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 Final Fantasy 7: The Mystical Swordsman

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Zack Fair
Zack Fair

Number of posts : 16
Age : 32
Location : Portland, OR
Registration date : 2008-07-15

Final Fantasy 7: The Mystical Swordsman Empty
PostSubject: Final Fantasy 7: The Mystical Swordsman   Final Fantasy 7: The Mystical Swordsman EmptyJanuary 8th 2011, 3:15 pm

Unexpected Relationship

Genesis is on an assignment, heading for the forgotten capital by chopper. The pilot talks into the mike that leads to Genesis’s headset.
“Where do you want to be dropped?”
“Three to four miles away, I don’t want to get discovered.”
“Roger that, but remember this is only a reconnaissance mission.”
“I know, I know.” The chopper lands three miles away from the capital. It lands in a small outcropping near the ancient city. Genesis opens the door and removes himself from the chopper while closing the door behind him. He then disappears into the ruins of the city while the chopper lifted off and made its way back to Midgar. It only takes Genesis about fifteen minutes to reach the most central part of the city where the Shinra trucks drive through on there way to Midgar. Genesis comes to a stop near a building that was being held up with wood supports. With out those supports the building would have fallen long ago. Genesis then leans around the corner of the building to scan the area before moving on, but he see’s the disturbance he was told to look for. There’s a Wutai raiding party camped there with two stolen Shinra trucks. The Shinra personnel operating those trucks were killed off and placed into a pile just off from the camp. He begins to lean back when *SNAP* a twig snaps behind him. Genesis then whirls around with his sword held high only to stop it at the neck of his threat. It was a female Turk. She was rather tall compared to Genesis’s six foot six stance. She has dark violet hair that dropped half way down her back. She also whore a black suit. It was the standard uniform for the Turks to wear black suits and ties. But she was missing her tie and the top button on the dress shirt underneath the coat was undone. Genesis then lowers his sword while whispering.
“So the Turks are here, too! Why?” her words flowed from here mouth like beautifully composed music.
“The Same reason you are. New orders from President Shinra…take out the Wutai raiding party and retrieve the supply trucks.”
“I suppose, your going to help me then?” she nods.
“Yes, I am…you work your way down towards them. I’ll make my way around to the other side.”
“Alright.” Genesis turns around and starts to head off when he stops and asks.
“What’s your name?”
“Veronika…you’re Genesis right?” he looks back.
“The one and only.” he then continues on his way for the camp, leaving Veronika to go around. She watches Genesis sneak and dart in between buildings and piles of ruble till she see’s him disappear from her sight. She then starts making her way around being careful about were she steps so she doesn’t knock random piles of ruble over. After about a minute Veronika reaches the other side of the camp. She then pulls out her ‘Serpent Katana’. It has a three foot blade with an etching of a twin dragon on the side of the blade, while the handle looks like it had two serpents twisted together to make a one foot handle with a twisted cross-guard made from serpent fangs. Veronika looks out and across the camp to see Genesis hiding behind a large pile of ruble waiting for her command to attack. She waves to him to start the attack. She then watches Genesis spring from his hiding place and start slaughtering the Wutai soldiers. Genesis got there attention just like Veronika hoped for. Veronika then uses this opportunity to run up behind them while picking up a discarded sword in the process. She then slashed at the backs of the soldiers in front of her, rendering them lifeless. A Wutai Sergeant spins around to see what she did and he yells out.
“You will pay for this.” she so courteously asks.
“You going to make me?” The Wutai Sergeant starts to engage with her. He swings his sword around, but Veronika dodges around him only to find herself in a corner. She turns around to see that’s he’s starting to lunge at her sword first. She raises both of her swords above her head and brings them both down in a crossing pattern and back down onto his oncoming sword, thus cutting the first foot and a half of his sword off. But, before he could do anything, she swings both swords up and across, engraving an X into his chest. One cut went from his right armpit to the top of his left shoulder while the other cut went from his left armpit and across the middle of his chest and through his throat. The Wutai Sergeant drops what’s left of his sword and he grasps his throat as it is now gushing blood. Veronika then thrust both swords through his chest. She only removes her sword while letting the other fall with the corpse. Everything was now silent except for her low breathing. Veronika then hears a clapping noise, so she turns around to see Genesis standing there clapping his hands together. He then says.
“I’m impressed! I didn’t expect that much from a Turks experience.” She gives him a just smile.
“Cause we ‘the Turks’ like to keep things quite, unlike Soldier.” Genesis goes to protest but is cut off by Veronika.
“Mission accomplished, we’ll take these Shinra trucks back to Midgar as ordered.”
“Alright, lets go.” Genesis opened up the door to the truck and gets in. He turns the key and the truck starts up just like that and the engine hardly made any noise. He waited for Veronika to start up hers and drive off, and then he followed her on a non-stop trip back to Midgar.

Several hours later Genesis and Veronika pull up to the front doors of the Shinra building. They hand off the trucks to the Shinra maintenance crew. Veronika then walks up to the front doors when Genesis calls out.
“Veronika!” she turns around in time to catch something that Genesis had tossed to her. She holds it up to see that she was holding a dumbapple. She looks at Genesis.
“What’s with the dumbapple?”
“The name is Banora White. In Banora that apple grows at random times during the year. So the people there call them dumbapples.” Veronika goes to hand the apple back but Genesis doesn’t take it.
“And how do you know this?” Genesis laughs a little.
“Because, Banora…is my hometown.”
“Why didn’t I think of that that?”
“It happens, don‘t let it bother you.” Veronika starts to head inside the building.
“I’m sorry Genesis, but I have to go and report now.”
“Its fine, I have to go report to Director Lazard anyway.” they both enter the building. Genesis goes up the stairs to the elevators and presses the button and waits for one to show up. The doors open and he gets on. Before the doors shut he asks Veronika.
“Will I see you again?” she smiles at him
“There’s that possibility, isn’t there?” the doors shut before he could answer. Genesis smiles then talks aloud to himself.
“Yeah…there is that possibility.” the doors open to show that Genesis is on the Soldier floor. He then heads to the briefing room where Lazard usually is. He enters the room to see Lazard sitting at the desk looking over some documents he had in front of him.
“The Wutai camp has been eliminated and the trucks were brought back as ordered.” Lazard doesn’t even look up.
“Good, yes very good.”
“Got any other assignments?” Lazard brings his eye’s up from the documents and rest them on Genesis.
“No…I’ll let you now if anything comes up. You’re dismissed.”
“Director.” he turns around and leaves the room. His best friend Angeal walks up.
“Hey, your back. How was it?”
“You know, I’ll be right back.” Genesis brushes past Angeal and towards the elevators.
“Ah, ok. Fine I’ll talk to you later then.” Genesis gets back on the elevator and heads for the first floor, hoping he could catch up with Veronika. The doors open and Genesis see’s Veronika leave through the entrance to the building. He runs after her and through the doors. He comes to a stop and calls her name out.
“Veronika!” she stops and turns around.
“I’m sorry but I’m heading out on another assignment.”
“So, when will you be back?”
“I don’t know, but here.” she walks up to him and takes his hand. She pulls a note out of her pocket and puts it into the palm of his hand.
“Ok, I gotta go. Be seeing you.”
“Yeah, I’ll be here” she turns around and gets into a Shinra truck that’s leaving. Genesis opens the note that she gave him and it had her phone number on it. He folds it back up and sticks into his pocket. Now he’s just standing there thinking to himself.
‘Oh yeah, she’s mine.’ he turns around and goes back inside the building with the hope of having a great friend or a newly found love. Genesis turns around and walks back through the entrance doors. Genesis then gets a phone call from Director Lazard.
“Come to the briefing room, some thing has come up that you might be able to help with.” Lazard hangs up on him. Genesis begins to make his way up the fleet of stairs to the elevators. But the time he got to one of the elevators Angeal had gotten down to the first floor and had been waiting for him. Angeal asks while Genesis walked up.
“Hey? What’s going on?” Genesis walks over and pushes the button for the elevator.
“Just heading back up to the briefing room.” the elevator doors slide open and the both of them get on.
“New assignment?”
“Something like that, just want to get it over with.” the elevator doors shut and began ascending for the Soldier floor.
“So, how come you brushed me off earlier?”
“Sorry man, I wanted to go and see someone off.”
“Ah huh…its another turk isn’t it?” Genesis smiles briefly.
“Yes, but this one is different from the rest.” the elevator stops and the doors open up to let Genesis and Angeal get off.
“How is this one different from the rest?”
“She’s not the regular kind of turk. She's more cheerful and outgoing then the rest.”
“So…she even took on a Wutai sergeant by herself. That’s no easy task for a turk, even for your average SOLDIER member.” Genesis then leaves Angeal behind and makes his way back to the briefing room. He finally gets to the door and opens it up and enters the room. Lazard was standing there talking to Sephiroth. Genesis showed now signs of awe or wonder from seeing him. Why would he? They are best friends after all. Lazard looks over to Genesis.
“What took you? Don’t answer that. We need you to head for Edge. We’ve gotten distress calls that Wutai is invading Edge.” Genesis takes it all in.
“So your sending me to silence this distress call?”
“Yes, but your not going alone.” Genesis looks over to Sephiroth.
“Getting tired of being left out?” Sephiroth gives a kurt smile. Then Lazard speaks for him.
“Angeal is going as well.” Genesis then recites a line from Loveless.
“So the three friends are united once again.” Lazard didn’t even pay attention to him.
“Your mission is to go to Edge and force Wutai out.” Genesis wanders over to the office window.
“You’re just sending us?”
“Yes…there’s no need to send more. You three are the best.” Genesis turns around and away from the window.
“When do we leave?” Lazard begins heading for the door to exit the room.
“Immediately…get in and eliminate the threat and get out.” Genesis stands there and smiles.
“So it’s going to be that simple.” Sephiroth speaks up then.
“Don’t get too cynical about it.” Genesis looks over to him.
“Maybe we can decide who the worlds new hero will be.” Sephiroth heads for the door and leaves.
“Keep trying.” Genesis leaves and heads for the elevators. While on the way he looks over to see a SOLDIER 2nd class member taking some new recruits into he training room. Genesis can’t help but say.
“More inferior members huh, just great.” He reaches the elevators and waits for one to arrive. He then starts to hear insults being directed at someone. He looks around to see an executive bashing a 2nd class member for something. But, Genesis realizes who it was. It was Zack Fair, a SOLDIER 2nd that Angeal took under his wing to train. He couldn’t help but laugh.
“He’s just a little puppy.” Genesis then remembered that Angeal called him “Zack the puppy”. The elevator doors open up, and to Genesis’ surprise Angeal was on board waiting for him. He gets on and hit’s the button for the entrance floor. Angeal begins a small conversation.
“Doesn’t Wutai ever give up?” Genesis shrugs his shoulders.
“If they keep it up. Wutai will be standing country only.” Angeal laughs a little.
“But, don’t do anything drastic now.” Genesis looks over.
“Don’t I always?”

Don’t You Die On Me

Three choppers lift of from Midgar and make there way to Edge. Each chopper carries one of the three SOLDIER members. They were going to be dropped of at different locations to invade and secure the city. Genesis sits there impatiently, waiting to be dropped off. He spoke into the headset so he could talk to the pilot.
“How much longer till we get there?” You could hear how impatient he was.
“Twelve minutes.“ Genesis takes the headset off and leans against the cold interior of the chopper. He then begins to recite lines from a book he never got bored of, Loveless.
“Infinite In mystery, is the gift of the goddess, we seek it thus, and take to the sky, ripples form on the waters surface, the wandering soul knows no rest.” he stopped talking as he closed his eyes. His mind then wandered to the recent memories he had experienced. Having meet Veronika and watching her take down a Wutai sergeant on her own. She fought him with such ease. No way a turk could do that.
“Hmph…I guess her abilities are enhanced, just like mine. But she’s not a SOLDIER member.” Genesis thinks hard about it for a few seconds before he found himself flying to the other side of the chopper with a load boom emanating from outside the chopper. Genesis lifts himself up and grabs onto the support railing inside the chopper.
“Hey! What’s going on?!” The pilot puts it as plainly as possible.
“We’re being shot down!” The pilot flips on the radio.
“May-day, may-day, this is Falcon 253. We’re under enemy fire, we are going down.” Genesis straps himself in the harness that was used to secure cargo to the chopper.
“How come things always happen unexpectedly?” A rocket hits the tail propeller and it explodes in a ball of flame. The chopper then begins to spin in a clockwise direction uncontrollably. They descend from the sky at an almost blistering rate. The pilot yells out.
“Brace for impact!” Genesis was as secure as he was going to be. But it wouldn’t help to soften the landing. Genesis then looks out to see the rocky canyon ten feet below. It was covered with razor sharp rocks. He knew that he’d be lucky to come out of this alive. The chopper then grazed the side of the cliff and the main propeller destroyed itself on contact. The chopper then plummets to the ground with an back breaking crash. The harness holding Genesis didn’t hold and he was thrown to the other side of the chopper as he slammed into the hull on the right side of the chopper causing an instant blackout.

Angeal is flying into Edge from the north. He’s about to reach his drop off point when he heard a distress call over the radio.
“May-day, may-day, this is Falcon 253. We’re under enemy attack, we’re going down.” Angeal quickly puts on a headset.
“Is there anything we can do?” the pilot told him straight up.
“By the time we get there, they’ll be dead.” Angeal switches com’s to talk to Sephiroth in the other chopper.
“Sephiroth? The chopper that was carrying Genesis was shot down.”
“I heard, but if he survived the crash, he should be trying to find his way here.”
“That’s going to be tough, he’s behind some of Wutai’s forces.”
“But, that gives him an advantage.” Angeal takes the headset off and looks out the window in the direction of the crash.
“Don’t die on me, Genesis.”

Sparks are flying all over the inside interior of the downed chopper. Electric circuits are popping off and causing even more sparks that fell upon the unconscious bodes of Genesis and his pilot. Genesis slowly comes back into consciousness. He covers up his face when another electrical circuit pop off. After the sparks faded Genesis looks around to see that his pilot was dead. He had gotten lodged between what’s left of the cockpit and a extremely huge bolder on the other side of him. Genesis goes to lean forward when he felt an incredible amount of pain coming from his side. He glances down to see that he had been impaled through the gut by a three foot piece of metal that became very pliable when the chopper touched down. Genesis winces in pain.
“Dammit…I need to get out of here.” Genesis grabs one end of the of the metal shaft and hanks it out. Genesis screams as an unbearable amount of pain began to course it way through his body as it originated from his wound.
“AHH!” Genesis slowly gets to his feet, trying to ignore the amazing amount of pain from moving. He locates his sword and pries open the chopper door and gets off. Genesis uses his left hand to cover up his wound so he doesn’t lose to much blood, while carrying his shinova in his right hand. Genesis gets twenty feet away from the downed chopper when he see’s a Wutai patrol heading towards him. He knew he couldn’t hide in time. So he kept on walking towards the soldiers. There was no way he could run. His pain would stop him long before he could. He then hears one of them yell out.
“Its SOLDIER! Kill him!” two of the five Wutai soldiers start running for Genesis.
“Great, as if I didn’t have enough to worry about already.” Genesis continues to walk. The first soldier runs up to him with his sword over his head. Genesis painfully swings his sword sideways to his right to cut him in half while the other lunged at him sword first. Genesis sidesteps the attack and he holds a foot out to trip him. He goes falling to his face while Genesis walks up and thrust his sword through the mans back. He then hears one Wutai soldier cry out.
“Fall back! He’s going to kill us all! Retreat!” the remaining soldiers ran off in the opposite direction. Genesis could only stand there and watch. He then drops his sword and drops to one knee. He then falls forward to his chest unconscious from to much pain and lack of blood.

A Shinra truck was driving along, twenty miles away from Edge. The truck had four turk members riding in it. The driver of the truck was Reno, he had red hair that barely hit his ears. On his face was a pare of shades that rested above his brow to hold back his bangs he had. His passenger up front was Rude, he was bald and he always whore shades. The other two turks sat in the back. Elena was the more experienced of all the turks in that truck but also the most strict of the four, she had short blonde hair. The final turk member was Veronika. They were patrolling the border around Edge when the get a transmission from HQ.
“Attention…attention! One of the choppers carrying a SOLDIER member that was inbound to Edge has been shot down. Repeat, One of the choppers carrying a SOLDIER member that was inbound to Edge has been shot down. We need the closest team of turks to go in for a rescue mission. Reno turns his head just enough to look over his shoulder and he asks everyone.
“What do you say? Should we go save their asses?” everyone replied by saying yeah or why not. Reno then turns the truck in the direction of the crash. Reno picks up the CB mike and informs HQ of their plans.
“This is Wolf-runner 391, we’re in route for a rescue attempt.”
“Roger that, Wolf-runnier 391 is in route.”

Genesis is strapped down to a table that was used for surgical purposes. The room was cold and dimly lit. Genesis slowly comes back into conscious just briefly. His vision was severely blurred, but he could tell that someone was bandaging up the wound he had sustained from the crash. Whoever was bandaging him up turned around and walked out of the cold room. Genesis then fades back into his unconscious state.

A half hour ago, Wolf-runner 391 was on there way to the crash site. They finally arrive at the site. Reno parks the truck a safe distance away for the downed chopper. Everyone dismounts the truck and they search the wreckage. Reno and Elena checked the chopper while Veronika and Rude checked the perimeter. Reno steps through the door that was pried open and he see’s the pilot.
“Pilot’s dead, it’s not pretty.” Elena gets on, and picks up a shaft of metal that was covered with blood.
“Well someone got stuck with this.” she sits it down and continues to look around. Outside, Veronika and Rude spot a couple of dead Wutai soldiers. They inspect their wounds to conclude that the SOLDIER operative killed them. Veronika was the first to notice that there was a body missing. There was an imprint of a body that had lain there on the ground in between the two dead Wutai soldiers. While Veronika was inspecting the body imprint, she saw and odd lump off dirt with a sword hilt sticking out of it. She kneels down next to the sword and pulls it out. She wipes of the blade with a rag she had grabbed from one of the corpses. Right then she knew whom this sword belonged to. It belonged to Genesis; he’s the only one that she would now that uses a red rapier. Reno walks back to the truck and turns the radio back on to tell HQ what they found.
“We arrived at the crash site, the pilot is dead.”
“What about the SOLDIER operative.”
“He’s missing, but we found his sword here.”
“That means one thing, he more than likely got captured by Wutai forces.” Reno gets a little impatient.
“What do you want us to do?”
“Return to Shinra, we’ll discuss further plans of rescue.” Reno turns off the radio and yells out.
“Alright, we need to get back to Shinra.” Everyone then migrates there way back to the truck and gets in. Veronika kept a hold of Genesis’s sword with hopes of returning it to him herself.


Genesis comes back into consciousness. He was strapped down to an operation table that could be adjusted for elevation or sitting on a slanted angle. His coat and shirt had been removed and tossed into a small pile at the side of the medical room. He listens to several different sounds of people walking by the enclosed room he was in. He couldn’t move or do anything, so he just lied there thinking about where he was. The door to the room busted open as several Wutai sergeants walked through. Genesis’s thought melted away and only a few words escaped.
“Oh damn.” A voice boomed out from outside the room.
“Oh damn what?” Genesis tilts his head to the left to see another Wutai soldier walk in. His armor and clothing was different from the sergeants, it was a black uniform with black polished armor over top of it. He also wore a samurai helmet. For some reason Genesis knew that this was a soldier that he’s never seen or heard of that has more command than the sergeants. One of the Wutai sergeants walks up to the table and presses a button on the underside of the table to tilt it up so Genesis was almost vertical with everyone else. The black armored soldier drew nearer to Genesis.
“So tell me SOLDIER? What’s Shinra planning now?” Genesis just sits there silent. The Wutai commander took his helmet off to reveal long black hair as well as a black goatee. He then asked again.
“What are they planning?” Genesis still doesn’t respond. The commander lets his armored arm fly and crash along the left side of Genesis’s face. Genesis winces in pain from being hit by reinforced armor. The commander yells out.
“Tell me!” Genesis then barks out.
“How am I supposed to know what there planning?” One of the sergeants steps up to the commander and asks.
“Halerix, do you think he’s telling the truth?”
“No, deception is most likely the key behind his lies. But we already know who he is and he still wont break.” Genesis was surprised at what he had heard but he didn’t show it. But he did decide to say something.
“How bout I spare you the trouble.” Halerix’s eyes widen.
“About what?”
“Right now they’ll be sending a rescue squad to come and find me.” Halerix started laughing, as did all the other sergeants in the room.
“What makes you think you’ll be alive when they get here?”
“It doesn’t matter to them whether I’m dead or not, they’ll still come.” All the sergeant’s filter out of the room and then Halerix started to follow. He stops before exiting and looks over his shoulder.
“I’d like to see them get this far…getting past my super soldiers would be a daunting task.” Halerix shut the door behind him. Genesis just lies there motionless, thinking to himself.
“How am I going to get out of this…alive?”

On the SOLDIER floor, there was a meeting going on inside the briefing room that was discussing whether to send a rescue team or not to find the missing SOLDIER 1st class Genesis. Lazard, Sephiroth, Angeal and several turks and other members of Shinra where arguing about it. Sephiroth was the first voice to be heard over the racket.
“SOLDIER 1st class Genesis and his pilot where shot down, Genesis himself is classified as missing.” Lazard could be heard next.
“He was in enemy held territory, if Wutai did capture him…they would torture him for information then kill him once there done.” Veronika was in the back overhearing the argument when she decided to leave the room. While walking out she said aloud.
“I’ll go get him myself, screw the arguing.” While heading her way the elevator she see’s Luca, a 3rd class SOLDIER that she knew for a couple years now. He was an astonishing pilot that was called on for some of the most intense rescue missions. Veronika then calls out to him.
“Hey Luca?” Luca stops what he’s doing and looks around like an idiot at the beach just trying to find who called his name. Veronika then waves her hand to let him now.
“Luca! Over here.” Luca finally spots her waving at him and he starts to walk towards her.
“What’s up? What do you need?”
“I need your help.” A grin starts to form on his face.
“Then I’m your man, what is it?” Veronika then explains to him that she needs to get to the crash site to search for Genesis.
“So your telling me that you want to go save the missing SOLDIER and bring him back is it?”
“Yes, it is.” Luca then starts to walk off.
“Alright, I’ll help. Meet me in the hanger in ten minutes, I need to finish a couple things.” Veronika then decides to go get herself some equipment for what she planned on doing. She made her way to the stairs and dropped down one floor to the armory. She looked through everything like she was profiling something. When the coast was clear, she grabbed a duffle bag to put stuff in. She walked to one of the shelf’s in the back and stole a Wutai sergeants uniform. She grabbed the armor for it as well. She stuffed those in side the bag and then sealed it. She then went to the sword rack in the far corner of the room and snatched Genesis’s rapier from where it was hung. Feeling satisfied then she had all she needed; she started to leave the armory. She was being careful not to get caught with what she took. So she ended up taking the stairs to leave the Shinra building. She eventually gets to the hanger. But the second she entered she was stopped by one of her Turk friends.
“So where you going in such a hurry?”
“I’m going on a rescue mission, sorry Trish but I’m going alone.” Trish couldn’t help but smile. Because she already knew what was going on.
“Is it Genesis, the missing SOLDIER?” Veronika starts blushing.
“Yes, but I’m going to need someone here to cover for me. Could you do me this favor Trish?” Trish throws her super long blonde hair over her shoulder and begins to walk out of the hanger.
“I’ll see what I can do…see you when you get back.” Veronika continues into the hanger. She see’s Luca making inspections on his chopper. She gets to the chopper and slides the side door open and sat the bag of Wutai equipment on the chopper deck. She leans back a little bit.
“We almost ready?” Luca peaks around the front of his chopper.
“I’d get done faster if you weren’t nagging at me.” Veronika just smiles at the comment. She leans back in and remembers that Luca is the straightforward guy with attitudes about everything. She then hoists herself up into the chopper and gets everything squared away that she was bringing with her before she got herself strapped in. A couple minutes later Luca opened up the pilot’s door and got in. He threw a couple switches and knobs and the chopper began to start up. He finishes with his check off routine for the chopper.
“Alright, lets see how many times we can crash.” Veronika laughs a little. The chopper takes off and flies out of the hanger bay.

Meanwhile back in the briefing room. The arguing is about to turn into a fistfight. Scarlet, the head of the Shinra military and Heidegger the head of Shinra defense wear yelling out they couldn’t spare anyone for a risk of being attacked by Wutai, while being short handed. Scarlet’s voice boomed over everyone’s.
“Chances are that he’s dead by now, so I’m not going to bother with it.” Heidegger spoke next.
“Midgar’s defenses must be top man advisable, the Turk’s are assigned to protect our major icons till the war is over.” Angeal then slams his fist into the table while yelling out.
“Hey?! What are we doing?” The entire room falls deathly quite.
“We’re standing here fighting amongst ourselves while Genesis is getting tortured or worse.” Scarlet was dumb enough to speak up.
“We don’t have the people for this, if we sent anyone out we’ll be sho-” Angeal cuts her off by yelling at her.
“Shorthanded?! Where already shorthanded as it is.” Scarlet then slinked backwards to the back of the room as Lazard spoke up.
“We need to discuss this with president Shinra.” Lazard, Heidegger and the now sheepish Scarlet leave the briefing room to see the president.

Luca and Veronika are flying at a moderately fast pace, only a couple of minutes or so from the crash site.
“What are you going to do when we get there?” Luca asked.
“What do you think? I’m going to find him and bring him back.” Luca grumbles a little bit. Not caring if she heard him out not.
“The wounded prisoner will begin a life of seclusion with here.”
“What’s that about.” Luca made it look like he was surprised.
“Huh, oh. It’s from Loveless, you didn’t know?”
“I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never read it.” Luca starts laughing.
“You haven’t read it yet? Man. And the man your after is the very one who made the play for it work after all the disasters it went through.” Veronika spoke to herself quietly but Luca still heard her.
“I never knew, I’ve always kept to myself.” Luca then tries to cheer her up.
“What would you say if I said I can see the downed chopper?”
“You mean crash site.” Luca then adds a little anger to his voice.
“Don’t you correct me… but yes, I’m going to start the descent.” Luca comes to a hover twenty feet for the downed chopper. He then eases up on the throttle and the chopper slowly descended. A sudden jolt shook the chopper as it set down on the desert floor. Veronika then slid the door open while Luca powered everything down. She the hopped off with the bag full of Wutai gear and started changing. She stripped down to her bra and underwear and put on the Wutai uniform. She didn’t bother with pulling out her long violet hair that was under the uniform. She would be a little too suspicious, since women where never supposed to join the army in Wutai. She then had Luca’s help with putting the armor on. There are straps in the back she couldn’t reach. So, Luca cinched those up while she was working with the straps in front. She then grabs Genesis’s sword off the bench seat in the chopper and put it through the leather sword strap that hung off the belt to her left side while she wielded her katana. Luca then hands her the Wutai helmet. She takes it from him and slides it on over her head. As she turns around and begins to head off, Luca stops her.
“Hey I got something for ya.” He jumps onto the chopper and begins scrounging through it trying to find something. He then hops off the chopper with a book in his hand “Here you go.” he hands the book to her. She opens it up to see the book was a copy of Loveless.
“If you get the chance to stop and rest on your way, read through four of the five acts of it.” she gets a confused look on her face and she then looked though to discover only for acts.
“Where’s the fifth act?”
“It’s missing, all the copies are missing it.”
“Who knows? Genesis has made many interpretations of it.” Veronika then begins to walk off.
“If I find him, I’ll ask him myself. I’m going on foot from here, I don’t want to risk you getting shot down.” He just stands there and laughs.
“Me? Now who would do that?” Veronika keeps on walking.
“I wonder, I’ll keep you updated if I find anything.” Luca then climbs back into the chopper and starts it back up to fly back to Midgar for fuel, and an excuse to come back out and pick Veronika and Genesis up. Veronika turns around and watches Luca throttle the chopper as it started ascending several hundreds of feet into the air and fly away. She then looks away into the direction of where Genesis fell. The dead Wutai soldiers where still there. She walks up and examines the foot traffic leading away from where Genesis had laid. She followed the footprints and occasional drag marks for a good five minutes or so. She came to a stop at tire tracks, noticing the way they where heading. She pulled out her radio and contacted Luca.
“Luca? Come in?” She hears his voice come back.
“You find him already?”
“No, but I do now where he is.”

Bold rescue

Genesis wakes up from being beaten and knocked out, he was in a different room than before. It looked more like a jail cell with a solid metal door instead of a barred one. It was dimly lit as well. He could’ve been captive for a week or so now, he had lost count of days. From his head to his toes, he was covered with bruises and cuts. Hey was lying on the cell floor bare-chested thinking it wont be long till they kill him. He tries to move, but like clockwork, all the bruises and cuts he has scream all at once. All he could do was lie there waiting to die.

Veronika arrives at one of the major cities of Wutai. She would’ve gotten there sooner if she were flying. But she didn’t want to take the chance of being shot down. She gets through the city gate with some Wutai soldiers that were wandering through. She eventually breaks off from the group of soldiers to search for Genesis. She walks around the corner of a maintenance shed to see two Wutai sergeants conversing with each other. She quickly stepped back and tried listening to them.
“I’m surprised that soldier operative is still alive.”
“I’m not, Halerix will kill him weather or not he talks.”
“Well, I need to go check on the basterd, maybe he’s died off by now.” Veronika leans around the corner of the shed and watches them split up. She followed the one she thought was going to check on Genesis. She follows him at a safe distance. After several long minutes, the sergeant stops at a locked door. He pulls out a ring of keys and starts fumbling with them till he found the right one. Veronika continued to walk towards him with blade in hand. She gets ready to thrust her sword through his back. He sticks the key in the door at the same time a sword erupted from his chest. Veronika pulled her sword out of his dead body and continues through the now unlocked door. After sneaking and overhearing Wutai soldiers. Veronika learned that the building she was in was a prison that dropped three floors underground and that Genesis was held up at the very bottom. Even though she was disguised, she still wanted to remain undetected. After sneaking and darting around corners she had found out that there was minimal surveillance in the lower levels. There weren’t many guards either. Veronika quickly made her way to the bottom floor. She looks down a long hallway. It was lined with several doors. The door closest to her was open. She then glanced through the door to see it was a surgical room. There was an operating table with scalpels on a tray table right next to it. Veronika then noticed a pile of torn blood stained clothing on the floor. She instantly realizes whom they belonged to. Genesis’s coat was in with the bloody mess. She then swiped up his coat while leaving the torn blood stained shirt behind. She then leaves the room and starts checking the other doors. The first room she came to was empty. She checked the others but found that they were empty to. But there was one more she had to check. It was at the end of the dimly lit hallway. She tried the door but it was locked. She pulled out the keys that she had recovered from the dead sergeant and started trying them. Eventually the lock clicked open and she opens the door. The room was dark and there was an unconscious bare chest man on the floor, it was Genesis. Veronika kneeled down next to him and lifted up his bruised body onto her lap. She then tries to wake him up.
“Genesis, wake up…” his eyes slowly opened. He then glares up at the Wutai operative. Not knowing that it was Veronika in disguise he sweared at her.
“Get away from me Wutai scum!” Veronika shrieked.
“Oh, the helmet.” She took the helmet off and tossed it aside. She then pulled out her long violet hair that was tucked underneath the armor.
“Genesis, it’s me Veronika.” She brushes some of his hair out of his face. He then readjusts his gaze on her.
“How’d you find me?”
“The easy way, I looked.” Genesis goes to sit, but wails in pain in doing so.
“They tortured you?” Genesis then leans back to where he was.
“Yes they did.” Veronika then listens to a suspicious noise coming from outside the cell.
“Alright, come on. I’m going to get you out of here.” She grabs Genesis’s arm and pulls it over her shoulder and helps him to his feet. Genesis was groaning in pain, but he tried to keep it quite. Veronika then help Genesis get his coat on over his bruised body. Genesis then noticed that his sword was hanging from her belt.
“Think I can have that back?” She pulls it out and hands it to him.
“I have no need for it. I already have my own weapon.” Genesis grips the handle and lifts it up only to have it fall almost instantly.
“You’re going to have to do most of the fighting. I’m in too much of a weakened state.” Genesis brings up his left to cover his bandaged wound. An alert siren then goes off, alerting all Wutai forces of their presence.
“Lead the way Veronika. But easily, I can’t move to fast.” They both walked out of the cell only to be greeted by three Wutai soldiers. The first two soldiers charged Veronika while the third got around and went for Genesis. Veronika easily cut down the two soldiers. She then looked around to see Genesis having a difficult time fighting, but after a few swings he had chopped off the soldiers arm and then had his sword embedded in his chest. He then pulled the sword free and the soldiers body fell over to one side. Veronika walked up behind and laid a hand on his right shoulder.
“Let me do the rest of the fighting. You can mop up anyone that gets past me.”
“I like…the sound of that.” He then lets her go on ahead to clear a path. Only one soldier got past, but a fireball that Genesis had hurled at him ended his life. They eventually reach the doorways that Veronika used to get into the place. The body of the dead Wutai sergeant was gone, but they didn’t spend time wondering where it went. Veronika then ran out into the court to search for enemies. After summarizing that there was no one around, she signaled to Genesis that everything was fine for the moment. Genesis slowly gimps out of the building. He only got ten feet from the door when a giant green monster wielding a blaze clever swooped down from the top of the building and landed behind Genesis. Genesis was able to turn around but not before an armored hand collided with his body. The hit sent Genesis hurtling to through a building wall on the other side of the courtyard. Veronika turned around in time to see what had just happened.
“Genesis!” She quickly pulled out he radio.
“Luca! We need evac now!” His garbled voice comes back.
“What’s your location?”
“Courtyard, we don’t have much time!”
“On my way.” Veronika threw her radio away and started running for the beast.
“Let’s wrap this up!” the monster swings its blaze clever across to cut Veronika in half, but she ducked underneath the blade just in time. She quickly straightened back up and slashed at the monsters legs. Tearing deep gashes around his shins. The beast dropped down to one knee howling in pain. Veronika took the opportunity to run over to Genesis’s body only to find out the he was out cold. He had slammed through a brick wall and then some.. She then heard a sliding gimp. She turned around to see the monster closing on her position.
“Guess it’s time to finish off nasty.” She scoops up Genesis’s sword and dashes for the beast. He swings his massive weapon again but Veronika jumps up and over the blade and brought both of hers across the right side of the monsters face. She slashed out his right eye in doing so. The monster cried and howled at losing one of his eyes. It then turned tail and fled before Veronika could finish him off. As she waych the beast run she heard the faint engine roar of Luca’s chopper. She gazed into the sky and spotted him coming in from the north.she then ran over to the building were Genesis was and proceed to hoist him up and carry him out to the center of the court yard. But by the time it took her to lift Genesis up. Luca had landed and was out of the chopper running to help out.
“Lets get the hell out of here before beastie comes back!” Luca nods.
“Give him to me, you get the door.” She ran for the chopper and slid the door open.
“Just get him in, I’ll strap him up!” Veronika climbs aboard just before Luca drops Genesis on the chopper deck. Luca then slammed the door shut and ran around for the pilot door. He climbed in and had the chopper in the air long before Veronika could get Genesis strapped up. She then got him strapped up, then sat there in relief that they were finally heading home. She then pulled out the copy of Loveless that Luca gave and tried handing it back.
“Luca here, this is yours.”
“Keep it, I can get another copy. You read it yet?”
“No, I hardly stopped to rest.”
“Then read some then, we got time.” She then leaned back in the bench seat and opened up the book. Each act had an interpreted version. She then read the prologue to herself.
‘When the war of the beasts brings about the world’s end. The goddess descends from the sky. Wings of light and dark spread afar. She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting.’ She then got to the first act.
‘Infinite in mystery is the gift of the goddess. We seek it thus, and take to the sky. Ripples form on the water’s surface. The wandering soul knows no rest.” Veronika then closed the book and put it away. She then peered out the window. Wanting and not wanting to go back to Midgar. She wanted to get Genesis back, but she would be court marshaled for disobeying Shinra procedures and orders. She then glances at Genesis’s unconscious body. Wondering how he was able to survive captive for so long in Wutai.
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Final Fantasy 7: The Mystical Swordsman
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