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 The Varis Reborn

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Moirin Servais

Moirin Servais

Number of posts : 11
Age : 32
Location : Wandering to and fro
Registration date : 2013-05-29

The Varis Reborn Empty
PostSubject: The Varis Reborn   The Varis Reborn EmptyNovember 6th 2013, 10:23 pm


The moon should have been shining over head. A pale orb of light in the sky....

Clouds forced the night into inky, impenetrable blackness...

Night birds should have filled the air with their calls. Nocturnal beasts should have been heard shuffling through the undergrowth in search of their next meal.

The forest was still and quiet -too quiet, in fact- and heavy with tension. As if the whole world was on edge. Waiting for some nameless evil that was already beginning to stir. The balance of good and evil was subtly shifting, and while most people wouldn't notice until the darkness had already fallen upon them.....

Some would.

The clouds finally parted, illuminating the trees below with its silvery light. If there was an observer, one would see that a cabin had been built into the trunk of a towering oak.The light shone through one of the small windows and fell on the sleeping form. All seemed well enough....

Until she bolted up with a gasp.

Terror filled the woman's bright cerulean eyes as the last vestiges of the dream vision faded.She murmured something shakily under her breath and, in a crimson flash of flame, a large phoenix perched on her shoulder. The bird trilled softly and brushed her cheek in an effort to calm his mistress from the terror that still caused the faintest of trembling in her hands."The time has come, Rhys." the brunette whispered softly as she strokes the vivid plumage of her companion. For too many years to count, she had kept a vigilant watch. Waiting for the first distressing sign of long forgotten evil. And now....it had happened. For the first time in centuries upon centuries someone had not only found, but had tried to break the seal on the most ancient threat to the safety of mankind.

The Kavari Sorcerers.

The phoenix cooed, understanding what must be done. In another fiery flash, it vanished. The woman unclasped the necklace she wore and cradled the garnet pendant. Magic flowed through her hands and into the gem, causing it to glow with a near-blinding light. A spell hurriedly left her lips and the light dispersed outward, almost like a pulse. She could feel the shockwave that indicated the spell was a success. Now it was up to Rhysarion.

The phoenix had a special task. His mistress had a duty to now reform the Varis, those ancient warriors she once was a part of, and ready them for the oncoming battle that would soon rage. He would seek out each one that had the warrior spirit and felt the irresistible tug of his mistress' call. They would be unable to fight it and would make their way here any way possible.

Which is where he came in. One of his sunset colored feathers would be left with each of the Varis. Merely touching it would allow them to transport instantly to the forest home of the Guardian, Aiyani.

And there....all would be revealed.
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