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 Creepy Dream... Alternate Universe?

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Creepy Dream... Alternate Universe? Empty
PostSubject: Creepy Dream... Alternate Universe?   Creepy Dream... Alternate Universe? EmptyJanuary 22nd 2014, 4:34 pm

Now, before you read this. Remember this was a dream I had. I didn't have control of it. Only watched it unfold, its not my desire to be center of attention. I can barely stand having pictures taken, why would I want to be center of attention? Anyway, this apparently was a result of me watching and hearing too many creepypastas in one night. Curse you Sonic.EXE

I was totally not expecting this kind of dream. Well, I did figure I'd get a scary dream, but not anything like this. But I guess it was rather cool.

So, yeah.. here you go...

Though that's as far as the dream went for me. So I can't really add anything else to it soo... you're free to comment on it if you like. Very Happy


Night time had fallen over the city in a beautiful veil of dark blue and twinkling silver stars. Now it was the time to act. A figure darted around the shadows of the streets with intent of getting to his destination safely and undetected. Guards were placed all around the grounds as he expected them to be as he arrived at the location. He reflected a little on the past while he remained still on his perch, his expression sorrowful.

How did it come to this? He protected her, he protected them and they in turn had protected him in many adventures and problems before in the past. How did one of them turn so cruel? How could she have deceived them all and take control of a country so easily, laying siege to another? His expression hardened once more in anger at the thought of so many people suffering and used that anger to keep himself steady as he leaped off his perch, taking down a guard that strayed from his post.

He moved swiftly after placing the body in the bushes of the grounds. He had to move quickly before the guards caught wind of what was going on. He paused at a corner and peeked around it, seeing guards at the entrance of the passage way. So she did send guards in there to prevent anyone who knew of those tunnels from entering the castle. Clever girl. He didn't have a choice, the quickest and safest way inside was through those secret passages.

He was silent when he dispatched them, leaving them there as he slipped through the passage. He paused after some time, hearing the guards coming towards him during their patrol. It was quite a few from the sounds of them and he couldn't afford to keep leaving bodies around. He darted forward and into the tunnel opposite of the one he wanted; snatched up a torch and hurled it down the way he came. Once that was down he was quick to slipped into the entrance he wanted and pressed himself into the shadowed corner of the tunnel's entryway. He kept silent as the guards heard the noises he made before, quick to investigate, one commanding the group to split up, one to check the tunnel he hurled the torch into and the other to go to the tunnel that had the missing torch. None came his way. Once he was sure they were out of earshot, he sighed and continued on his way.

He continued through the many tunnels, slipping past security as best he could, only having to kill a few when they proved stubborn to fall for his tricks to get them to leave their posts. He froze then jumped into another shadow, pressing himself painfully against the wall as explosions rocked the earth, guards shouting and running every which way to get to the grounds outside. He frowned. That was far too early.. or was he late?


The current queen narrowed her eyes coldly as a small ragtag army of townspeople attacked the castle with whatever they had. With kegs of gun powder from ships and munitions to rushing head long against her guards. She didn't have a problem with it really, other it noisy with the powder kegs exploding every few minutes. She turned away from the windows and made her way to foyer to be on her way, walking down the steps in her armored almost warrior like princess clothing and stopped short when the double doors were smashed inward, the ragtag army pouring inside. One shouted about seeing her and everyone looked up at her.

She hoped she didn't have to be involved with this, it would be such a waste of time and she wasn't looking forward to making a mess in her home. Several rushed at her with the intent to kill, she wrinkled her nose and flicked her wrist, fireballs striking the men and sending them down the stair central stairway in flames. She smirked as several more raced at her, ignoring their comrades that lay dead. It was after all a revolution and a suicide mission. She held out her hand and cast several more fire spells, grinning at their screams. She laughed and turned to the group and held out both hands, another spell cast, explosions rocking the foyer and sending men flying. It was too easy, how could her guards have trouble killing the fools? Suddenly the ground quaked, a heavy loud thud came from outside. A roar of rage and a blast of fire came at the guards that rushed the doors to keep the attackers out. The queen froze in horror. A dragon? How did they get a dragon to fight for them? Red scaly claws stomped the ground, she could see it from where she stood. A red dragon?!

Through the flames another a man emerged, his expression flat and didn't seem at all affected by the fire. Eyes she recognized instantly glaring darkly at her. Out of the flames a woman appeared, also glaring at her. Her... parents... how? The queen stepped back, her parents were leading the charge?! The fire died out and several more people she knew stepped inside. All with the look of rage aimed at her. Her friends as well? How dare they! She screamed at them to take their filth and remove themselves from her sight. They didn't move. Her father only stepped forward and announced that she was dethroned. She caused nothing but suffering and now must pay the price. She screamed at them again, knowing full well she couldn't take them all on at once and hurled several fire spells at them, fleeing into the East Wing.

She heard them chasing her, several more of their army joining them. She hurled another spell as she raced through a hall with several large windows. The explosions shattered the glass, sending several men out of them but it did not stem the charge of her former friends and family. She bolted through several double doors, shutting and locking them, creating as many barriers as she could between them. Swords and axes took to the wood, trying to smash through them to continue their pursuit. Growling in fright and anger, she fled some more.

She reached a rather large room, it looked like the foyer. A spacious room that had doors going several directions and a few that sat below a few stairs and led the way toward the lower levels. She smiled, she could lose them here. She ran down to the central floor, taking the stairs she was on two at a time.


It took him a while but he finally was inside the castle, emerging from lower room to a rather spacious room with doors everywhere. As he came up the steps from one lower door, his eyes caught movement and saw the queen, his target, make a run for the other side of the room. And she was alone.

He narrowed his eyes and raced to catch up with her, screaming her name to get her to stop.

She did.

She turned to see who it was and froze. He glared at her from under his hood before finally removing it. Sharp cold eyes, warmed for a split second like she knew they had done at seeing her family and friends again before going wide in horror and shock at his deadpan expression.


“You have no right to call my name...”

“But..” Her eyes flickered to his hand, which now held a silver broadsword. It was rather odd, he preferred rapiers and pistols, why carry a broadsword? His expression never changed, eyes cold. She knew his intent. “I see.. You too then?”

“You brought it on yourself. You betrayed us all and caused nothing but suffering!”

“I'm uniting two countries that have been looking down upon each other for years! King Thomas wouldn't have done a damn thing to make it better!”

“Make it better!?” Fintan roared, his face a mask of rage and baring his teeth, “Attacking Arelia and causing suffering in the Westlands is not making either country better!”

“It does if making both sides suffer then both will unite and strive for a better tomorrow. Both sides are just too high on their pride!”

“Stupid woman!” Her former friend raised the sword, blue-white electricity sparked and circled the sword before he pointed it at her and fired a shot of the energy. Twili hurled herself aside as the bolt struck where she was, bits of rubble flying into the air from the powerful hit as it blew a small hole in the stone floor.

Ice formed around her hands and she hurled an icicle at him, which he dodged moving swiftly to the side. The counter attack wasn't meant to kill him anyway. “Leave me then, don't make me kill you.”

“That's too bad, I intend to kill you.” He growled and stabbing the sword into the floor and raised his hands, holding them out as another bolt of lightning shot forward. The lycan threw another icicle to intercept, causing the spell the sword threw to not reach her then. They dueled, hurling spells back and forth in attempt to do each other in. Through out the fight both remembered the good times, of the adventures they had with everyone.. before she deceived them all.

Noticing Fintan had a faraway look, eyes glazed over by memories, she casted another spell his way and turned to flee to the door she wanted to go through. But in turning her back, she did not see the bolt of lightning shatter through her ice. She did not see the bolt racing toward her. She did feel it strike her in the back. Felt the shock as the energy flooded through her, causing her body to go limp as she toppled over the stairs. Felt each stone step poke and jab at her body as she rolled. Felt as she crashed onto the floor landing on her front. Felt the pain course through her, felt the tears gathering and falling from her eyes. On some level she knew it would end up like this, and every bit of pain she received was nothing compared to what she brought upon others. She would get what she deserved, but she silenced that small voice in her head. No, she was queen and in the right in what she was doing. One last trick.. then she would escape.

Tears still fell as her body seemed to weep at what was coming. She growled and struggled to get up, only managing to get on her knees but buckled and fell against the wall next to the door. So close to escaping. She breathed heavily in ragged pants, glaring up as Fintan walked up to her, the sword still in hand. She grinned ruefully at him.

“You would kill your own friend?”

He looked down at her, the image of the lycan he knew, smiling up at him at being given a gift. Smiling at her friends and family celebrating another day to be alive. Her smile and kind nature was no longer there. He held those memories close to his heart as he pulled his arm back, the sword poised to strike. “You're not her but a monster that wears her face. My friend died years ago.”

And then he brought the weapon forward in a stab.
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