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 TimeLine/Dimension Chaos

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

TimeLine/Dimension Chaos Empty
PostSubject: TimeLine/Dimension Chaos   TimeLine/Dimension Chaos EmptyJuly 22nd 2010, 2:42 am

What happened when Rogue and Poison were gone. Well, we got bored and went a head a little but we're gonna do this again for when you two pop back in. Here's what happened, it was funny.

[01:17:56 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob looks up at the girl Don't just stand there! Fucking Help me! Please?!

[01:18:45 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : Voithya? Matthew asked stepping away from the tree and limping forward some, still very weiry with all the strange weapons around

[01:20:40 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : switches aims between him and the Irishwoman and nods slowly Alright.. but if you try to shoot me later, I'll jam this shotgun up your ass and fire, you got me? she brought out her Attache Case then paused at hearing another voice and looks up and tilts her head at the language Huh?

[01:21:17 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob looks at the boy W..what? Do you speak English?

[01:21:55 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : Matthew face palmed his own stupidity, remembering that EVERYONE around him spoke english

[01:23:34 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : noticed his limp You're injured too?

[01:24:13 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob looked back at the girl What are you gonna do? I have four bullet wounds

[01:24:33 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : Sorry... my English is bad..... it's... been... awile? sicne i.... used it.... he fumbled over the words slightly... still digging through his memory for his hidden english bank <if only David were here....> he looked over at the women ... in.. jured? he looked down at his leg

[01:25:55 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob looked at the boy again Oh god he's norwegian

[01:26:46 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : Rally knelt down and opened the silver briefcase and brought out a vial of red and green herb powder This stuff heals injuries... Put it on your leg and it'll heal it up.

[01:27:56 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob tapped the girl on the shoulder Uhh

[01:28:01 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : Norwegian? What's that? he glanced at the other person it will? he limped closer and then sat down heavily nearby.

[01:28:53 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : Yes it will. hands Matthew the vial then looks to Jacob Yes? I'm getting a healing vial for you too.

[01:29:41 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : No I was going to ask you where you were from, because you don't look like the Army or a Revolutionary..

[01:30:02 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob looks at the boy Never mind

[01:31:07 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : Oh... I'm from San Antonio... and no not part of any kind of army...

[01:32:01 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : San Antonio California? What year is it where your from? Jacob looked clearly confused

[01:32:41 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : No, Texas.

[01:32:42 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : he bit his upper lip and furrowed his eyebrows and examined the vial, the three scars streaching across his right eye twisted some Interesting.... he reached down and then gently pulled his left pant leg up, to expose a crude splint and a bloody somewhat swollen leg. Stupid Cyclopse he muttered staring at his leg

[01:33:04 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ...2007?

[01:35:07 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Oh good becau- 2007?!! What the hell, how is this possibl- there is no way in hell, It's 2019!!

[01:35:34 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : -ooc- remember we can't go on too far, unless we intergrate this again later today when Rogue and Rach get back.

[01:35:56 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- yeah I know, me and matt get healed we can stop

[01:36:10 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : raised a brow What the hell have you been smoking? It's 2007...

[01:36:44 22/07/10] @ Eventine : walks out of the shadows No.. its 1583!

[01:36:55 22/07/10] @ Gir : -ooc- o.O

[01:37:11 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : What the hell?! Okay 2007 girl who is president

[01:37:16 22/07/10] @ Gir : -ooc- wait....Jacob comes from 2019? XD

[01:37:25 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- hell yeah

[01:37:32 22/07/10] @ Gir : -ooc- are there donkeys with jet packs there? *.*

[01:38:07 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : he suddenly found the English word bank in his head and shoved most of the greek out of the way snapped my bone in half he grumbled and picked up the vial, stareing curiously at the vial. he shrugged I donno what year it is.... lost track when the sky went out.... Matthew prodded his leg and winced Gods i'm an idiot.....

[01:38:12 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -oc-o fail....

[01:38:36 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ...Are you high?! stares at the newcomer 2007 damnit! facepalms And I thought being caught up in my game in real life was freaky... [color=white]stared at Jacob[/color] The embarrassment to Texas citizens... George W. Bush...

[01:38:40 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- no, just a corrupt governmnet led by Furher Barrack, where the Republicans and Tea artiers make an arm called the American revolutionary Army

[01:39:04 22/07/10] @ Gir : -ooc- ...awwww no jetpack donkeys

[01:39:15 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -ooc- The Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats

[01:39:29 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : What?! There hasn't been a president since the 2012 election when Obama took power..

[01:39:43 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- no politics tonight please

[01:40:56 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ...Yeah, you're high...

[01:41:31 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Yeah.. no I'm not.. before I was hear I'd ambushed a squad of U.S. Army soldiers in the last free state of Alaska

[01:41:21 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : All i know of is the Tyrant that took over the world... Zeus knows how long ago... days.. weeks.. months... years.... Damn Shadowlord.... Matthew muttetred

[01:41:50 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : -ooc- we'll probabyl have to do the "year" thing again later. XD

[01:42:07 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -oc- yeah XD

[01:42:08 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : and sorry kid, buut Zeus? He is fictional

[01:42:14 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- definately

[01:42:31 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- so Rogue and Rachel can get in on it

[01:42:43 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : -oco- good practice though. XD

01:43:07 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : i don't think so. he's real alright...

[01:43:47 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : No.. as far as we know there is no such thing as a god or gods kid.. I don't believe in any magical sky faeries

[01:44:26 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- no is a good time to mention Jacob is an Athiest

[01:44:29 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : now*

[01:45:40 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ....Fairies? Okay... mumbles to herself And I thought games coming to life was confusing...

[01:45:46 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : Matthew his eyes i rekon you rethink that and then he flung a ball of salt water at him Hope it stings, cuz Zeus Would do much worse.....

[01:46:53 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Jacob hold a hand out to the girl Can I ave your healy dust thingy so I can leave?

[01:48:15 22/07/10] @ Eventine : Shadowlord? she walks over to Matt iS he anything like a Dark Lord?

[01:48:52 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -ooc- you can really see how Matthew's Views of the gods changes from when he was young till after the Era of Total Darkness

[01:49:32 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : Rally shakes her head and drops the vial on his hand Here... and it's herbal powder Be glad I have some of these... they're not easy to find while running from people wanting to use you for a plot to take over the world with parasites...

[01:50:15 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -ooc- he's a big fan now.... and then when he gets around the age 19.... he starts hateing them.... and now (in DW) he's like 101 and he ABSOLUTLY HATES the gods...

[01:50:20 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Okay chick.. what are you smoking?!

[01:50:57 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- Araman only likes his Dad and Artiemis (spelling)

[01:50:58 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : who's the "Dark Lord"

[01:51:46 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -ooc- Drago is okay with Poseidon. he sucks up to Ares... he's good with Athena and Apollo....

[01:51:57 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : -ooc- but that's... about it....

[01:51:58 22/07/10] @ Eventine : The one who stole me and raised me... a vile man he is.. she growls

[01:52:02 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : I don't smoke, it's bad for the health and I like living. You say I drink and I'll slap the hell out of you.

[01:53:37 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : ... then no

[01:53:41 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : You don't drink or smoke huh? I bet next your going to say you don't sleep with a man before you marry him (ooc: XD)

[01:54:24 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ...I'm single and a virgin you dickwad! punches him

[01:55:15 22/07/10] @ Eventine : .... Ok.... then..... Nothing like the vile man who stays in the shadows...

[01:55:41 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Ow.. Ow! Jacob grabs for his nose and then realizes what she said Wait.. your single?

[01:56:25 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ..Yes... I'm only twenty years old damnit...

[01:57:04 22/07/10] @ Matthew C. : More like a Shadow that has knocked the gods off their throne and enveoped the entire world in inpenetrable darkness and has enslaved mankind............. he suddenly stopes and his eyes go blank as the images from the day the Shadowlord took over began to play through his head again

[01:57:21 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Yeah and I'm Nineteen! It could work out you know

[01:57:21 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : scowls I ain't like the dumb broads in highschool who sleep with any guy who gives them a husky look just to win 'Whore of the Week'.

[01:57:53 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Hey Hey.. did I ever call you a whore?

[01:58:32 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : You just did. punches his arm

[01:59:03 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Ow! Well, You know they say a girl who hurts you loves you

[01:59:41 22/07/10] @ Eventine : she walks over and punches the other guy Dont talk to her like that!

[01:59:57 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Ow! God Damnit!

[02:00:15 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- xD its been fun I gotta run

[02:00:21 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : -ooc- adios

[02:00:26 22/07/10] @ Rally_Nightshade : ...I've got a shotgun, two handguns, a TMP and a sniper rifle... do you really want to try me?

[02:01:02 22/07/10] @ Jacob D. : Err, yeaah I do actually

I thought it was funny, so I posted it. ^^
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