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 The Flock

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Prince Fintan Pendragon
Prince Fintan Pendragon

Number of posts : 110
Age : 33
Location : Norfolk Virginia
Registration date : 2009-12-28

The Flock Empty
PostSubject: The Flock   The Flock EmptyJanuary 5th 2013, 6:45 pm

With my brothers I shall watch this Empire
I shall uphold her morals and virtues
With my Spirit I shall serve my Queen
Together we are one, invincible against the darkness that comes
Avalon Protect our Queen, Berthis bless us.
It has been one hundred years since the Gryph-Rogrican War, or simply The War. The most wealthy province, Erlise is run by the Count and Countess de Marin, and together they work to stabilize the Arelian economy again. The Empire itself is ruled by Queen Molly le Gurie, with Keeva le Gurie as heir to her sister’s throne. But now, the threat comes from the wilds. With the Age of Industry rising, tunnels deep underground have allowed the Cave Trow, and other creatures not seen in centuries.

The snow flurry was harsher that day than it had been in centuries. The snow beat the walls of the old fortress of Hornthoric. It was the base of the Flock, a group of what had once been scouts for the Kingdom of Arelia. They alone still used the silent weapons of bows and swords, while the rest of the military was reformed by Count Fintan de Marin to use muskets. They saw the importance of keeping the old technology alive, along with the Old Ways.
They were formed when the Royal Musketeers became the main unit of the Army, and the knights were replaced by Cavaliers and Dragoons. Still able to foresee the use of stealth attacks on the Empire’s enemies, Lord Aeguris formed a personal guard, fashioning it after the fallen Boar Soldiers. For the last seventy years they have defended the wilds of Daron, Kilmara, and the borders of the Empire. But something threatened them now, something unforeseen by the Gryphon Council or the Order of the Stars
Today, Aeguris stood on the battlements of the castle. A group of men were riding in from patrol. At their lead was a man in red leather armor. A fur hood over his head for warmth hid his hair, though his blonde beard betrayed his hair color. He had a stern face but it was not without a hint of arrogance. A long sword hung on his back and in a saddle holster was a long bow and a quiver of arrows. The horse itself was a large brown steed draped in furs for warmth. Sargent Judas Drummons had risen to his point as a Sargent in the Flock due to his power on the field, though many thought he was just an arrogant drunkard who swung his sword without remorse of who he hit. Luckily, it had only been enemies for now.
Behind him rode four more. One, Isadora le Arture, one of the original scouts. If there was one thing that the Ranger despised it was slavers. And when she was promised the chance to take any of them out in the Flock she joined instantly. She proved herself worthy to wear the crest she did, the de Marin rose. After The War she was brought in to the de Marin house as a stepsister of sorts to the Count. On her shoulder rested a Wren, nestled under her cloak for warmth.
Beside her a man with a falcon on his shoulder, who went only by the name Red Stag. Garbed in a black cloak to hide his armor and sword. He had joined the Flock before The War, hoping to be able to provide some kind of intelligence against the Rogricans. His efforts had gained him little due to the glory taken by Camdules and the Boar Soldiers. Though for his gallantry, the Count Erlise personally awarded him the Erlisan Cross, an award given at the leisure of the most powerful man in the Empire.
The other three were not of any grandeur, but their roles in the Flock were no less important. All three were new recruits, one just slightly more senior than the others due to his service in the Royal Musketeers. David Longstride, a young man of 22 who had seen service in the mountains of Oric during the vampire rebellions only a few years ago. Long hair of a dark brown color was tied back with a ribbon, and a beard was starting to grow on his face. The other, Andrew Carivale was a man of 19, no prior service in the military but he was a postal runner for the Army, but he never wore the uniform. He had a baby face, and wore his blonde hair shorter than most men of the age. The girl, also of 19 had short red hair, and had left a career of being a baker with her family back on the cost of Hydroyia to see adventure, and to better support her family.
All three of them wore the brown tunics, trousers, boots, and cloaks of the new recruits to the Flock. In time, they would hone their skills and with luck, rise through the ranks. Though David had been promised the rank of Corporal thanks to his prior military service, the others would start from scratch. Only David had a full sword, the rapier issued to him upon enlistment. The others had less skill, but this would improve in time. It was Clarisse they would need to look to to grow further. She was the only one of the tree to have perfect contact with her Spirit
Spirits were animals, connected to the soul of the Ranger. It was said those who were close enough could see through the eyes of the spirit. While most were birds, it was not uncommon for other animals to become Spirits. Clarisse was one of them, a dire wolf being her Spirit. And a vicious one when provoked at that, having already nearly torn David to shreds when a joke crossed the line.
Aeguris returned the salute given by Judas as they entered the fortress. It was a look of pride that was on the Gryphon Protector’s face as they crossed the gate. He took pride in welcoming new rangers to the Flock.
“I sense a strong presence of magick with them, Aeguris.” Stated a female voice softly from beside him. A woman clad in black in the form of a dress from high Guriean society of the newly named Age of Industry. Her cloak was thrown back over her shoulders as she placed her gloved hands on the cold stones of the fortress. Her skin was so pale it made the snow look dark, one could question if she was healthy enough to be in such a place.
“Which one is that, Mistress Gealech?” He asked turning over to watch the courtyard as the filled in. The witch joined him. Slowly she looked at each and pointed to Clarisse, and then David.
“Them, both of them.” The gryphon nodded and accompanied by Gealech made his way down to the courtyard.
A large statue was in the center of the courtyard, bearing the name Horthoric the Valine. “Buried in the ice and snow of Daron, a land defended by the Dalines in remembrance of the old alliance. May Valhalla accept you in to her Hall” They stopped to look at the statue of the burly armor clad Valine with the massive axe only heard of in stories.
“This man fought valiantly against the Rogricans. Daron owes him her freedom.” Judas announced to the new comers. “He was a great and powerful warrior…do not expect to get to his status.”
Clarisse’s face looked as if she had been slapped by the words. The two young men just glared in defiance as the other two just rolled their eyes at Judas.
“Now now, Sargent. Let us not bring down their spirits. For remember thee the rule of three. For what thou does’t shall be done three times unto thee.” Gealech said as she rounded the steps in to the courtyard. “Blessed be, my friends, and welcome to the Castle Horthoric.”
“Still practicing that old religion, Gealech? That must make only four …You, the Count Erlise, Princess Keeva and Queen Molly.” He smirked resting on his bow. “When are you all going to leave those dark gods and join the rest of us?”
“I shall never…Ever…bow to the Christian God.” She said with a glare.
“Blessed be.” Clarisse and David responded to Gealech. Judas rolled his eyes and removed the saddle from his horse before leading it to the stables.
“You will get use to him.” Red Stag said before taking his and Isadora’s horse as well.
“My Lord and Lady.” Isadora bowed her head. “May I present the new recruits, Corporal David Longstride, Miss Clarisse Belle, and Master Andrew Carivale.”
“Welcome, I look forward to watching your progress. For now, rest from your journey, and warm yourselves in your rooms.” Aeguris announced. “Tomorrow we will begin your training.” With that, he and Gealech took their leave to the inner halls. Isadora led the pair in to the castle, and to their rooms.
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