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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: RP THREAD   RP THREAD EmptyJune 11th 2013, 7:52 pm

(Yeah...for those that know me this is new as FUCK...oh well. Give it a go why don't we. I don't have time to RP as much as I should like so...Wtf not?
Rules: No god moding, if you have to ask "is this god moding" the answer is likely yes.
Don't control another's character unless you know DAMN well that the action is something they'd do. (EX: everyone knows Rogue would draw steel to defend a friend without a second thought. Or that he'd flirt with anything that has a pair of breast. So that's fine.)
Keep it R for the love of the Gods? Unless Liani states to make it PG the generalization of this is R....not XXX ...not that anyone but me would post that shit XD
Try not to one line? Makes it difficult to reply. It's ok to skip turns, since there's no real turns.
Have some fun ^.^ I've missed RPing with y'all so throw some whild shit in here!

SETTING: This takes place durring the Grphonic-Westria War (War between the Westlands and Arelia) it is when the Age is bordering the Age of Darkness and the Age of Light and Knowledge. .The Queen of Arelia, Boudicca has sent her top commanders, Lord Fionoch dar Grapha, Lord Aeguris Orline, and Lady Diona Orline, along with her Roaly Guard; the Boar Soldiers, to ensure victory over the Westlands. King Thomas of Westland is worried. His armies are depleating and he is having to rely on the civilian warriors to defend his country. His high commanders Nathan Lancer and Mother Delici, a pyscopathic priestess who has a thirst for power and blood, are doing all they can to withstand the Arelian Cavalry and Boar Soldiers but it is proving useless. With the Dragon Kingdom threatening to enter the war for no reason but to end it, in aid of their long term allies the Arelians, Westland's future is looking bleak. Half of the Westlands have fallen to the Phoenix Queen, and the other half is staged to fall...

Never the less, life goes on as it always has in the Westlands. Stories of a bold rider on the highways, robbing the Westland nobles with no mercy continues to spread like wild flowers. His identity remains unknown. And after the hanging of Isadora le Arture, who was apparently the highwayman's lover, his strikes became more feirce. Until that point, no one had ever died. Now, nobles were dropping every week like flies.

The Phoenix Inn is as busy as it always is. Though given the provence of Helios being held by Arelia the travelers have a higher anti-Westland setiment more than usual. The druids Merlin and Morgana continue to show themselves to the people, promising hope and a new life after the war, despite who may win.
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: Worries   RP THREAD EmptyJune 15th 2013, 7:24 pm

Twili sighed as she moved through the hustle and bustle of the town of Helios, eager to get out. She seemed to be alone but those that knew her, she was never alone, though not all her friends knew why. Three pairs of eyes kept watch for her as the lycan left Helios, feeling instant relief at the sights, smells and sounds of the forest that was nearby. While Twili did enjoy her time in the town, she just didn't want to be around it for long right now. All that was ever talked about these days was the war between Arelia and the Westlands. 

It wasn't difficult to know who would win in the war, so Twili didn't really care much of what the Westlanders' boasting. To her, the 'Dark Warriors' couldn't hold or use their equipment properly enough to last long in a fight. And all they did was fight each other, never going beyond their own boarders to explore and learn, train on different terrains. Or hell learn different techniques. The Arelians, as far as she knew of them, their entire country had different environments so their armies were well trained and were brave enough to go beyond their comfort zone.  

But one thing did concern her greatly. 

{Are you sure that Rogue is alright?} Usko asked suddenly, hidden from the public's eye with two other wolves. He sounded gruff though had a hint of concern in his tone. Twili chewed on her lower lip, unsure of how to answer. Ever since the Westlander guards had hung her friend's lover, he flew into a rage. She had heard the reports of the highway robberies were turning deadly... it wasn't difficult to know who it was and why.

{I'm sure he's fine...} Cera murmured, though easy to tell she wasn't sure of it herself. Twili sighed and ran a hand through her hair as she headed for the Phoenix Inn. "He is and isn't. Physically, he's fine, but emotionally and mentally... I'm worried about him.."

{He'll be fine, Twili. Granted yes, he's rampaging through the Westlands, robbing nobles left and right then killing them  without mercy... but this is Fintan... he wouldn't be foolish enough to be caught so easily.}

"I know, I'm just worried he'll be taunted about it on one of his robberies and he'll be too angry to keep calm if a noble had set a trap." 

{Don't worry, sister... I'm sure Rogue will be okay. He's just very angry, sad and lost without his love.} Berri spoke softly, {He doesn't know how to vent or cope with it properly yet. He's like you now, Twili. You couldn't cope when he died...}

The lycan flinched at the words and shuddered at the memory. It was painful, falling for an obvious lie and watching herself degrade into madness as a sorceress tried to steal her life and lashing out at her friends and family, nearly killing them. Because she couldn't handle a death...

Like Rogue could be feeling now.

The wolf sighed, {I didn't mean to bring up bad memories... but for Rogue... it doesn't have to go that dark. We have to be there for him, pull him back from the darkness and keep him from choosing the wrong path.} 

Twili nodded in agreement, moving faster to the inn. "That's true..." She shook her head and smiled a little as she remembered the Goddess' words. She promised the Goddess to help Fintan, and she'll be damned before failing that.

{I hope you're right... the man is mad enough as it is, pulling our sister into wars and battles when he damn well knows we're suppose to protect her.} The male wolf griped as he shifted in his place, hiding his concern again.

Cera laughed at her brother as she poked at him. {No use in hiding it, brother. We're all worried for him. Right now, perhaps Wendy has heard of more news of him?}

{Ooh! Let's go visit Wendy! Maybe Rogue will be there!}

"Alright, I was going to ask her the same thing anyway. It'll be good to hear something else for change besides the war." The archer grinned as she sent the wolves out of their tattoo forms, allowing them to run with her to the Inn. "Who do think will win the war?"

"Arelia." They all said together and laughed.
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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: At the Inn   RP THREAD EmptyJune 29th 2013, 5:48 pm

The Inn was as busy as ever when Twili arrived. Wendy was hussling to get her orders out and keep the mugs filled. There was hardly a seat in the place open. As Wendy spun around, she noticed Twili walking in. She set down her ale jugs and hurried over with a glass of her preferred berry ale.

“Wow,” Twili said, taking the drink. “This place has never been so packed! Is there a festival going on?”

“Haven’t you heard?” Wendy inquired. Twili shook her head. “Two more nobles were just robbed and …” She looked like she wanted to say killed. “Executed.”

Twili’s face blanked. “Executed? For what?”

“Not a what…by whom? And that whom is the very reason you are not safe here.”

“Not safe? Well, good enough for me if she’s going to say it. Let’s go.” Usko griped.

“Hush…this Inn is as safe as it can be with Arelians all around. Especially with the Boar Soldier camp less than a mile in to the forest. And there must be a reason behind the idea it’s not.” Cera silenced her over cautious brother. Twili shot her wolves a mental glare.

“Why is it not safe Wendy?”

“They were robbed and executed by Silver Rose.” She whispered. “Everyone knows you have some sort of connection with him. The Westland spies are everywhere.”

“So? Robbed and killed what else is new? He’s been doing this for months and no one’s bat an eye out of the usual ‘Find him!’ and ‘Hang the bastard’ shouts you hear in town.”

“This was different…he robbed Nathan and the Mother. Nathan was sent back bound and gagged his throat slit and a rose cut in to it. His throat had a silver rose stuffed down in to it. Mother Delici was sent back dragged behind the carriage with the rope around her neck, stripped of all clothing. She was still alive when she arrived at the castle of King Thomas. And…worst of all in her flesh a message was carved. ‘For the death of an innocent, you shall pay next. Look for me by the moon light, watch for me by the moon light. I’ll ride for thee by the moon light though hell may bar the way.’ The next full moon is…”

“Tomorrow night.” Twili whispered. Wendy nodded.

“The guards have already heightened all positions on the Castle Eryoina. This is a suicidal attempt. He’ll be caught and hanged…if not killed in the attempt.”
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: Re: RP THREAD   RP THREAD EmptyJune 29th 2013, 6:41 pm

Twili blinked at the news then closed her eyes, sighing worriedly. "Just what we need. Silver Rose jumping into the fray feet first and damning the consequences." she muttered and sipped at her drink. "Thank you Wendy. Though to be fair... Nathan and Delici brought it onto themselves."

"How so, Twili?" the barmaid asked,hoping no one was overhearing their conversation."

"Nathan was too busy shoving his head up Thomas's ass to think for himself that something was going on and Delici... well, what can I say? She was a bitch."

"Twili, there has to be more than that for Delici."

"Delici was asking for that. We all had high respect her, she was a good woman. Then she spat in our faces and threw all that respect away when she refused to acknowledge anyone else's view but her own and that of the nobles." The lycan bit out icily, taking another sip of the berry drink. She calmed down and smiled gently. "Sorry, I didn't mean to sound so rude, but Delici's actions reminded me of Sarabi, Lionz if you will. Anyway, thank you for the information. Is there anything else?"

As she waited for Wendy to answer, the lycan decided to converse with her family that hid on her from public eye. As it was it was full, tension was in the air, somewhat, and it wouldn't do well to have the pack milling around and making the patrons go insane at seeing the wild animals around.

Usko frowned, "Wait... you're not going to go after him are you, Sister?"

"Of course not.."

"She is." Cera sighed, "Twili... if we go after him, then the chances of him dying will be higher. We'll be a distraction to him if we go. You know damn well the Westland Guard will use any other actions to win since they can't fight worth a damn."

The lycan took another sip as she grinned to herself. "Oh, I know we'll be a distraction, but not to him. If we play this right, we can distract the guard, thin it out a little for him."

"You're talking about assassinating a king!" the wolf gasped in shock.

"A king no one will shed a tear for." Twili answered, trying to keep from snickering as she drank the berry ale. "Thomas couldn't rule over a damn field of wheat without threatening the plants to jail or execution."

Usko snickered and Cera glared at him. Berri was quiet the entire time, rather odd for her personality, then spoke up. "Shouldn't we stop him? Thin out the guard then stop him from trying to assassinate King Thomas? All the killing isn't going to fix anything. He can kill all the nobles he wants but it's not going to grant him is deepest wish."

"Having Isolde back..." Cera finished, understanding her younger sister's worry. The lycan gripped her mug tightly in her hands, remembering what happened before with her and shook her head out of the dark memories. "He's not going to sink that low like I did. We have to do something to help him, doing nothing isn't make anything better. He helped me before."

"Wasn't it Clerin that dealt the killing blow?"

"Yes, and I thanked him for tht. Propbably the first and only person in the world that's thanked him for a death. But Rogue did help in trying to get Lenore out. But anyway, the full moon's tomorrow night, what should I do by then? Sit outside the castle and watch to see if Thomas is thrown out the higher windows or hear Rogue scream in agony before dying?"

Usko sighed. "No... and as much as I hate going along with this... we're going to need more information before we can actually do anything useful."
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Number of posts : 60
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: Re: RP THREAD   RP THREAD EmptyJuly 2nd 2013, 1:42 am

A young man, looking barely the age of adulthood stepped through the threshold of the door. He was bare chested as well as bare footed, from this his well toned, copper colored skin was on full display to the inhabitants of the room. His jet black hair was wild and unruly, his face unmarked by any type of facial hair. He tossed a green apple into the air, letting it fall back down into his hand as his amber colored eyes scanned the room. He took a bite from the apple as it came down a third time, for those that had looked closely a hint of sharp canines could be seen as he did so.

He stood there near the door for the longest time before slowly moving to a table and tenderly taking a seat. He kept his back to a wall giving him full sight over the room. He sniffed absently taking in several scents at once, though he kept his apple over most of his face to hide his expressions as he did so. He took immediate noticed of different areas of the room should a fight break out.

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Isolde Dulain

Number of posts : 3
Age : 39
Registration date : 2011-09-10

PostSubject: Re: RP THREAD   RP THREAD EmptyJuly 25th 2013, 4:39 pm

She entered wearing a brown leather cloak. It was years since she had set foot in the Westlands. Most, if not all, thought she was dead. Explinations could wait though. She lowered her cowl, revealing dark brown hair and damn near violet eyes.
"For those interested... Boudica's forces are meeting the rabble of Westlanders shortly." She grinned, looking over at Twili "If fighting amongst half breeds is no problem."
If only Kila and Liani had been here. She had missed them almost as much as she did Rogue.
She stepped out of the inn and removed her cloak. She wore nothing but a brown corset. Not that anything was needed other than the corset. When the cloak hit the ground it revealed who, or rather what she truly was. The centaur reared herself back and left in a gallop. Her bow and quiver bouncing on her back as her sword swung at the bottom of her torso. Ainfrein made all speed to the battlefeild.
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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: Re: RP THREAD   RP THREAD EmptyAugust 3rd 2013, 2:48 pm

The archer tilted her head in confusion at the young stranger that had come in with an apple. She lifted a brow at the fact he barely had on clothes then narrowed them at the sight of canines in his mouth. Usko sniffed in his direction, still hidden in his tattoo form on the lycan's skin, then growled softly in warning. She hushed him softly, nodding in that she understood his thoughts, turning back to her berry ale and idly ran her finger around the rim of the mug. "I know, Usko... he's a stranger and clearly not human."

"What is he? A lycan?" Usko asked, glaring at the stranger's direction, gauging him to see if he was a threat. Cera peered at him and shrugged the best she could. "I don't think so, brother. We haven't been around other lycans to know for certain. The only time we were near another was the previous Wolf Queen... and that was a century or two ago."

Twili took another drink from her ale. "Leave him be if he's not a threat, we have bigger worries."

"Threat or not, I don't like the looks of him."

"Since when did you like anyone at first glance, Usko?" Berri giggled, "Besides, he looks friendly enough."

"Only you would think everything dangerous is friendly. Like that mountain lion you insist was trying to kiss you years ago."

"He was!"

"He was trying to bite your Nature damned head off!"

"Both of you be quiet, I'm trying to think." the Lycan hissed softly then looked up as another stranger stepped into the Inn then frowned slowly at the strange sound that was made as the figure moved further inside. It sounded... like hooves?

"Is that a horse outside?" Berri perked and sniffed the air, "I smell ponies!"

Cera rolled her eyes and focused on the new stranger. "I smell them too but... this one has a different scent. I'm not familiar with this one."

Twili ignored their chattering to focus on where the stranger's feet would be, flicking her ears as the odd sound came from them. Did they have a peg leg? She frowned slightly at the thought. No, they don't have a limp to show they do have one. She returned her gaze to the figure's face and blinked at the woman's face. She looked... familiar. The lycan's head jerked in surprise as the woman mentioned of a battle about to take place soon. Now? Another battle? The wolves shifted, still unsure of the strange woman then froze in worry as when she smiled at them as she relayed the information then left as quickly as she came in.

"That was a centaur.." The archer murmured, recognizing the mixed scent. Her pack shifted again and Cera spoke first. "Do you recognize who it is then?"

She shook her head, "Not really.. I've only met a centaur for a short while and its been years since then so I didn't really commit the scent to memory."

Usko grumbled, "So then... how she would know about the battle taking place? How can we trust her words?"

"Are you that dense, dear brother?" the elder wolf teased, "Need I remind you that there's a war going on? What happens in wars everyday?"

The youngest flushed under his dark fur as Berri giggled about the banter then tilted her head. "So then... should we visit the forces? Maybe Rogue's there?"

Twili frowned slightly at the question. "I don't know... if Rogue's on a rampage he wouldn't focus much on the war, since he would be after the nobles... not warriors."

"Well... idiot warriors actually. Apparently everyone in this accursed country is a damn warrior." Cera corrected then hummed, "But then he wouldn't want to blow his cover so easily. If he's not on the campaigns then the nobles would know who Silver Rose is. Or at least accuse him for the murders."

"True. And what better way to plan an attack on the castle without raising suspicion? As well as know how secure the castle is?" Twili smiled a bit, "I suppose a quick visit wouldn't hurt."
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Number of posts : 60
Age : 28
Registration date : 2009-12-28

PostSubject: Re: RP THREAD   RP THREAD EmptyOctober 29th 2013, 2:29 am

Karma gave a glance over to Twili, he was curious, but didn't risk anything aside from watching. He took another bite from his apple and listened as Ainfrine spoke. She was new to him as well, and, though still curious he stayed silent. As she mentioned a battle he raised a brow. He was considered an....undesirable by many, but maybe he could profit from this. He smirked giving just enough room for the tip of one of his canines to show. He took yet another bite from his apple and watched as Ainfrine left, and as she did so he pulled himself to his feet, pushing the chair back into place as he did so.

His curiosity had only be fed more and more since he had come to this land, not that he minded that at all. He went to take another bite from his apple and found that the only thing left was the core. He scowled and tossed the apple into the fire as he made his way towards the door. He passed Twili on the way, slowed his pace a moment, and smirked giving her a nod, almost a confirmation as he did so. He then turned his attention back to the door and stepped outside.

He'd join this battle, he didn't know which side from which, but hell what could it hurt? Besides, he needed another apple.
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