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 Aloisia Edith Marie Dorsest

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Number of posts : 11
Age : 25
Registration date : 2012-11-25

Aloisia Edith Marie Dorsest Empty
PostSubject: Aloisia Edith Marie Dorsest   Aloisia Edith Marie Dorsest EmptyJuly 27th 2013, 1:27 pm

Character Name:

Full Name:
Lady Alcatel, Aloisia Edith Marie Dorsest Daughter of the Duke




April 21st 1995

Marital Status:

Spouse to be:
Duke Charles Clourk Richards (23) The purpose of this engagement is so her family will gain a dowry that allows them to remain rich. Her parents are forcing this on her and she has no choice, she will go along with it supposedly even if she doesn’t have feelings for him because it is what they want.

White hair is usually set in an elegant bun, few strands are left out on either side at the front of her face framing it nicely against her soft skin. Small accessories are in her hair with her estate's stone, connecting from there on either side connects to a metal accessories that dangles a jewel on her forehead, giving her a more elegant look, and showing off the estate she belongs to. All women usually wear something similar to this, usually, letters, stones with odd colors, symbols, etc. The men wear something similar as cufflinks or buttons.

Aloisia's eyes are a royal sapphire blue, displaying the waging war of emotions from within the girl's own mind. Sometimes however with a blink it can be cleared as if you took an eraser to a slate changing it to an eerie looking emotionless when you look at them directly. Little swirls are in those eyes of her's giving them distinctness to them. They stick in your mind, as there are no other ones like hers, glimmering with a shine.

Aloisa was born and raised in Marchta. It is a place of modernism with past traditions and rules that go back through the centuries, but also forward some as well in ways. Advanced weaponry and technology. However the closest things to guns that ever existed are cannon like things and archery. Swords are the primary weapon in these parts. Women are not allowed to carry them.

Aloisa speaks several of the most common languages in her area including English, Spanish, Russian and German.

Blood Type:
Type O negative.

She is five feet tall exactly.

Body Structure/Physical Faults:
The young teenager has a athletic physique and is covered with scars. Those scars remain mostly unseen by others due to the make up she keeps them covered with and the clothing she wears. The scars on her face, shoulders and arms, were only deep enough to leave scars, none of them required stitching, they were easily covered up and concealed. The burn scars however cannot be covered up, they are hidden under clothing, all carefully placed that way, like counting marks. Counting her mistakes she made in training.Her feet are calloused, and lotion applied often to her hands keeps them nice and soft despite the hassle that she gives them. She stands with her back straight. Her waist is small due to years of corseting.

Islander/ Human

Aloisa's adoptive parents are the Duke and Duchess of Marchta. They however did not take care of her during her life. She was adopted by them when she was six years old, it was an 'in' thing at the time, adopting orphans and letting nannies take care of them. Aloisa's nanny, May, and their butler, Alexander, saw something in the child, and began her training. She has a lot of respect for the two, and would never go against anything she was told to do by them.

Aloisia has two older siblings a brother and a sister. Both are grown and married at the moment leading their own lives separate their parents unless they need more money. Aloisia doesn’t often see them but the oldest of the two, her brother, comes to visit and check on her every so often.

Aloisa considers anyone that is on her side to be an ally, she doesn’t seem to have friends.

Anyone that is against her will be considered an enemy.

Aloisa has no belief in religion whatsoever. She thinks that an all powerful entity would keep the world in balance and keep it good. However that is not how it is in the world. She believes that the world should be free from evil and all those things. Free from murders and evil doers. She doesn't care about herself though. She feels as if she's the one doing the good things even if she is doing them in the wrong sort of way.

Career/Past Careers:
“Officially” None. Unofficially she is set up and paid to do jobs by May and Alexander. She 'takes out' criminals, and wrongdoers. She trusts those two to set her up only on those kinds of jobs to do. She's trained all her life for this. The young girl takes shot's created in this time to keep her awake and alert after nights and days of not sleeping and a lot of activity. Aloisa rarely has the option to sleep. Sometimes however, people come to her with these jobs when she is at home and approach her about doing these things. That is how she gets most of those jobs.

At the age of 7 the nanny and butler began training the little girl at night to fight, be stealthy and everything else they could think of. Using her as a pawn for their own games because they knew, no one would care if she were gone. No one would notice her absence. At the age of 12 she was started on missions. Of course she had to carry them out, it was not her choice. If she didn't the young girl's fear would be used against her. She would be burned. Now at the age of 15 she still does the things they say. Aloisa does not care. Now it just seems to be another hobby that she does. Aloisa has forgotten that she was forced into her profession, enjoys in sometimes now. The only way she keeps her anger in check to keep her from hurting innocent people because of her own frustration.

Dreams/Life Goals:
Aloisa wants to continue what she is doing until the streets or clean and plans to make the world a better place. She does not want children of her own or settle down. Though she knows that it is impossible to purge the world from evil. So she has a back up dream and goal. Not to get caught, to deceive people, and never let her future husband even thinks she loves him. These things have all been instilled into her since she was a child. She really has no idea what she really wants.

Aloisa's hobbies, are reading, painting, and studying. She is wonderful at painting and has a room dedicated just to those hobbies, a huge personal library in the west wing of the manor. There is where she is most easily found.

Aloisa likes to paint wonderful scenes that are both simplistic and breath taking on their own. She likes to read and study about other worlds as she becomes super invested in those stories that it could indeed take awhile to get her to snap out of it. She loves some time alone from everyone at times liking to be by herself and have free time to do as she wishes. Sometimes however, she loves to do her job, feeling great pleasure in it.

Aloisa was taught to dislike the injustice in the world. She hates that she has practically no freedom over herself with people always telling her what to do. Being around her family is a hassle as well, they have no care for her and vise versa.

Aloisa fears that one day she will be discovered or she will accumulate a scar she cannot hide and needs to explain. She fears that one day, she will get hurt, and not be able to continue at all with her work. And the greatest fear that the young woman has, is she won't be able to continue doing what she loves.

Aloisa can fight expertly, is nimble as a cat, and amazingly stealthy when she needs to be. She has high energy after the shots that keep her awake and knows her way around hand to hand combat as well as her swords. Amazing at acting proper and civilized.

She cannot stand to be around people for too long. She likes to gloat and rub it in people's faces that they are about to die. Scared of fireworks and fire because it was used in helping her train, and it is also linked to how her birth parents died.

Around herself and her trainers she is bold and peaceful. Around others, the girl is quiet and keeps her distance from people. The girl does as she is told, and keeps control over herself. Not letting herself get out of control, and keeping her polite manners. It is near impossible to get her mad.

At the age of two Aloisa was orphaned when a fire ravaged her home and her parents later died in the hospital from the severity of their burns. Aloisa watched the whole thing happen from her playpen outside. After that the police took her to the orphanage. The only thing she had left was a fear of fire, no memories of her parents even exist. It took four years for the child to finally be adopted only because it was a fad at that time to take in orphans. It was cool they said. When that fad was over the young girl was only taken care of by the nanny and butler. The only time they interact is for dinner and talks about suitors. Against her will her adoptive parents engaged her to someone she didn't know. (More on her history, coming soon, probably more like a story than anything.)

https://2img.net/h/i364.photobucket.com/albums/oo88/MitsukiRin/Warrior.jpg without the red stuff though

http://www.wallsave.com/wallpapers/800x600/furry-nature/148340/furry-nature-blue-eyes-purple-hair-anime-girls-px-148340.jpg That is her. The swords like that are her weapons. She has them in many colors.
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