auras.

"Lady Diona, Sir Baffridge...I did not expect any Protectors." He said half mindedly.

"Miss Rorry thought it best if the eldest attended as well." Baffridge noted.

"You are both, most welcome." Fintan mumbled, clearly lost in thought.

"Our thanks, Your Grace." he replied

"Your mind is through the portal, isn't it Fintan?" Diona inquired.

"Is it so obvious, Your Ladyship?"

"Even I could tell it so, husband." Illiceit chuckled.

"The Veil opened, and I am not familiar with the feeling from the otherside...It is neither Europe nor Africa, or Japan, nor even the young nation of America." He
turned to face the others. "It is not the Outer Veil at all." He moved to the side table and poured a glass of whiskey. "Any thoughts?" Everyone shook their heads.

"Oh come off it..." Fintan shouted, flinging his arms. "The most powerful Sorceress in the Southern Realms, The Baroness of Vampyra Heights, the oldest Gryphon
Protectors, and a mage who always has her nose in a book has no ideas about what this is?!"

"The Veil can open where ever there is a surge of magic, Fintan. You know this." Baffridge stated, straightening up. "It is impossible to know where it is until one
steps through."

"Really?" He smirked. He crossed the floor to the mannequin on the left side of the room. It was decorated with his rapier and pistol baldric and belt, with his hat
placed on top.

"Fintan, you aren't serious? There's no telling where you will end up!" Lili protested.

"No...there's not." He muttered buckling his baldric over his shoulder. "But, there is also no use in standing here wondering." By this point he was tugging the belt
for his pistols tight over the pistol baldric. He stepped to where there was a selection of pistols and began tucking them in their holsters. "Lady Diona, please send
word to the Bureau. I will be absent for some time, have Master Kenway continue his current endeavors."

"Very well..." She didn't like the sound of this anymore than Lili, but she knew better than to protest...it was a waste of the air her trees were making. At last, the
count pulled on his two bracers, ensured the pistol was loaded, the blade tracks were oiled to prevent snags, and ejected the blade on the right wrist, before dipping
it in a vial labled "Bugbear Venom'. He walked over to the portal, hat in hand.

"Gods protect the Crown." He stated putting the hat on. It was echoed by the Arelians before he stepped in to the portal. Without a moments notice, he was engulfed in
total darkness.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

The Merge Empty
PostSubject: The Temple   The Merge EmptySeptember 7th 2015, 2:24 pm

Fintan blinked multiple times, the world around him slowly coming in to focus. He was standing at the steps of what looked like a massive temple. On different levels of the pyrimidic structure there were men in white armor of some sort. He barely made three steps towards the steps leading up when two of them brought their strange
looking muskets up to bear at him.

"Halt, state your buisness here."

Fintan put his hands up. "Easy, gentlemen. I'm simply passing through. I mean no harm to anyone."

"Then move along, civilians aren't allowed any further." The second stated, sounding nearly exactly like the first. He gestured with his weapon to tell Fintan to leave. The count rose a brow.

"Fortunately, I'm not a civilian. The name's Fintan de Marin, Lord Commander of the Arelian Royalist Army. Is this the palace of your ruler?"

"It's the Jedi Temple, and I"m sorry Lord Commander, but you are not allowed any further. Furthermore, who's side is the Arelian ruler on? Republican, or Seperatists?"

Fintan rose a brow. "She's a Royalist...it is not of your nation...but one further away than I can count the time to get here. Now...what is a jedi?"

"NO more questions, move along Lord Commander." The first ordered.

"And yet, I have many more." He smirked. His hands still up.

"Are you looking to be arrested?" He growled. First mistake.

"You will never arrest me, soldier."

"Think you're a jedi huh?" He stepped forward. Second mistake.

"I don't even know what one is, but I suggest not coming any closer."

"That's it, in the name of the Supreme Chancellor I place you under arrest." Third and last mistake.

As his hand went to go on Fintan's shoulder, it was yanked out off. With a smirk Fintan whispered softly. "That's not true..." He twisted it around and him kicked out of the way. Just before the second was about to fire his weapon, Fintan ducked under, slashed with his wrist ejecting the hidden blade and cutting the femoral artery, dropping the man before the second blade was shoved in to the opening of the collar bone. As the first recovered Fintan pulled his sword, putting it in to his heart and through his armor as if it was butter. "But that was permitted."

Fintan extended his hand, cloaking the two dead bodies in a dark shadow before it melted in to the stone, effectively hiding the two. He took off, and tossed his hat aside. "No one hides the contents of a religious building unless something wrong is happening." He pulled up his hood out of his doublet and took off at a run. Scaling the first wall, he met no oposition. Reaching half way up the second, a guard was pacing right infront of him. He extended his left hand, grabbed him, and pulled him over the edge. Dropping, he landed on him with his blade extended in order to ensure his death before rescaling the wall. He reached the last wall and looked up.

"This...could take a while." It had to have been atleast a hundred or so feet up. He took a few steps back before sprinting up the wall before he finally had to grab at a stone sticking out. He took him almost ten minutes to scale the wall, and upon reaching the top he took a moment to catch his breath. That's when he noticed...there were carriages in the sky...moving. "Where the fuck is this place?" He muttered walking towards what he assumed was a door. There was no latch, no handles. He had no idea how he was suppose to open it. As he put his hand on it, it slid open with a soft whir of metal gears.

"...I'm not drunk enough for this." He groaned walking through. That was when he felt it. Innocence. Terrified innocence. He took off in a sprint down the hall. Darting left, right, right again. He used their fear as his fule, the silver trim of his outfit slowly began to turn blood red. The mark of the Erlisian Brother hood slowly
changed from a Triqueta to a Triskelion. The A changed to crossed swords. Two guards were ahead. Fintan dropped in to a slide, blades out. He slid along the floor and sliced through both hamstrings, effectively putting them down, and tossing one of the small frag bombs Jeslyn had made behind him as he lifted himself back in to a run. He hit a wall, using it to change directions as he continued down the left side of the hall. He heard the bang of the bomb, and hoped no one else noticed or heard it.

He lost grip on the floor as he neared the door, and had to stop running, coming to a sliding halt near it. He put his hand on it, expecting it to open, but it remained closed. He tilted his head as he huffed for air. Someone had locked it ...from the inside perhapse. He extended the blade on his right hand and slid it in to the crack in hopes of it opening if he could find the catch. He couldn't find one through the entire length of the crack. "In the name of the Dark Lord Clerin....OPEN!" He commanded With a whir, the door opened, being pushed by dark shadowy figures. Fintan stepped slowly in to the room, his eyes darting left and right. He could feel the fear from behind the circle of chairs. He waved his hand, dismissing the souls of the damned that had opened the doors.

"It's alright children...I shan't harm you. You have my word, as the Hand of Clerin." He said, squatting down and lowering his hood. "Come out...I know you are there. I promise, you're safe now." He extended his hand in a friendly gesture with a soft smile.

A young girl poked her head out, her blonde hair hiding part of her face. She slowly stepped out, she was maybe ten years old at the most. "Hello, little one, I am Fintan, what's your name?"

"Arimaya..." She whispered.

"Hello, Arimaya. Why are you hiding?"

"The clone troopers are killing all the younglings." She said shakily. Fintan removed his right glove, his silver hand gleaming in the soft light. He gently put it on her hand

"That's a horrible thing...where are your parents?"

"We don't have parents here, we only have the Jedi Masters."

"Where are they?" He was startting to get annoyed with the term "Jedi"

"Most are dead..." She froze in fear, taking a step back. Fintan tilted his head, and then he could feel another's pressense. Slowly he stood up.

"Who is it?" He asked, firmly, his hands clenching a pair of pistols.

"Master Skywalker." She muttered.

Fintan turned around. "Master Skywalker...I am Count Fintan de Marin, I shant bore you with further titles as there's little time. Are you one of the Jedi Masters?"

"I am."

"Good...rally any others that still live. We must form a line of defense against the clone troopers."

"I should get these younglings to safety first." He said, his hand twitching.

"No...They will stay here with me, I do not know this city. But I know fighting, and these....clone troopers will have no chance against me. I already killed five to get in to the Temple. Rally any other masters you can find, and get them to the main hall. Once my associates arive, the children will be taken to a safe place. You have my word, as the Commander of the Royalist Arelian Army."

Skywalker stepped closer. "I will esscort them to safety." He insisted, his hand twitching yet again. "That is my..."

Fintan raised a hand, silencing the Jedi who looked bewildered. "I understand your concern, but right now, the most paramount..." He felt a tug on his robes from Ari. Kneeling down she whispered in his ear.

"He's helping the clone troopers, he's trying to use a jedi mind trick on you to make you do what he wants." Fintan pulled away and rose a brow, Ari nodded to confirm she was telling the truth. Fintan sighed and stood up, turning again to face Skywalker.

"Master Skywalker...By all means, take these children to safety...if that is what you swear you will do." Ari went wide eyed at Fintan's words, and started to back away from both.

"It is."

"You swear it before Gods and men?" Fintan asked. The jedi nodded. "Good...then pardon me while I deal with the clone problem." He had no idea what a clone was, but did not want to appear unintelligent. He gave a bow of his head and walked towards the door. As he walked, he accidentally brushed against the jedi. That was when he felt the darkness in him. Less than three feet later his rapier was drawn. "Hands up lad...you're under arrest in the name of Clerin, Lord of the damned."

The jedi laughed, his lightsaber humming from the hilt. "I do not recognize that authority."

"Then you will die by it." He chortled.

"You underestimate me." He did a flipping jump forward, his blade coming down over Fintan's head. The rapier came up, deflecting the lightsaber to the side, and puting the jedi off guard. The children were wide eyed that a steel blade could deflect the most dangerous weapon they had ever seen. Fintan took a more defensive stance, his guard down at an angle with a smirk on his face. His flicked his left hand, ejecting the hidden blade.

"Cortosis...wise choice for a blade. But what is it against the Force?" Skywalker thrust his hand in an open palm out. Fintan blinked and looked arround.

"And...what was that?" He asked with a shrug. Out of no where he came off balance and fell back. He moved with the invisable push, and ended back up on his feet, his guard up higher in an Hydroiyan defense rather than Gurie.

"...You should have flown through the window."

"I learned how to counter mages some time ago." He chuckled, flinging a pistol out from behind his back. He fired a common lead shot just to see the level of the person he was dealing with. The crack of the gunpowder caused the children to shout in shock. The jedi threw up his hand in instint, causing the bullet to curve and hit a chair in place of him. That earned a look of impressment from Fintan, atleast until he shot a bolt of lightening at Anikin. The necklace around his neck pulsed under his doublet just slightly showing from under the thick material.

Anikin blinked in shock brought his lightsaber up to intercept the bolt. It however did not work as he had intended it, and was sent flying back. "You're strong with the Force." He groaned as he hoisted himself up.

"The Force? You mean magic? Aye, that I am lad. Far more than you could hope to be."

Anikin glared, mustered his strength and charged Fintan. As he went for a slash, Fintan ducked under. His rapier came up, across his arm severing it, his left hidden blade ejected out, stabbing in to the femoral artery of his right leg before the rapier came back down and went across both arteries in both legs. As if he had never moved Fintan straightened up, the sith stagering forward and falling to his face. "Falichia" Fintan stated. Flames engulfed Anikin. Fintan retracted his hidden blade and wiped his sword clean before sheathing it.

Turning around he blinked, taken aback. Fifteen members of the Blood Guard and fifteen members of the Black Guard came running in through the Veil Portal. They instantly took a conjoined battle formation. The Blood Guard captain stepped forward. "Her Grace instructed us to come in and offer you any aid we can, Your Grace. We stand ready for orders, Sir."

"Very good, Captain. However, my work here is done. Return through, we've orphan children to tend to."

"As you command, Sir." The captain looked to the soldiers. "Ranks, break. Form up, and move out." With almost eerie percision the thirty soldiers broke battle formation and formed up as a marching coloumn, following the Black Count through the Veil once more.
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