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Number of posts : 11
Age : 25
Registration date : 2012-11-25

Penelope Empty
PostSubject: Penelope   Penelope EmptyApril 8th 2014, 8:40 pm

Penelope Geoluhread



Appears Human

Thinks everything must be earned.
Indifferent to most things

Faint Scent:


Eye color:
Light Red, glowing when a summon is activated.

Eleven black tally marks on the back of her neck.




To make summons appear:

Summons appear either by ungloved hand signals from her left hand,pain,or bleeding. Thinking the sense that she would lose.

Summoning ways for each:
Zeus’ Abilities- Three digits  of the hand, unspread, middle and pointer fingers bent straight. Shakes.
Hera-Summoned by all five digits on the hand and shaken side to side once.
Poseidon-Summoned by four digits excluding the thumb.Again with the shakes.
Demeter-Three digits, excluding the thumb and digit beside it.
Athena-All five digits, middle digit bent at the middle.Again with the shakes.
Apollo-All five digits, digit next to the pinky bent at the middle.Again with the shakes.
Artemis-Four digits, excluding the thumb, fingers spread, pointer finger bent straight at the middle.
Ares-Four digits excluding the thumb.Again with the shakes.
Aphrodite-Three middle digits of the hand, pinky and thumb touching.Again with the shakes.
Hephaestus-Three digits spread excluding the middle and ring finger.
Hermes-Peace sign.Again with the shakes.
Hestia- Pointer finger, again with the shakes.

To make the summons disappear:  

Penelope right arm and fingers straight moved in front of her pointing towards the left, and then elbow bent she jerks the elbow back to the right until it is under the right part of the chest. This would make all the summons dissipate into black dust vapor. The vapor then smoothly flies into the tally marks on the back of her neck.

Injuring a Summon:
The summons cannot be killed, merely dissipated. Turning into the dust, can dodge attacks by moving the composition of their bodies into dust and away from what the attacker was doing. Can disconnect. If by a chance they do get hit in a crucial place they will go back to Penelope as a black cloud of dust, needing time to regenerate before being able to leave her again. This regeneration takes time and energy to do.

Appearance of Summons:
Each summon has their own appearance but usually shows themselves dressed in all black, a veil over their faces, black coats and black attire. Holding swords similar to http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/090/9/b/fantasy_sword_by_abhijithvb-d3cvaqe.jpg in all black. Transforming into their weapons of choice when battle occurs and otherwise they keep the swords sheathed under their coats. Atop their heads is a headdress each appearing different(shall be described).If they so choose to, the summons can reveal their true forms(something different from the all black general forms) and that will be described when needed.

Summons’ awareness:
Even when not summoned the summons are aware of what’s going on with Penelope and her surroundings. There are also times when the summons want to be let out so they make their tally mark itch until they are let out. When danger is prominent they all will do it so she knows what is coming.


Zeus: He is apart of Penelope, part of her powers. Rarely Zeus will change the skies and seasons even if they are not what they want. When abilities are summoned electricity emanates from the being creating electric blue zigg zaggs of electricity  crawling all over the body covering almost every inch, going so fast that it even creates a faint buzzing noise and the heat can be felt from several yards away.

Hera: Named after the Goddess of Gods and acts just like her. If others around Zeus hurt them, then she is very vengeful woman. If you lay a hand on her Zeus, she’ll try to come after you. She is also one that loves to see people stay together. Thinking that home,marriage and family are important parts of the world that is slowly being lost.

Poseidon: He is a summon that is vengeful,violent, greedy, yet can be calm and nice at times, and around the right people. Poseidon will toy with people and even at times get angry and argue with Zeus. In battle he may not listen to Zeus and do things on his own against Zeus’ will. Poseidon will make earthquakes and try to make his enemies stumble into the chasm. He can extract the water from the air, plants, and control it in it’s natural form and when it is other things. These things can even be done with the human body controlling the limbs and motions of a being as if they are a puppet.

Demeter: Is a summon that is very kind and gentle.Very generous as well when it comes to repaying others. And she cares about her children. She can control the plants, and they’re growth speeding it up, slowing it down, and making them go in the directions that she wants to simply by altering their DNA slightly. Even making them bear their harvest early.  Demeter is not the first to leap into battle and sometimes actually needs to be prodded into it. When in battle though she is ruthless using her abilities to choke, or ensnare those that are enemies.

Athena:  She is a very protective summon over all the summons.Very loyal to them all.The summon is also extremely competitive being  on of the first to jump into the fights. Also she is one of the first to give wisdom advice and knowledge only when it is needed finding it wasted when use on trivial things.

Apollo:  Is a summon that can be both a peacekeeper between summons and others, someone merciless and cruel,sometimes however though he can also be sensitive at times when it is called for. All words that come from his mouth ring true unless he uses his cleverness to spin them into something else, he cannot lie. The sensitive side of him will create poetry and songs. He may not be the first to jump into battles but he will try to end it quickly either with plagues, darkness(shadows), light, his own bows and arrows, killing them painlessly. After battles he will try to heal those still alive. Using any of these abilities will engulf him in white light emanating from his whole being almost blinding to those that look directly at him. If Zeus is hurt to the point , of anything broken, sprained, or she is unable to summon Apollo is automatically forced out to heal her taking her sense of pain away as he does so. This is the 'Apollo Mechanism' and she has no control over this.

Artemis:This summon is gentle to all younglings and youth and animals, but does not have mercy to men. The Huntress’ like Apollo’s weapon of choice is a bow and arrow. She loves hunting, and feeling freedom. The deaths she gives are also swift and painless, for women. This summon does like to preserve youth and will not kill young animals or even young children/teenagers of humans. Though has no patience for men, love,painful childbirth for women and those impure before marriage.Her favorite way to hunt is with her hunting hounds Connecting with an object of hers, or something she throws at you can result in you turning into an animal if not dodged. If needed she will get the animals to to hunt you down. She is a huntress, and will fight as such.

Ares:The summon loves war, and like all gods he gets revenge. He is a very hateful summon and is very murderous when he wants to be. The fighting is something that comes with ease to this summon that uses his weapon of choice almost always: a spear. When he walks, terror seeps into the hearts of people around him as they hear the groans of those he has killed and leaves a footprint of blood in it’s wake. One hit in battle however and he will scream before dissipating and reappearing on the other side of the battlefield. He is a coward, and most likely won’t join the battle again.

Aphrodite: This summon has an obsession with falling in love and beauty. She falls in love often and deeply. She loves to trick, and laugh. Aphrodite despite being goal oriented and moving towards that goal she always tries to find the relationship between people and/or things, sometimes trying to find relationships herself even if she claims to be involved with another summon.Through no further explanation than “love” will she be able to transform something into something beautiful. This goddess, is an angry one as well too. Angry at those who do not honor her, and vengeful to those that take the ones she loves.

Hephaestus: This summon is an ugly summon that cannot use his legs so will usually be found sitting upon the ground propped up against something. Summon is in control of fire, his whole body can be found set aflame setting fire in the ways that he chooses them casting them taller than any man if he so chooses. Mostly though can be found trying to set Hera a flame. Anything he touches catches like dry grass in summer. Yet despite this he is kind and peace loving to all, fighting when needed..

Hermes: This summon is shrewd and cunning, the messenger, loving to steal things, and lead souls of the dead to their rightful place. There are some circumstances where he will keep a soul with him while Apollo tries to heal the deceased’s’ body for it to become habitable once more. In battle he will deliver messages from Zeus to the other summons or vice versa. He is strong as well, able to lift tons more than any other of the summons.  He can run faster than any other and can fly with the shoes on his feet.

Hestia: This summon seems to have no distinct personality but demands to have an offering at the beginning and end of every meal or will become angry. She wants families together and tries to keep them as such. Thinks that children must be blessed by her.Zeus summons her only at meals, and finds her more than useless in battle just getting in the way of things saying that they are all family and shouldn't fight.

Cost of summoning:
The summoning of even one summon will cause in the lose of the sense she chooses to lose. After using all the sense she can not use anymore summons. If the summons are mad at her for some reason they may not do as she says, if they are in a fight they may join the other side. She does not have complete control them.

Senses To Be Lost:
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