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 Taylor Cathy Russel

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Number of posts : 11
Age : 25
Registration date : 2012-11-25

Taylor Cathy Russel Empty
PostSubject: Taylor Cathy Russel   Taylor Cathy Russel EmptyAugust 16th 2013, 6:48 pm

Character Description

General Information

First name: Taylor
Middle name(s): Cathy
Nickname:Valiin (Vahl-een) (Means spirit-full in Vorusian) called that only by her father, called Cat by others.
Surname: Russel
Age: 23
Date of birth: August 8th 1992
Race: Vorusian Nekojin; also known as Narkaŕiss.  When most likely asked however, she will say she's simply a Nekojin.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Current residence: Wherever she happens to be at the time.
Relationship status: Single.
Social status: AWOL Marine

Traits of Voice

Accent (if any): She seems to be void of any accent, words are spoken naturally, making it difficult to tell where she came from.
Language spoken: English
Other languages known: Spanish
Volume of voice: Always loud enough to be heard, rarely whispers. Can be authoritative if needed.

Physical Appearance

Height: 5'8
Weight: 145 lbs
Eye colour: Light blue
Skin colour: Almost can be called tan.
Distinguishing features: Cat ears on top of her head, tail. Several scars from knife and bullet wounds can be found all over her body.
Build of body: Most of her body is lean muscle mass from all her time in the military,
Hair colour: Light blue
Hair style: Her hair is cut a bit choppily, done in a haste, goes to about shoulder length.
Posture: Straight always
Tattoos: Tribal band going around her left bicep, Marine insignia over right shoulder.
Piercings: A silver belly button ring.
Typical clothing: Usually she wears a marines combat uniform. Sometimes when at rest she can be seen in a pair of regular tennis shoes, loose boy cargo shorts that go down to her knees, sports bra. A way she relaxes. Other times regular civilian clothing, a V-neck and jean shorts.
Is seen by others as: Military personnel


Likes: Cats, trees, moving around, fixing things, figuring things out, shiny things, cigarettes when she can get them, shooting, hunting, combat, grass, the night, the sun, sunning, ice cream, lasers
Dislikes: Violence, loud noises, surprises.
Education: She was trained from a young age by a Marine father. That training was mostly survival, and then later on Marine training from a young age. The young girl when to some of the best schools she could though all were boot camps of some sort, summer camps as well.
Fears: Spiders.
Personal goals: Staying alive, not getting caught, and helping others when she can.
General attitude:Untrusting. Skittish. Then she'll treat you like family, well how most people would treat family, she'd even end up being playful.
Religious values: Catholic upbringing.
General intelligence: Her intelligence is above average from all the schools she has gone to.
General sociability:  She'll talk to practically anyone, but is weary about trusting them.


Illnesses (if any): None.
Allergies (if any): None.
Sleeping habits: She sleeps about three hours during the day. And about three hours at night to keep her running.
Energy level: Taylor has a high energy level and can stay awake for days if needed.
Memory: She remembers most things since she was about six years old.
Any unhealthy habits: Smoking, when possible, tries to conserve what she can when supplies are scarce.


Birth country: America
Childhood/Teen years: Born and raised in Washington D.C, she went to only military schools, and during the summer she went to boot camps. College was never a really option to her as soon as she hit 18 she knew she would be going to the marines.
Adult History: She was in the same platoon as her father. Soon though they had to be separated, as the same time World War Three had started. The human race was destroying itself. Her father however ended up being shipped out to one of the other countries to fight. Which?  She never found out where. It was classified even to his own daughter. Still she received a few messages from him, important information. Then, it stopped, just before the electricity cut out where she had been living.  Afterwards she raided the weapons and left.


Parents: Both parents whereabouts are unknown, father was a Marine, mother was of the same race as her and ran off right after she was born. Her real father, biologically is unknown, she didn't know it was any different from his father until recently.
Siblings: Her father recently informed her of her twin brother, his name would most likely be called Ehrves or Tyler. She has never met him. Their mother ran off with him hours after they were born.
Children: None
Friends: None.
Important friends/relatives (explain): Her father because he raised her.
Love interest (if there is one): None


Peaceful or violent: Always she is on guard though not prone to being violent unless needed.
Weapon (if applicable):  
Sniper Rifle


Current home: Wherever she makes camp.
Favourite types of food: Deer meat.
Favourite types of drink: Milk
Hobbies/past times: Making things right, thinking, sleeping,  hunting, trying to make new traps.
Pet peeves: Being interrupted, or orders not being followed.
Pets: None.
Talents: Sniper shooting, seeing in the dark, better eyesight, hearing, smells, several other instincts.
Favourite colours: Red
Favourite type of music: Rock.

"Narkaŕiss, the name of your race implies you are natural hunter, and thus a natural born killer.  I expect no less from you at this point."-Quote from dad, it helps keep her alive

*Profile disclaimer thingy* The race that she is from, is not my own, my friend Neykahn though I did edit it some, his profile on another site can be found http://www.rprepository.com/c/neykahn and another version can be found http://www.cyberchat-rp.com/whois_popup.php3?L=english&power=weak&U=Neykahn&P=&R=The_Bridge%28OOC%29 .And he's letting me use the race. **

Template from: http://kaishos.deviantart.com/art/character-profile-template-123273743

Picture: http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120222/women%20guns%20military%20school%20modern%20warfare%20anime%201920x1080%20wallpaper_www.wallpaperhi.com_80.jpg

Last edited by Jaysrim on August 4th 2015, 8:51 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Number of posts : 11
Age : 25
Registration date : 2012-11-25

Taylor Cathy Russel Empty
PostSubject: Re: Taylor Cathy Russel   Taylor Cathy Russel EmptyAugust 18th 2013, 5:10 pm

Staff Sergeant Russel, Taylor
This will be my last communication with you for now; possibly the last time you will hear from me ever again.  However I have no knowledge if you are even getting the faxes I have been sending you as of late but there are things that you need to know, as a SSGT and as my daughter. As your commanding officer I order you, that no matter what you find, DO NOT STOP READING. Everything in this letter is extremely important and you must be the only one to read this.  Do not skim it. Read it thoroughly.  By the end of this letter you will hate me if you do not already. I will not ask for forgiveness, I never have, never will especially, not from my daughter.

The war starting was not an accident, my college and I did it. He sent orders to almost every general to attack other states.  The orders stated that they were sent from congress and all had the president’s signature and stamp. I was part of this plan; that is why my forces and my unit attacked _______. A week later with the battle’s raging the president was shot in the back of the head.  Whatever footage America sees of him is fake. His body double. A figure head. Most generals do not even know that. Only later did states start to make alliances with each other.  The only reason I did this was for the reasons I was told. Reasons that need to be understood by you. Another government needs to step in, the way we live is destroying the world and our bodies, population needs to be cut down by the millions, and the world should only have one ruler. Civil wars have broken out all over the world, joining our cause. This is causing people to flood into armies with the drafts killing most and leaving barely enough people in towns and cities. Food, gasoline, ammunition, everything, are gone from civilians in most of the world that I have gone to are the same.  A major amount of civilians have reported eating pets, sometimes even resorted to cannibalism when nothing is available for them. Survival of the fittest they say.  Most electricity has been cut out, and with all food going to armies, stores did not have food to sell so people started moving to the country side to try to get lives, or move to small town communities. Just as well money has become worthless all people are able to do is barter. As like in America and most other countries only certain factories still operate, canning and making MREs , medicine, ammunition, gasoline, smokes, clothing shoes, alcohol, all for the armies.

These factories in each state are linked together and leave supply drops in hidden places all over the country. If civilians are caught taking from these stashes more than once in the same location without stating the name and rank on the note they leave.  After this letter there should be several maps for you from different places all over the country showing the exact location of most of the stashes. The rest can be found in some of the maps that they leave at the stashes. Also enclosed behind the maps are the some of the names ad ranks you may use and they specify each stash, even the forages of their signatures. These are people I know and trust, personal friends of mine. They’ll vouch it was them if you use their names. I am doing this because I expect you to survive this war. If not all my time and effort training you would all be a great waste of my time, and a bitter disappointment to me, and everyone whom has served under you.

Now, for some other news that you should know.  Your mother is a Vorusian Nekojin as you are too.  The name of the tribe you come from are the Narkaŕiss. I am not, like you think, your biological father. At first I thought I was too. Your mother became pregnant just before we met. I loved her, I truly did and the time we spent together. Taylor, I have never told you about her, and you knew better to ask me about her. You were so scared of my temper. She was the loveliest woman I the world, even if she acted like a cat.  We were so excited about having the children; we even picked out the nicknames for you and your brother. Yes, I said your brother, you both were twins. Your mother snuck out of the hospital with him, she searched for you too but fortunately you were in my arms while I stood in the break room.  She wanted to raise you both in her homeland which I was never able to find. His name is Tyler, or his Vorusian name Ehrves most likely you will never find him either.  Keep in mind however I raised you, your mother did not. I am only telling you this because most likely you will never see me again and I do not care if you hate me. Use your anger to keep you alive. The instincts I taught you to suppress can help you, some of them. Do not let your emotion betray you. Narkaŕiss, the name of your race implies you are natural hunter, and thus a natural born killer. I expect no less from you at this point. Use your anger to keep yourself alive.

Here are your orders: Save the documents, make sure they do not get lost or damaged along with everything enclosed.  Make a plan. Raid the weapons armory take what you need but not enough to be noticed.  Then go AWOL leave the base and get as far away as you can. Help civilians, but don’t under any circumstances get caught. You have to survive. By this time you have some experience in battle, use it to your advantage. Once away from the base, survive, hunt, and help people survive. It’s pointless to give your life to a cause you do not believe in. We are marines. We believe in the states as a whole, not in factions.

Sincerely from the desk of,
General Russel, James

Young Taylor stood in her father’s old office of their house on the marine base, one of the few houses on the base that weren’t crowded with people. This was due to her father’s high rank.  She was here helping hold down the base while he was gone. Now though for the first time in a long while she was in shock, slowly continue to read the still warm fax she sat down on the corner of her father’s desk.  The young woman fought to keep herself reading and discovering the things her father had to tell. These things, she shouldn’t know them!  Why would he ever hide this rom her? Wasn’t she his daughter-wait…as she read further on Taylor discovered she really wasn’t. Her heart raced in her chest, pounding against her ribcage hard enough so that she knew if anyone had been around they would have heard it. Still she pressed on making herself to continue reading. Furious she knew he was right and that she had to follow his orders, and for that the young girl needed to stay calm.

Pushing all emotion aside Taylor laminated al the papers sent to her and put it in a document shipping folder, then began getting ready. Taylor made lists of what she needed, made sure everything and anything she needed was on that list.  In the next few hours Taylor spent all her focus gathering everything she needed. Being in the marines the girl was disciplined enough to only take those things. The girl packed civilian and on duty clothing, food, water, plenty of ammo, and scarves to cover her nekojin ears/ All trinkets and things to remind her of home would be left behind, she didn’t need to remember this place, she needed to do what her father said. Survive.

However much she packed from the items in her house still some items on her list were not to be found. There were in the weapons armory, those were things she needed to steal.
At ten, the mandatory curfew of the base she put her plan into action.  Taylor placed a large orange sign on the door reading ‘Quarantine’.  No one would check on her for at least two weeks, when her rations were supposed to run out.  It was perfect. With her gigantic pack on her back she went through the back door and snuck off towards the back of the base avoiding everyone on her way.  She went to a forgotten part of the base, the recreational area.  They used to play here when they wanted to, now it was just an over grown lawn where football used to be play. Over run with work and battles no one went there anymore. This area used to let civilians in as well so the fence there was just a basic chain length with razor sharp barb looping over the tops.  Taylor lifted the pack off her back and lifted it above her head throwing it over the fences and into the bushes with a soft thud. It was well hidden in the foliage. After that the young woman started a sprint across the whole of the base to where the armory was supposed to be. Still she avoided the curfew patrols that were out, knowing the schedule by heart along with the map of the base making it a breeze.  It took more than several minutes but she finally got around despite the detours. Easily with her keys she snuck into armory there she grabbed a duffel bag from the corner and a bullet proof vest. Then keeping in time with her list Taylor grabbed everything from her she needed, even the grenade sashes. After all the weapons were in the bag along with plenty of clips full of ammo she placed the strap of the bag across her back and stealthily started across the base once again.

This time however she had to go agonizingly slowly across the base. She had to avoid any noise from the clanking weapons or grenades. Maries trained before the war were trained so much better than the ones after the first two years of war the training of any military personal declined steeply. The new recruits were highly expendable compared to the older ones.  Some marines however from the good years of the training were still around the base could hear weapons together from almost a mile away.  She moved and tread carefully across the base until she was at the fence once again.

Putting thick leather gloves on her hands Taylor began to scale the fence. At the top she gritted her teeth and placed her hands on the wire. The wire was strong, but not strong enough to get through the gloves and soon with only one cut on her left leg she was on the other side. Taking off the gloves the nekojin stuffed them into her pocket and then shifted the duffel bag of weapons to her hand, a loaded pistol going into her right boot for ease of access.  The heavy pack went on her back and then she was off.

Knowing the surrounding area she took off going towards the nearest river. The girl walked all night and most of the next day until she couldn’t stay awake anymore. The girl moved to a tree and climbed up her pack and duffel bags going onto higher limbs. She was careful to pick a tree thick with foliage and happily took a nap still in her combat uniform. It didn’t matter she was away from the only home she had ever known and that a lot of her world had come crushing down just a day before, she had followed her orders successfully.  That’s what mattered, no matter what orders were the priority.
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Taylor Cathy Russel
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