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 Lenore the Sorceress of Elements

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Twili Osiris
Twili Osiris

Number of posts : 112
Age : 37
Location : Where you don't look
Registration date : 2009-12-28

Lenore the Sorceress of Elements Empty
PostSubject: Lenore the Sorceress of Elements   Lenore the Sorceress of Elements EmptyOctober 15th 2010, 1:33 am

EvilTwili (Lenore) update 4

[pink]Lenore is now dead and the RP Story is over, therefore Twili lost other elemental attacks and her demon arm. She is back to her normal self with only upgraded Fire, Ice, Dark and Light[/pink]

*still basically the same*

(updates in pink)

*Note: All these powers are only temporary, she will have them until my RP story is done then she'll return to normal with only upgraded Fire and Ice moves. [green]As well as keeping the Twilight and Shadow Light moves... (they're from her parents)[/green])

the Book's name: Lenore

Lenore is the spirit and mind of the Dark Book, (or as Twili calls it the Book of Myths). A dark sorceress of the Elements (studied the elements but her powers lean more to ice), her attacks are fairly strong but very few. She was sealed within her own myth book by other mages as she tried to unleash evil power to make herself stronger.

Demon Arm - Now that the "Book of Myths" has fused with Twili, her power has upgraded. And as long as she has the objects of the Elements her attacks match those objects.

Twil (or Lenore) can create a larger magic mirror image of the demonic arm (hovers a little above and to the side of the arm) to extend to grab, lift and throw heavy objects, or grab onto people. (Yes, Like Nero can do in Devil May Cry 4, I just had to give a try. :-D)


Shadow Light Pulse - Same as the Shadow Light Arrow minus the arrows. XD

Twilight Cannon - fires off a mid-sized (the size of a actal cannonball) ball of dark/light energy at the target in a straight line

Twilight Volley - same as the TC only with smaller and numerous orbs of dark/light energy

Elemental attacks:

Still has her Fire and Ice attacks but now has Wind, Lightning, Water, [pink]Earth, Sun, Moon, and Space. (just need the Time now)[/pink] Provided she has the elements, she can do the attack, but only after she touches the element. [yellow]Time, Space, Sun and Moon do not have any attacks (that's too many anyway :-D)[/yellow]

Wind element:

[orange]Cyclone[/orange] - is a mini cyclone that juggles and slices the enemy with wind blade, doesn't kill, just hurts.

[orange]Wind Slice[/orange] - is a blade of wind


[yellow]Thunder Arrow[/yellow] - Three orbs of lightning form around and fence in the enemy and shocks them with lightning from above!

[yellow]Thunder Lance[/yellow] - A lance of pure lightning drops down on the enemy from above at an angle


[blue]Healing Spring[/blue] - A spring of water magically appears below her and the water surrounds her to heal her wounds.

[blue]Aqua Edge[/blue] - fires disks of sharp magical water at her opponents. can only make three at a time

[blue]Geyser[/blue] - forms a geyser under her opponent to knock them into the air, only forms one and usually when she prepares a Lighting attack

Fire and Ice are the same attacks as before.

[red]Spiral Flare[/red] - a spiral of flames fires across the area in a straight line

[red]Flame Lance[/red] - "Bring down the blade of Inferno!" A large lance of flames drops in from an angle to pierce the target and knocks back others with a heat wave.

[red]Infernal Prison[/red] - surrounds herself in a flaming tornado to ward off physical attacks. Lasts only a minute

Freeze Lancer : Forms a ice blue glyph in front of her and fires hundres of tiny, sharp shards of ice in the shape of lances

Ice Tornado : creates a tornado of ice shards to damage the enemy. Lifts and juggles the target in the air as the shards hit.

Glaicer Spear : large shards of ice erupt from the ground to spear the target

Icicle Rain : Large shards of ice form above the target and drop on them


[green]Earth Bite[/green] - (stationary) fangs of rock erupt around the target and crunches them with a bite (damage is fair)

[green]Grave[/green] - (stationary) slabs of rock erupt from the ground and stab at targets several times

[green]Dreaded Wave[/green] - A magic circle of earth forms beneath the target. The earth quakes only on that spot, therefore its localized, sending the shock waves through the body.

Sun: [red](Really only ups the Fire attacks and rallies those effected by the Sun. Fire, Lightning and Earth are effected.)[/red]

Moon: [blue](Really only up the Water attacks and rallies those effected by the Moon. Water, Ice and Wind are effected.)[/blue]

Lenore the Sorceress of Elements TheSorceress-1

(I know its choppy for now, but I'll fix it later.)

[pink]RP Story is over, therefore Twili lost other elemental attacks and her demon arm. She is back to her normal self with only upgraded Fire, Ice, Dark and Light[/pink]

[red]Lenore was already dead to begin with, her spirit was sealed in the book before, but now she's in Ifrean doing some time for causing trouble. So she's alive still... in a sense.[/red]

*still basically the same*

(updates in pink)

*Note: All these powers are only temporary, she will have them until my RP story is done then she'll return to normal with only upgraded Fire and Ice moves. [green]As well as keeping the Twilight and Shadow Light moves... (they're from her parents)[/green])

the Book's name: Lenore

Lenore is the spirit and mind of the Dark Book, (or as Twili calls it the Book of Myths). A dark sorceress of the Elements (studied the elements but her powers lean more to ice), her attacks are fairly strong but very few. She was sealed within her own myth book by other mages as she tried to unleash evil power to make herself stronger.

Demon Arm - Now that the "Book of Myths" has fused with Twili, her power has upgraded. And as long as she has the objects of the Elements her attacks match those objects.

Twil (or Lenore) can create a larger magic mirror image of the demonic arm (hovers a little above and to the side of the arm) to extend to grab, lift and throw heavy objects, or grab onto people. (Yes, Like Nero can do in Devil May Cry 4, I just had to give a try. :-D)


Shadow Light Pulse - Same as the Shadow Light Arrow minus the arrows. XD

Twilight Cannon - fires off a mid-sized (the size of a actal cannonball) ball of dark/light energy at the target in a straight line

Twilight Volley - same as the TC only with smaller and numerous orbs of dark/light energy

Elemental attacks:

Still has her Fire and Ice attacks but now has Wind, Lightning, Water, [pink]Earth, Sun, Moon, and Space. (just need the Time now)[/pink] Provided she has the elements, she can do the attack, but only after she touches the element. [yellow]Time, Space, Sun and Moon do not have any attacks (that's too many anyway :-D)[/yellow]

Wind element:

[orange]Cyclone[/orange] - is a mini cyclone that juggles and slices the enemy with wind blade, doesn't kill, just hurts.

[orange]Wind Slice[/orange] - is a blade of wind


[yellow]Thunder Arrow[/yellow] - Three orbs of lightning form around and fence in the enemy and shocks them with lightning from above!

[yellow]Thunder Lance[/yellow] - A lance of pure lightning drops down on the enemy from above at an angle


[blue]Healing Spring[/blue] - A spring of water magically appears below her and the water surrounds her to heal her wounds.

[blue]Aqua Edge[/blue] - fires disks of sharp magical water at her opponents. can only make three at a time

[blue]Geyser[/blue] - forms a geyser under her opponent to knock them into the air, only forms one and usually when she prepares a Lighting attack

Fire and Ice are the same attacks as before.

[red]Spiral Flare[/red] - a spiral of flames fires across the area in a straight line

[red]Flame Lance[/red] - "Bring down the blade of Inferno!" A large lance of flames drops in from an angle to pierce the target and knocks back others with a heat wave.

[red]Infernal Prison[/red] - surrounds herself in a flaming tornado to ward off physical attacks. Lasts only a minute

Freeze Lancer : Forms a ice blue glyph in front of her and fires hundres of tiny, sharp shards of ice in the shape of lances

Ice Tornado : creates a tornado of ice shards to damage the enemy. Lifts and juggles the target in the air as the shards hit.

Glaicer Spear : large shards of ice erupt from the ground to spear the target

Icicle Rain : Large shards of ice form above the target and drop on them


[green]Earth Bite[/green] - (stationary) fangs of rock erupt around the target and crunches them with a bite (damage is fair)

[green]Grave[/green] - (stationary) slabs of rock erupt from the ground and stab at targets several times

[green]Dreaded Wave[/green] - A magic circle of earth forms beneath the target. The earth quakes only on that spot, therefore its localized, sending the shock waves through the body.

Sun: [red](Really only ups the Fire attacks and rallies those effected by the Sun. Fire, Lightning and Earth are effected.)[/red]

Moon: [blue](Really only up the Water attacks and rallies those effected by the Moon. Water, Ice and Wind are effected.)[/blue]

Lenore the Sorceress of Elements TheSorceress-1


Name: Lenore
Gender - Female
Appeared Age - 26
Actual Age - 400
Height - 5 foot 7 inches
Weight - 138lbs
Hair color - Black
Eye Color - Dark blue
Skin - pale peach
Class - Sorceress
Race - Human (well, was human and now she's a ghost/spirit thingy)


She's cold, cruel and whinny when things are not going in her favor. (Though its funny when she throws fits) She has a short temper and will swear vengence on anyone that stands in her way or plain ticks her off.

Markings, jewelry

Other than the Ice Diamonds that decorate her outfit? None.

Special Ability

Create her own elements to attack, even though there's very few she can do.

Weapons, Armor

She ain't got jack.


Shockingly, Lenore was once part of the Order. How? No one knows or remembers, but its true. She studied under Merlin, learning the ins and outs of magic and what the Order did, or at least what they they felt safe in sharing. Although she grew powerful from the teachings, Lenore was a very impaitent woman.

She grew bored of the lessons, the practices and repeated tests. She found them petty and below herself, demanding the elders of the Order to teach her their secrets. The sorceress had seen one of their spells in action and wanted that very same amount of power.

The Order memebers refused, saying she was not ready, but in truth they didn't trust her with such power. They had seen the gleam in her eyes as she watched others and knew that she was very impaitent with her studies.

Lenore was furious at their refusal to take her under their wing to learn such great amount of power. In her eyes she knew that they feared her power and feared of making her stronger. That was why they kept her back, giving her the same lessons and practices, why they refused her entry to be within the Order. They feared her. Or so she thought.

Angered that she was denied power she believed she had a right to have, Lenore vanished from the Order, swearing vengence against them.

No one knew how but years later, Lenore had in her possession of the dark book, a dangerous item. She shifted and read through its pages, becoming excited at the thought of having more power and will soon be wielding it to crush anyone that stood in her way.

Shortly afterward, The Order had learned of her find and searched for her. Once she was found, a brutal battle of magic ensued, with the dark book in hand she was a evenly matched with the other wizards. Wearing out quickly and not gaining any kind of advantage, the wizards had no other option but one. Trap her.

Using the last ounce of their magic and strength, they combined their powers, pinning Lenore down and ripping her spirit from her body. They quickly sealed her soul into the book's pages with a very powerful spell.

And thus how she became the spirit of the dark book.
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