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 Lucifer's True Origins

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Number of posts : 60
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Lucifer's True Origins Empty
PostSubject: Lucifer's True Origins   Lucifer's True Origins EmptySeptember 9th 2013, 4:43 pm

Often I’ve told you of my past, all of them. But as you can guess these have all been lies, deceit. I don’t know why I’ve let these falsehoods last, perhaps it’s because I myself don’t know my true past, not completely anyway. Maybe now though, I can share what I do know, finally I can be truthful in my speaking. I’ll start from my origins, my village, my family, and how it all came crashing down.

I belonged to a village hidden, or so we thought, amongst the clouds, shrouded by the wind. I’ve long since forgotten the name of this place, but I do know that I once called it home, and that is good enough for me. I was young when it happened we lived a relatively peaceful existence, never needing to leave the solidarity of our home. We needn’t worry about saying good-bye to our friends or family, for as many times as they left they always returned. We were safe, for eternity, until they came, again I have forgotten their names, but we shall call them Hunters. And hunt they did. My friends, my family, I don’t know how, but all of them, cut down before my eyes all because of what we were. I alone remained, tracked to the edge of our home surrounded with my back to the edge of an abyss.

I, of course did what first came to my mind, I jumped. The last thing I remember seeing on my plummet was our village, our home, burning, the ashes scattered before the very wind that had protected us. The sky cried, I felt the tears on my face, and then, nothing but black, and pain. The endless pain, pain that to this day does not cease. I awoke in a small town, a port town, I knew through smell before sight. I stayed there, for over a decade I stayed, I lived with a couple that, as the days passed, became my new family. They had a daughter; of all the memories I’ve lost I will not forget her name, Esra. I would leave, whether by boat, or by horse I always promised her I’d return, and return I did. I remember how her eyes would light up as she anticipated the stories I returned with to tell her. All the while she sat and listened, laughing and smiling at the stories I told her. I never told her of the darker tales, why trouble a child with those?

I learned of her illness while on one of my boat travels. She would never frown, nor show signs of sorrow while I was around though, such a strong child she was. It was during my last year there, my last day to be exact. I returned, I had brought a small jewel back with me for her; I was to give it to her at the end of her story. I ask, have you ever seen a dead body? She looked so peaceful, as if she were sound asleep in her bed. I sat there for half a day waiting, waiting for her to wake up and look at me with those bright eyes. She was sent to sea, as was their tradition, shortly thereafter, and even shorter did I take my leave.

I had saved enough for a boat in my years there, and after preparing for my trip I left everything I had with the couple that had taken me in, given me everything. I sailed to the open sea, and as days became weeks, which turned to months, and again into years I finally hit land. A small island, inhabited by one village, one of the many I had been to on my travels, and several greeted me questioning what I had come for. I simply shook my head and wandered away into the never-ending jungle. It took only a few days for one of the villagers to come and provide me food. Eventually I settled back into the life of the sea, but the memories of Esra never left me. My heart ached everyday the aches were soothed by the girl who had come to me in the forest. She and I fell in love, Tylia and I wed a year later, and in the same season I learned I was to be a father.

It was six months later I had been called away on a sea voyage. We were ransacked, pirates, they slaughtered my crew, my friends. I barely escaped; bloodied and defeated I slipped away on a raft while they rummaged through what little we had. It took days, but I managed to paddle back to the island. What I saw horrified me. The village, the forest, the whole damned island was engulfed in flames, and as I reached the shore I begged, I pleaded with what Gods were watching that she was safe. I found her mangled, broken, seared corpse lying outside our hut.

I abandoned everything then and there. I took the raft, anything that was left and headed out to sea, swearing and screaming at the so-called “Gods” in anger and frustration. It took another five years, five years of anger boiled over in that moment. I had found their meeting place, and in the time it took me to dock, and make my way to their center I bathed in blood. It was satisfying, but I knew that after all that I would never get any of it back. My village, Esra, my friends, my family, they were all lost for eternity and because of what I am I would never see them again.

I took one of their ships and supplies, and I sailed. Years, which felt like decades, I lost count of how many times my memories haunted me, brought me to insanity. I finally landed on the edge of another continent, which I’ve now come to learn is called the Westland. I’ve explored this place far and wide, but I’ve barely scratched the surface. One thing I know for sure, I refuse to get close to anyone ever again. And as the story comes to a close at it’s present you must be wondering who I am. My original name, the one from my village is lost to the ages of time, but the name Esra, and her family gave me, was Gabriel, my full name being Gabriel Morningstar Arklight. The pirates on the other hand, in their last breaths called me Nefandus, devilish, abominable. I’ve found a new name, that has ties no one and nothing. As for what I am, well, the wind speaks many secrets, so simply turn your ear to the wind and you will discover.

My name is Lucifer, and I am the last, Gale Phoenix.
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